982 resultados para regional markets


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Staffing rural and remote schools is an important policy issue for the public good. This paper examines the private issues it also poses for teachers with families working in these communities, as they seek to reconcile careers with educational choices for children. The paper first considers historical responses to staffing rural and remote schools in Australia, and the emergence of neoliberal policy encouraging marketisation of the education sector. We report on interviews about considerations motivating household mobility with 11 teachers across regional, rural and remote communities in Queensland. Like other middle-class parents, these teachers prioritised their children’s educational opportunities over career opportunities. The analysis demonstrates how teachers in rural and remote communities constitute a special group of educational consumers with insider knowledge and unique dilemmas around school choice. Their heightened anxieties around school choice under neoliberal policy are shown to contribute to the public issue of staffing rural and remote schools.


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Resumen: ¿Cuál es el precio justo para la asistencia social? Este artículo muestra que la medición económica efectuada en mercados basados en el valor de los servicios prestados podría responder esta pregunta. La medición económica puede hacer lo mismo en distintos campos del trabajo social aplicando diferentes métodos, tales como ofertas públicas o negociaciones calificadas. Después de dar un breve panorama teórico, se presentan y analizan en detalle dos proyectos alemanes. El artículo muestra cómo la introducción de mecanismos de negociación en la asistencia social expresados en términos de resultados pueden traer efectos positivos para las finanzas públicas, así como también para el bien común.


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Fish export trade,both regional and international, has significantly contributed to uganda's economic growth and to the livehoods of many Ugandans in terms of revenue and employment. while there is substantive information on local and international fish trade on which decsions could be based to appropriately develop the trade,informatrion on regional fish export trade is lacking and where avaliable,it has not been adequately documented. This report contains the findings of the survey on regional fish trade at the border district of West Nile,South/Western and Eastern regions key markets and selected fish supply beaches on Lake Victoria.


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The purpose of the study was to provide an in-depth understanding of information generation, flow and utilization within Uganda’s regional fish trade. The study was carried out at district headquarters, border points, landing sites and border markets, involving DFOs, Customs Officials, BMU executives and market managers.


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Bioenergy is a key component of the European Union long term energy strategy across all sectors, with a target contribution of up to 14% of the energy mix by 2020. It is estimated that there is the potential for 1TWh of primary energy from biogas per million persons in Europe, derived from agricultural by-products and waste. With an agricultural sector that accounts for 75% of land area and a large number of advanced engineering firms, Northern Ireland is a region with considerable potential for an integrated biogas industry. Northern Ireland is also heavily reliant on imported fossil fuels. Despite this, the industry is underdeveloped and there is a need for a collaborative approach from research, business and policy-makers across all sectors to optimise Northern Ireland’s abundant natural resources. ‘Developing Opportunities in Bio-Energy’ (i.e. Do Bioenergy) is a recently completed project that involved both academic and specialist industrial partners. The aim was to develop a biogas research action plan for 2020 to define priorities for intersectoral regional development, co-operation and knowledge transfer in the field of production and use of biogas. Consultations were held with regional stakeholders and working groups were established to compile supporting data, decide key objectives and implementation activities. Within the context of this study it was found that biogas from feedstocks including grass, agricultural slurry, household and industrial waste have the potential to contribute from 2.5% to 11% of Northern Ireland’s total energy consumption. The economics of on-farm production were assessed, along with potential markets and alternative uses for biogas in sectors such as transport, heat and electricity. Arising from this baseline data, a Do Bioenergy was developed. The plan sets out a strategic research agenda, and details priorities and targets for 2020. The challenge for Northern Ireland is how best to utilise the biogas – as electricity, heat or vehicle fuel and in what proportions. The research areas identified were: development of small scale solutions for biogas production and use; solutions for improved nutrient management; knowledge supporting and developing the integration of biogas into the rural economy; and future crops and bio-based products. The human resources and costs for the implementation were estimated as 80 person-years and £25 million respectively. It is also clear that the development of a robust bio-gas sector requires some reform of the regulatory regime, including a planning policy framework and a need to address social acceptance issues. The Action Plan was developed from a regional perspective but the results may be applicable to other regions in Europe and elsewhere. This paper presents the methodology, results and analysis, and discussion and key findings of the Do Bioenergy report for Northern Ireland.


