991 resultados para Compact Callus
გეოფიზიკის ინსტიტუტში შექმნილია კომპაქტური (1 კგ.) მაღალი ძაბვის (1200 ვოლტამდე) დენის წყარო ელექტროძიებისათვის. დენის წყაროს გამოცდამ საველე პირობებში დაადასტურა მისი მაღალი ეფექტურობა.
Exogenous concentrations of bean seed extract prepared from seeds pretreated in aerated water, homogenized in Veliky and Martin's 67-V salt solution, filtered, and added to the culture medium at proper concentrations promote callus proliferation, root morphogenesis, and shoot morphogenesis in leaf explains of Phaseolus vulgaris var. Bico de Ouro. The activity of the bean seed factor is dependent upon the period of pretreatment in aerated water.
The purpose of this short note is to prove that a stable separable C*-algebra with real rank zero has the so-called corona factorization property, that is, all the full multiplier projections are properly in finite. Enroute to our result, we consider conditions under which a real rank zero C*-algebra admits an injection of the compact operators (a question already considered in [21]).
Let M be a compact hyperbolic 3-manifold with incompressible boundary. Consider a complete hyperbolic metric on int(M). To each geometrically finite end of int(M) are traditionnaly associated 3 different invariants : the hyperbolic metric associated to the conformal structure at infinity, the hyperbolic metric on the boundary of the convex core and the bending measured lamination of the convex core. In this note we show how invariants of different types can be realised in the different ends.
The Embioptera are rather generalized insects whose internal anatomy is simple and not subject to great modifications. For this reason these insects form an ideal group for elementary anatomical and histological studies (fig. 2). The digestive tract is a long, simple tube without convolutions or diverticulae from the buccal cavity to the rectum. The buccal structures are of the chewing type. The oesophagus and ingluvia are differentiated only by slight dilation of their walls. In nymphs and females the proventriculus is very distinct due to folds which flatten as the structure becomes packed with food. The enteron is the largest in such forms and in both sexes limited caudally by the Malpighian tubules. The proctodeus has six large rectal papillae. The nervous system is complete with only the fifth abdominal segment lacking a ganglion in the metathorax includes the ganglion of the first abdominal segment. The brain exhibits very clear structure in histological sections. The tracheal system includes two pairs of thoracic spiracles and eight abdominal pairs. Only th metathoracic spiracle has an air expiration function; all others serve for inspiration. Various structures in the spiracles protect the atrium. The circulatory system includes a long, simple dorsal vessel which extends forward from the ninth abdominal segment into the cranium. It opens anteriorly near the circumoesophageal connectives. The dorsal vessel has a pair of ostia and valves corresponding to each abdominal and thoracic segment. It lacks the diverticulae or folds commonly found in more highly evolved insects. The excretory system is represented by Malphighian tubules, pericardial cells, and fat-body. The number and disposition of Malpighian tubules is variable within the order. The pericardial cells are localized around the entire dorsal vessel up to the opening of the aorta in the head. The fat-bodies form compact layers in the dorsal and ventral regions of the body. In males they are more developed in the abdominal region. The mandibles, maxillae, and salivary glands are of a simple type with very few cytological modifications. Only the salivary glands which extend into the mesothoracic region show appreciable specialization. The reproductive system is bi-sixual and shows considerable sexual dimorphism. Males have five pair of testes with a metameric disposition, two distinct ducts, two epidymis, and the ejaculatory organs. The accessory glands vary in number and size and open in the anterior portion of the ejaculatory duct. The female reproductive organs are of the panoistic type. The system includes five pairs of ovarioles, two long paired oviducts a small, unpaired oviduct and the spermatheca which opens in the vagina. Reproduction usually involves a union of male and female gametes, and eggs are usually laid in clusters attached to a substrate.
We first recall the construction of the Chow motive modelling intersection cohomology of a proper surface X and study its fundamental properties. Using Voevodsky's category of effective geometrical motives, we then study the motive of the exceptional divisor D in a non-singular blow-up of X. If all geometric irreducible components of D are of genus zero, then Voevodsky's formalism allows us to construct certain one-extensions of Chow motives, as canonical subquotients of the motive with compact support of the smooth part of X. Specializing to Hilbert-Blumenthal surfaces, we recover a motivic interpretation of a recent construction of A. Caspar.
