151 resultados para tuotannon tehokkuus
The antioxidant activity of natural plant materials rich in phenolic compounds is being widely investigated for protection of food products sensitive to oxidative reactions. In this thesis plant materials rich in phenolic compounds were studied as possible antioxidants to prevent protein and lipid oxidation reactions in different food matrixes such as pork meat patties and corn oil-in water emulsions. Loss of anthocyanins was also measured during oxidation in corn oil-in-water emulsions. In addition, the impact of plant phenolics on amino acid level was studied using tryptophan as a model compound to elucidate their role in preventing the formation of tryptophan oxidation products. A high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method with ultraviolet and fluorescence detection (UV-FL) was developed that enabled fast investigation of formation of tryptophan derived oxidation products. Byproducts of oilseed processes such as rapeseed (Brassica rapa L.), camelina (Camelina sativa) and soy meal (Glycine max L.) as well as Scots pine bark (Pinus sylvestris) and several reference compounds were shown to act as antioxidants toward both protein and lipid oxidation in cooked pork meat patties. In meat, the antioxidant activity of camelina, rapeseed and soy meal were more pronounced when used in combination with a commercial rosemary extract (Rosmarinus officinalis). Berry phenolics such as black currant (Ribes nigrum) anthocyanins and raspberry (Rubus idaeus) ellagitannins showed potent antioxidant activity in corn oil-in-water emulsions toward lipid oxidation with and without β-lactoglobulin. The antioxidant effect was more pronounced in the presence of β-lactoglobulin. The berry phenolics also inhibited the oxidation of tryptophan and cysteine side chains of β-lactoglobulin. The results show that the amino acid side chains were oxidized prior the propagation of lipid oxidation, thereby inhibiting fatty acid scission. In addition, the concentration and color of black currant anthocyanins decreased during the oxidation. Oxidation of tryptophan was investigated in two different oxidation models with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and hexanal/FeCl2. Oxidation of tryptophan in both models resulted in oxidation products such as 3a-hydroxypyrroloindole-2-carboxylic acid, dioxindolylalanine, 5-hydroxy-tryptophan, kynurenine, N-formylkynurenine and β-oxindolylalanine. However, formation of tryptamine was only observed in tryptophan oxidized in the presence of H2O2. Pine bark phenolics, black currant anthocyanins, camelina meal phenolics as well as cranberry proanthocyanidins (Vaccinium oxycoccus) provided the best antioxidant effect toward tryptophan and its oxidation products when oxidized with H2O2. The tryptophan modifications formed upon hexanal/FeCl2 treatment were efficiently inhibited by camelina meal followed by rapeseed and soy meal. In contrast, phenolics from raspberry, black currant, and rowanberry (Sorbus aucuparia) acted as weak prooxidants. This thesis contributes to elucidating the effects of natural phenolic compounds as potential antioxidants in order to control and prevent protein and lipid oxidation reactions. Understanding the relationship between phenolic compounds and proteins as well as lipids could lead to the development of new, effective, and multifunctional antioxidant strategies that could be used in food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical applications.
This study analysed whether the land tenure insecurity problem has led to a decline in long-term land improvements (liming and phosphorus fertilization) under the Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) and Nordic production conditions in European Union (EU) countries such as Finland. The results suggests that under traditional cash lease contracts, which are encouraged by the existing land leasing regulations and agricultural subsidy programs, the land tenure insecurity problem on leased land reduces land improvements that have a long pay-back period. In particular, soil pH was found to be significantly lower on land cultivated under a lease contract compared to land owned by the farmers themselves. The results also indicate that land improvements could not be reversed by land markets, because land owners would otherwise have carried out land improvements even if not farming by themselves. To reveal the causality between land tenure and land improvements, the dynamic optimisation problem was solved by a stochastic dynamic programming routine with known parameters for one-period returns and transition equations. The model parameters represented Finnish soil quality and production conditions. The decision rules were solved for alternative likelihood scenarios over the continuation of the fixed-term lease contract. The results suggest that as the probability of non-renewal of the lease contract increases, farmers quickly reduce investments in irreversible land improvements and, thereafter, yields gradually decline. The simulations highlighted the observed trends of a decline in land improvements on land parcels that are cultivated under lease contracts. Land tenure has resulted in the neglect of land improvement in Finland. This study aimed to analyze whether these challenges could be resolved by a tax policy that encourages land sales. Using Finnish data, real estate tax and a temporal relaxation on the taxation of capital gains showed some potential for the restructuring of land ownership. Potential sellers who could not be revealed by traditional logit models were identified with the latent class approach. Those landowners with an intention to sell even without a policy change were sensitive to temporal relaxation in the taxation of capital gains. In the long term, productivity and especially productivity growth are necessary conditions for the survival of farms and the food industry in Finland. Technical progress was found to drive the increase in productivity. The scale had only a moderate effect and for the whole study period (1976–2006) the effect was close to zero. Total factor productivity (TFP) increased, depending on the model, by 0.6–1.7% per year. The results demonstrated that the increase in productivity was hindered by the policy changes introduced in 1995. It is also evidenced that the increase in land leasing is connected to these policy changes. Land institutions and land tenure questions are essential in agricultural and rural policies on all levels, from local to international. Land ownership and land titles are commonly tied to fundamental political, economic and social questions. A fair resolution calls for innovative and new solutions both on national and international levels. However, this seems to be a problem when considering the application of EU regulations to member states inheriting divergent landownership structures and farming cultures. The contribution of this study is in describing the consequences of fitting EU agricultural policy to Finnish agricultural land tenure conditions and heritage.
