393 resultados para tert butylhydroquinone


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We describe here a procedure to bridge the gap in the field of calixarene physicochemistry between solid-state atomic-resolution structural information and the liquid-state low-resolution thermodynamics and spectroscopic data. We use MD simulations to study the kinetics and energetics involved in the complexation of lower rim calix[4]arene derivatives (L), containing bidentate ester (1) and ketone (2) pendant groups, with acetonitrile molecule (MeCN) and Cd2+ and Pb2+ ions (M2+) in acetonitrile solution. On one hand, we found that the prior inclusion of MeCN into the calix to form a L(MeCN) adduct has only a weak effect in preorganizing the hydrophilic cavity toward metal ion binding. On the other hand, the strong ion-hydrophilic cavity interaction produces a wide open calix which enhances the binding of one MeCN molecule (allosteric effect) to stabilize the whole (M2+)1(MeCN) bifunctional complex. We reach two major conclusions: (i) the MD results for the (M2+)1(MeCN) binding are in close agreement with the ""endo"", fully encapsulated, metal complex found by X-ray diffraction and in vacuo MD calculations, and (ii) the MD structure for the more flexible 2 ligand, however, differs from the also endo solid-state molecule. In fact, it shows strong solvation effects at the calixarene lower bore by competing MeCN molecules that share the metal coordination sphere with the four C=O oxygens of an ""exo"" (M2+)2(MeCN) complex.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Purpose: The objectives of this study were to investigate the flexural strength (FS) and chemical interaction between 2-tert-butylaminoethyl methacrylate (TBAEMA) and a denture base acrylic resin. Materials and Methods: Specimens were divided into five groups according to the concentration of TBAEMA incorporated in acrylic resin Onda-Cryl (0%, 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%) and were submitted to Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis (XPS-ESCA), and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) analyses. FS of the specimens was tested, and results were analyzed by ANOVA/Tukey's test (α < 0.05). Results: Different nitrogen ratios were observed on specimens' surfaces: 0.36%, 0.54%, 0.35%, and 0.20% for groups 1%, 2%, 3%, and 4%, respectively. FTIR indicated copolymerization of acrylic resin and TBAEMA, and DSC results demonstrated a decrease in glass transition temperature (Tg). Significant differences were found for FS (p < 0.05). The mean values were 91.1 ± 5.5,A 77.0 ± 13.1,B 67.2 ± 12.5,B 64.4 ± 13.0,B and 67.2 ± 5.9B MPa for groups 0%, 1%, 2%, 3% and 4%, respectively (same superscript letters indicate no significant difference). Conclusions: The incorporation of TBAEMA in acrylic resin resulted in copolymerization and the presence of amine groups on specimens' surfaces, and in decreases of Tg and FS. © 2012 by the American College of Prosthodontists.


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Petroleum products leaking from under ground storage tanks have raised concerns regarding the quality of ground water resources, The concerns about the environmental behavior and rate of MTBE as an oxygenated additive prompted this iuvestigation to explore the technical characteristics of MTBE in comparison to ETBF. Evaluation of the existing literature suggests that ETBE has more favorable characteristics than MTBE. Findings in this research suggest that ETBE is a technically sound oxygenated octane enhancer, which can help refiners meet specificatios for cleaner burning gasoline.


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Sternpolymere aus Poly(tert.-butylacrylat)-Armen und einem Mikrogel-Core aus Ethylenglykoldimethacrylat wurden nach der arm-first Strategie hergestellt. Diese weisen eine enge Armzahlverteilung auf. Mit sinkender Precursorlänge, mit steigendem Verhältnis [bifunktionelles Monomer]/[Initiator], sowie mit zunehmender Reaktionszeit und Gesamtkonzentration nimmt die mittlere Armzahl fn zu. Die Sternbildung verläuft ähnlich einer Polykondensation. Die Molekulargewichte wurden mittels GPC gekoppelt mit einem online-Viskosimeter und einem online-Vielwinkellichtstreudetektor (MALLS) bestimmt.Die intrinsischen Viskositäten der Sternpolymere sind sehr niedrig. Für Armzahlen f ca. 8 erhält man ein Maximum in der doppellogarithmischen Auftragung der intrinsischen Viskosität und des Molekulargewichts. Die Trägheitsradien nehmen nur wenig mit dem Molekulargewicht zu. Die erhaltenen Koeffizienten liegen im von Daoud und Cotton vorhergesagten Bereich. Die Schrumpfungsfaktoren sinken auf g ca. 0,2 bzw. g' ca. 0,25. Aus den Poly(tert.-butylacrylat)-Sternpolymeren wurden durch Verseifung mit HBr in Methanol Polyacrylsäure-Sternpolymere hergestellt, welche ebenfalls mittels GPC-Viskosimetrie und GPC-MALLS charakterisiert wurden. Für die ionischen Sternpolymere findet man deutlich höhere Schrumpfungsfaktoren, kein Maximum in der intrinsischen Viskosität und höhere Exponenten als von Daoud und Cotton vorhergesagt. Erklärt wurde dies mit der hohen Segmentdichte in Sternpolymeren, die bei den ionischen Sternpolymeren zu einer hohen Ladungsdichte führt. Dadurch müssen sich die Arme stärker strecken als bei nicht-ionischen Sternen und es resultieren größere Moleküldimensionen.