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At a time when the traditional major airlines have struggled to remain viable, the low-cost carriers have become the major success story of the European airline industry. This paper looks behind the headlines to show that although low-cost airlines have achieved much, they too have potential weaknesses and face a number of challenges in the years ahead. The secondary and regional airports that have benefited from low-cost carrier expansion are shown to be vulnerable to future changes in airline economics, government policy and patterns of air service. An analysis of routes from London demonstrates that the low-cost airlines have been more successful in some markets than others. To attractive and historically under-served leisure destinations in Southern Europe they have stimulated dramatic growth and achieved a dominant position. To major hub cities however they typically remain marginal players and to secondary points in Northern Europe their traffic has been largely diverted from existing operators. There is also evidence that the UK market is becoming saturated and new low-cost services are poaching traffic from other low-cost routes. Passenger compensation legislation and possible environmental taxes will hit the low-cost airline industry disproportionately hard. The high elasticities of demand to price in certain markets that these airlines have exploited will operate in reverse. One of the major elements of the low-cost business model involves the use of smaller uncongested airports. These offer faster turn-arounds and lower airport charges. In many cases, local and regional government has been willing to subsidise expansion of air services to assist with economic development or tourism objectives. However, recent court cases against Ryanair now threaten these financial arrangements. The paper also examines the catchment areas for airports with low-cost service. It is shown that as well as stimulating local demand, much traffic is captured from larger markets nearby through the differential in fare levels. This has implications for surface transport, as access to these regional airports often involves long journeys by private car. Consideration is then given to the feasibility of low-cost airlines expanding into the long-haul market or to regional operations with small aircraft. Many of the cost advantages are more muted on intercontinental services.


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This paper presents the creation and development of technological schools directly linked to the business community and to higher public education. Establishing themselves as the key interface between the two sectors they make a signigicant contribution by having a greater competitive edge when faced with increasing competition in the tradional markets. The development of new business strategies supported by references of excellence, quality and competitiveness also provides a good link between the estalishment of partnerships aiming at the qualification of education boards at a medium level between the technological school and higher education with a technological foundation. We present a case study as an example depicting the success of Escola Tecnológica de Vale de Cambra.


