939 resultados para self-regulated learners
This study examined the impact of a social-cognitive teaching strategy, the community of inquiry, on the functioning of six Year 4 students with learning difficulties. Results indicated that the students became more self-regulated in their learning and developed greater academic self-efficacy and stronger reading comprehension skills. Although the degree of development varied across the group, the results indicated that all six students (in addition to their class peers) benefited from actively engaging in scaffolded opportunities for intellectual and social exchange in a whole class setting. Accordingly, the findings of this study have implications for approaches to supporting the development and learning of students with learning difficulties.
The article explores the importance for young individuals to have a powerful disposition to be self-managing learners after completing their schooling. It presents several propositions which aim to unlearn the best educational experience a school principal can give for young people and their teachers. The use of digital technologies is mentioned.
Multiwavelength data indicate that the X-ray-emitting plasma in the cores of galaxy clusters is not cooling catastrophically. To a large extent, cooling is offset by heating due to active galactic nuclei (AGNs) via jets. The cool-core clusters, with cooler/denser plasmas, show multiphase gas and signs of some cooling in their cores. These observations suggest that the cool core is locally thermally unstable while maintaining global thermal equilibrium. Using high-resolution, three-dimensional simulations we study the formation of multiphase gas in cluster cores heated by collimated bipolar AGN jets. Our key conclusion is that spatially extended multiphase filaments form only when the instantaneous ratio of the thermal instability and free-fall timescales (t(TI)/t(ff)) falls below a critical threshold of approximate to 10. When this happens, dense cold gas decouples from the hot intracluster medium (ICM) phase and generates inhomogeneous and spatially extended Ha filaments. These cold gas clumps and filaments ``rain'' down onto the central regions of the core, forming a cold rotating torus and in part feeding the supermassive black hole. Consequently, the self-regulated feedback enhances AGN heating and the core returns to a higher entropy level with t(TI)/t(ff) > 10. Eventually, the core reaches quasi-stable global thermal equilibrium, and cold filaments condense out of the hot ICM whenever t(TI)/t(ff) less than or similar to 10. This occurs despite the fact that the energy from AGN jets is supplied to the core in a highly anisotropic fashion. The effective spatial redistribution of heat is enabled in part by the turbulent motions in the wake of freely falling cold filaments. Increased AGN activity can locally reverse the cold gas flow, launching cold filamentary gas away from the cluster center. Our criterion for the condensation of spatially extended cold gas is in agreement with observations and previous idealized simulations.
In this paper, we present a machine learning approach for subject independent human action recognition using depth camera, emphasizing the importance of depth in recognition of actions. The proposed approach uses the flow information of all 3 dimensions to classify an action. In our approach, we have obtained the 2-D optical flow and used it along with the depth image to obtain the depth flow (Z motion vectors). The obtained flow captures the dynamics of the actions in space time. Feature vectors are obtained by averaging the 3-D motion over a grid laid over the silhouette in a hierarchical fashion. These hierarchical fine to coarse windows capture the motion dynamics of the object at various scales. The extracted features are used to train a Meta-cognitive Radial Basis Function Network (McRBFN) that uses a Projection Based Learning (PBL) algorithm, referred to as PBL-McRBFN, henceforth. PBL-McRBFN begins with zero hidden neurons and builds the network based on the best human learning strategy, namely, self-regulated learning in a meta-cognitive environment. When a sample is used for learning, PBLMcRBFN uses the sample overlapping conditions, and a projection based learning algorithm to estimate the parameters of the network. The performance of PBL-McRBFN is compared to that of a Support Vector Machine (SVM) and Extreme Learning Machine (ELM) classifiers with representation of every person and action in the training and testing datasets. Performance study shows that PBL-McRBFN outperforms these classifiers in recognizing actions in 3-D. Further, a subject-independent study is conducted by leave-one-subject-out strategy and its generalization performance is tested. It is observed from the subject-independent study that