976 resultados para ship collision


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Automated airborne collision-detection systems are a key enabling technology for facilitat- ing the integration of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) into the national airspace. These safety-critical systems must be sensitive enough to provide timely warnings of genuine air- borne collision threats, but not so sensitive as to cause excessive false-alarms. Hence, an accurate characterisation of detection and false alarm sensitivity is essential for understand- ing performance trade-offs, and system designers can exploit this characterisation to help achieve a desired balance in system performance. In this paper we experimentally evaluate a sky-region, image based, aircraft collision detection system that is based on morphologi- cal and temporal processing techniques. (Note that the examined detection approaches are not suitable for the detection of potential collision threats against a ground clutter back- ground). A novel collection methodology for collecting realistic airborne collision-course target footage in both head-on and tail-chase engagement geometries is described. Under (hazy) blue sky conditions, our proposed system achieved detection ranges greater than 1540m in 3 flight test cases with no false alarm events in 14.14 hours of non-target data (under cloudy conditions, the system achieved detection ranges greater than 1170m in 4 flight test cases with no false alarm events in 6.63 hours of non-target data). Importantly, this paper is the first documented presentation of detection range versus false alarm curves generated from airborne target and non-target image data.


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The investigation of rail incidents is a highly specialised and important area within the rail industry. Historically training for investigators has been disjointed, with no standard approach being applied consistently. Currently in Australia, rail incidents are investigated by the various rail operators and regulators of each State, with the more serious incidents investigated by the Australian Transport Safety Bureau (ATSB). However, it is hoped with the introduction of a National Safety Regulator for the industry, a standardised competency framework for rail incident investigators can be developed. Consequently, this will also lead to more standardised training across the industry for these specialised career paths. A previous scoping report published by the CRC for Rail Innovation highlighted a need within the industry for a standardised competency framework and training package. Based on the results of the scoping report, a comprehensive Training Needs Analysis for the rail industry was undertaken. This paper will examine potential barriers and facilitators that the industry may face when implementing this national training. Furthermore, based on the results of the Training Needs Analysis, differences and similarities in the needs of rail organisations as well as between operators and regulators will be examined.


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The future emergence of many types of airborne vehicles and unpiloted aircraft in the national airspace means collision avoidance is of primary concern in an uncooperative airspace environment. The ability to replicate a pilot’s see and avoid capability using cameras coupled with vision based avoidance control is an important part of an overall collision avoidance strategy. But unfortunately without range collision avoidance has no direct way to guarantee a level of safety. Collision scenario flight tests with two aircraft and a monocular camera threat detection and tracking system were used to study the accuracy of image-derived angle measurements. The effect of image-derived angle errors on reactive vision-based avoidance performance was then studied by simulation. The results show that whilst large angle measurement errors can significantly affect minimum ranging characteristics across a variety of initial conditions and closing speeds, the minimum range is always bounded and a collision never occurs.


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Simulation has been widely used to estimate the benefits of Cooperative Systems (CS) based on Inter-Vehicular Communications (IVC). This paper presents a new architecture built with the SiVIC simulator and the RTMaps™ multisensors prototyping platform. We introduce several improvements from a previous similar architecture, regarding IVC modelisation and vehicles’ control. It has been tuned with on-road measurements to improve fidelity. We discuss the results of a freeway emergency braking scenario (EEBL) implemented to validate our architecture’s capabilities.


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Ship-breaking started as an industry in Bangladesh in the early 1970s. This industry is not technically organized, and the management is also primitive and unsound. Although specific information is not available, it is estimated that about 700 workers have been killed and, at the same time, a total of 10,000 workers have been injured in explosions at the ship-breaking yards over the last three decades. This process continues unabated in the absence of specific legislation for regulating ship-breaking industries in Bangladesh. Against this backdrop, this paper identifies the major issues relating to enforcement of labour rights in the ship-breaking yards of Bangladesh.


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This paper presents practical vision-based collision avoidance for objects approximating a single point feature. Using a spherical camera model, a visual predictive control scheme guides the aircraft around the object along a conical spiral trajectory. Visibility, state and control constraints are considered explicitly in the controller design by combining image and vehicle dynamics in the process model, and solving the nonlinear optimization problem over the resulting state space. Importantly, range is not required. Instead, the principles of conical spiral motion are used to design an objective function that simultaneously guides the aircraft along the avoidance trajectory, whilst providing an indication of the appropriate point to stop the spiral behaviour. Our approach is aimed at providing a potential solution to the See and Avoid problem for unmanned aircraft and is demonstrated through a series.