The objective was to measure productivity growth and its components in Finnish agriculture, especially in dairy farming. The objective was also to compare different methods and models - both parametric (stochastic frontier analysis) and non-parametric (data envelopment analysis) - in estimating the components of productivity growth and the sensitivity of results with respect to different approaches. The parametric approach was also applied in the investigation of various aspects of heterogeneity. A common feature of the first three of five articles is that they concentrate empirically on technical change, technical efficiency change and the scale effect, mainly on the basis of the decompositions of Malmquist productivity index. The last two articles explore an intermediate route between the Fisher and Malmquist productivity indices and develop a detailed but meaningful decomposition for the Fisher index, including also empirical applications. Distance functions play a central role in the decomposition of Malmquist and Fisher productivity indices. Three panel data sets from 1990s have been applied in the study. The common feature of all data used is that they cover the periods before and after Finnish EU accession. Another common feature is that the analysis mainly concentrates on dairy farms or their roughage production systems. Productivity growth on Finnish dairy farms was relatively slow in the 1990s: approximately one percent per year, independent of the method used. Despite considerable annual variation, productivity growth seems to have accelerated towards the end of the period. There was a slowdown in the mid-1990s at the time of EU accession. No clear immediate effects of EU accession with respect to technical efficiency could be observed. Technical change has been the main contributor to productivity growth on dairy farms. However, average technical efficiency often showed a declining trend, meaning that the deviations from the best practice frontier are increasing over time. This suggests different paths of adjustment at the farm level. However, different methods to some extent provide different results, especially for the sub-components of productivity growth. In most analyses on dairy farms the scale effect on productivity growth was minor. A positive scale effect would be important for improving the competitiveness of Finnish agriculture through increasing farm size. This small effect may also be related to the structure of agriculture and to the allocation of investments to specific groups of farms during the research period. The result may also indicate that the utilization of scale economies faces special constraints in Finnish conditions. However, the analysis of a sample of all types of farms suggested a more considerable scale effect than the analysis on dairy farms.
The purpose of the study was to analyse factors affecting the differences in land prices between regions. The key issue was to find out the policy effects on farmland prices. In addition to comprehensive literature review, a theoretical analysis as well as modern panel and spatial econometric techniques were utilized. The study clearly pointed out the importance of taking into account the possible spatial dependence. The data were exceptionally large, comprising more than 6 000 observations. Thus, it allowed a thorough econometric estimation including the possibility to take into account the spatial nature of the data. This study supports the view that there are many other factors that affect farmland prices besides pure agricultural returns. It was also found that the support clearly affects land prices. However, rather than assuming the discount rates for support and market returns to be similar, the rough analysis refers to the discount rate for support being a little lower. If this were true it would indicate that farmers rely more on support income than market returns. The results support the view presented in literature that land values are more responsive to government payments when these payments are perceived to be permanent. An important result of this study is that the structural differences between regions and the structural change in agriculture seemed to have a considerable role in affecting land prices. Firstly, the present structure affects the competition in the land market: the more dense farms are in the region the more there are potential buyers, and the land price increases. Secondly, the change in farm structure (especially in animal husbandry) connected to the policy changes that increase area-based support affects land prices. The effect comes from two sources. Growing farms need more land for the manure, and the proportion of retiring farmers may be lower. The introduction of the manure density variable proved to be an efficient way to aggregate the otherwise very difficult task of taking into account the environmental pressure caused by structural change in animal husbandry. Finally, infrastructure also has a very important role in determining the price level of agricultural land. If other industries are prospering in the surrounding area, agricultural viability also seems to improve. The non-farm opportunities offered to farm families make continuing and developing farming more tempting.
