863 resultados para Chronic Kidney-disease


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Introducción: La Bacteriemia en pacientes cirróticos es una causa importante de morbimortalidad, en gran parte favorecida por la especial vulnerabilidad de esta población ante procesos infecciosos. El objetivo fue determinar los factores asociados al desarrollo de bacteriemia primaria y secundaria en pacientes con Cirrosis, hospitalizados en la Fundación Cardioinfantil – Instituto de Cardiología entre 01 enero de 2010 y 31 enero de 2016. Materiales y Métodos: Estudio de casos y controles en pacientes mayores de 18 años con cirrosis hepática conocida o confirmada durante la hospitalización. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo, un análisis bivariado para determinar las diferencias entre los casos y los controles con respecto a las variables independientes un análisis de asociación mediante un modelo de regresión logística no condicional con variable dependiente bacteriemia. Los resultados se expresan en odds ratios con intervalos de confianza al 95%. Resultados: Las condiciones asociadas a bacteriemia como factores de riesgo fueron: Enfermedad renal crónica OR 9,1 (IC 95% 2,4-34), Escala Meld > 10 puntos OR 4,0 (IC 95% 2,-34), Infección previa OR 7,2 (IC 95% 2,1-24), presencia de catéter central OR 12,0 (IC 95% 1,8-80), presencia de sonda vesical OR 21,1 (IC 95% 1,6-276), estudio endoscópico OR 3,9 (IC 95% 1,1-14). Discusión: Factores relacionados con las condiciones clínicas del paciente evaluadas por las escalas Meld y Child-Pugh, el antecedente de infección previa y la presencia de dispositivos para monitorear el estado del paciente aumentan el riesgo de bacteriemia en pacientes hospitalizados con cirrosis.


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La atención hospitalaria en el costo global de la atención de los pacientes en diálisis es muy importante. Este estudio se realizó con el fin de evaluar resultados posteriores a la implementación de un modelo de gestión de la enfermedad y cuidado coordinado en una red de diálisis en Colombia, evaluando los cambios específicos en las tasas de hospitalización de una cohorte de pacientes renales con dos años de seguimiento. El modelo se enfoca básicamente en mejorar la atención de los pacientes en diálisis protocolizando en el manejo de comorbilidades (diabetes, riesgo cardiovascular, patologías infecciosas) y en el cuidado coordinado entre el tratamiento ambulatorio y hospitalario de los pacientes en diálisis asegurando la continuidad en el proceso de atención de los pacientes. El Estudio observacional analítico de cohortes compuesto por 2 fases una primera cohorte histórica retrospectiva y una segunda con dos cohortes prospectivas, incluyó pacientes mayores de 18 años, con más de 90 días en diálisis, con al menos tres meses de intervención con el modelo de gestión de enfermedad en la red Renal Therapy Services (RTS®). En conclusión, la realización de este estudio, se pudo asociar a la reducción en la atención hospitalaria de pacientes en diálisis y a una menor mortalidad, modelos como este y otras soluciones para mejorar los desenlaces en salud en los pacientes en diálisis deben seguir siendo implementados para aliviar la carga de la enfermedad y reducir los costos de la atención en salud de esta población.