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The complete structural elucidation of complex lipids, including glycerophospholipids, using only mass spectrometry represents a major challenge to contemporary analytical technologies. Here, we demonstrate that product ions arising from the collision-induced dissociation (CID) of the [M + Na] + adduct ions of phospholipids can be isolated and subjected to subsequent gas-phase ozonolysis-known as ozone-induced dissociation (OzID)-in a linear ion-trap mass spectrometer. The resulting CID/OzID experiment yields abundant product ions that are characteristic of the acyl substitution on the glycerol backbone (i.e., sn-position). This approach is shown to differentiate sn-positional isomers, such as the regioisomeric phosphatidylcholine pair of PC 16:0/18:1 and PC 18:1/16:0. Importantly, CID/OzID provides a sensitive diagnostic for the existence of an isomeric mixture in a given sample. This is of very high value for the analysis of tissue extracts since CID/OzID analyses can reveal changes in the relative abundance of isomeric constituents even within different tissues from the same animal. Finally, we demonstrate the ability to assign carbon-carbon double bond positions to individual acyl chains at specific backbone positions by adding subsequent CID and/or OzID steps to the workflow and that this can be achieved in a single step using a hybrid triple quadrupole-linear ion trap mass spectrometer. This unique approach represents the most complete and specific structural analysis of lipids by mass spectrometry demonstrated to date and is a significant step towards comprehensive top-down lipidomics. This journal is © The Royal Society of Chemistry 2014. Grant Number ARC/DP0986628, ARC/FT110100249, ARC/LP110200648


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The nonlinear problem of steady free-surface flow past a submerged source is considered as a case study for three-dimensional ship wave problems. Of particular interest is the distinctive wedge-shaped wave pattern that forms on the surface of the fluid. By reformulating the governing equations with a standard boundary-integral method, we derive a system of nonlinear algebraic equations that enforce a singular integro-differential equation at each midpoint on a two-dimensional mesh. Our contribution is to solve the system of equations with a Jacobian-free Newton-Krylov method together with a banded preconditioner that is carefully constructed with entries taken from the Jacobian of the linearised problem. Further, we are able to utilise graphics processing unit acceleration to significantly increase the grid refinement and decrease the run-time of our solutions in comparison to schemes that are presently employed in the literature. Our approach provides opportunities to explore the nonlinear features of three-dimensional ship wave patterns, such as the shape of steep waves close to their limiting configuration, in a manner that has been possible in the two-dimensional analogue for some time.


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Motion control systems have a significant impact on the performance of ships and marine structures allowing them to perform tasks in severe sea states and during long periods of time. Ships are designed to operate with adequate reliability and economy, and in order to achieve this, it is essential to control the motion. For each type of ship and operation performed (transit, landing a helicopter, fishing, deploying and recovering loads, etc.), there are not only desired motion settings, but also limits on the acceptable (undesired) motion induced by the environment. The task of a ship motion control system is therefore to act on the ship so it follows the desired motion as closely as possible. This book provides an introduction to the field of ship motion control by studying the control system designs for course-keeping autopilots with rudder roll stabilisation and integrated rudder-fin roll stabilisation. These particular designs provide a good overview of the difficulties encountered by designers of ship motion control systems and, therefore, serve well as an example driven introduction to the field. The idea of combining the control design of autopilots with that of fin roll stabilisers, and the idea of using rudder induced roll motion as a sole source of roll stabilisation seems to have emerged in the late 1960s. Since that time, these control designs have been the subject of continuous and ongoing research. This ongoing interest is a consequence of the significant bearing that the control strategy has on the performance and the issues associated with control system design. The challenges of these designs lie in devising a control strategy to address the following issues: underactuation, disturbance rejection with a non minimum phase system, input and output constraints, model uncertainty, and large unmeasured stochastic disturbances. To date, the majority of the work reported in the literature has focused strongly on some of the design issues whereas the remaining issues have been addressed using ad hoc approaches. This has provided an additional motivation for revisiting these control designs and looking at the benefits of applying a contemporary design framework, which can potentially address the majority of the design issues.


