982 resultados para 332.224


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We have recently reported significant association of non-polio enteroviruses (NPEVs) with acute and persistent diarrhea (18-21% of total diarrheal cases), and non-diarrheal Increased Frequency of Bowel Movements (IFoBM-ND) (about 29% of the NPEV infections) in children and that the NPEV-associated diarrhea was as significant as rotavirus diarrhea. However, their diarrhea-causing potential is yet to be demonstrated in an animal model system. Since the determination of virus titers by the traditional plaque assay takes 4-7 days, there is a need for development of a rapid method for virus titer determination to facilitate active clinical research on enterovirus-associated diarrhea. The goal of this study is to develop a cell-based rapid detection and enumeration method and to demonstrate the diarrhea-inducing potential of purified and characterized non-polio enteroviruses, which were isolated from diarrheic children. Here we describe generation of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies against purified strains belonging to different serotypes, and development of an enzyme-linked immuno focus assay (ELIFA) for detection and enumeration of live NPEV particles in clinical and purified virus samples, and a newborn mouse model for NPEV diarrhea. Plaque-purified NPVEs, belonging to different serotypes, isolated from children with diarrhea, were grown in cell culture and purified by isopycnic CsCl density gradient centrifugation. By ELIFA, NPEVs could be detected and enumerated within 12 h post-infection. Our results demonstrated that Coxsackievirus B1 (CVB1) and CVB5 strains, isolated from diarrheic children, induced severe diarrhea in orally-inoculated 9-12 day-old mouse pups, fulfilling Koch's postulates. The methods described here would facilitate studies on NPEV-associated gastrointestinal disease. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) plays a central role in the investigation of electronic properties as well as compositional analysis of almost every conceivable material. However, a very short inelastic mean free path (IMFP) and the limited photon flux in standard laboratory conditions render this technique very much surface sensitive. Thus, the electronic structure buried below several layers of a heterogeneous sample is not accessible with usual photoemission techniques. An obvious way to overcome this limitation is to use a considerably higher energy photon source, as this increases the IMFP of the photo-ejected electron, thereby making the technique more depth and bulk sensitive. Due to this obvious advantage, Hard X-ray Photo Electron Spectroscopy (HAXPES) is rapidly becoming an extremely powerful tool for chemical, elemental, compositional and electronic characterization of bulk systems, more so with reference to systems characterized by the presence of buried interfaces and other types of chemical heterogeneity. The relevance of such an investigative tool becomes evident when we specifically note the ever-increasing importance of heterostructures and interfaces in the context of a wide range of device applications, spanning electronic, magnetic, optical and energy applications. The interest in this nondestructive, element specific HAXPES technique has grown rapidly in the past few years; we discuss critically its extensive use in the study of depth resolved electronic properties of nanocrystals, multilayer superlattices and buried interfaces, revealing their internal structures. We specifically present a comparative discussion, with examples, on two most commonly used methods to determine internal structures of heterostructured systems using XPS. (C) 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Protein lysine acetylation is known to regulate multiple aspects of bacterial metabolism. However, its presence in mycobacterial signal transduction and virulence-associated proteins has not been studied. In this study, analysis of mycobacterial proteins from different cellular fractions indicated dynamic and widespread occurrence of lysine acetylation. Mycobacterium tuberculosis proteins regulating diverse physiological processes were then selected and expressed in the surrogate host Mycobacterium smegmatis. The purified proteins were analyzed for the presence of lysine acetylation, leading to the identification of 24 acetylated proteins. In addition, novel lysine succinylation and propionylation events were found to co-occur with acetylation on several proteins. Protein-tyrosine phosphatase B (PtpB), a secretory phosphatase that regulates phosphorylation of host proteins and plays a critical role in Mycobacterium infection, is modified by acetylation and succinylation at Lys-224. This residue is situated in a lid region that covers the enzyme's active site. Consequently, acetylation and succinylation negatively regulate the activity of PtpB.


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Ready-to-use screen printed glucose sensors are fabricated using Prussian Blue (PB) and Cobalt Phthalocyanine (CoPC) mediated carbon inks as working electrodes. The reference and counter electrodes are screen printed using silver/silver chloride and graphitic carbon paste respectively. The screen printed reference electrodes (internal reference electrode (IRE)) are found to be stable for more than 60 minutes when examined with saturated calomel electrode. Optimal operating voltage for PB and CoPC screen printed sensors are determined by hydrodynamic voltammetric technique. Glucose oxidase is immobilized on the working electrodes by cross-linking method. PB mediated glucose sensor exhibits a sensitivity of 5.60 mA cm(-2)/mM for the range, 10 to 1000 mu M. Sensitivity of CoPC mediated glucose sensor is found to be 5.224 mu A cm(-2)/mM and amperometeric response is linear for the range, 100 to 1500 mu M. Interference studies on the fabricated glucose sensors are conducted with species like uric acid and ascorbic acid. PB mediated sensors showed a completely interference-free behavior. The sensing characteristics of PB mediated glucose sensors are also studied in diluted human serum samples and the results are compared with the values obtained through standard clinical method. The co-efficient of variation is found to be less than 5%. (C) 2015 The Electrochemical Society. All rights reserved.