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Introducción: El tacrolimus es el medicamento de elección para evitar el rechazo al injerto hepático. Su dosis se ajusta a partir de los niveles séricos que se toman periódicamente para asegurar rango terapéutico. Además, niveles elevados se asocian con disfunción renal postrasplante. Sin embargo, no hay consenso frente a los niveles adecuados para pacientes con trasplante hepático. Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre los niveles de tacrolimus y la presencia de rechazo agudo al injerto hepático en pacientes con trasplante hepático realizado en la Fundación Cardioinfantil – Instituto de Cardiología (FCI-IC). Determinar la relación entre los niveles de tacrolimus y la TFG en pacientes con trasplante hepático realizado en la FCI-IC. Métodos: Estudio observacional tipo cohorte histórica en pacientes adultos con trasplante hepático realizado en la FCI-IC entre 2009-2014. Resultados: No se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre los niveles de tacrolimus y la presencia de rechazo agudo, en sus diferentes definiciones (OR=1,02, p=0,14 y OR=1,01, p=0,29) incluso al ajustar por otras covariables (OR=1,03, p=0,10 y OR=1,02, p=0,25). No fue posible corroborar el diagnóstico con biopsia porque no todos la tenían. Si bien la relación entre los niveles de tacrolimus y la TFG fue estadísticamente significativa (p≤0,001), tiene bajo impacto clínico, pues la TFG disminuyó menos de un punto por cada incremento en 1 ng/ml en los niveles de tacrolimus. Conclusiones: Se necesitan más estudios para establecer la relación entre la exposición a tacrolimus y estos desenlaces para definir si es seguro disminuir su dosis con el fin de reducir los eventos adversos.


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Antecedentes: El trasplante renal es la mejor alternativa terapéutica para la enfermedad renal crónica terminal. Los medicamentos inmunosupresores previenen el rechazo. El rechazo mediado por anticuerpos es frecuente y disminuye la función y duración del injerto. Objetivo: Evaluar sistemáticamente la evidencia disponible relacionada con la eficacia y seguridad del tratamiento para el rechazo mediado por anticuerpos en pacientes trasplantados renales. Metodologia: Revisión sistemática en bases de datos MEDLINE, EMBASE, Scopus y Biblioteca virtual de la salud. Literatura gris google scholar, google academico, www.clinicaltrialsregister.eu, and https://clinicaltrials.gov/. Búsqueda manual referencias artículos pre-seleccionados así como de revisiones previamente publicadas. Se siguieron las recomendacioes guia PRISMA para la identificacion de artículos potenciales, tamizaje y selección teniendo en cuenta los criterios de inclusion. Extracción datos de acuerdo a las variables, revisión calidad de los artículos elegidos utilizando evaluación riesgo de segos de Cochrane. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 9 ensayos clínicos publicados entre 1980 y 2016, incluyeron 222 pacientes (113 brazo de intervención y 109 en el control), seguimiento promedio 16 meses. Intervenciones evaluadas plasmaféresis, inmunoadsorción y rituximab. Hubo una amplia heterogeneidad en la definición de criterios de inclusión, criterios diagnósticos de rechazo y medidas de evaluación de eficacia de las intervenciones. Tres estudios encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos de tratamiento. Conclusiones: La evidencia sobre la eficacia de los tratamientos del rechazo mediado por anticuerpos en injertos renales es de baja calidad. Son necesarios ensayos clínicos controlados para poder definir el tratamiento óptimo de estos pacientes.


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O presente relatório pretende descrever as atividades desenvolvidas durante o estágio curricular, realizado no Hospital Veterinário do Restelo, no período de 4 de agosto a 31 de janeiro. A hipertensão sistémica é uma doença insidiosa e progressiva, que se não controlada pode provocar lesões irreversíveis em órgãos alvo. Nos animais o seu desenvolvimento é normalmente secundário a processos de doença ou à administração exógena de alguns fármacos. Nos cães as causas mais comuns compreendem a doença renal crónica, a doença renal aguda e o hiperadrenocorticismo, enquanto nos gatos o seu desenvolvimento está, normalmente, associado à doença renal crónica, ao hipertiroidismo e ao hiperaldosteronismo primário. O diagnóstico da hipertensão e da causa primária responsável pelo seu desenvolvimento constituem um desafio clínico, criado por um conjunto diversificado de fatores associados aos animais, aos métodos de medição indiretos, processos de doença concorrentes e financeiros; Abstract: Small animal clinics The present report aims to describe the activities developed during the traineeship realized at Hospital Veterinário do Restelo, from August 4 to January 31. Systemic hypertension is an insidious and progressive disease, which uncontrolled is responsible for irreversible damage in target organs. In animals, their development is usually secondary to disease processes or exogenous administration of some drugs. In dogs, the most common causes include chronic kidney disease, acute renal disease and hyperadrenocorticism, while in cats their development is usually associated with chronic kidney disease, hyperthyroidism and primary aldosteronism. The diagnosis of hypertension and the primary cause responsible for its development are a clinical challenge created by a diverse set of factors associated with the animals, the indirect measurement methods, concurrent disease processes and financial.