McRBFN is capable of generalizing actions accurately. The performance of the proposed approach is benchmarked with Video Analytics Lab (VAL) dataset and Berkeley Multimodal Human Action Database (MHAD). (C) 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Sustainability has emerged as one of the important planning concepts from its beginnings in economics and ecological thinking, and has widely been applied to assessing urban development. Different methods, techniques and instruments for urban sustainability assessment that help determine how cities can become more sustainable have emerged over a period of time. Among these, indicator-based approaches contribute to building of sustainable self-regulated systems that integrate development and environment protection. Hence, these provide a solid foundation for decision-making at all levels and are being increasingly used. The present paper builds on the background of the available literature and suggests the need for benchmarking indicator-based approach in a given urban area and incorporating various local issues, thus enhancing the long-term sustainability of cities which can be developed by introducing sustainability indicators into the urban planning process. (C) 2013 International Energy Initiative. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Constata-se que a reforma sanitária brasileira representa um avanço na direção de uma concepção avançada de sistema de saúde. Entretanto o SUS, com toda a materialidade das reformas ao nível macro induzidas a partir dos avanços na legislação, a implantação da regionalização e hierarquização da assistência, e dos instrumentos de gestão, assim como todas as grandes organizações modernas, padece de problemas de coordenação na operação de suas ações. Este trabalho pretende discutir as possibilidades e limites das mudanças organizacionais induzidas pela implementação do SUS na configuração dos sistemas locoregionais de saúde, à luz das experiências internacionais e das contribuições mais recentes das teorias organizacionais, no contexto da transição do fordismo à acumulação flexível. A partir do referencial da teoria dos sistemas, considera-se a contribuição das teorias organizacionais fordistas, pós-fordistas e pós-modernistas na especificidade do campo da saúde coletiva, para discutir a efetividade dos seus subsistemas cibernéticos do SUS: controle, avaliação, regulação, auditoria e vigilância em saúde, no complexo contexto da configuração do poder deste setor. Verifica-se que o SUS, constituído a partir de culturas organizacionais fordistas, do antigo INAMPS e da Saúde Pública tradicional, não tem obtido êxito em configurar estruturas organizacionais competentes, na medida em que reproduz os modelos tradicionais nos seus sistemas de controle. Esta dificuldade em parte deve-se ao momento histórico, que fez coincidir o momento dos avanços na legislação, em direção à ampliação do direito à saúde, com o momento das reestruturações dos aparelhos estatais decorrente da crise global do modo de produção fordista, e com as profundas transformações demográficas, epidemiológicas e da tecnologia da assistência médica. Por outro lado, a disponibilidade de soluções pósfordistas propicia um padrão para a conformação de novas regras e novos modos de regulação do sistema de saúde, que induzam a comportamentos auto-reguladores por parte dos prestadores de serviços de saúde, considerando as metas de equidade e de melhoria da saúde da população. Conclui-se que a necessária reforma do setor saúde demanda o fortalecimento de uma tecno-burocracia protegida contra injunções político-partidárias, que possibilite a incubação uma cultura organizacional profissional em todas as esferas de governo e níveis de gestão, que incentive um trabalho em saúde competente e moralmente comprometido com as finalidades do SUS nesse país.
Students' learning process can be negatively affected when their reading and comprehension control is not appropriated. This research focuses on the analysis of how a group of students from high school evaluate their reading comprehension in manipulated scientific texts. An analysis tool was designed to determine the students' degree of comprehension control when reading a scientific short text with an added contradiction. The results have revealed that the students from 1st and 3rd ESO do not properly self-evaluated their reading comprehension. A different behavior has been observed in 1st Bachillerato, where appropriate evaluation and regulation seem to be more frequent. Moreover, no significant differences have been found regarding the type of text, year or gender. Finally, as identified by previous research, the correlations between the students' comprehension control and their school marks have shown to have a weak relationship and inversely proportional to the students' age.