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The technical feasibility of roll motion control devices has been amply demonstrated for over 100 years. Performance, however, can still fall short of expectations because of difficulties associated with control system designs, which have proven to be far from trivial due to fundamental performance limitations and large variations of the spectral characteristics of wave-induced roll motion. This tutorial paper presents an account of the development of various ship roll motion control systems together with the challenges associated with their design. It discusses the assessment of performance and the applicability of different mathematical models, and it surveys the control methods that have been implemented and validated with full scale experiments. The paper also presents an outlook on what are believed to be potential areas of research within this topic.


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In moderate to high sea states, the effectiveness of ship fin stabilizers can severely deteriorate due to nonlinear effects arising from unsteady hydrodynamic characteristics of the fins: dynamic stall. These nonlinear effects take the form of a hysteresis, and they become very significant when the effective angle of attack of the fins exceeds a certain threshold angle. Dynamic stall can result in a complete loss of control action depending on how much the fins exceed the threshold angle. When this is detected, it is common to reduce the gain of the controller that commands the fins. This approach is cautious and tends to reduce performance when the conditions leading to dynamic stall disappear. An alternative approach for preventing the effects while keeping high performance, consists of estimating the effective angle of attack and set a conservative constraint on it as part of the control objectives. In this paper, we investigate the latter approach, and propose the use of a model predictive control (MPC) to prevent the development of these nonlinear effects by considering constraints on both the mechanical angle of the fins and the effective angle of attack.


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Parametric roll is a critical phenomenon for ships, whose onset may cause roll oscillations up to +-40 degrees, leading to very dangerous situations and possibly capsizing. Container ships have been shown to be particularly prone to parametric roll resonance when they are sailing in moderate to heavy head seas. A Matlab/Simulink parametric roll benchmark model for a large container ship has been implemented and validated against a wide set of experimental data. The model is a part of a Matlab/Simulink Toolbox (MSS, 2007). The benchmark implements a 3rd-order nonlinear model where the dynamics of roll is strongly coupled with the heave and pitch dynamics. The implemented model has shown good accuracy in predicting the container ship motions, both in the vertical plane and in the transversal one. Parametric roll has been reproduced for all the data sets in which it happened, and the model provides realistic results which are in good agreement with the model tank experiments.


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In this paper, we consider a passivity-based approach for the design of a control law of multiple ship-roll gyro-stabiliser units. We extend previous work on control of ship roll gyro-stabilisation by considering the problem within a nonlinear framework. In particular, we derive an energy-based model using the port-Hamiltonian theory and then design an active precession controller using passivity-based control interconnection and damping assignment. The design considers the possibility of having multiple gyro-stabiliser units, and the desired potential energy of the system (in closed loop) is chosen to behave like a barrier function, which allows us to enforce constraints on the precession angle of the gyros.


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This paper presents the application of a statistical method for model structure selection of lift-drag and viscous damping components in ship manoeuvring models. The damping model is posed as a family of linear stochastic models, which is postulated based on previous work in the literature. Then a nested test of hypothesis problem is considered. The testing reduces to a recursive comparison of two competing models, for which optimal tests in the Neyman sense exist. The method yields a preferred model structure and its initial parameter estimates. Alternatively, the method can give a reduced set of likely models. Using simulated data we study how the selection method performs when there is both uncorrelated and correlated noise in the measurements. The first case is related to instrumentation noise, whereas the second case is related to spurious wave-induced motion often present during sea trials. We then consider the model structure selection of a modern high-speed trimaran ferry from full scale trial data.


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The ion PhCO2--CHPh, upon collision activation, undergoes competitive losses of CO and CO2 of which the former process produces the base peak of the spectrum. Product ion and substituent effect (Hammett) studies indicate that PhCO2--CHPh cyclises to a deprotonated hydroxydiphenyloxirane which ring opens to PhCOCH(O-)Ph. This anion then undergoes an anionic 1,2-Wittig type rearrangement {through [PhCO- (PhCHO)]} to form Ph2CHO- and CO. The mechanism of the 1,2-rearrangement has been probed by an ab initio study [at MP4(SDTQ)/6-31++G(d,p) level] of the model system HCOCH2O- →; MeO- + CO The analogous system RCO2--CHPh (R = alkyl) similarly loses CO, and the migratory aptitudes of the alkyl R groups in this reaction are Bu′ > Me > Et ∼Pri). This trend correlates with the order of anion basicities (i.e. the order of ΔG○acid values of RH), supporting the operation of an anion migration process. The loss of CO2 from PhCO2--CHPh yields Ph2CH- as the anionic product: several mechanistic scenarios are possible, one of which involves an initial ipso nucleophilic substitution.