865 resultados para value-based pricing
The intent of this research was to develop a model that describes the extent to which customer behavioral intentions are influenced by service quality, customer satisfaction and customer perceived value in the business-to-business service context. Research on customer behavioral intentions is quite fragmented and no generalized model has been presented. Thus, there was need for empirical testing. This study builds on the services marketing theory and assesses the relationships between the identified constructs. The data for the empirical analysis was collected via a quantitative online survey and a total of 226 usable responses were obtained for further analysis. The model was tested in an employment agency service setting. The measures used in this survey were first assessed by using confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) after which the hypothesized relationships were further verified using structural equation modeling (SEM) in LISREL 8.80. The analysis identified that customer satisfaction played a pivotal role in the model as it was the only direct antecedent of customer behavioral intentions, however, customer perceived value showed a strong indirect impact on buying intentions via customer satisfaction. In contrast to what was hypothesized, service quality and customer perceived value did not have a direct positive effect on behavioral intentions. Also, a contradicting finding with current literature was that sacrifice was argued to have a direct but positive impact on customer perceived value. Based on the findings in this study, managers should carefully think of their service strategies that lead to their customers’ favorable behavioral intentions.
Increasing pressures to reduce costs, inprove productivity, and lower the environmental impact are forcing suppliers to present evidences of the monetary and societal value they create for the customers and society around. The extant academic literature on the practical activities related to topic is still sparse and this study addresses the gap by developing sustainable customer value proposition for Valmet’s recycled fibre line solution for the Chinese market. The research is based on literature review and single case study method. Theoretically the study is connected to the emerging literature of customer value and life cycle engineering, and to the research of sustainable development in the field of marketing. For exloiting empirical evidences, in-depth supplier interviews and customer survey were conducted. The results suggest that selling of recycled fibre line solution requires tangible and credible evidence of the value and utility which is delivered for the customer. In addition to the economic benefits also societal benefits should be included in the value proposition that are the focus of attention in China. Still, the role of discovered benefits may be contradictory until they are communicated to appropriate decision makers. Managerially the study contributes to the customer value management and quantification knowledge and practices in Valmet’s organization.
The objective of this thesis is to concretize the potential benefits that the industrial maintenance case network could achieve through using the value-based life-cycle model and the flexible asset management model. It is also inspected what factors prevent value creation and sharing in the maintenance contract practices of the case network. This thesis is a case study which utilizes modelling. Four scenarios were developed to demonstrate value creation in the future. The data was partly provided by the collaborating company, partly gathered from public financial statement information. The results indicate that value has been created through the past maintenance of the collaborating company’s rod mill and that profitability of the collaborating company has been mostly on satisfactory level during the past few years. Potential value might be created by increasing the share of proactive maintenance of the rod mill in the future. Profitability of the network could be improved in the future through flexible asset management operations. The main obstacle for value creation and sharing seems to be the lack of sufficient trust between the network members.
Pro gradu –tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia asiakasarvoa ja sitä, miten asiakasarvoa voidaan käyttää hyväksi uusasiakashankinnassa. Tällä hetkellä kirjallisuudessa on pinnalla muutos tuotekeskeisyydestä asiakaskeskeiseen näkökulmaan, joka tunnistaa asiakasarvon tärkeyden bisnes suhteissa. Tämä tutkimus osallistuu kyseiseen keskusteluun muodostamalla tavan mitata asiakasarvoa, ja peilaamalla saavutettuja tuloksia uusasiakashankinta prosessiin. Empiirinen tutkimus on toteutettu kahdessa osassa: kvalitatiivisessa sekä kvantitatiivisessa. Ensimmäisessä osassa haastateltiin kahdeksaa potentiaalista asiakasta, minkä jälkeen saadut tulokset vietiin suurempaan skaalaan toteuttamalla kysely suurelle joukolle potentiaalisia asiakkaita. Lopulliset tulokset osoittavat, että asiakasarvon käyttäminen hyväksi uusasiakashankinnassa on erittäin tehokas ja käyttökelpoinen metodi. Asiakasarvoon perustuvat asiakassegmentit mahdollistavat oikeiden arvojen kommunikoinnin oikeille segmenteille. Se antaa yritykselle myös mahdollisuuden valita houkuttelevimmat asiakasryhmät ja vahvistaa asiakaskantaansa.