O contexto educacional exige renovação de paradigmas. Impõem-se profundas alterações ao nível do papel e da função do professor e dos alunos, devendo-se privilegiar metodologias de aprendizagem ativas, cooperativas e participativas, rompendo-se com o ensino magistral e a mera transmissão de ‘conhecimentos’. As ferramentas informáticas poderão constituir-se uma mais-valia no contexto educativo, promovendo uma aprendizagem significativa e autorregulada pelo aluno, sempre sob a adequada orientação do professor. Neste contexto, foi criado, na Universidade de Aveiro, o Projeto Matemática Ensino (PmatE), com o principal objetivo de combater, de uma forma inovadora, as causas do insucesso escolar a matemática. No entanto, tal plataforma ainda não foi alvo de uma avaliação sistemática, nomeadamente ao nível do ensino superior, que nos permita concluir da consecução dos seus propósitos. Assim, a questão de investigação subjacente ao estudo em curso é - Qual o impacte da utilização diferenciada, como complemento à abordagem didáctica, da plataforma de ensino assistido (PEA) desenvolvida pelo PmatE na aprendizagem de temas matemáticos ao nível do Ensino Superior, principalmente ao nível da autonomia, da construção e aplicação de conhecimentos e do desenvolvimento de apetências pela Matemática. Para se tentar dar resposta à mesma, implementou-se um estudo misto, quantitativo e qualitativo, com alunos da unidade curricular Análise Matemática I do Curso Engenharia Alimentar de um Instituto Politécnico português, a quem se propôs uma exploração prévia da plataforma extra-aula para que, nesse espaço, se pudesse conceptualizar os conceitos envolvidos e realizar tarefas variadas quanto à sua natureza. Usaram-se como principais técnicas de recolha de dados a análise documental, a inquirição e a observação direta, suportadas pelos diversos instrumentos: Questionário Inicial e Final; testes de avaliação, nas versões pré-teste, pós-teste1 e pós-teste2; produções de uma bateria de tarefas de natureza diversificada; registo computorizado do percurso dos alunos relativamente ao trabalho por eles desenvolvido na plataforma do PmatE; notas de campo; dossier dos alunos e entrevistas. Os resultados obtidos, a partir de uma análise estatística dos dados quantitativos e de conteúdo dos dados qualitativos, indicam, por um lado, que os alunos mais autónomos, mais persistentes e que obtêm os melhores resultados são os alunos que usaram a plataforma com frequência e, por outro, que a utilização da plataforma contribuiu para aumentar o gosto pela Matemática. Este estudo permitiu, também, obter informação importante sobre aspetos que poderão melhorar a plataforma, em particular, relativos à natureza das tarefas e à resolução dos exercícios propostos.
Tese de doutoramento, Psicologia (Psicologia da Educação), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Psicologia, 2014
The study focused on the teacher as an adult learner rather than an instructor. A sample of three hundred and three elementary school teachers completed a two-part Likert survey questionnaire. The instrument was developed by the researcher in an attempt to operationalize Mezirow's Theory of Perspective Transformation. The four sub-scales collected information about teachers as they perceived themselves as adult learners and the way they conceptualize critical SelfReflection, Meaning perspectives and New Insights (Mezirow, 1978, 1981, 1989, 1990) within a framework of Mezirow's concept of Transformative Learning. Survey research methodology was used. Frequency distributions, means, and standard deviation were calculated. Reliability analysis and Pearson 'r' correlations established the internal consistency of items It Cross tabulations to describe differences in responses across demographic valuables were computed. The survey results indicated that teachers perceived themselves as self-directed learners. The findings support the need for a better understanding of the teacher as an adult learner so that teacher inservice programs and teacher supervision and evaluation can provide a viable learning alternative to the existing models used in practice.