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A clínica veterinária de pequenos animais é um mundo vasto e complexo que necessita de um estudo contínuo. Este relatório de estágio está dividido em duas partes. A primeira parte contém a descrição das atividades realizadas durante o estágio curricular realizado na clínica AlcabidecheVet. A segunda parte corresponde a uma monografia cujo tema é doença renal crónica em animais de companhia. A doença renal crónica acomete tanto cães como gatos em idade avançada, tendo uma progressão irreversível. Vários estudos científicos têm sido realizados para melhorar a sua prevenção e diagnóstico, como o estudo de biomarcadores da função renal. A utitilização de biomarcadores no diagnóstico e controlo da doença renal é essencial para o seu estadiamento e para demarcar o avanço dos danos renais. É também necessário conhecer os mecanismos patológicos em ação nesta doença para que o seu tratamento e monitorização providenciem o máximo bem-estar e o prolongamento da vida do animal; Abstract: (Small Animal Practice and Surgery – Kidney Chronic Disease) The world of small animal veterinary practice is vast and complex and needs a continuous study. This report is divided in two parts. The first describes the activities performed during the curricular internship at the clinic AlcabidecheVet. The second consists of a monograph which theme is chronic kidney disease. Chronic kidney disease affects both dogs and cats of declining age, and has an irreversible progression. There’s been scientific advances in its prevention and diagnosis with the study of biomarkers of kidney function. It’s also necessary to understand the pathological mechanisms in action in this disease, so its treatment and control can aim towards the welfare and the life extension of pets.


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Morbidities and deaths from noncommunicable chronic diseases are greatly increased in remote Australian Aboriginal communities, but little is known of the underlying community-based health profiles. We describe chronic-disease profiles and their risk factors in 3 remote communities in the Northern Territory. Consenting adults (18+ years of age) in 3 communities participated in a brief history and examination between 2000 and mid-2003 as part of a systematic program to improve chronic-disease awareness and management. Participation was 67%,128%, and 62% in communities A, B, and C, respectively with a total of 1070 people examined. Current smokers included 41% of females and 72% of males. Most men were current drinkers, but most women were not. Parameters of body weight differed markedly by community, with mean body mass index (BMC) varying from 21.4 to 27.9 kg/m(2). Rates of chronic diseases were excessive but differed markedly; an almost threefold difference in the likelihood of any morbidity existed between communities A and C. Rates increased with age, but the greatest numbers of people with morbidities were in the middle-aged group. Most people had multiple morbidities with tremendous overlap. Hypertension and kidney disease appear to be early manifestations of the integrated chronic-disease syndrome, while diabetes is a late manifestation or complication. Substantial numbers of new cases of disease were identified by testing, and blood pressure improved in treated people with hypertension. Wide variations occur in body habitus, risk factors, and chronic-disease rates among communities, but an overwhelming need for effective smoking interventions exists in all. Systematic screening is useful in identifying high-risk individuals, most at early treatable stages there. Findings are very important for estimating current treatment needs, future burdens of disease, and for needs-based health services planning. Resources required will vary according to the burden of disease. (C) 2005 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.


