992 resultados para transfer pricing principles
Research in the late 1980s showed that in many corporate real estates users were not fully aware of the full extent of their property holdings. In many cases, not only was the value of the holdings unknown, but there was uncertainty over the actual extent of ownership within the portfolio. This resulted in a large number of corporate occupiers reviewing their property holdings during the 1990s, initially to create a definitive asset register, but also to benefit from an more efficient use of space. Good management of corporately owned property assets is of equal importance as the management of other principal resources within the company. A comprehensive asset register can be seen as the first step towards a rational property audit. For the effective, efficient and economic delivery of services, it is vital that all property holdings are utilised to the best advantage. This requires that the property provider and the property user are both fully conversant with the value of the property holding and that an asset/internal rent/charge is made accordingly. The advantages of internal rent charging are twofold. Firstly, it requires the occupying department to “contribute” an amount to the business equivalent to the open market rental value of the space that it occupies. This prevents the treating of space as a free good and, as individual profit centres, each department will then rationalise its holdings to minimise its costs. The second advantage is from a strategic viewpoint. By charging an asset rent, the holding department can identify the performance of its real estate holdings. This can then be compared to an internal or external benchmark to help determine whether the company has adopted the most efficient tenure pattern for its properties. This paper investigates the use of internal rents by UK-based corporate businesses and explains internal rents as a form of transfer pricing in the context of management and responsibility accounting. The research finds that the majority of charging organisations introduced internal rents primarily to help calculate true profits at the business unit level. However, less than 10% of the charging organisations introduced internal rents primarily to capture the return on assets within the business. There was also a sizeable element of the market who had no plans to introduce internal rents. Here, it appears that, despite academic and professional views that internal rents are beneficial in improving the efficient use of property, opinion at the business and operational level has not universally accepted this proposition.
O presente trabalho monográfico é baseado fundamentalmente na comparação da legislação estrangeira e nos potenciais conflitos trazido pela doutrina brasileira na instituição de outros mecanismos de solução de controvérsias administrativos, já em operação no Brasil. Objetivando verificar a possibilidade de aplicação do Acordo Antecipado de Preços no direito brasileiro. Para tanto é verificado se o APA é uma forma eficiente de solução das inseguranças trazidas pela aplicabilidade das regras de preços de transferência em virtude da natureza específica das transações operacionalizadas entre pessoas vinculadas.
O princípio da controlabilidade prevê que os gestores deveriam ser avaliados com base em fatores controláveis. Consequentemente, os incentivos gerenciais estariam relacionados a práticas de contabilidade gerencial capazes de evitar que os gestores sejam responsabilizados por resultados financeiros além do controle gerencial, tais como análise por centro de responsabilidade, custo padrão, preço de transferência, orçamento e avaliação de desempenho. Este artigo desenvolve um estudo de campo para investigar se há relação entre a presença de incentivos gerenciais e as práticas de contabilidade gerencial associadas ao princípio da controlabilidade. Entrevistas in loco foram realizadas para a coleta de dados em nível organizacional e testes estatísticos não paramétricos foram utilizados para a análise dos dados. Entre as práticas de contabilidade gerencial examinadas, os resultados sugerem que apenas orçamento anual, análise por centro de responsabilidade e avaliação de desempenho estão associados à presença de sistemas de incentivos nas empresas entrevistadas.
Este artículo analiza una dinámica de intervenciones de Estados Unidos en América Latina que no ha atraído suficientemente la atención de los historiadores. En los años treinta y cuarenta, cuando Europa se hundía en una nueva confrontación bélica, ciertos sectores del gobierno y del mundo empresarial norteamericano intentaron articular una nueva relación con los países del continente basada en una propuesta de multilateralismo que se había configurado dentro de la Sociedad de Naciones (SN). Estos estadounidenses intentaron establecer una dinámica de relaciones triangulares con los gobiernos latinoamericanos y los organismos técnicos de la SN. Gracias a ello, como se mostrará en este artículo para el caso del funcionamiento del Comité Fiscal de la Sociedad de Naciones, los latinoamericanos fueron capaces de influir en el tipo de políticas que debían emanar de esta relación triangular. La importancia de esta historia no es menor. La relación triangular entre Estados Unidos, América Latina y la SN sirvió de base para la reconstrucción de la gobernanza global liderada por los Estados Unidos tras la guerra.