The objective of this thesis is to evaluate different means of increasing natural reproduction of migratory fish, especially salmon, in the river Kymijoki. The original stocks of migratory fish in Kymijoki were lost by the 1950s because of hydropower plants and worsened quality of water in the river. Nowadays the salmon stocks is based on hatchery-reared fish, even though there is significant potential of natural smolt production in the river. The main problem in the natural reproduction is that the migratory fish cannot ascend to the reproduction areas above the Korkeakoski and Koivukoski hydropower plants. In this thesis alternative projects which aim to open these ascencion routes and their costs and benefits are evaluated. The method used in the evaluation is social cost-benefit analysis. The alternative projects evaluated in this thesis consist of projects that aim to change the flow patterns between the eastern branches of Kymijoki and projects that involve building a fish ladder. Also different combinations of these projects are considered. The objective of this thesis is to find the project that is the most profitable to execute; this evaluation can be done in comparing the net present values of the projects. In addition to this, a sensitivity analysis will be made on the parameter values that are most uncertain. We compare the net present values of the projects with the net present values of hatchery-reared smolt releases, so we can evaluate, if the projects or the smolt releases are more socially profitable in the long term. The results of this thesis indicate that especially the projects that involve building a fish ladder next to the Korkeakoski hydropower plant are the most socially profitable. If this fish ladder would be built, the natural reproduction of salmon in the Kymijoki river could become so extensive, that hatchery-reared smolt releases could even be stopped. The results of the sensivity analysis indicate that the net present values of the projects depend especially on the initial smolt survival rate of wild salmon and the functioning of the potential fish ladder in Korkeakoski. Also the changes of other parameter values influence the results of the cost-benefit analysis, but not as significantly. When the net present values of the projects and the smolt releases are compared, the results depend on which period of time is selected to count the average catches of reared salmon. If the average of the last 5 years catches is used in counting the net benefits of smolt releases, all the alternative projects are more profitable than the releases. When the average of the last 10 years is used, only building of the fish ladder in Korkeakoski and all the project combinations are more profitable than the smolt releases.
The aim of the thesis was to analyze the use of barley as an input for bioethanol production and the impacts the use has on the Finnish barley markets. Two main research questions were formulated. First, privately and socially optimal bioethanol production levels were examined. In the social optimum, the climate benefits of bioethanol production were considered. It was calculated that the production and use of bioethanol created smaller CO2 -emissions when compared with the production and use of gasoline. Second, the impacts of bioethanol production on farmland allocation and agricultural production were analyzed. In more detail, the second aim was to analyze the farmland allocation between wheat and barley cultivation and green set aside in the private and social optimum. An analytical model was produced to analyze the barley markets in Finland. To provide an empirical counterpart to this model, existing research data on bioethanol production and barley cultivation was used. The aim of the model was to analyze the supply and the demand as well as market equilibrium of barley. Furthermore, the model provided a framework for analyzing the differences between the private optimum and social optimum of bioethanol production in Finland. The demand for barley consists of animal feed demand and bioethanol demand. On the supply side, a heterogeneous model of farmland quality was used. With this framework, it is possible to analyze farmland allocation between barley and wheat cultivation and green set aside and how the climate benefits of bioethanol production affects the allocation. Moreover, the relative changes in barley price between the private and social optimum were analyzed. Based on the empirical analysis, the private optimum for barley based bioethanol production is 58 691 metric tons. However, the social optimum for barley based bioethanol production is 72 736 metric tons. The portion of farmland that is allocated to barley cultivation is increased if the climate benefits of bioethanol production are considered. In the private optimum, 1/19 of the total farmland is allocated to barley cultivation whereas in social optimum the share increases to 7/19. Furthermore, the increase in barley price between private and social optimum is rather modest. Total increase in price is only about 1,8 percent.
