937 resultados para Dielectric waveguides


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[Excerpt] Introduction: Thermal processing is probably the most important process in food industry that has been used since prehistoric times, when it was discovered that heat enhanced the palatability and the life of the heat-treated food. Thermal processing comprehends the heating of foods at a defined temperature for a certain length of time. However, in some foods, the high thermotolerance of certain enzymes and microorganisms, their physical properties (e.g.,highviscosity),ortheircomponents(e.g.,solidfractions) require the application of extreme heat treatments that not only are energy intensive, but also will adversely affect the nutritional and organoleptic properties of the food. Technologies such as ohmic heating, dielectric heating (which includes microwave heating and radiofrequency heating), inductive heating, and infrared heating are available to replace, or complement, the traditional heat-dependent technologies (heating through superheated steam, hot air, hot water, or other hot liquid, being the heating achieved either through direct contact with those agents – mostly superheated steam – or through contact with a hot surface which is in turn heated by such agents). Given that the “traditional” heatdependent technologies are thoroughly described in the literature, this text will be mainly devoted to the so-called “novel” thermal technologies. (...)


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Electromagnetic scattering inverse problems, microwave imaging, reconstruction of dielectric media, remote sensing, tomography


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Imaging microwave reconstruction dielectric contrast regularization iterative multiport cavity measurement


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Subsurface Radar, Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR), Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), Anti-Personnel Landmine, Antenna Desing, Field Simulation, Focusing, Dielectric Lens, Geophysics, Soil Properties


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Estudi elaborat a partir d’una estada al Stony Brook University al juliol del 2006. El RbTiOPO4 (RTP) monocristal•lí és un material d' òptica no lineal molt rellevant i utilitzat en la tecnologia làser actual, químicament molt estable i amb unes propietats físiques molt destacades, entre elles destaquen els alts coeficients electro-òptics i l'alt llindar de dany òptic que presenta. En els últims anys s’està utilitzant tecnològicament en aplicacions d'òptica no lineal en general i electro-òptiques en particular. En alguns casos ja ha substituït, millorant prestacions, a materials tals com el KTP o el LNB(1). Dopant RTP amb ions lantànids (Ln3+) (2-4), el material es converteix en un material làser auto-doblador de freqüència, combinant les seves propietats no lineals amb les de matriu làser. El RTP genera radiació de segon harmònic (SHG) a partir d’un feix fonamental amb longituds d’ona inferiors a 990 nm, que és el límit que presenta el KTP.La determinació de la ubicació estructural i l’estudi de l'entorn local del ions actius làser és de fonamental importància per a la correcta interpretació de les propietats espectroscòpiques d’aquest material. Mesures de difracció de neutrons sobre mostra de pols cristal•lí mostren que els ions Nb5+ i Ln3+ només substitueixin posicions de Ti4+ (8-9). Estudis molt recents d'EPR (electron paramagnetic resonance) semblen indicar que quan la concentració d'ió Ln3+ es baixa, aquest ió presenta la tendència a substituir l'ió alcalí present a l'estructura (10).Després dels resultats obtinguts en el present treball a partir de la tècnica EXAFS a la instal•lació sincrotò del Brookhaven National Laboratory/State University of New York (Stony Brook) es pot concloure definitivament que els ions Nb s’ubiquen en la posició Ti (1) i que els ions Yb3+ es distribueixen paritariament en les dues posicions del Ti (1 i 2). Aquests resultats aporten una valuosa informació per a la correcta interpretació dels espectres, tant d’absorció com d’emissió, del material i per la avaluació dels paràmetres del seu comportament durant l'acció làser.


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L'electromagnetisme és una branca de la física que està en continu estudi. Fins a mitjans de la dècada dels 60 es pensava que, per a la propagació de les ones electromagnètiques fos possible, els medis propagatius havien de presentar una permitivitat dielèctrica i una permeabilitat magnètica simultàniament positives. No obstant, Victor G. Veselago va revolucionar la teoria electromagnètica amb la idea dels medis amb ε i μ negatives i va donar amb això origen als medis metamaterials. En el present treball s'estudiaran els principis físics en els que es fonamenten els metamaterials. Es veuran algunes de les seves característiques que els converteixen en medis exòtics i com aquestes poden ser utilitzades en el desenvolupament de dispositius amb prestacions difícils d'obtenir amb les tecnologies convencionals. A continuació s'aplicaran els conceptes tractats en el disseny d'un inversor d'impedàncies implementat mitjançant ressonadors en anells oberts complementaris. Aquest dispositiu, que presentarà un funcionament en banda dual, serà utilitzat en el posterior disseny d'un divisor de potencia. Finalment es realitzarà la implementació física del divisor de potencia dissenyat i es verificarà el seu correcte funcionament amb les mesures pertinents.


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Report for the scientific sojourn at the Department of Micro and Nanotechnology of the Technical University of Denmark from August until December 2006. The research was focused on designing and carrying out a technological process for fabricating high frequency resonators with dielectric solid transducer gaps.