El concepto de precios de transferencia es un referente universal donde los países se han visto afectados por las malas prácticas comerciales que tiene las diferentes organizaciones en concentrar sus utilidades en aquellos lugares donde las cargas impositivas sean menores o tiendan a cero. Lo anterior implica que lo que dejo de pagar en una región por las bases tributarias determinadas lo estoy recibiendo como utilidad en otro país, generando índices de pobreza y de inequidad tributaria en los países de origen y riqueza a los países destino. Dentro de las directrices que tiene el Gobierno para evitar que se trasladen cargas tributarias entre países es definir unos criterios normativos vinculantes u obligatorios, que eviten que se tipifiquen estos focos de evasión y por el contrario generar una cultura empresarial donde se respete el principio de la plena competencia. Dentro de los criterios normativos están los criterios de vinculación, la información que se debe evidenciar como la comprobatoria y la informativa y las sanciones por incumplir los requisitos vinculantes antes mencionados lo cual nos obliga a profundizar en el mecanismo de control que ejerce el gobierno. De igual forma se establecieron destinos donde se tipifican los precios de transferencia como son los paraísos fiscales, las zonas francas y los vinculados del exterior, donde el destino más relevante donde el Gobierno ejerce control son los paraísos fiscales por sus características que las identifican como son las mínimas cargas tributarias y de igual forma la ausencia de información. Los contribuyentes del impuesto sobre la renta y complementarios que celebren operaciones con vinculados y/o estén obligados a la aplicación de las normas que regulen el régimen de precios de transferencia, deberán llevar acabo tales operaciones en cumplimiento del Principio de Plena Competencia, entendido como aquel en el cual las operaciones entre vinculados cumplen con las condiciones que se hubiesen observado en operaciones comparables con o entre partes independientes, lo anterior, a efectos de determinar sus ingresos ordinarios y extraordinarios, costos, deducciones, activos y pasivos para los fines del impuesto sobre la renta y complementarios. En el siguiente contenido el lector encontrara una metodología ilustrativa que le permita interpretar la normatividad contenida en el Estatuto Tributario (Ley 1607 de 2012 y Decreto 3030 de 2013 el cual reglamenta la norma la ley 1607) y su respectiva aplicación para dar cumplimiento a los requerimientos de la Administración de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales. Lo anterior significa que el contenido del texto es el contenido normativo el cual es detallado en su contenido en algunos aspectos gráfico, en otros casos numéricos y en los demás casos narrativos.
The purpose of the study was to explore how a public, IT services transferor, organization, comprised of autonomous entities, can effectively develop and organize its data center cost recovery mechanisms in a fair manner. The lack of a well-defined model for charges and a cost recovery scheme could cause various problems. For example one entity may be subsidizing the costs of another entity(s). Transfer pricing is in the best interest of each autonomous entity in a CCA. While transfer pricing plays a pivotal role in the price settings of services and intangible assets, TCE focuses on the arrangement at the boundary between entities. TCE is concerned with the costs, autonomy, and cooperation issues of an organization. The theory is concern with the factors that influence intra-firm transaction costs and attempting to manifest the problems involved in the determination of the charges or prices of the transactions. This study was carried out, as a single case study, in a public organization. The organization intended to transfer the IT services of its own affiliated public entities and was in the process of establishing a municipal-joint data center. Nine semi-structured interviews, including two pilot interviews, were conducted with the experts and managers of the case company and its affiliating entities. The purpose of these interviews was to explore the charging and pricing issues of the intra-firm transactions. In order to process and summarize the findings, this study employed qualitative techniques with the multiple methods of data collection. The study, by reviewing the TCE theory and a sample of transfer pricing literature, created an IT services pricing framework as a conceptual tool for illustrating the structure of transferring costs. Antecedents and consequences of the transfer price based on TCE were developed. An explanatory fair charging model was eventually developed and suggested. The findings of the study suggested that the Chargeback system was inappropriate scheme for an organization with affiliated autonomous entities. The main contribution of the study was the application of TP methodologies in the public sphere with no tax issues consideration.