A description of Physa marmorata Guilding, 1828, based on material collected at its type-locality, the Caribbean island of Saint Vincent, is presented. The shell is thin, horn-colored, surface very glossy, diaphanous. Spire acute, elevated; protoconch distinct, rounded-conical, reddish-brown; five not shouldered, broadly convex whorls with subobsolete spiral lines and thin growth lines. Aperture elongated, 1.4-2.0 times as long as the remaining shell length, narrow obovate-lunate; upper half acute-angled,lower half oval,narrowly rounded at the base, outer lip sharp, inner lip completely closing the umbilical region; a very distinct callus on the parietal wall; columellar lip with a low ridge gradually merging into the callus. ratios: shell width/shell length = 0.44 - 0.52 (mean 0.47); spire length /shell lenght = 0.33-0.41 (mean 0.39); aperture length/shell lenght = 0.59-0.67 (mean 0.62). Oral lappets laterally mucronate, foot spatulate with deeply pigmented acuminate tail. Mantle reflection with 6-10 short triangular dentations covering nearly half the right surface of the body whorl, and 4-6 covering a part of the ventral wall. Body surface with tiny dots of greenish-yellow pigment besides melanin. Renal tube tightly folded in toa zigzag course. Ovotestis diverticula acinous, laterally pressed against each other around a collecting canal. Ovispermiduct with well-developed seminal vesicle. oviduct highly convoluted, merging into a less convoluted nidamental gland which narrows to a funnel-shaped uterus and a short vagina. Spermathecal body oblong, more or less constricted in the middle and somewhat curved; spermathecal duct uniformly narrow, a little longer than be body. About 20 prostatic diverticula, simple, bifurcate or divided into a few short branches, distalmost ones assembled into a cluster. Penis long, nearly uniformly narrow; penial canal with lateral opening about the junction of its middle and lower thirds. Penial sheath with a bulbous terminal expasion the tip of which isinserted into the caudal end of the prepuce. Prepuce shouldered, much wider than the narrow portion of the penial sheath. Penial sheath/prepuce ratio about 2.08 (1.45-2.75). The main extrinsic muscles of the penial complex are a retractor, with a branch attached to the bulb, and another to the caudal end of the penial sheath; and a protractor, with a branch attached to the shoulder of the prepuce and adjoining area of the penial sheath, and another to the caudal end of the penial sheath. Egg capsule C-shaped, with 10-30 elliptical eggs (snails 10mm long) measuring about 1.10 mm (0.90-1.32) through the long axis and surrounded by an inner and an outer lamellate membranes. Jaw a simple obtusely V-shaped plate. radula will be described separately.
A description of Physa cubensis Pfeiffer, 1839, based on 15 speciments collected in Havana, Cuba, is presented. The shell, measuring 9.0 x 4,8mm to 12.3 x 6.4mm, is ovate-oblong, thin, diaphanous, horncolored, shining. Spire elevated, broadly conical; protoconch distinct, roundish, reddish-brown. About five moderately shouldered, roundly convex whorls, penultimate whorl expanded; spiral striation subobsolete; growth line faint on the intermediate whorls, clearly visible on the body whorl, crowded here and there. Suture well impressed. Aperture elongated 2.05 - 2.67 (mean 2.27) times as long as the remaining length of the shell, narrow obovulate-lunate; upper half acute-angled, lower half oval, narrowly rounded at the base; outer lip sharp, inner lip completely closing the umbilical region; a thick callus on the parietal wall; columellar plait well marked. Ratios: shell width/shell length - 0.52-0.61 (mean 0.55); spire length/shell length = 0.27 - 0.33 (mean 0.31); aperture length/shell length = 0.67 - 0.73 (mean 0.69). Oral lappets laterally mucronate; foot spatulate with acuminate tail. Mantle relection with 6 - 8 short triangular dentations in the right lobe (columellar side) and 4 - 6 in the left lobe (near the pneumostome). Renal tube tightly folded into a zigzag course. Ovotestis, ovispermiduct, seminal vesicle, oviduct, nidamental gland, uterus and vagina as in Physa marmorata (see Paraense, 1986, Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz, 81: 459-469). Spermathecal body egg-shaped or pear-shaped; spermathecal ducta uniformly narrow with expanded base, a little longer than the body. Spermiduct, prostate and vas deferens as in P. marmorata (Paraense, loc. cit.). Penis wide proximally, narrowing gradually apicad; penial canal with subterminal outlet. Penial sheath following the width of the penis and ending up by a bulbous expansion somewhat narrower than the proximal portion. Penaial sheath/prepuce ration = 1,25 - 1,83 (mean 1.49). Prepuce much wider than the bulb of the penial shealth, moderately shouldered owing to the intromission of the bulb, and with a large gland in one side of its proximal half occupating about a third of its length. Extrinsic muscles of the penial complex as in P. marmorata. Jaw a simple obtusely V-shaped plate. Radula to be described separetely.