Ennen Suomen EU-jäsenyyttä kansallisen maatalouspolitiikan yksi päätavoitteista oli elintarvikeomavaraisuus. Tavoitteen saavuttamiseksi Suomessa oli maatalouspolitiikan osalta käytössä hintatukijärjestelmä, jossa yksi pääasiallisista tuotannon ohjauskeinoista oli tavoitehinnat, joilla valtiovalta pyrki vaikuttamaan tuottajahintoihin. Tavoitehintojen avulla tuottajat pystyivät ennakoimaan tulevan hintatason ja näin siirtämään tuotantoaan taloudellisesti kannattavimpaan suuntaan. Tästä oli kuitenkin seurauksena kotimaisen elintarvikeomavaraisuuden ylittyminen varsinkin eläinkunnan tuotteiden osalta. Vuonna 1994 lihatuotteiden yhteenlaskettu omavaisuus oli 110 prosenttia. Sianlihan osalta omavaisuus oli hieman tätä suurempi, 114 prosenttia. Suomen liityttyä EU:n jäsenmaaksi vuonna 1995 tavoitehinnoista luovuttiin ja samalla tuottajahinnat putosivat. Korvaukseksi tuottajahintojen pudotuksesta tuottajille alettiin maksaa suoria tulotukia. Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli selvittää mitkä tekijät vaikuttivat sianlihan tuotantopäätöksiin maatalouden muuttuneessa toimintaympäristössä ja miten yhteisen maatalouspolitiikan uudistukset vaikuttivat sianlihan tarjontaan. Tutkimuksen tarkasteluaikavälinä olivat vuodet 1995 2006. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli myös tuotantoon vaikuttavien tekijöiden pohjalta ennustaa sianlihan tuotantoa vuoteen 2013. Tuotantopäätöksiin vaikuttavia tekijöitä tarkasteltiin regressio-analyysin avulla, jotta saataisiin selville sianlihan tuotantoa parhaiten selittävät tekijät. Tutkimuksen aikasarja-aineisto poimittiin maa- ja metsätalousministeriön tietopalvelukeskuksen (Tike:n) ja tilastokeskuksen julkaisemista ja ylläpitämistä tilastoista. Sianlihan tuotantoon vaikuttavien tekijöiden ennusteisiin tutkimuksessa käytettiin sekä kansainvälisten että kotimaisten taloustutkimuslaitosten ja organisaatioiden ennusteita. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys muodostui yrityksen teoriasta, tarjontateoriasta ja aikavälin merkityksestä tarjontaan. Tuotantomallin estimoinnin tuloksena sianlihan tuotantoon vaikuttivat vuosien 1996 2006 aikana sianlihan tuotannon tuottavuuden kasvua kuvaava teknologiamuuttuja, neljällä neljänneksellä viivästetty sianlihan tuottajahinta ja tuotantotuet yhteenlaskettuna, kolmella neljänneksellä viivästetty vehnän tuottajahinta, kahdeksalla neljänneksellä viivästetty sianlihan tuotanto, kahdella neljänneksellä viivästetty porsaan välityshinta ja kuudella neljänneksellä viivästetty investointituet. Sianlihan tuotantomallin selitysasteeksi saatiin 0,91. Estimoidulla tuotantomallilla ennustettiin sianlihan tuotannon kehitystä vuosina 2007 2013. Perusskenaariossa tuotannon ennustettiin muuttuvan vuodesta 2007 eteenpäin samalla tavalla kuin vuosina 1995 2006 keskimäärin. Perusskenaarion lisäksi tuotantomallilla simuloitiin tuotantotukien ja investointitukien dekoplauksen vaikutusta sianlihan tuotantoon. Tuotantotukien dekoplauksen myötä sianlihan tuotanto laskisi 177 milj. kiloon vuonna 2009, mutta nousisi 193 milj. kiloon vuonna 2013. Investointitukien dekoplauksen myötä tuotanto laskisi 176 milj. kiloon vuonna 2009 ja nousisi vuoteen 2013 mennessä 191 milj. kiloon. Suurimman pudotuksen aiheutti kuitenkin vehnän tuottajahinnan nousu vuosien 2006 ja 2007 aikana, jonka seurauksena sianlihan tuotanto laskisi jo vuonna 2008 180 milj. kiloon.
ALICE (A Large Ion Collider Experiment) is an experiment at CERN (European Organization for Nuclear Research), where a heavy-ion detector is dedicated to exploit the unique physics potential of nucleus-nucleus interactions at LHC (Large Hadron Collider) energies. In a part of that project, 716 so-called type V4 modules were assembles in Detector Laboratory of Helsinki Institute of Physics during the years 2004 - 2006. Altogether over a million detector strips has made this project the most massive particle detector project in the science history of Finland. One ALICE SSD module consists of a double-sided silicon sensor, two hybrids containing 12 HAL25 front end readout chips and some passive components, such has resistors and capacitors. The components are connected together by TAB (Tape Automated Bonding) microcables. The components of the modules were tested in every assembly phase with comparable electrical tests to ensure the reliable functioning of the detectors and to plot the possible problems. The components were accepted or rejected by the limits confirmed by ALICE collaboration. This study is concentrating on the test results of framed chips, hybrids and modules. The total yield of the framed chips is 90.8%, hybrids 96.1% and modules 86.2%. The individual test results have been investigated in the light of the known error sources that appeared during the project. After solving the problems appearing during the learning-curve of the project, the material problems, such as defected chip cables and sensors, seemed to induce the most of the assembly rejections. The problems were typically seen in tests as too many individual channel failures. Instead, the bonding failures rarely caused the rejections of any component. One sensor type among three different sensor manufacturers has proven to have lower quality than the others. The sensors of this manufacturer are very noisy and their depletion voltage are usually outside of the specification given to the manufacturers. Reaching 95% assembling yield during the module production demonstrates that the assembly process has been highly successful.