Children were afforded the opportunity to control the order of repetitions for three novel spatiotemporal sequences. The following was predicted: a) children and adults in the self-regulated (SELF) groups would produce faster movement (MT) and reaction times (R T) and greater recall success (RS) during retention compared to the age-matched yoked (YOKE) groups; b) children would choose to switch sequences less often than adults; c) adults would produce faster MT and RT and greater RS than the children during acquisition and retention, independent of experimental group. During acquisition, no effects were seen for RS, however for MT and RT there was a main effect for age as well as block. During retention a main effect for practice condition was seen for RS and failed to reach statistical significance for MT and RT, thus partially supporting our first and second hypotheses. The third hypothesis was not supported.
This study examined the similarities and differences that currently exist between Chinese and Canadian online higher education, and explored the economic, political, and sociocultural environments that have shaped online education in these two jurisdictions. Furthermore, this paper discussed the efficacy of, and potential for, future development of online learning in higher education in both Canada and China. The research employed a collective case study design to gather information and data on the development of online higher education. The analysis on Contact North in Canada and the One-Man University in China provide a comparative perspective on the development of 2 typical online higher educational institutions in these two countries. The study revealed that the development of online higher education is influenced by the economic, political, and sociocultural factors of environment. Contact North and the One-Man University share similarities in many aspects, but are characteristically different. The Contact North can set an example for establishing and operating a self-regulated MOOCs platform. The study also generated implications for both organizations.
L’insécurité routière chez les conducteurs âgés est attribuable en partie, aux effets délétères du vieillissement normal sur le fonctionnement cognitif. Les méthodes d’évaluation neuropsychologique par les tests ayant montré une certaine efficacité dans le cas du dépistage des habiletés de conduite chez les conducteurs âgés atteints d’affections neurologiques pathologiques, la présente thèse vise à évaluer la pertinence de cette approche chez les conducteurs vieillissants de la population générale. Le principal objectif de cette thèse est ainsi d’obtenir une vue d’ensemble sur le rôle et la sensibilité des mesures neuropsychologiques dans la prédiction des habiletés et habitudes de conduite automobile sécuritaire chez les conducteurs âgés. Dans la même perspective, la thèse explore d’autre part le rôle de variables sociodémographiques et psychologiques. L’article 1 évalue la validité prédictive de sept tests des fonctions visuo-attentionnelles et de la mémoire de travail en regard des habiletés de détection périphérique chez 50 conducteurs âgés de 62 à 83 ans. L’étude sur simulateur de conduite comprend une condition de conduite simple et une condition plus soutenue incluant une distraction téléphonique de type « mains-libres ». Selon les résultats, certains tests cognitifs prédisent bien les temps de détection. En outre, la validité prédictive des tests est plus importante dans la situation de conduite plus exigeante. Cela dit, les résultats de l’article 2 révèlent que le recours aux stratégies d’évitement des situations exigeantes est plus prononcé chez les individus qui présentent des faiblesses à certains des tests neuropsychologiques proposés. Les résultats indiquent en outre que l’utilisation des stratégies d’évitement routier est plus fréquente chez les conducteurs ayant tendance à déprécier leurs habiletés de conduite générales, à exprimer une moindre perception de contrôle ainsi qu’une attitude défavorable à l’endroit des situations de conduite complexes ou risquées. Les stratégies d’évitement se révèlent donc comme des réponses autorégulatrices proportionnelles aux limitations cognitives et aux perceptions individuelles. Dans les deux études, l’âge ne permet pas d’expliquer les différences individuelles, ceci ni en termes d’habiletés de détection périphérique ni de tendances autorégulatrices. Le rôle du genre est cependant plus nuancé. Ainsi, le principal apport de la présente thèse réside dans la constatation que si d’une part, certaines limitations neuropsychologiques sont associées à une réduction des habiletés de détection périphérique, ces mêmes limitations s’accompagnent aussi de mesures autorégulatrices qui peuvent contribuer à réduire le risque routier. Il appert conséquemment que les méthodes de dépistage de l’insécurité routière chez les conducteurs âgés se basant sur l’évaluation des limitations cognitives et attentionnelles doivent également rechercher et évaluer la teneur de leurs comportements routiers autorégulateurs. Dans le contexte de vieillissement de la population, des interventions pourront également miser sur le renforcement de ces comportements.