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El presente trabajo se realizó en época de primera de Junio a Septiembre de 1990; en el Programa de Recursos Genéticos Nicaraguenses (REGEN) de la UNA localizado en el Km 12.5 Carretera Norte, Managua el cual trata sobre la caracterización de 10 accesiones de cucurbita moschata Duch, ex, Lam. persiguiendo como objetivo: generar información basica del germoplasma de ayote de diversas zonas del pais (Carazo, Hasaya, Chinandega y León), describir la variabilidad de los caracteres estudiados y clasificar según rasgos morfológicos variables, previo la elaboración de una guia de descriptores (caracteres) que permitio la toma de datos para la caracterización en el momento oportuno y forma correcta. Se evaluaron 59 descriptores mediante los cuales se describen las poblaciones. Se presenta un catalogo conteniendo la información de las accesiones en estudio, el valor maximo, medio y mínimo, desviación estandar y coeficiente de variación para caracteres cuantitativos y la moda para caracteres cualitativos. En las condiciones economicas en que se realizo el estudio las accesiones presentaron heterogenicas para los caracteres observados mostrando diversos ramos de variación entre y dentro de las accesiones desde caracteres que no presentaron variación hasta otros con un rango amplio de variación. Las accesiones 220, 223, 224 y 233 resultaron con el menor porcentaje de severidad para virosis.


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Resumen: Después de la primera sofística, los sofistas actuaron entre el resto de los pensadores del Mediterráneo como un grupo definido. Dado que hay muchos ejemplos que muestran que los sofistas ejercían sus prácticas y que también eran personas comprometidas en otras actividades, vamos a examinar aquí diversos casos de semejanzas y diferencias entre ellos y otros grupos de pensadores. Nuestras tres preguntas fundamentales son: qué, cómo y por qué los sofistas escribían y enseñaban. Intentaremos responder haciendo un análisis diacrónico de las principales formas y géneros de escritura que produjeron (qué). El cómo lo responderemos en su desenvolvimiento como una actividad comunicativa más allá de las fronteras de las disciplinas de la época. El por qué tendrá su respuesta al enfatizar la necesidad de la actividad de los sofistas en la socialización de la época y en la educación de la antigüedad. Al aseverar que el estilo era la idea de los sofistas, ponemos la noción de idea en Platón en el contexto de idea derivado de los sofistas contemporáneos a él y de los sofistas posteriores (segunda sofística) y centramos el foco en la función de visualidad expresada en su concepto de idea desde las obras sofísticas más tempranas en la época de Platón hasta las contribuciones posteriores.


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Resumen: La prueba de la existencia de Dios, sacada de su sola idea, fue, y es aún, una de esas experiencias metafísicas de las que se puede decir que nacen eternas, porque alcanzan el último término de uno de los caminos por donde el espíritu humano puede encauzarse. La presencia de Dios en el alma vivifica la fórmula que da san Anselmo y el análisis que hace de ella no tiene otro fin que llevar a la clara luz de la inteligencia una presencia realmente, pero oscuramente, sentida. Situados, dice, entre la fe y la visión, considera que “la inteligencia que alcanzamos en esta vida es intermedia”; los modos de aproximación difieren, pero sus términos no.


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The expansion property of cement mortar under the attack of sulfate ions is studied by experimental and theoretical methods. First, cement mortars are fabricated with the ratio of water to cement of 0.4, 0.6, and 0.8. Secondly, the expansion of specimen immerged in sulphate solution is measured at different times. Thirdly, a theoretical model of expansion of cement mortar under sulphate erosion is suggested by virtue of represent volume element method. In this model, the damage evolution due to the interaction between delayed ettringite and cement mortar is taken into account. Finally, the numerical calculation is performed. The numerical and experimental results indicate that the model perfectly describes the expansion of the cement mortar.


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Two research projects on pool boiling in microgravity have been conducted aboard the Chinese recoverable satellites. Ground-based experiments have also been performed both in normal gravity and in short-term microgravity in the Drop Tower Beijing. Steady boiling of R113 on thin platinum wires was studied with a temperature-controlled heating method, while quasi-steady boiling of FC-72 on a plane plate was investigated with an exponentially increasing heating voltage. In the first case, slight enhancement of heat transfer is observed in microgravity, while diminution is evident for high heat flux in the second one. Lateral motions of bubbles on the heaters are observed before their departure in microgravity. The surface oscillation of the merged bubbles due to lateral coalescence between adjacent bubbles drives it to detach from the heaters. The Marangoni effect on the bubble behavior is also discussed. The perspectives for a new project DEPA-SJ10, which has been planned to be flown aboard the Chinese recoverable satellite SJ-10 in the future, are also presented.