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Chronic kidney diseases including glomerulonephritis are often accompanied by acute or chronic inflammation that leads to an increase in extracellular matrix (ECM) production and subsequent glomerulosclerosis. Glomerulonephritis is one of the leading causes for end-stage renal failure with high morbidity and mortality, and there are still only a limited number of drugs for treatment available. In this MiniReview, we discuss the possibility of targeting sphingolipids, specifically the sphingosine kinase 1 (SphK1) and sphingosine 1-phosphate (S1P) pathway, as new therapeutic strategy for the treatment of glomerulonephritis, as this pathway was demonstrated to be dysregulated under disease conditions. Sphingosine 1-phosphate is a multifunctional signalling molecule, which was shown to influence several hallmarks of glomerulonephritis including mesangial cell proliferation, renal inflammation and fibrosis. Most importantly, the site of action of S1P determines the final effect on disease progression. Concerning renal fibrosis, extracellular S1P acts pro-fibrotic via activation of cell surface S1P receptors, whereas intracellular S1P was shown to attenuate the fibrotic response. Interference with S1P signalling by treatment with FTY720, an S1P receptor modulator, resulted in beneficial effects in various animal models of chronic kidney diseases. Also, sonepcizumab, a monoclonal anti-S1P antibody that neutralizes extracellular S1P, and a S1P-degrading recombinant S1P lyase are promising new strategies for the treatment of glomerulonephritis. In summary, especially due to the bifunctionality of S1P, the SphK1/S1P pathway provides multiple target sites for the treatment of chronic kidney diseases.


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The objective of the study was to assess, from a health service perspective, whether a systematic program to modify kidney and cardiovascular disease reduced the costs of treating end-stage kidney failure. The participants in the study were 1,800 aboriginal adults with hypertension, diabetes with microalbuminuria or overt albuminuria, and overt albuminuria, living on two islands in the Northern Territory of Australia during 1995 to 2000. Perindopril was the primary treatment agent, and other medications were also used to control blood pressure. Control of glucose and lipid levels were attempted, and health education was offered. Evaluation of program resource use and costs for follow-up periods was done at 3 and 4.7 years. On an intention-to-treat basis, the number of dialysis starts and dialysis-years avoided were estimated by comparing the fate of the treatment group with that of historical control subjects, matched for disease severity, who were followed in the before the treatment program began. For the first three years, an estimated 11.6 person-years of dialysis were avoided, and over 4.7 years, 27.7 person-years of dialysis were avoided. The net cost of the program was $1,210 more per person per year than status quo care, and dialyses avoided gave net savings of $1.0 million at 3 years and $3.4 million at 4.6 years. The treatment program provided significant health benefit and impressive cost savings in dialysis avoided. (C) 2005 by the National Kidney Foundation, Inc.


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Aims To assess self-reported lifetime prevalence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) among colorectal cancer survivors, and examine the cross-sectional and prospective associations of lifestyle factors with co-morbid CVD. Methods Colorectal cancer survivors were recruited (n = 1966). Data were collected at approximately 5, 12, 24 and 36 months post-diagnosis. Cross-sectional findings included six CVD categories (hypercholesterolaemia, hypertension, diabetes, heart failure, kidney disease and ischaemic heart disease (IHD)) at 5 months post-diagnosis. Longitudinal outcomes included the probability of developing (de novo) co-morbid CVD by 36 months post-diagnosis. Lifestyle factors included body mass index, physical activity, television (TV) viewing, alcohol consumption and smoking. Results Co-morbid CVD prevalence at 5 months post-diagnosis was 59%, and 16% of participants with no known CVD at the baseline reported de novo CVD by 36 months. Obesity at the baseline predicted de novo hypertension (odds ratio [OR] = 2.20, 95% confidence intervals [CI] = 1.09, 4.45) and de novo diabetes (OR = 6.55, 95% CI = 2.19, 19.53). Participants watching >4 h of TV/d at the baseline (compared with <2 h/d) were more likely to develop ischaemic heart disease by 36 months (OR = 5.51, 95% CI = 1.86, 16.34). Conclusion Overweight colorectal cancer survivors were more likely to suffer from co-morbid CVD. Interventions focusing on weight management and other modifiable lifestyle factors may reduce functional decline and improve survival.