O contexto actual vivido pelas Instituições de Ensino Superior tem requerido a adopção de sistemas de Contabilidade de Gestão mais precisos face às crescentes necessidades de informação de custos e de gestão. Deste modo, o principal propósito deste trabalho de investigação é estudar os recentes desenvolvimentos dos sistemas de Contabilidade de Gestão, enfatizando o Custeio baseado nas Actividades (ABC) como o modelo mais apropriado para responder a estas exigências informativas. Esta abordagem é complementada com a realização de um estudo de caso na Universidade de Évora, onde é aplicado empiricamente o ABC, sendo o mesmo apresentado como proposta de modelo na Contabilidade de Gestão destas organizações. Esta dissertação apresenta uma análise crítica e comparativa entre os distintos sistemas de custos tradicionais e a contabilidade por actividades, sendo ainda destacadas as potencialidades da metodologia ABC como plataforma para implementação de outros sistemas de informação baseados nas actividades, nomeadamente ao nível da gestão, do orçamento, dos preços de transferência e da gestão da qualidade total. Neste âmbito, com recurso a vários estudos de caso, são descritas as propriedades, as limitações e os resultados que mais se evidenciam pela implementação do sistema ABC nestas entidades. Os principais resultados desta investigação permitem concluir que embora os sistemas de custeio tradicionais apresentem um substrato conceptual totalmente válido, o sistema ABC evidencia uma estrutura conceptual mais credível, capaz de produzir informação mais precisa de apoio à tomada de decisão. No entanto, há algumas reservas que lhe são apontadas, em especial, no que respeita à relevância, utilidade e praticabilidade do método, e insuficiente documentação sobre os resultados obtidos. Pela aplicação empírica do sistema ABC na Universidade de Évora, conclui-se que a informação disponibilizada por este modelo é relevante, facilitadora e influencia o processo de tomada de decisão da sua gestão, e responde às exigências contabilísticas e de prestação de contas do POC-Educação e de outras entidades externas. ABSTRACT; The present context of Institutions of Higher Education has required adoption of more accurate Management Accounting systems due to increasing needs for information about costs and management. Thus, the main propose of this research is to study the recent developments of the Management Accounting systems, emphasizing the Activity-based Costing (ABC) as the most appropriate model that addresses these information requirements. This approach has been enriched through a case study at the University of Évora, where the ABC methodology was applied empirically, and presented as a proposed model of Management Accounting of these organizations. This dissertation presents a critical and comparative analysis between the traditional cost systems and the ABC, pointing out the potentialities of this methodology as a platform for implementation of other information systems based on activities, namely, with regard to management, budget, transfer pricing and total quality management. ln this context and supported by some case studies, the main properties, limitations and results of the implementation of the ABC system in these institutions have been described. The main results of this research indicate that although the traditional cost systems present a total valid conceptual structure, the ABC system provide a more credible conceptual structure, which is able to produce a more accurate information base for decision-making. However, there are some reservations that are considered, namely the relevance, utility, practicability, and insufficient documentation with regard to the obtained results. The empirical application of the ABC system at the University of Évora makes it possible to conclude that the information provided through the use of this model is relevant in terms of its influence in the decision-making process, and provides the answers to the accounting requirements of Education-POC and other external entities. NOTA: O volume II na página 228 contém a Matriz 10, que não foi digitalizado devido ao enorme formato que não permitiu ser digitalizado.
