996 resultados para Art, Renaissance.
This chapter contextualises Marvell's Latin poetry in relation to seventeenth-century pedagogical theory and practice, with particular focus on bilingual textbooks, double translation methodology, and etymological alertness. An analysis of several Marvellian case-studies serves to highlight the influence of pedagogical bilingualism upon his poetic creativity.
A new European Doctoral Program on Metamaterials has been initiated by the European Union (EU) Network of Excellence METAMORPHOSE. So far, twenty European academic institutions have established a consortium that operates a geographically distributed doctoral school in the emerging and multidisciplinary field of metamaterials.
Tomando como eje el año 1436 en que es inaugurada solemnemente, a falta de su linterna, la cúpula de la catedral de Florencia y, siendo además este año el de la realización del Acuto de Paolo Uccello, se trata de glosar y reflexionar, unos quinientos ochenta años después, tanto sobre la paradigmática construcción de Brunelleschi, como sobre Uccello y su importante contribución a la historia del arte.
With the impetus that has led recent studies on Latin American Modernism to a reevaluation of the sense of cultural fluxes from the modernity capitals to its peripheries –discarding categories such as “influence”, “exotism” and “ivory tower”, stereotypes that have clouded critical understanding of this aesthetics for decades- the present study intends to investigate a persistent practice of the main writers of the movement. This practice is modernist pictorial criticism, a genre that will be approached through the analysis of an unknown corpus: the seven chronicles Rubén Darío published in the journal La Prensa on occasion of the third art exposition of the Ateneo de Buenos Aires. Our hypothesis is that the rare creators of images portrayed by Darío by the end of 1895 work as a visual counterpoint of the eccentric writers’ biographical sketches that a year later will be part of the fundamental volume Los raros (1896). In this early “salon”, which we reproduce in its entirety, accompanied by explanatory notes, the leader of Modernism rehearses and consolidates his transcultural work with the universal tradition –now applied to the Salons (1845-1860) by Charles Baudelaire and to the monumental project by John Ruskin in Modern painters (1843-1860)- to legitimate, from another subgenre of Modernist criticism, a new figure of the critic, in dissent with the Enlightenment model of the writer.
En distintos momentos de su producción intelectual, Agustín se refirió al asunto de la música. En este artículo mostraremos que Agustín uso dos esquemas conceptuales distintos para describir el fenómeno de la música práctica en su relación con el mundo espiritual, el esquema de las Artes Liberales y el de la teoría del signo, y que en virtud de ello la música sería concebida de dos modos diferentes: como vestigium y como signum del mundo espiritual, respectivamente. Al final del artículo analizaremos la diferencia entre las dos concepciones considerando tres elementos: la naturaleza de la relación entre mundo material y espiritual, el contenido espiritual al que remite y la noción de belleza que implica.