Informe de investigación elaborado a partir de una estancia en el Laboratorio de Diseño Computacional en Aeroespacial en el Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), Estados Unidos, entre noviembre de 2006 y agosto de 2007. La aerodinámica es una rama de la dinámica de fluidos referida al estudio de los movimientos de los líquidos o gases, cuya meta principal es predecir las fuerzas aerodinámicas en un avión o cualquier tipo de vehículo, incluyendo los automóviles. Las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes representan un estado dinámico del equilibrio de las fuerzas que actúan en cualquier región dada del fluido. Son uno de los sistemas de ecuaciones más útiles porque describen la física de una gran cantidad de fenómenos como corrientes del océano, flujos alrededor de una superficie de sustentación, etc. En el contexto de una tesis doctoral, se está estudiando un flujo viscoso e incompresible, solucionando las ecuaciones de Navier- Stokes incompresibles de una manera eficiente. Durante la estancia en el MIT, se ha utilizado un método de Galerkin discontinuo para solucionar las ecuaciones de Navier-Stokes incompresibles usando, o bien un parámetro de penalti para asegurar la continuidad de los flujos entre elementos, o bien un método de Galerkin discontinuo compacto. Ambos métodos han dado buenos resultados y varios ejemplos numéricos se han simulado para validar el buen comportamiento de los métodos desarrollados. También se han estudiado elementos particulares, los elementos de Raviart y Thomas, que se podrían utilizar en una formulación mixta para obtener un algoritmo eficiente para solucionar problemas numéricos complejos.
Previous work has shown that aggregate cultures prepared from fetal rat telencephalon and grown in a chemically defined medium offer a useful model to study developmental processes such as myelin synthesis. Since compact myelin is formed in these cultures, we investigated the possibility to use this culture system to study demyelinating mechanisms. In particular, we examined the effect of a monoclonal antibody (8-18C5) directed against the myelin/oligodendrocyte glycoprotein (MOG). We found that addition of anti-MOG antibodies and complement to aggregate cultures led to a highly significant decrease in myelin basic protein (MBP) content and 2',3'-cyclic nucleotide 3'-phosphohydrolase (CNP) specific activity. These results indicate that, in our culture system, anti-MOG antibodies have a strong demyelinating effect.
We prove that if f is a partially hyperbolic diffeomorphism on the compact manifold M with one dimensional center bundle, then the logarithm of the spectral radius of the map induced by f on the real homology groups of M is smaller or equal to the topological entropy of f. This is a particular case of the Shub's entropy conjecture, which claims that the same conclusion should be true for any C1 map on any compact manifold.
Recientemente ha surgido un nuevo campo de investigación en el área del electromagnetismo aplicado y de la ingeniería de microondas, basado en el control de las propiedades electromagnéticas de estructuras artificiales, conocidas como metamateriales. El objetivo principal de este proyecto es el estudio y control del comportamiento de estas estructuras artificiales, y su posterior aplicación para la síntesis de dispositivos compactos de microondas. En el primer capítulo se hace una introducción a los metamateriales en la que se exponen sus principales propiedades electromagnéticas, para finalmente presentar las líneas de transmisión zurdas que se suelen utilizar en el diseño de metamateriales. En el segundo capítulo se realiza un estudio de las propiedades y del funcionamiento de una celda metamaterial. Finalmente en el tercer capítulo se exponen diferentes dispositivos diseñados mediante la utilización de este tipo de celdas.