Mestrado em Contabilidade, Fiscalidade e Finanças Empresariais
La nature des acides dans un environnement aqueux est primordiale dans de nombreux aspects de la chimie et de la biologie. La caractéristique principale d'un acide est sa capacité à transférer un proton vers une molécule d'eau ou vers n'importe quelle base, mais ce procédé n'est pas aussi simple qu'il y paraît. Il peut au contraire être extrêmement complexe et dépendre de manière cruciale de la solvatation des différents intermédiaires de réaction impliqués. Cette thèse décrit les études computationnelles basées sur des simulations de dynamique moléculaire ab initio qui ont pour but d'obtenir une description à l'échelle moléculaire des divers procédés de transferts de proton entre acide et bases dans un milieu aqueux. Pour cela, nous avons étudié une serie de système, dont l'acide hydrofluorique aqueux, l'acide trifluoroacétique aqueux, et un système modèle constitué d'un phénol et d'une entité carboxylate reliés entre eux par une molécule d'eau en solution aqueuse. Deux états intermédiaires ont été identifiés pour le transfert d'un proton depuis un acide. Ces intermédiaires apparaissent stabilisés par un motif local de solvatation via des ponts H. Leurs signatures spectroscopiques ont été caractérisées au moyen de la spectroscopie infrarouge, en utilisant le formalisme de la dynamique moléculaire ab initio, qui inclut l'effet quantique nucléaire de manière explicite. Cette étude a aussi identifié trois chemins de réaction élémentaire, qui sont responsable pour le transfert d'un proton d'un acide à une base, ainsi que leurs échelles de temps caractéristiques. Les conclusions tirées de ces études sont discutées dans les détails, au niveau moléculaire, avec une emphase sur les comparaisons entre les résultats théoriques et les mesures expérimentales obtenues dans a littérature ou via des collaborateurs.
A review of current risk pricing practices in the financial, insurance and construction sectors is conducted through a comprehensive literature review. The purpose was to inform a study on risk and price in the tendering processes of contractors: specifically, how contractors take account of risk when they are calculating their bids for construction work. The reference to mainstream literature was in view of construction management research as a field of application rather than a fundamental academic discipline. Analytical models are used for risk pricing in the financial sector. Certain mathematical laws and principles of insurance are used to price risk in the insurance sector. construction contractors and practitioners are described to traditionally price allowances for project risk using mechanisms such as intuition and experience. Project risk analysis models have proliferated in recent years. However, they are rarely used because of problems practitioners face when confronted with them. A discussion of practices across the three sectors shows that the construction industry does not approach risk according to the sophisticated mechanisms of the two other sectors. This is not a poor situation in itself. However, knowledge transfer from finance and insurance can help construction practitioners. But also, formal risk models for contractors should be informed by the commercial exigencies and unique characteristics of the construction sector.
We make three contributions to the theory of contracting under asymmetric information. First, we establish a competitive analog to the revelation principIe which we call the implementation principIe. This principIe provides a complete characterization of all incentive compatible, indirect contracting mechanisms in terms of contract catalogs (or menus), and allows us to conclude that in competi tive contracting situations, firms in choosing their contracting strategies can restrict attention, without loss of generality, to contract catalogs. Second, we establish a competi tive taxation principIe. This principIe, a refinement of the implementation principIe, provides a complete characterization of all implementable nonlinear pricing schedules in terms of product-price catalogs and allows us to reduce any game played over nonlinear pricing schedules to a strategically equivalent game played over product-price catalogs. Third, using the competitive taxation principIe and a recent result due to Reny (1999) on the existence of Nash equilibria in discontinuous games, we demonstrate the existence of a N ash equilibrium for the mixed extension of the nonlinear pricing game.