Even though cellulose is the most abundant polymer on Earth, its utilisation has some limitations regarding its efficient use in the production of bio-based materials. It is quite clear from statistics that only a relatively small fraction of cellulose is used for the production of commodity materials and chemicals. This fact was the driving force in our research into understanding, designing, synthesising and finding new alternative applications for this well-known but underused biomaterial. This thesis focuses on the developing advanced materials and products from cellulose by using novel approaches. The aim of this study was to investigate and explore the versatility of cellulose as a starting material for the synthesis of cellulose-based materials, to introduce new synthetic methods for cellulose modification, and to widen the already existing synthetic approaches. Due to the insolubility of cellulose in organic solvents and in water, ionic liquids were applied extensively as the reaction media in the modification reactions. Cellulose derivatives were designed and fine-tuned to obtain desired properties. This was done by altering the inherent hydrogen bond network by introducing different substituents. These substituents either prevented spontaneous formation of hydrogen bonding completely or created new interactions between the cellulose chains. This enabled spontaneous self-assembly leading to supramolecular structures. It was also demonstrated that the material properties of cellulose can be modified even those molecules with a low degree of substitution when highly hydrophobic films and aerogels were prepared from fatty acid derivatives of nanocellulose. Development towards advanced cellulose-based materials was demostrated by synthesising chlorophyllcellulose derivatives that showed potential in photocurrent generation systems. In addition, liquid crystalline cellulose derivatives prepared in this study, showed to function as UV-absorbers in paper.
Precipitation-induced runoff and leaching from milled peat mining mires by peat types: a comparative method for estimating the loading of water bodies during peat production. This research project in environmental geology has arisen out of an observed need to be able to predict more accurately the loading of watercourses with detrimental organic substances and nutrients from already existing and planned peat production areas, since the authorities capacity for insisting on such predictions covering the whole duration of peat production in connection with evaluations of environmental impact is at present highly limited. National and international decisions regarding monitoring of the condition of watercourses and their improvement and restoration require more sophisticated evaluation methods in order to be able to forecast watercourse loading and its environmental impacts at the stage of land-use planning and preparations for peat production.The present project thus set out from the premise that it would be possible on the basis of existing mire and peat data properties to construct estimates for the typical loading from production mires over the whole duration of their exploitation. Finland has some 10 million hectares of peatland, accounting for almost a third of its total area. Macroclimatic conditions have varied in the course of the Holocene growth and development of this peatland, and with them the habitats of the peat-forming plants. Temperatures and moisture conditions have played a significant role in determining the dominant species of mire plants growing there at any particular time, the resulting mire types and the accumulation and deposition of plant remains to form the peat. The above climatic, environmental and mire development factors, together with ditching, have contributed, and continue to contribute, to the existence of peat horizons that differ in their physical and chemical properties, leading to differences in material transport between peatlands in a natural state and mires that have been ditched or prepared for forestry and peat production. Watercourse loading from the ditching of mires or their use for peat production can have detrimental effects on river and lake environments and their recreational use, especially where oxygen-consuming organic solids and soluble organic substances and nutrients are concerned. It has not previously been possible, however, to estimate in advance the watercourse loading likely to arise from ditching and peat production on the basis of the characteristics of the peat in a mire, although earlier observations have indicated that watercourse loading from peat production can vary greatly and it has been suggested that differences in peat properties may be of significance in this. Sprinkling is used here in combination with simulations of conditions in a milled peat production area to determine the influence of the physical and chemical properties of milled peats in production mires on surface runoff into the drainage ditches and the concentrations of material in the runoff water. Sprinkling and extraction experiments were carried out on 25 samples of milled Carex (C) and Sphagnum (S) peat of humification grades H 2.5 8.5 with moisture content in the range 23.4 89% on commencement of the first sprinkling, which was followed by a second sprinkling 24 hours later. The water retention capacity of the peat was best, and surface runoff lowest, with Sphagnum and Carex peat samples of humification grades H 2.5 6 in the moisture content class 56 75%. On account of the hydrophobicity of dry peat, runoff increased in a fairly regular manner with drying of the sample from 55% to 24 30%. Runoff from the samples with an original moisture content over 55% increased by 63% in the second round of sprinkling relative to the first, as they had practically reached saturation point on the first occasion, while those with an original moisture content below 55% retained their high runoff in the second round, due to continued hydrophobicity. The well-humified samples (H 6.5 8.5) with a moisture content over 80% showed a low water retention capacity and high runoff in both rounds of sprinkling. Loading of the runoff water with suspended solids, total phosphorus and total nitrogen, and also the chemical oxygen demand (CODMn O2), varied greatly in the sprinkling experiment, depending on the peat type and degree of humification, but concentrations of the same substances in the two sprinklings were closely or moderately closely correlated and these correlations were significant. The concentrations of suspended solids in the runoff water observed in the simulations of a peat production area and the direct surface runoff from it into the drainage ditch system in response to rain (sprinkling intensity 1.27 mm/min) varied