Report for the scientific sojourn carried out at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, from March until June 2007. In the first part, the impact of important geometrical parameters such as source and drain thickness, fin spacing, spacer width, etc. on the parasitic fringing capacitance component of multiple-gate field-effect transistors (MuGFET) is deeply analyzed using finite element simulations. Several architectures such as single gate, FinFETs (double gate), triple-gate represented by Pi-gate MOSFETs are simulated and compared in terms of channel and fringing capacitances for the same occupied die area. Simulations highlight the great impact of diminishing the spacing between fins for MuGFETs and the trade-off between the reduction of parasitic source and drain resistances and the increase of fringing capacitances when Selective Epitaxial Growth (SEG) technology is introduced. The impact of these technological solutions on the transistor cut-off frequencies is also discussed. The second part deals with the study of the effect of the volume inversion (VI) on the capacitances of undoped Double-Gate (DG) MOSFETs. For that purpose, we present simulation results for the capacitances of undoped DG MOSFETs using an explicit and analytical compact model. It monstrates that the transition from volume inversion regime to dual gate behaviour is well simulated. The model shows an accurate dependence on the silicon layer thickness,consistent withtwo dimensional numerical simulations, for both thin and thick silicon films. Whereas the current drive and transconductance are enhanced in volume inversion regime, our results show thatintrinsic capacitances present higher values as well, which may limit the high speed (delay time) behaviour of DG MOSFETs under volume inversion regime.
Eimeria vitellini n. sp. is described from the faeces of the Rhamphastos v. vitellinus. Oocysts broadly ellipsoidal to oval (egg-shaped), 22,6 x 18.3 (20.0-25.0 x 16.3-22.5) micronm, shapeindex (length/width) 1.2 (1.1-1.1). Oocyst wall a single colourless layer about 0.5 micronm thick, becoming thinner at one ectremity, at which point the oocyst usually ruptures. No oocyst residuum, but 1 or 2 small polr bodies of about 1.0-1.5 x 0.5-1.0 micronm. Sporocysts ellongated ellipsoid (pearshaped), 14.3 x 7.5 (13.8-15.0 x 6.9-7.5) micronm, shape-index (1.9 (1.8-2.0), with a thin colourless wall bearing a very delicate Stieda body: a conspicuous sub-Stieda body is present. Sporozoites with anterior and posterior regractile bodies and strongly recurved around a bulky, compact sporocyst residuum composed of relatively fine granules and spherules.
Eimeria lagunculata, Eimeria mammiformis and Eimeria podocnemis n. spp., are described from the faeces of the fresh-water turtle Podocnemis expansa, in Pará State, north Brasil. Oocysts of E. lagunculata are ellipsoidal, 19.2 x 12.8 (17.0-20.7 x 11.8-14.1) mum, shape-index (= length/ width) 1.5 (1.4-1.7). Oocyst wall about 0.5-0.7 mum thick, with a prominent stopper-like micropyle at one pole. No oocyst residuum and no polar body. Sporocysts elongate ellipsoidal, 11.0 x 5.4 (10.4-11.8 x 5.2-6.0) mum, shape-index 2.0 (1.8-2.1): no Stieda body. A compact, ellipsoidal sporocyst residuum lies between the two sporozoites, which possess a posterior and an anterior refractile body. Oocysts of E. mammiformis broadly ellipsoidal, 30.0 x 19.4 (23.0-37.0 x 16.3-21.5) mum, shape-index 1.5 (1.1-1.9). Oocyst wall about 0.7 mum thick, with a prominent micropyle: no oocyst residuum and rarely a single polar body. Sporocysts ellipsoidal, 15.3 x 7.9 (14.8-17.0 x 7.4-9.6) mum, shape-index 2.0 (1.8-2.2), with a tiny Stieda body. Sporocyst residuum bulky, ellipsoidal: sporozoites with two conspicuous refractile bodies. E. podocnemis has broadly ellipsoidal oocysts, 17.0 x 12.8 (14.8-19.2 x 11.8-14.1) mum, shape-index 1.3 (1.1-1.4). Oocyst wall about 0.5-0.7 mum thick, with no micropyle. No oocyst residuum, but always a single polar body. Sporocysts ellipsoidal, 9.7 x 5.2 (8.9-10.4 x 4.4-6.0) mum, shape-index 1.9 (1.6-2.0), with no Stieda body. Sporocyst residuum bulky, ellipsoidal: sporocysts with 2 refractile bodies. Eimeria carinii n. sp., is recorded from the tortoise Geochelone denticulata, also from Pará. Oocyst wall about 1.2 mum thicl. No micropyle. Oocyst residuum limited to a number (about 10-20) of scattered granules: no polar body. Sporocysts broadly ellipsoidal, and with no Stieda body: they measure 8,8 x 7.3 (8.0-9.0 x 7.0-7.5) mum, shape-index 1.2 (1.1-1.3). Sporocyst residuum bulky, spherical to ellipsoidal: sporozoites possess both posterior and anterior refractile bodies.