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Background: The improved prognosis of early preterm birth has created a generation of surviving very low birth weight (< 1500 g, VLBW) infants whose health risks in adulthood are poorly known. Of every 1000 live-born infants in Finland, about 8 are born at VLBW. Variation in birth weight, even within the normal range, relates to considerable variation in the risk for several common adult disorders, including cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Small preterm infants frequently exhibit severe postnatal or prenatal growth retardation, or both. Much reason for concern thus exists, regarding adverse health effects in surviving small preterm infants later lives. We studied young adults, aiming at exploring whether VLBW birth and postnatal events after such a birth are associated with higher levels of risk factors for cardiovascular disease or osteoporosis. Subjects and Methods: A follow-up study for VLBW infants began in 1978; by the end of 1985, 335 VLBW survivors at Helsinki University Central Hospital participated in the follow-up. Their gestational ages ranged from 24 to 35 weeks, mean 29.2 and standard deviation 2.2 weeks. In 2004, we invited for a clinic visit 255 subjects, aged 18 to 27, who still lived in the greater Helsinki area. From the same birth hospitals, we also invited 314 term-born controls of similar age and sex. These two study groups underwent measurements of body size and composition, function of brachial arterial endothelium (flow-mediated dilatation, FMD) and carotid artery intima-media thickness (cIMT) by ultrasound. In addition, we measured plasma lipid concentrations, ambulatory blood pressure, fasting insulin, glucose tolerance and, by dual-energy x-ray densitometry, bone-mineral density. Results: 172 control and 166 VLBW participants underwent lipid measurements and a glucose tolerance test. VLBW adults fasting insulin (adjusted for body mass index) was 12.6% (95% confidence interval, 0.8 to 25.8) higher than that of the controls. The glucose and insulin concentrations 120 minutes after 75 g glucose ingestion showed similar differences (N=332) (I). VLBW adults had 3.9 mmHg (1.3 to 6.4) higher office systolic blood pressure, 3.5 mmHg (1.7 to 5.2) higher office diastolic blood pressure (I), and, when adjusted for body mass index and height, 3.1 mmHg (0.5 to 5.5) higher 24-hour mean systolic blood pressure (N=238) (II). VLBW birth was associated neither with HDL- or total cholesterol nor triglyceride concentrations (N=332) (I), nor was it associated with a low FMD or a high cIMT (N=160) (III). VLBW adults had 0.51-unit (0.28 to 0.75) lower lumbar spine Z scores and 0.56-unit (0.34 to 0.78) lower femoral neck Z scores (N=283). Adjustments for size attenuated the differences, but only partially (IV). Conclusions: These results imply that those born at VLBW, although mostly healthy as young adults, already bear several risk factors for chronic adult disease. The significantly higher fasting insulin level in adults with VLBW suggests increased insulin resistance. The higher blood pressure in young adults born at VLBW may indicate they later are at risk for hypertension, although their unaffected endothelial function may be evidence for some form of protection from cardiovascular disease. Lower bone mineral density around the age of peak bone mass may suggest increased risk for later osteoporotic fractures. Because cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis are frequent, and their prevention is relatively cheap and safe, one should focus on prevention now. When initiated early, preventive measures are likely to have sufficient time to be effective in preventing or postponing the onset of chronic disease.