c. 60-fold between the degrees of humification in the case of the Carex peats and c. 150-fold for the Sphagnum peats, while chemical oxygen demand varied c. 30-fold and c. 50-fold, respectively, total phosphorus c. 60-fold and c. 66-fold, total nitrogen c. 65-fold and c. 195-fold and ammonium nitrogen c. 90-fold and c. 30-fold. The increases in concentrations in the runoff water were very closely correlated with increases in humification of the peat. The correlations of the concentrations measured in extraction experiments (48 h) with peat type and degree of humification corresponded to those observed in the sprinkler experiments. The resulting figures for the surface runoff from a peat production area into the drainage ditches simulated by means of sprinkling and material concentrations in the runoff water were combined with statistics on the mean extent of daily rainfall (0 67 mm) during the frost-free period of the year (May October) over an observation period of 30 years to yield typical annual loading figures (kg/ha) for suspended solids (SS), chemical oxygen demand of organic matter (CODmn O2), total phosphorus (tot. P) and total nitrogen (tot. N) entering the ditches with respect to milled Carex (C) and Sphagnum (S) peats of humification grades H 2.5 8.5. In order to calculate the loading of drainage ditches from a milled peat production mire with the aid of these annual comparative values (in kg/ha), information is required on the properties of the intended production mire and its peat. Once data are available on the area of the mire, its peat depth, peat types and their degrees of humification, dry matter content, calorific value and corresponding energy content, it is possible to produce mutually comparable estimates for individual mires with respect to the annual loading of the drainage ditch system and the surrounding watercourse for the whole service life of the production area, the duration of this service life, determinations of energy content and the amount of loading per unit of energy generated (kg/MWh). In the 8 mires in the Köyhäjoki basin, Central Ostrobothnia, taken as an example, the loading of suspended solids (SS) in the drainage ditch networks calculated on the basis of the typical values obtained here and existing mire and peat data and expressed per unit of energy generated varied between the mires and horizons in the range 0.9 16.5 kg/MWh. One of the aims of this work was to develop means of making better use of existing mire and peat data and the results of corings and other field investigations. In this respect combination of the typical loading values (kg/ha) obtained here for S, SC, CS and C peats and the various degrees of humification (H 2.5 8.5) with the above mire and peat data by means of a computer program for the acquisition and handling of such data would enable all the information currently available and that deposited in the system in the future to be used for defining watercourse loading estimates for mires and comparing them with the corresponding estimates of energy content. The intention behind this work has been to respond to the challenge facing the energy generation industry to find larger peat production areas that exert less loading on the environment and to that facing the environmental authorities to improve the means available for estimating watercourse loading from peat production and its environmental impacts in advance. The results conform well to the initial hypothesis and to the goals laid down for the research and should enable watercourse loading from existing and planned peat production to be evaluated better in the future and the resulting impacts to be taken into account when planning land use and energy generation. The advance loading information available in this way would be of value in the selection of individual peat production areas, the planning of their exploitation, the introduction of water protection measures and the planning of loading inspections, in order to achieve controlled peat production that pays due attention to environmental considerations.
This work develops methods to account for shoot structure in models of coniferous canopy radiative transfer. Shoot structure, as it varies along the light gradient inside canopy, affects the efficiency of light interception per unit needle area, foliage biomass, or foliage nitrogen. The clumping of needles in the shoot volume also causes a notable amount of multiple scattering of light within coniferous shoots. The effect of shoot structure on light interception is treated in the context of canopy level photosynthesis and resource use models, and the phenomenon of within-shoot multiple scattering in the context of physical canopy reflectance models for remote sensing purposes. Light interception. A method for estimating the amount of PAR (Photosynthetically Active Radiation) intercepted by a conifer shoot is presented. The method combines modelling of the directional distribution of radiation above canopy, fish-eye photographs taken at shoot locations to measure canopy gap fraction, and geometrical measurements of shoot orientation and structure. Data on light availability, shoot and needle structure and nitrogen content has been collected from canopies of Pacific silver fir (Abies amabilis (Dougl.) Forbes) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.). Shoot structure acclimated to light gradient inside canopy so that more shaded shoots have better light interception efficiency. Light interception efficiency of shoots varied about two-fold per needle area, about four-fold per needle dry mass, and about five-fold per nitrogen content. Comparison of fertilized and control stands of Norway spruce indicated that light interception efficiency is not greatly affected by fertilization. Light scattering. Structure of coniferous shoots gives rise to multiple scattering of light between the needles of the shoot. Using geometric models of shoots, multiple scattering was studied by photon tracing simulations. Based on simulation results, the dependence of the scattering coefficient of shoot from the scattering coefficient of needles is shown to follow a simple one-parameter model. The single parameter, termed the recollision probability, describes the level of clumping of the needles in the shoot, is wavelength independent, and can be connected to previously used clumping indices. By using the recollision probability to correct for the within-shoot multiple scattering, canopy radiative transfer models which have used leaves as basic elements can use shoots as basic elements, and thus be applied for coniferous forests. Preliminary testing of this approach seems to explain, at least partially, why coniferous forests appear darker than broadleaved forests in satellite data.