Kandidaatin tutkielma ”Hinnoittelustrategian valinta terästeollisuudessa – Case Teräsyhtiö Oy” käsittelee tuotantohyödykkeitä valmistavan hiiliteräsyhtiön hinnoittelustrategian valintaa, peilaamalla toteutuvaa hinnoittelua hinnoittelun teoreettisiin periaatteisiin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteeksi kohdentui selvittää, kuinka hyvin kohdeyrityksen hinnoittelu noudattaa hinnoittelun teoreettisia periaatteita. Tavoitteena oli myös selvittää, miten hinnoittelu toteutuu kohdeyrityksessä ja mitkä tekijät vaikuttavat tähän strategiseen päätökseen. Tutkielman teoriaosuuden muodostaa hinnan ja hinnoitteluprosessin teorian muodostama kokonaisuus yhdessä tutkielman varsinaisen viitekehyksen kanssa, jona toimivat kustannusperusteisen ja markkinalähtöisen hinnoittelun perinteiset mallit. Tutkielmassa markkinalähtöisillä malleilla viitataan kysyntä- ja kilpailulähtöisiin malleihin. Tutkimuksen aineisto kerättiin teema-haastattelun avulla, haastattelemalla kolmea Case-yrityksen hinnoittelussa toimivaa henkilöä. Tutkimus toteutui laadullisena tutkimuksena hyödyntäen analyysissä teorialähtöistä sisällönanalyysiä. Tutkimustulosten osalta tärkeään rooliin asettui kahtiajako kotimarkkinoihin ja kotimarkkinoiden ulkopuolisiin alueisiin. Nämä alueet määrittivät pitkälle sitä, jouduttiinko hinnoittelu toteuttamaan hintaa seuraten vai asettaen. Toimialan alueellisten hintatasojen osalta merkittävässä asemassa olivat teräsyhtiöiden avoimet hintalistat, jotka ohjaavat hinnoittelua vahvasti. Hinnoitteluprosessin osalta tärkeimmäksi tavoitteeksi asettui kannattavuuden takaaminen, sekä johdonmukaisen hinnoittelun harjoittaminen. Markkinalähtöistä hinnoittelua ohjaavista ulkoisista tekijöistä tärkeintä oli Kilpailulain (948/2011) huomioiminen. Asiakkaan rooli hinnoittelussa oli myös erittäin merkittävä. Tutkimus osoitti kohdeyrityksen hinnoittelun painottavan markkinalähtöisiä menetelmiä, huomioiden kuitenkin kustannusten vaikutus katteen kautta. Tutkimus osoitti myös, ettei asiakkaan kokemaa arvoa huomioida hinnoittelun pohjatyössä siinä määrin, kuin olisi mahdollisesti tarpeellista. Tutkimuksen johtopäätöksissä korostuu se, kuinka asiakasarvon huomioiminen voisi mahdollistaa yritykselle korkeamman tuloksellisuuden.
L’auteur fonde son argument sur l’importance déterminante des conséquences économiques de la numérisation sur l’évolution des droits d’auteur afférant à la musique. La musique numérisée correspondant à un bien public, les prix de sa négociation tendent vers 0, et seules les contraintes légales telles que les droits d’auteur ou les ententes sur les prix, qui sont généralement proscrites par les lois sur la concurrence, peuvent sauver l’entrant intrépide ou l’opérateur mis sur le sable. Alors que les propriétaires de droits d’auteur maximisent leurs profits en prônant l’extension de leur champ d’application et en poursuivant leur application par les tribunaux, leur valeur sociale est mesurée en termes d’efficacité pour la promotion de l’innovation. L’industrie de la musique a projeté le champ d’application des droits d’auteur si grossièrement loin au–delà des limites de la raison par rapport à la musique numérisée que leur position légale sera attaquée inlassablement sur tous les fronts, que ce soit par une banalisation des infractions, ou par la résistance devant les tribunaux ou par des campagnes visant une réforme législative.
Abstract: Quality Management is an essential part of successful organisations. But the effect of it is mostly not directly visible. The effects are more indirect, and have a time lag till results appear. In today’s challenging times, all activities of an organisation have to proof their ability to add value. While Value Based Management is more focussed on financial value, other concepts and models like EFQM Excellence Model and Kaplan and Norton’s Balanced Score Card also point on values that are the basis and driver for financial success. Quality Management has to proof its effects on company values, and therefore the transacting mechanisms have to be identified and procedure to manage the process of Value Adding Quality Management has to be developed.