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Regionale Arbeitsmärkte unterscheiden sich erheblich hinsichtlich wesentlicher Kennzahlen wie der Arbeitslosenquote, des Lohnniveaus oder der Beschäftigungsentwicklung. Wegen ihrer Persistenz sind diese Unterschiede von hoher Relevanz für die Politik. Die wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Literatur liefert bereits theoretische Modelle für die Analyse regionaler Arbeitsmärkte. In der Regel sind diese Modelle aber nicht dazu geeignet, regionale Arbeitsmarktunterschiede endogen zu erklären. Das bedeutet, dass sich die Unterschiede regionaler Arbeitsmärkte in der Regel nicht aus den Modellzusammenhängen selbst ergeben, sondern „von außen“ eingebracht werden müssen. Die empirische Literatur liefert Hinweise, dass die Unterschiede zwischen regionalen Arbeitsmärkten auf die Höhe der regionalen Arbeitsnachfrage zurückzuführen sind. Die Arbeitsnachfrage wiederum leitet sich aus den Gütermärkten ab: Es hängt von der Entwicklung der regionalen Gütermärkte ab, wie viele Arbeitskräfte benötigt werden. Daraus folgt, dass die Ursachen für Unterschiede regionaler Arbeitsmärkte in den Unterschieden zwischen den regionalen Gütermärkten zu suchen sind. Letztere werden durch die Literatur zur Neuen Ökonomischen Geographie (NÖG) untersucht. Die Literatur zur NÖG erklärt Unterschiede regionaler Gütermärkte, indem sie zentripetale und zentrifugale Kräfte gegenüberstellt. Zentripetale Kräfte sind solche, welche hin zur Agglomeration ökonomischer Aktivität wirken. Im Zentrum dieser Diskussion steht vor allem das Marktpotenzial: Unternehmen siedeln sich bevorzugt an solchen Standorten an, welche nahe an großen Märkten liegen. Erwerbspersonen wiederum bevorzugen solche Regionen, welche ihnen entsprechende Erwerbsaussichten bieten. Beides zusammen bildet einen sich selbst verstärkenden Prozess, der zur Agglomeration ökonomischer Aktivität führt. Dem stehen jedoch zentrifugale Kräfte gegenüber, welche eine gleichmäßigere Verteilung ökonomischer Aktivität bewirken. Diese entstehen beispielsweise durch immobile Produktionsfaktoren oder Ballungskosten wie etwa Umweltverschmutzung, Staus oder hohe Mietpreise. Sind die zentripetalen Kräfte hinreichend stark, so bilden sich Zentren heraus, in denen sich die ökonomische Aktivität konzentriert, während die Peripherie ausdünnt. In welchem Ausmaß dies geschieht, hängt von dem Verhältnis beider Kräfte ab. Üblicherweise konzentriert sich die Literatur zur NÖG auf Unterschiede zwischen regionalen Gütermärkten und geht von der Annahme perfekter Arbeitsmärkte ohne Arbeitslosigkeit aus. Die Entstehung und Persistenz regionaler Arbeitsmarktunterschiede kann die NÖG daher üblicherweise nicht erklären. An dieser Stelle setzt die Dissertation an. Sie erweitert die NÖG um Friktionen auf dem Arbeitsmarkt, um die Entstehung und Persistenz regionaler Arbeitsmarktunterschiede zu erklären. Sie greift dazu auf eine empirische Regelmäßigkeit zurück: Zahlreiche Studien belegen einen negativen Zusammenhang zwischen Lohn und Arbeitslosigkeit. In Regionen, in denen die Arbeitslosigkeit hoch ist, ist das Lohnniveau gering und umgekehrt. Dieser Zusammenhang wird als Lohnkurve bezeichnet. Auf regionaler Ebene lässt sich die Lohnkurve mithilfe der Effizienzlohntheorie erklären, die als theoretische Grundlage in der Dissertation Anwendung findet. Konzentriert sich nun die ökonomische Aktivität aufgrund der zentripetalen Kräfte in einer Region, so ist in diesem Zentrum die Arbeitsnachfrage höher. Damit befindet sich das Zentrum auf einer günstigen Position der Lohnkurve mit geringer Arbeitslosigkeit und hohem Lohnniveau. Umgekehrt findet sich die Peripherie auf einer ungünstigen Position mit hoher Arbeitslosigkeit und geringem Lohnniveau wieder. Allerdings kann sich die Lohnkurve in Abhängigkeit des Agglomerationsgrades verschieben. Das komplexe Zusammenspiel der endogenen Agglomeration mit den Arbeitsmarktfriktionen kann dann unterschiedliche Muster regionaler Arbeitsmarktdisparitäten hervorrufen. Die Dissertation zeigt auf, wie im Zusammenspiel der NÖG mit Effizienzlöhnen regionale Arbeitsmarktdisparitäten hervorgerufen werden. Es werden theoretische Modelle formuliert, die diese Interaktionen erklären und welche die bestehende Literatur durch spezifische Beiträge erweitern. Darüber hinaus werden die zentralen Argumente der Theorie einem empirischen Test unterworfen. Es kann gezeigt werden, dass das zentrale Argument – der positive Effekt des Marktpotentials auf die Arbeitsnachfrage – relevant ist. Außerdem werden Politikimplikationen abgeleitet und der weitere Forschungsbedarf aufgezeigt.


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El desarrollo del Este Asiático en los últimos años ha sido sorprendente. Estos Estados han logrado un crecimiento acelerado integrándose en el mercado mundial tanto de bienes como de capitales. Lo anterior, ha generado que la postura japonesa cambie frente a la integración económica, pues ahora el Estado Nipón está creando acciones en su política exterior como un actor racional para mantener su posición, estabilidad y bienestar dentro de la región. Es así que la presente monografía busca identificar cuáles son los intereses de Japón en materia de Integración Regional en el Este Asiático durante el período 1997-2008. Por lo antes mencionado, se han planteado como propósitos particulares: Identificar la perspectiva japonesa frente al establecimiento de Integración Regional en el Este Asiático, describir cuáles son los intereses y estrategias de política exterior japonesa en el Este Asiático y analizar la influencia de los enfoques económico y político en la consolidación de la influencia del Estado Japonés.