Työssä tutkitaan turvetuotannon luvallistamiskysymyksiä luonnonsuojelullisten ja luonnonvarojen käyttöä korostavien tavoitteiden kohtauspinnassa. Tutkielman metodiksi on valikoitunut avoin, keskustelukeskeinen lähestymistapa, joka osoittautui sopivan hyvin tieteellisen tutkimuksen välineeksi. Erityisiä oikeuslähdeopillisia kysymyksiä tarkastellaan tutkimuksessa vain niiltä osin kuin työn muut osat sitä vaativat. Siksi yksittäisiä oikeuslähdeopillisia kysymyksiä ei oteta esille tutkimuksessa kattavasti. Ensimmäisessä varsinaisessa tutkimusjaksossa keskistytään lainsäädäntöhistoriaan. Lainsäädäntöhistoriasta oli löydettävissä sekä luonnonsuojelua että luonnonvarojen käyttämistä tukevia argumentteja, joiden sisältö voidaan melkein suoraan siirtää nykyiseen keskusteluun. Ennen kuin työssä siirrytään varsinaiseen tuotannon luvallistamisen käsittelyyn, siinä luodaan lyhyt katsaus ympäristövaikutusten arviointimenettelyn asemaan. Menettelyllä ei ole laajaa käyttöä turveteollisuudessa. Turveteollisuuden luvallistamiskysymyksiä käsitellään tutkimuksessa kolmessa eri kokonaisuudessa. Ensimmäisessä näistä hahmotetaan luvallistamista alueellisena ja ajallisena kokonaisuutena. Hahmotustapa osoittautui käyttökelpoiseksi ja hyvin turveteollisuuden todellisia oikeudellisia ongelmakohtia vastaavaksi. Keskimmäisessä luvallistamiskysymyksiä tarkastelevista jaksoista keskitytään ajankohtaiseen ongelmaan ilmaston lämpenemisestä. Jaksossa tarkastellaan teoreettista mahdollisuutta huomioida lupamenettelyssä toiminnan vaikutukset ilmastonmuutokselle. Erityisesti tässä jaksossa painottuu tutkimuksen metodin soveltaminen, jonka avulla voidaan ratkaista suhtautuminen tuotannosta esitettyihin, jopa vastakohtaisiin luonnontieteellisiin väitteisiin. Tarkastelussa päädytään siihen, että yksi mahdollinen tulkinta voimassaolevan oikeuden sisällöstä on toiminnan ilmastovaikutusten huomioiminen ympäristölupaharkinnassa. Viimeisimmässä tuotannon luvallistamista käsittelevässä jaksossa tutkimuskohteena on joitain toiminnan osia, joille edellytetään vesilain mukaista lupaa. Tässä jaksossa tutkimuskohteen rajaaminen osoittautui erityisen tärkeäksi, koska vaihtoehtoja tutkimuskohteiksi oli tarjolla runsaasti. Tutkimusalueeseen kuuluvat luvallistamiskysymykset, jotka tulivat vahvimmin esille työn aluksi tehdyissä haastatteluissa. Rajaamalla tutkimuskohde tällä perusteella pysytellään mahdollisimman tiiviisti alkuperäisessä tutkimusasetelmassa. Työn lopuksi käsitellään luvallistamisen suhdetta kaavoitukseen, nimenomaan maakuntakaavoihin ja valtakunnallisiin alueidenkäyttötavoitteisiin, joilla pyritään sääntelemään tuotantoa. Lyhyen katsauksen perusteella päätelmänä on instrumenttien vähäinen tosiasiallinen merkitys.