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Based on the statistical thermodynamics theory, a theoretical model of adsorbate induced surface stress of adatoms adsorption on solid surface is presented. For the low coverage, the interaction between the adsorbed molecules is entirely negligible and the adsorption induced surface stress is found to be the function of the coverage and the adsorption energy change with strain. For the high coverage, the adsorbate-adsorbate interaction contributes to the adsorption-induced surface stress effectively. In the case of carbon adsorption on the Ni(100) surface, the value of 0.5 is obtained as a characteristic coverage to decide whether to take the interaction between the adsorabtes into consideration and the results also show that the adsorption induces a compressive surface stress.


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The fracture toughness and interfacial adhesion properties of a coating on its substrate are considered to be crucial intrinsic parameters determining performance and reliability of coating-substrate system. In this work, the fracture toughness and interfacial shear strength of a hard and brittle Cr coating on a normal medium carbon steel substrate were investigated by means of a tensile test. The normal medium carbon steel substrate electroplated with a hard and brittle Cr coating was quasi-statically stretched to induce an array of parallel cracks in the coating. An optical microscope was used to observe the cracking of the coating and the interfacial decohesion between the coating and the substrate during the loading. It was found that the cracking of the coating initiated at critical strain, and then the number of the cracks of the coating per unit axial distance increased with the increase in the tensile strain. At another critical strain, the number of the cracks of the coating became saturated, i.e. the number of cracks per unit axial distance became a constant after this critical strain. Based on the experiment result, the fracture toughness of the brittle coating can be determined using a mechanical model. Interestingly, even when the whole specimen fractured completely under an extreme strain of the substrate, the interfacial decohesion or buckling of the coating on its substrate was completely absent. The test result is different from that appeared in the literature though the identical test method and the brittle coating/ductile metal substrate system are taken. It was found that this difference can be attributed to an important mechanism that the Cr coating on the steel substrate has a good adhesion, and the ultimate interfacial shear strength between the Cr coating and the steel substrate has exceeded the maximum shear flow strength level of the steel substrate. This result also indicates that the maximum shear flow strength level of the ductile steel substrate can be only taken as a lower bound estimate on the ultimate shear strength of the interface. This estimation of the ultimate interfacial shear strength is consistent with the theoretical analysis and prediction presented in the literature.


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La situación actual de algunos productores del país es crítica debido al avance de la frontera agrícola y a los bajos rendimientos de sus cultivos, que trae como consecuencia una deforestación indiscriminada de los recursos forestales. Como alternativa ante esta problemática surge el Cedro Rosado de la India ( Acrocarpus fraxinifolius ), una especie forestal que puede contribuir a la reforestación y al aprovechamiento sostenible de la explotación maderera. Por tanto, el presente estudio procura aportar información sobre esta especie al evaluar dos densidades de siembra (400 y 625 plantas por hectárea) y cuatro niveles de lombrihumus (0.5, 1.0, 1.5 y 2.0 kilogramos por planta) sobre el crecimiento de A. fraxinifolius de dos años de desarrollo. El estudio se desarrolló a partir de febrero del 2005 en la finca La Cañada, comarca Las Mercedes, departamento de Boaco. Las unidades experimentales muestreadas en los lotes con densidades de siembra establecidas fueron agrupadas en tres bloques y la fertilización fue aplicada en parcelas dentro de cada densidad de siembra, lo que correspondió a un arreglo de parcelas divididas, en las que se evaluaron las variables de crecimiento. Se realizó análisis de varianza (ANDEVA) y agrupaciones mediante LSD (∞=0.05). Las variables no tuvieron significación estadística en las densidades de siembra; pero sí en la fertilización. Se obtuvieron 7.224 m en altura de planta, 4.584 m en altura del fuste comercial, 0.11 m en el diámetro a la altura del pecho, 0.33 m en el perímetro a la altura del pecho, 35.09 unidades de ramas, 0.0085 m 2 de área basal y 0.0422 m 3 de volumen. Los factores estudiados resultaron ser independiente. Los mayores valores en variables se alcanzaron con las dosis de lombrihumus y densidad poblacional más alta. La densidad de 625 plantas por hectáreas y 1.5 y 2.0 kilogramos por planta superaron los 30 m 3 de madera. Así mismo, el mayor beneficio costo se obtuvo con la densidad de 625 y 0.5 kilogramos de lombrihumus por planta, con una ganancia de 50.27 por cada dólar invertido.