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En el área de Abastecimiento de CEMEX COLOMBIA SA se encuentra el foco de las negociaciones con proveedores de la empresa. Es en esta área donde se realizan contratos a largo plazo con las empresas que suministran los insumos vitales para la producción de cemento y concreto. Uno de estos insumos es la energía eléctrica. Necesaria en todo proceso productivo, la energía eléctrica se convierte, entonces, en una de las negociaciones más críticas para la empresa teniendo en cuenta el impacto en la operación y en el gasto. De igual forma, toda negociación requiere de un estudio riguroso previo por medio del cual se llegue a una postura informada al momento de negociar. Es así como CEMEX COLOMBIA SA, a través de sus negociadores, se prepara investigando el mercado nacional y regional de energía eléctrica, sus variables influyentes y las proyecciones de desarrollo. Luego de esta investigación y del análisis del sector, CEMEX COLOMBIA SA asume una posición firme en la que sabe que los planes de expansión y el desarrollo esperado del sector plantean un mercado con capacidad instalada suficiente para el suministro de energía hasta 2017. De esta manera, se cierra un contrato a dos años con Emgesa, filial de la multinacional española Endesa.


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National policies in North America have not been drafted properly to address the problem of climate change, following the impasse of international negotiations. Facing this scenario, new alternatives emerge with the leadership and participation of new actors. Local governments in North America, especially of British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec, have been developing strategies to face climate change and emissions reduction in parallel to the national efforts and the global governance strategies. These local governments have developed a transregional approach that has resulted in the creation of regional institutions such as the Western Climate Initiative, the Regional Greenhouse GasInitiative and the Midwestern GreenhouseGas Reduction Accord.Their main goal is to establish regional carbon markets to mitigate and adapt to climate change impacts in a cost-effective way. In spite of these efforts, these initiatives have faced the overlapping problem among them and with national and globalstrategies. The goal of this research is to explore how these carbon markets have developed convergence policies. Convergence among these markets is expressed in their offset system and in secondary markets.


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El interés de esta monografía es analizar la influencia que la configuración de un dilema de seguridad en Suramérica entre Chile, Venezuela y Colombia durante el periodo 1998-2008, tuvo en la formulación de la Estrategia Nacional de Defensa de Brasil de 2008. Se analiza cómo el cambio en la estructura de poder regional y en la distribución relativa de capacidades producto de las acciones de estos actores, afectó la definición de los lineamientos y acciones estratégicas de la Estrategia Nacional de Defensa, en tanto Brasil buscaba consolidar su papel como potencia en Suramérica. Teniendo en cuenta el realismo defensivo como marco explicativo y su enfoque en temas asociados a la seguridad, se realiza un análisis que permita comprender la situación suramericana descrita y el alcance de la teoría como herramienta analítica.


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This paper analyzes some optimal fiscal, pricing, and capacity investment policies for controlling regional monopoly power in the natural gas industry. By letting the set of control instruments available to the social planner vary, we provide a characterization of the technological and demand conditions under which “excess” capacity in the transport network arises in response to the loss of the two other control instruments, namely, transfers and pricing. Hence, the analysis yields some insights on an economy’s incentives to invest in infrastructures for the purpose of integrating geographically isolated markets.


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The relevance of regional policy for less favoured regions (LFRs) reveals itself when policy-makers must reconcile competitiveness with social cohesion through the adaptation of competition or innovation policies. The vast literature in this area generally builds on an overarching concept of ‘social capital’ as the necessary relational infrastructure for collective action diversification and policy integration, in a context much influenced by a dynamic of industrial change and a necessary balance between the creation and diffusion of ‘knowledge’ through learning. This relational infrastructure or ‘social capital’ is centred on people’s willingness to cooperate and ‘envision’ futures as a result of “social organization, such as networks, norms and trust that facilitate action and cooperation for mutual benefit” (Putnam, 1993: 35). Advocates of this interpretation of ‘social capital’ have adopted the ‘new growth’ thinking behind ‘systems of innovation’ and ‘competence building’, arguing that networks have the potential to make both public administration and markets more effective as well as ‘learning’ trajectories more inclusive of the development of society as a whole. This essay aims to better understand the role of ‘social capital’ in the production and reproduction of uneven regional development patterns, and to critically assess the limits of a ‘systems concept’ and an institution-centred approach to comparative studies of regional innovation. These aims are discussed in light of the following two assertions: i) learning behaviour, from an economic point of view, has its determinants, and ii) the positive economic outcomes of ‘social capital’ cannot be taken as a given. It is suggested that an agent-centred approach to comparative research best addresses the ‘learning’ determinants and the consequences of social networks on regional development patterns. A brief discussion of the current debate on innovation surveys has been provided to illustrate this point.