Even though the concept of incentive has become very popular in Finnish welfare politics since the economic crisis of the 1990s, the content of this concept is not clear. Fundamentally, it is a matter of controlling the behaviour of individuals to accord with the authorities' objectives and interests in gaining cooperative benefits. As early as in Plato's Republic, citizens were encouraged to use their abilities and skills in a way most beneficial to the society. Similarly, in today's welfare society citizens are urged to produce common goods and distribute welfare to enable a better life for all through cooperation. The fundamental question is to what extent society can shape individuals' preferences with incentives, and encourage them without external coercion to choose actions beneficial for both the society and the individuals themselves. The objective of the incentive institution is to gain cooperative benefits, but there are different views on how it should be implemented. For example, the incentive system in the Finnish welfare society includes several economic and social conceptions which adjust the distribution of welfare. From an economic perspective, the objective of the incentive system is economic efficiency, while from a social perspective it is the securing of social rights and citizens' equality. The market mechanism, for example, can at best lead to economically efficient activity, but it might sacrifice fairness and equality. In this research, the idea of activation policy expands to cover normative and social incentives, in addition to the economic factors affecting human choice and social actions. Desirable co-living and meaningful cooperation have some prerequisites. We need the expanded idea of activation to study them, and to maintain them in society. The themes discussed in all the ten chapters aim at evaluating the preconditions of a just society. This study provides tools to examine the changes in the welfare state, also from the viewpoint of normative ethics. This offers a morally and conceptually wider perspective than a normative viewpoint of economics alone. In terms of the values of our welfare society, it makes a difference how the relationship between the legalities of economics and citizens' well-being is understood. The research asks whether economic benefits to the society should be allowed to supersede the principles of human dignity Key words:incentives, activation policy, morality, social philosophy, social justice, policy paradigm
How did Søren Kierkegaard (1813 1855) situate the human subject into historical and social actuality? How did he take into consideration his own situatedness? As key for understanding these questions the research takes the ideal of living poetically that Kierkegaard outlined in his dissertation. In The Concept of Irony (1841) Kierkegaard took up this ideal of the Romantic ironists and made it into an ethical-religious ideal. For him the ideal of living poetically came to mean 1) becoming brought up by God, while 2) assuming ethical-religiously one s role and place in the historical actuality. Through an exegesis of Kierkegaard s texts from 1843 to 1851 it is shown how this ideal governed Kierkegaard s thought and action throughout his work. The analysis of Kierkegaard s ideal of living poetically not only a) shows how the Kierkegaardian subject is situated in its historical context. It also b) sheds light on Kierkegaard s social and political thought, c) helps to understand Kierkegaard s character as a religious thinker, and d) pits his ethical-religious orientation in life against its scientific and commonsense alternatives. The research evaluates the rationality of the way of life championed by Kierkegaard by comparing it with ways of life dominated by reflection and reasoning. It uses Kierkegaard s ideal of living poetically in trying to understand the tensions between religious and unreligious ways of life.
The birth of the Modern Consumer Society in Finnish short films 1920-1969 The main subject of this research is Finnish short films in 1920-1969. These short films were produced by film studios for private enterprises, banks, advisory organizations, communities and the state. The evolution of short films on consumer affairs was greatly influenced by a special tax reduction system that was introduced in 1933 and lasted until 1964. The tax reduction system increased the production volumes of educational short films significantly. This study covers 342 Finnish short films, more than any other study in the field before this. The aim of this research is to examine how short films introduced Finns to modern consumer society. The cinemagoers were an excellent target group for different advisory groups as well as advertisers. Short films were used by organizations and private enterprises from very early on. In the 1920's Finns were still living in rural areas and agriculture was the dominant industry. Consumer society was still in its infancy, and the prevalent attitude to industrially produced goods was that of suspicion. From the cultural and ideological point of view the evolution of trust was one of the first steps towards the birth of the consumer society. Short films were an excellent means for helping to transform public attitudes. During the war period short films were an important means of propaganda. Short films were produced in abundance and shown for big audiences. They guided people how to survive shortages caused by the war. Even though the idea of rationalization was presented in short films somewhat in the 1920's and 1930's it became a national virtue during the war period. The idea of rationalization widened from the industry to households expecially in the late 1940's and the 1950's. New household apparati and the way in which daily chores were taken care of were presented not as luxury consumption but as a way of rationalization and saving money and effort. Banks and the advisory organizations guided the public to save their money for a specific target. Short films were use to help the public to acceps industrial goods and the notions of planning and saving. The ideological change from an agrarian society to consumer society was based on old acricultural ideas and self-sufficiency was evolved into rational and economizing consumerism. This made Finnish consumer society to value durable consumer goods and own homes. The public was also encouraged to consider their own decisions in the national context - especially after the second world war Finland laced capital, and personal savings were strongly presented as a way to help the whole nation. Modern hedonistic values were not dominant in Finland in the1950's and 1960's. Initial traces of modern hedonism can be seen in the films, but they were only marginal paths in the bigger.