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Waveform tomographic imaging of crosshole georadar data is a powerful method to investigate the shallow subsurface because of its ability to provide images of pertinent petrophysical parameters with extremely high spatial resolution. All current crosshole georadar waveform inversion strategies are based on the assumption of frequency-independent electromagnetic constitutive parameters. However, in reality, these parameters are known to be frequency-dependent and complex and thus recorded georadar data may show significant dispersive behavior. In this paper, we evaluate synthetically the reconstruction limits of a recently published crosshole georadar waveform inversion scheme in the presence of varying degrees of dielectric dispersion. Our results indicate that, when combined with a source wavelet estimation procedure that provides a means of partially accounting for the frequency-dependent effects through an "effective" wavelet, the inversion algorithm performs remarkably well in weakly to moderately dispersive environments and has the ability to provide adequate tomographic reconstructions.


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Para medir los coeficientes de transmisión y reflexión, S21 y S11, de diferentes materiales o muestras planas, se usa un sistema de toma de medidas en espacio libre operando banda W (75 – 110 GHz). Usando estos parámetros, S21 y S11, podemos calcular la permitividad dieléctrica relativa compleja (Er ) y la permeabilidad magnética relativa compleja (μr) mediante un proceso llamado NRW (Nicolson-Ross-Weir). El sistema para medir consiste en dos antenas de bocina, una transmisora y otra receptora, dos espejos con los que obtenemos una onda plana para medir las propiedades del material y un ordenador o dispositivo que calcula los resultados. Este dispositivo requiere de calibración para la obtención de resultados óptimos. Dicho sistema se puede simular de manera ideal con un software llamado ADS (Assistance Design System) para el estudio y comparación de grosores, permitividades dieléctricas relativas y permeabilidades magnéticas relativas de los materiales en función de la frecuencia.


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The definition of sarcopenia includes both a loss of muscle strength and a decline in functional quality in addition to the loss of muscle protein mass. Multispectral bioimpendance allows bedside assessment of muscle mass. Using this new tool, we performed a pilot study to look for a possible correlation between muscle mass and various tests of muscle strength (grip strength, key-pitch, tip-pinch) and with functional tests (walk speed on 10 meters and Tinetti test). Our study demonstrates a good correlation between muscle mass determined by spectroscopic bioimpendance and muscle strength assessment, but no correlation with functional tests.


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En el marc del projecte "Modelització de les propietats òptiques de partícules metàl•liques en matriu dielèctrica" s'han desenvolupat un conjunt d'eines numèriques que permeten avançar en l'ús de l'espectroscòpia òptica per a l'obtenció d'informació morfològica de materials compostos consistents en partícules metàl•liques en matriu dielèctrica. S'han implementat esquemes numèrics per a calcular les propietats òptiques de materials compostos on les partícules poden presentar una distribució de mides i formes i diferent graus d'ordenament espacial. Les simulacions s'han realitzat a dos nivells: i) amb l’aproximació quasi-estàtica, que permet descriure el comportament d'aquests materials en termes de constants òptiques efectives i ii) amb càlculs electrodinàmics exactes, que han servit per avaluar la validesa de l’aproximació anterior i que han permès d'estudiar la interacció de partícules amb feixos de llum focalitzats o amb polarització no homogènia. A través de l’anàlisi d'aquestes simulacions, s'han desenvolupat models senzills que permeten parametritzar la influència de diferents quantitats físiques en el comportament òptic del material. Aquests models s'han implementat en un programari de càlcul que permeten trobar el valor òptim dels paràmetres físics d'interès mitjançant l'ajust d'espectres òptics. Els models s'han avaluat amb l'anàlisi de dades experimentals subministrades per altres laboratoris.


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Current monitoring techniques for determination of compaction of earthwork and asphalt generally involve destructive testing of the materials following placement. Advances in sensor technologies show significant promise for obtaining necessary information through nondestructive and remote techniques. To develop a better understanding of suitable and potential technologies, this study was undertaken to conduct a synthesis review of nondestructive testing technologies and perform preliminary evaluations of selected technologies to better understand their application to testing of geomaterials (soil fill, aggregate base, asphalt, etc.). This research resulted in a synthesis of potential technologies for compaction monitoring with a strong emphasis on moisture sensing. Techniques were reviewed and selectively evaluated for their potential to improve field quality control operations. Activities included an extensive review of commercially available moisture sensors, literature review, and evaluation of selected technologies. The technologies investigated in this study were dielectric, nuclear, near infrared spectroscopy, seismic, electromagnetic induction, and thermal. The primary disadvantage of all the methods is the small sample volume measured. In addition, all the methods possessed some sensitivity to non-moisture factors that affected the accuracy of the results. As the measurement volume increases, local variances are averaged out providing better accuracy. Most dielectric methods with the exception of ground penetrating radar have a very small measurement volume and are highly sensitive to variations in density, porosity, etc.