Essai présenté à la Faculté des arts et des sciences en vue de l’obtention du doctorat en psychologie (D.Psy.)
Lateinische Schriftsteller im Original zu lesen, fällt vielen Schülerinnen und Schülern in der Lektürephase des Lateinunterrichts schwer. In der vorliegenden Dissertation wird untersucht, inwiefern gezielter Einsatz von Lernstrategien das Textverständnis verbessern kann. Strategisches Arbeiten mit Texten kann bereits zu einem sehr frühen Zeitpunkt in schriftbasierten Kulturen nachgewiesen werden. In dieser Arbeit werden Quellentexte aus der griechisch-römischen Antike und dem Mittelalter hinsichtlich texterschließender Strategien untersucht, systematisiert, kommentiert und im modernen Lateinunterricht eingesetzt. Dabei arbeiten die Schülerinnen und Schüler selbstgesteuert und forschend-entdeckend mit Reproduktionen antiker Papyri und Pergamente. Im Laufe des Unterrichtsprojektes, das ich CLAVIS, lat. für „Schlüssel“, nenne, lernen die Schüler im Zusammenhang mit Fachinhalten des Lateinunterrichts sechs antike Strategien der Texterschließung kennen. Diese Strategien werden heute noch genauso verwendet wie vor 2000 Jahren. Unter Berücksichtigung der Erkenntnisse der modernen Lernstrategieforschung wurden die Strategien ausgewählt, die als besonders effektive Maßnahmen zur Förderung von Textverständnis beurteilt werden, nämlich CONIUGATIO: Vorwissen aktivieren, LEGERE: mehrfaches und möglichst lautes Lesen, ACCIPERE: Hilfen annehmen, VERTERE: Übersetzen mit System, INTERROGARE: Fragen zulassen, SUMMA: Zusammenfassung erstellen. Ziel von CLAVIS ist es, Schülern ein Werkzeug zur systematischen Texterschließung an die Hand zu geben, das leicht zu merken ist und flexibel auf Texte jeder Art und jeder Sprache angewendet werden kann. Um die Effektivität des Unterrichtsprojektes CLAVIS zu überprüfen, wurde mit zwei parallel geführten 10. Klassen am Johann-Schöner-Gymnasium in Karlstadt im Schuljahr 2009/10 eine Vortest-Nachtest-Studie durchgeführt. Eine der Klassen wurde als Experimentalgruppe mit Intervention in Form von CLAVIS unterrichtet, die andere Klasse, die die Kontrollgruppe bildete, erhielt kein strategisches Training. Ein Fragebogen lieferte Informationen zur Vorgehensweise der Schüler bei der Textbearbeitung in Vortest und Nachtest (jeweils eine Übersetzung eines lateinischen Textes in identischem Schwierigkeitsgrad). Die Auswertung der Daten zeigte deutlich, dass Textverständnis und Übersetzungsfähigkeit sich bei denjenigen Schülern verbesserten, die die CLAVIS-Strategien im Nachtest angewendet hatten. Im Zusammenhang mit der Neugestaltung der Lehrpläne auf dem Hintergrund der Kompetenzorientierung ergeben sich für das Fach Latein neue Chancen, nicht nur inhaltlich wertvolle Zeugnisse der Antike zur allgemeinen, zweckfreien Persönlichkeitsbildung von Schülerinnen und Schülern einzusetzen, sondern gezielt Strategien zu vermitteln, die im Hinblick auf die in einer Informationsgesellschaft unverzichtbare Sprach- und Textkompetenz einen konkreten Nutzen haben.