Abstract: Research on human values within the family focuses on value congruence between the family members (Knafo & Schwartz, 2004), based on the assumption that transmission of values is part of a child’s socialization process. Within the family, values are not only implicitly transmitted through this process but also explicitly conveyed through the educational goals of parents (Grusec et al., 2000; Knafo & Schwartz, 2003; 2004, 2009). However, there is a lack of empirical evidence on the role of family characteristics in the value transmission process, especially for families with young children. Thus, the study presented had multiple aims: Firstly, it analyzed the congruency between mothers’ and fathers’ values and their value-based educational goals. Secondly, it examined the influence of mothers’ and fathers’ socio-demographic characteristics on their educational goals. Thirdly, it analyzed the differences in parental educational goals in families with daughters and families with sons. Finally, it examined the congruency between children’s values and the value-based educational goals of their parents. The value transmission process within families with young children was analyzed using data from complete families (child, mother and father) in Switzerland (N = 265). The survey of children consisted of 139 boys and 126 girls aged between 7 and 9 years. Parents’ values and parental educational goals were assessed using the Portrait Value Questionnaire (PVQ-21) (Schwartz, 2005). Children’s’ values were assessed using the Picture-Based Value Survey for Children (PBVS-C) (Döring et al., 2010). Regarding the role of the family context in the process of shaping children’s values, the results of the study show that, on average, parents are similar not only with respect to their value profiles but also with regard to their notion as to which values they would like to transmit to their children. Our findings also suggest that children’s values at an early age are shaped more strongly by mothers’ values than by fathers’ values. Moreover, our results show differences in value transmission with respect to the child’s gender. In particular, they suggest that value transmission within the family has a greater influence on female than on male offspring.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
This paper is based upon the initial findings of a CIMA research project into the way in which corporate performance measurement systems are influenced by the use of shareholder value management techniques. It compares and contrasts the techniques in use in a sample of 10 companies that either explicitly use shareholder value techniques also known as Value-Based Management (VBM), or explicitly do not use such techniques. The analysis undertaken is based upon the finding of semi-structured interviews with company representatives which formed the first part of the data collection process of the project. The analysis traces the interactions between corporate objectives, decision making criteria, performance measurement systems and executive incentive schemes in order to develop an understanding of the effects of such shareholder value techniques upon corporate behaviour. The literature reviewed suggests that the other aspects of the planning and control system should be aligned with the corporate objectives whether a company has adopted VBM or not. Therefore this research contributes new evidence on the use of VBM techniques in the UK and also more generally on whether VBM and non-VBM companies internal planning and control systems are aligned.
Whilst target costing and strategic management accounting (SMA) continue to be of considerable interest to academic accountants, both suffer from a relative dearth of empirically based research. Simultaneously, the subject of economic value added (EVA) has also been the subject of little research at the level of the individual firm.The aim of this paper is to contribute to both the management accounting and value based management literatures by analysing how one major European based MNC introduced EVA into its target costing system. The case raises important questions about both the feasibility of cascading EVA down to product level and the compatibility of customer facing versus shareholder focused systems of performance management. We provide preliminary evidence that target costing can be used to align both of these perspectives, and when combined with other SMA techniques it can serve as " the bridge connecting strategy formulation with strategy execution and profit generation" ( Ansari et al., 2007, p. 512). © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.
After a series of major storms over the last 20 years, the state of financing for U.S. natural disaster insurance has undergone substantial disruptions causing many federal and state backed programs against residential property damage to become severally underfunded. In order to regain actuarial soundness, policy makers have proposed a shift to a system that reflects risk-based pricing for property insurance. We examine survey responses from 1394 single-family homeowners in the state of Florida for support of several natural disaster mitigation policy reforms. Utilizing a partial proportional odds model we test for effects of location, risk perception, socio-economic and housing characteristics on support for policy reforms. Our findings suggest residents across the state, not just risk-prone homeowners, support the current subsidized model. We also examine several other policy questions from the survey to verify our initial results. Finally, the implications of our findings are discussed to provide inputs to policymakers.
In his last two State of the Union addresses, President Barack Obama has focused on the need to deliver innovative solutions to improve human health, through the Precision Medicine Initiative in 2015 and the recently announced Cancer Moonshot in 2016. Precision cancer care has delivered clear patient benefit, but even for high-impact medicines such as imatinib mesylate (Glivec) in chronic myeloid leukaemia, the excitement at the success of this practice-changing clinical intervention has been somewhat tempered by the escalating price of this 'poster child' for precision cancer medicine (PCM). Recent studies on the costs of cancer drugs have revealed significant price differentials, which are a major causative factor behind disparities in the access to new generations of immunological and molecularly targeted agents. In this perspective, we will discuss the benefits of PCM to modern cancer control, but also emphasise how increasing costs are rendering the current approaches to integrating the paradigm of PCM unsustainable. Despite the ever increasing pressure on cancer and health care budgets, innovation will and must continue. Value-based frameworks offer one of the most rational approaches for policymakers committed to improving cancer outcomes through a public health approach.
Skepticism of promised value-added is forcing suppliers to provide tangible evidence of the value they can deliver for the customers in industrial markets. Despite this, quantifying customer benefits is being thought as one of the most difficult part in business-to-business selling. The objective of this research is to identify the desired and perceived customer benefits of KONE JumpLift™ and improve the overall customer value quantification and selling process of the solution. The study was conducted with a qualitative case analysis including 7 interviews with key stakeholders from three different market areas. The market areas were chosen based on where the offering has been utilized and the research was conducted by five telephone and two email interviews. The main desired and perceived benefits include many different values for example economical, functional, symbolic and epistemic value but they vary on studied market areas. The most important result of the research was finding the biggest challenges of selling the offering which are communicating and proving the potential value to the customers. In addition, the sales arguments have different relative importance in studied market areas which create challenges for salespeople to sell the offering effectively. In managerial level this means need for investing into a new sales tool and training the salespeople.
Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física