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Excitation of tert-butylnitrite into the first and second UV absorption bands leads to efficient dissociation into the fragment radicals NO and tert-butoxy in their electronic ground states (2)Π and (2)E, respectively. Velocity distributions and angular anisotropies for the NO fragment in several hundred rotational and vibrational quantum states were obtained by velocity-map imaging and the recently developed 3D-REMPI method. Excitation into the well resolved vibronic progression bands (k = 0, 1, 2) of the NO stretch mode in the S(1) ← S(0) transition produces NO fragments mostly in the vibrational state with v = k, with smaller fractions in v = k - 1 and v = k - 2. It is concluded that dissociation occurs on the purely repulsive PES of S(1) without barrier. All velocity distributions from photolysis via the S(1)(nπ*) state are monomodal and show high negative anisotropy (β ≈ -1). The rotational distributions peak near j = 30.5 irrespective of the vibronic state S(1)(k) excited and the vibrational state v of the NO fragment. On average 46% of the excess energy is converted to kinetic energy, 23% and 31% remain as internal energy in the NO fragment and the t-BuO radical, respectively. Photolysis via excitation into the S(2) ← S(0) transition at 227 nm yields NO fragments with about equal populations in v = 0 and v = 1. The rotational distributions have a single maximum near j = 59.5. The velocity distributions are monomodal with positive anisotropy β ≈ 0.8. The average fractions of the excess energy distributed into translation, internal energy of NO, and internal energy of t-BuO are 39%, 23%, and 38%, respectively. In all cases ∼8500 cm(-1) of energy remain in the internal degrees of freedom of the t-BuO fragment. This is mostly assigned to rotational energy. An ab initio calculation of the dynamic reaction path shows that not only the NO fragment but also the t-BuO fragment gain large angular momentum during dissociation on the purely repulsive potential energy surface of S(2).


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Antioxidant treatment has previously been shown to be neuroprotective in experimental bacterial meningitis. To obtain quantitative evidence for oxidative stress in this disease, we measured the major brain antioxidants ascorbate and reduced glutathione, and the lipid peroxidation endproduct malondialdehyde in the cortex of infant rats infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae. Cortical levels of the two antioxidants were markedly decreased 22 h after infection, when animals were severely ill. Total pyridine nucleotide levels in the cortex were unaltered, suggesting that the loss of the two antioxidants was not due to cell necrosis. Bacterial meningitis was accompanied by a moderate, significant increase in cortical malondialdehyde. While treatment with either of the antioxidants alpha-phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone or N-acetylcysteine significantly inhibited this increase, only the former attenuated the loss of endogenous antioxidants. Cerebrospinal fluid bacterial titer, nitrite and nitrate levels, and myeloperoxidase activity at 18 h after infection were unaffected by antioxidant treatment, suggesting that they acted by mechanisms other than modulation of inflammation. The results demonstrate that bacterial meningitis is accompanied by oxidative stress in the brain parenchyma. Furthermore, increased cortical lipid peroxidation does not appear to be the result of parenchymal oxidative stress, because it was prevented by NAC, which had no effect on the loss of brain antioxidants.


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The effect of adjuvant therapy with the radical scavenger alpha-phenyl-tert-butyl nitrone (PBN; 100 mg/kg given intraperitoneally every 8 h for 5 days) on brain injury and learning function was evaluated in an infant rat model of pneumococcal meningitis. Meningitis led to cortical necrotic injury (median, 3.97% [range, 0%-38.9%] of the cortex), which was reduced to a median of 0% (range, 0%-30.9%) of the cortex (P<.001) by PBN. However, neuronal apoptosis in the hippocampal dentate gyrus was increased by PBN, compared with that by saline (median score, 1.15 [range, 0.04-1.73] vs. 0.31 [range, 0-0.92]; P<.001). Learning function 3 weeks after cured infection, as assessed by the Morris water maze, was decreased, compared with that in uninfected control animals (P<.001). Parallel to the increase in hippocampal apoptosis, PBN further impaired learning in infected animals, compared with that in saline-treated animals (P<.02). These results contrast with those of an earlier study, in which PBN reduced cortical and hippocampal neuronal injury in group B streptococcal meningitis. Thus, in pneumococcal meningitis, antioxidant therapy with PBN aggravates hippocampal injury and learning deficits.