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AbstractFor a wide range of environmental, hydrological, and engineering applications there is a fast growing need for high-resolution imaging. In this context, waveform tomographic imaging of crosshole georadar data is a powerful method able to provide images of pertinent electrical properties in near-surface environments with unprecedented spatial resolution. In contrast, conventional ray-based tomographic methods, which consider only a very limited part of the recorded signal (first-arrival traveltimes and maximum first-cycle amplitudes), suffer from inherent limitations in resolution and may prove to be inadequate in complex environments. For a typical crosshole georadar survey the potential improvement in resolution when using waveform-based approaches instead of ray-based approaches is in the range of one order-of- magnitude. Moreover, the spatial resolution of waveform-based inversions is comparable to that of common logging methods. While in exploration seismology waveform tomographic imaging has become well established over the past two decades, it is comparably still underdeveloped in the georadar domain despite corresponding needs. Recently, different groups have presented finite-difference time-domain waveform inversion schemes for crosshole georadar data, which are adaptations and extensions of Tarantola's seminal nonlinear generalized least-squares approach developed for the seismic case. First applications of these new crosshole georadar waveform inversion schemes on synthetic and field data have shown promising results. However, there is little known about the limits and performance of such schemes in complex environments. To this end, the general motivation of my thesis is the evaluation of the robustness and limitations of waveform inversion algorithms for crosshole georadar data in order to apply such schemes to a wide range of real world problems.One crucial issue to making applicable and effective any waveform scheme to real-world crosshole georadar problems is the accurate estimation of the source wavelet, which is unknown in reality. Waveform inversion schemes for crosshole georadar data require forward simulations of the wavefield in order to iteratively solve the inverse problem. Therefore, accurate knowledge of the source wavelet is critically important for successful application of such schemes. Relatively small differences in the estimated source wavelet shape can lead to large differences in the resulting tomograms. In the first part of my thesis, I explore the viability and robustness of a relatively simple iterative deconvolution technique that incorporates the estimation of the source wavelet into the waveform inversion procedure rather than adding additional model parameters into the inversion problem. Extensive tests indicate that this source wavelet estimation technique is simple yet effective, and is able to provide remarkably accurate and robust estimates of the source wavelet in the presence of strong heterogeneity in both the dielectric permittivity and electrical conductivity as well as significant ambient noise in the recorded data. Furthermore, our tests also indicate that the approach is insensitive to the phase characteristics of the starting wavelet, which is not the case when directly incorporating the wavelet estimation into the inverse problem.Another critical issue with crosshole georadar waveform inversion schemes which clearly needs to be investigated is the consequence of the common assumption of frequency- independent electromagnetic constitutive parameters. This is crucial since in reality, these parameters are known to be frequency-dependent and complex and thus recorded georadar data may show significant dispersive behaviour. In particular, in the presence of water, there is a wide body of evidence showing that the dielectric permittivity can be significantly frequency dependent over the GPR frequency range, due to a variety of relaxation processes. The second part of my thesis is therefore dedicated to the evaluation of the reconstruction limits of a non-dispersive crosshole georadar waveform inversion scheme in the presence of varying degrees of dielectric dispersion. I show that the inversion algorithm, combined with the iterative deconvolution-based source wavelet estimation procedure that is partially able to account for the frequency-dependent effects through an "effective" wavelet, performs remarkably well in weakly to moderately dispersive environments and has the ability to provide adequate tomographic reconstructions.


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We present a silicon chip-based approach for the enhanced sensitivity detection of surface-immobilized fluorescent molecules. Green fluorescent protein (GFP) is bound to the silicon substrate by a disuccinimidyl terephtalate-aminosilane immobilization procedure. The immobilized organic layers are characterized by surface analysis techniques, like ellipsometry, atomic force microscopy (AFM) and X-ray induced photoelectron spectroscopy. We obtain a 20-fold enhancement of the fluorescent signal, using constructive interference effects in a fused silica dielectric layer, deposited before immobilization onto the silicon. Our method opens perspectives to increase by an order of magnitude the fluorescent response of surface immobilized DNA- or protein-based layers for a variety of biosensor applications.


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Volumetric soil water content (theta) can be evaluated in the field by direct or indirect methods. Among the direct, the gravimetric method is regarded as highly reliable and thus often preferred. Its main disadvantages are that sampling and laboratory procedures are labor intensive, and that the method is destructive, which makes resampling of a same point impossible. Recently, the time domain reflectometry (TDR) technique has become a widely used indirect, non-destructive method to evaluate theta. In this study, evaluations of the apparent dielectric number of soils (epsilon) and samplings for the gravimetrical determination of the volumetric soil water content (thetaGrav) were carried out at four sites of a Xanthic Ferralsol in Manaus - Brazil. With the obtained epsilon values, theta was estimated using empirical equations (thetaTDR), and compared with thetaGrav derived from disturbed and undisturbed samples. The main objective of this study was the comparison of thetaTDR estimates of horizontally as well as vertically inserted probes with the thetaGrav values determined by disturbed and undisturbed samples. Results showed that thetaTDR estimates of vertically inserted probes and the average of horizontally measured layers were only slightly and insignificantly different. However, significant differences were found between the thetaTDR estimates of different equations and between disturbed and undisturbed samples in the thetaGrav determinations. The use of the theoretical Knight et al. model, which permits an evaluation of the soil volume assessed by TDR probes, is also discussed. It was concluded that the TDR technique, when properly calibrated, permits in situ, nondestructive measurements of q in Xanthic Ferralsols of similar accuracy as the gravimetric method.