In this work, we report a density functional theory study of nitric oxide (NO) adsorption on close-packed transition metal (TM) Rh(111), Ir(111), Pd(111) and Pt(111) surfaces in terms of adsorption sites, binding mechanism and charge transfer at a coverage of Theta(NO) = 0.25, 0.50, 0.75 monolayer (ML). Based on our study, an unified picture for the interaction between NO and TM(111) and site preference is established, and valuable insights are obtained. At low coverage (0.25 ML), we find that the interaction of NO/TM(111) is determined by an electron donation and back-donation process via the interplay between NO 5 sigma/2 pi* and TM d-bands. The extent of the donation and back-donation depends critically on the coordination number (adsorption sites) and TM d-band filling, and plays an essential role for NO adsorption on TM surfaces. DFT calculations shows that for TMs with high d-band filling such as Pd and Pt, hollow-site NO is energetically the most favorable, and top-site NO prefers to tilt away from the normal direction. While for TMs with low d-band filling (Rh and Ir), top-site NO perpendicular to the surfaces is energetically most favorable. Electronic structure analysis show that irrespective of the TM and adsorption site, there is a net charge transfer from the substrate to the adsorbate due to overwhelming back-donation from the TM substrate to the adsorbed NO molecules. The adsorption-induced change of the work function with respect to bare surfaces and dipole moment is however site dependent, and the work function increases for hollow-site NO, but decreases for top-site NO, because of differences in the charge redistribution. The interplay between the energetics, lateral interaction and charge transfer, which is element dependent, rationalizes the structural evolution of NO adsorption on TM(111) surfaces in the submonolayer regime.
A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics
OBJECTIVES: To evaluate whether adult specialists comply with the basic principles for a successful transition of adolescents with chronic disorders, and to determine whether the characteristics of the adult specialists have an influence on applying these principles. METHODS: Out of 299 adult specialists in four French-speaking Swiss cantons, 209 (70%) answered a paper-and-pencil mailed questionnaire between May and July 2007. Only those having received the transfer of at least one adolescent in the previous 2 years (N=102) were included in the analysis. We analyzed four dependent variables: discussing common concerns of adolescent patients, seeing the patient alone, having a transition protocol, and having a previous contact with the pediatric specialist. A logistic regression was performed for each dependent variable controlling for the physicians' characteristics (number of transfers, age, gender, workplace, and perceived experience). RESULTS: Fifty-four percent of the physicians did not spend time alone with their patients, and sensitive issues such as sexuality or substance use were not widely discussed with their young patients. Most respondents (59%) did not have an established protocol, and 54% did not have any contact with the pediatric specialist. In the multivariate analyses, the adult specialists' characteristics had little impact. CONCLUSIONS: For many adolescents with chronic disorders the transition from pediatric to adult healthcare seems to be limited to a simple transfer, often lacking adequate communication between physicians. Applying simple but basic principles such as a good coordination between providers would probably improve the quality of healthcare of adolescents with chronic illness.
BACKGROUND: We have developed a nonviral gene therapy method based on the electrotransfer of plasmid in the ciliary muscle. These easily accessible smooth muscle cells could be turned into a biofactory for any therapeutic proteins to be secreted in a sustained manner in the ocular media. METHODS: Electrical conditions, design of electrodes, plasmid formulation, method and number of injections were optimized in vivo in the rat by localizing β-galactosidase expression and quantifying reporter (luciferase) and therapeutic (anti-tumor necrosis factor) proteins secretion in the ocular media. Anatomical measurements were performed via human magnetic resonance imaging to design a human eye-sized prototype that was tested in the rabbit. RESULTS: In the rat, transscleral injection of 30 µg of plasmid diluted in half saline (77 mM NaCl) followed by application of eight square-wave electrical pulses (15 V, 10 ms, 5.3 Hz) using two platinum/iridium electrodes, an internal wire and an external sheet, delivered plasmid efficiently to the ciliary muscle fibers. Gene transfer resulted in a long-lasting (at least 5 months) and plasmid dose-/injection number- dependent secretion of different molecular weight proteins mainly in the vitreous, without any systemic exposure. Because ciliary muscle anatomical measurements remained constant among ages in adult humans, an integrated device comprising needle-electrodes was designed and manufactured. Its usefulness was validated in the rabbit. CONCLUSIONS: Plasmid electrotransfer to the ciliary muscle with a suitable medical device represents a promising local and sustained protein delivery system for treating posterior segment diseases, avoiding repeated intraocular injections.