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Background: The improved prognosis of early preterm birth has created a generation of surviving very low birth weight (PIENEMPI KUIN 1500 g, VLBW) infants whose health risks in adulthood are poorly known. Of every 1000 live-born infants in Finland, about 8 are born at VLBW. Variation in birth weight, even within the normal range, relates to considerable variation in the risk for several common adult disorders, including cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis. Small preterm infants frequently exhibit severe postnatal or prenatal growth retardation, or both. Much reason for concern thus exists, regarding adverse health effects in surviving small preterm infants later lives. We studied young adults, aiming at exploring whether VLBW birth and postnatal events after such a birth are associated with higher levels of risk factors for cardiovascular disease or osteoporosis. Subjects and Methods: A follow-up study for VLBW infants began in 1978; by the end of 1985, 335 VLBW survivors at Helsinki University Central Hospital participated in the follow-up. Their gestational ages ranged from 24 to 35 weeks, mean 29.2 and standard deviation 2.2 weeks. In 2004, we invited for a clinic visit 255 subjects, aged 18 to 27, who still lived in the greater Helsinki area. From the same birth hospitals, we also invited 314 term-born controls of similar age and sex. These two study groups underwent measurements of body size and composition, function of brachial arterial endothelium (flow-mediated dilatation, FMD) and carotid artery intima-media thickness (cIMT) by ultrasound. In addition, we measured plasma lipid concentrations, ambulatory blood pressure, fasting insulin, glucose tolerance and, by dual-energy x-ray densitometry, bone-mineral density. Results: 172 control and 166 VLBW participants underwent lipid measurements and a glucose tolerance test. VLBW adults fasting insulin (adjusted for body mass index) was 12.6% (95% confidence interval, 0.8 to 25.8) higher than that of the controls. The glucose and insulin concentrations 120 minutes after 75 g glucose ingestion showed similar differences (N=332) (I). VLBW adults had 3.9 mmHg (1.3 to 6.4) higher office systolic blood pressure, 3.5 mmHg (1.7 to 5.2) higher office diastolic blood pressure (I), and, when adjusted for body mass index and height, 3.1 mmHg (0.5 to 5.5) higher 24-hour mean systolic blood pressure (N=238) (II). VLBW birth was associated neither with HDL- or total cholesterol nor triglyceride concentrations (N=332) (I), nor was it associated with a low FMD or a high cIMT (N=160) (III). VLBW adults had 0.51-unit (0.28 to 0.75) lower lumbar spine Z scores and 0.56-unit (0.34 to 0.78) lower femoral neck Z scores (N=283). Adjustments for size attenuated the differences, but only partially (IV). Conclusions: These results imply that those born at VLBW, although mostly healthy as young adults, already bear several risk factors for chronic adult disease. The significantly higher fasting insulin level in adults with VLBW suggests increased insulin resistance. The higher blood pressure in young adults born at VLBW may indicate they later are at risk for hypertension, although their unaffected endothelial function may be evidence for some form of protection from cardiovascular disease. Lower bone mineral density around the age of peak bone mass may suggest increased risk for later osteoporotic fractures. Because cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis are frequent, and their prevention is relatively cheap and safe, one should focus on prevention now. When initiated early, preventive measures are likely to have sufficient time to be effective in preventing or postponing the onset of chronic disease.


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Between August 1989 and November 2003, 33 patients at our center with acquired aplastic anemia underwent bone marrow transplantation (BMT) from HLA-identical sibling donors with cyclophosphamide and in vivo anti-CD52 monoclonal antibodies (MoAb) for conditioning. The median age at BMT was 17 years (range, 4-46 years). Before BMT, 58% were heavily transfused (>50 transfusions), and 42% had previously experienced treatment failure with antithymocyte globulin-based immunosuppressive therapy. Unmanipulated bone marrow was used as the source of stem cells in all patients except 1. Graft-versus-host disease (GVHD) prophylaxis was with cyclosporine alone in 19 (58%) patients; 14 received anti-CD52 MoAb in addition to cyclosporine. The conditioning regimen was well tolerated without significant acute toxicity. Graft failure was seen in 8 patients (primary, n = 4; secondary, n = 4). Of those whose grafts failed, 4 survived long-term (complete autologous recovery, n = 2; rescue with previously stored marrow, n = 1; second allograft, n = 1). The cumulative incidence of graft failure and grade II to IV acute and chronic GVHD was 24%, 14%, and 4%, respectively. None developed extensive chronic GVHD. With a median follow-up of 59 months, the 5-year survival was 81% (95% confidence interval, 68%-96%). No unexpected early or late infectious or noninfectious complications were observed. We conclude that the conditioning regimen containing cyclophosphamide and anti-CD52 MoAb is well tolerated and effective for acquired aplastic anemia with HLA-matched sibling donors. The favorable effect on the incidence and severity of GVHD is noteworthy in this study and warrants further investigation.