849 resultados para modern societies


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Cette thèse théorique porte sur la psychothérapie et en particulier sur deux formes - la psychanalyse et la thérapie brève de l'école de Palo Alto - qu'elle entend examiner dans le cadre de débats portant principalement sur les efforts métathéoriques pour penser la modernité, la postmodernité et les phénomènes qui les accompagnent: rationalisation, individualisation, scepticisme ou relativisme cognitif et moral. Il est proposé que la psychothérapie puisse être considérée, au-delà de ce qui a été dit sur le caractère essentiellement narcissique de cette pratique, comme une contribution à l’émancipation sociale en favorisant le développement moral des personnes. Il s’agit ici de montrer que l’on peut faire une autre lecture de cette réalité, et ce à l’aide de ressources fournies par la tradition sociologique. Ce développement moral des personnes serait favorisé par un fonctionnement autoréflexif et des compétences communicationnelles, ces dernières traduisant, dans la pensée d’Habermas, la conscience morale. Mais pour qu’il y ait fonctionnement autoréflexif, il faut pouvoir accepter une capacité à connaître, à se connaître, ce que n’admettent pas d’emblée les thérapies influencées par le postmodernisme. Or l’examen des discours tenus par les praticiens eux-mêmes sur leurs pratiques révèle une influence du postmodernisme, que ce soit sous la forme du constructivisme, du constructionnisme social ou plus généralement d’un certain scepticisme et d’un refus concomitant de l'expertise et de l'autorité, une situation paradoxale pour une pratique professionnelle. Les deux formes de thérapies retenues censées représenter les deux pôles de l'intervention thérapeutique - le pôle technique, stratégique et le pôle expressiviste, communicationnel – sont examinées à la lumière de propositions mises de l’avant par Habermas, notamment sur les rationalités stratégique et communicationnelle ainsi que la situation idéale de parole. La psychothérapie apparait ici comme une contribution inestimable à une rationalisation du monde vécu. Forte d’un approfondissement des notions de modernité et de postmodernisme, l’exploration se poursuit avec une critique détaillée d’ouvrages de Foucault portant sur les pratiques disciplinaires, la grande objection à concevoir les psychothérapies comme émancipatrices. La thèse tend à démontrer que ces analyses ne reflètent plus une situation contemporaine. Enfin, la thèse examine le débat entre Habermas et Foucault sous l'angle des rapports critique-pouvoir : si le savoir est toujours le produit de rapports de pouvoir et s’il a toujours des effets de pouvoir, comment peut-il prétendre être critique ? Il en ressort que l'œuvre d’Habermas, en plus de posséder beaucoup plus d'attributs susceptibles d'appuyer la problématique, offre une théorisation plus équilibrée, plus nuancée des gains liés à la modernité, tandis que Foucault, outre qu'il n'offre aucun espoir de progrès ou gains en rationalité, nous lègue une conception du pouvoir à la fois plus réaliste (il est imbriqué dans toute communication et toute interaction), mais plus fataliste, sans possibilité de rédemption par le savoir. La thèse se conclut par un retour sur la notion d’individualisme avec L. Dumont, Lipovetsky, Taylor, ainsi que Bellah et al. pour discuter des phénomènes sociaux liés, pour certains critiques, à l’existence des psychothérapies, notamment l’instrumentalité des relations.


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Gerade männliche Jugendliche nutzen in ihrer Pubertät und Adoleszenz zu einer gelingenden Gestaltung ihres Alltags und zur Ausbildung ihrer Identität zahlreiche Erscheinungsformen des Fantasy-Rollenspielens. In einem Prozess von Aneignung und Entäußerung integrieren dabei die Jugendlichen das überaus reiche multimediale Angebot, welches die Spiele bieten, in ihre Alltagsgestaltung, indem sie sich daraus spezifische Medien-, Text- und Ereignisarrangements bauen. Diese dienen einerseits der sozialen Integration und Distinktion, andererseits der Präsentation ihrer Identitätsentwürfe sich und anderen. Die Jugendlichen schaffen sich mittels dieser spezifischen Medien-, Text- und Ereignisarrangements eine in weiten Teilen von ihnen selbst bestimmte Welt, in der sie ihre Phantasie wie Kreativität mit großer Intensität, ja Obsession, innerhalb integrativer und solidarischer Interaktionsformen selbststeuernd und professionell ausleben. Diese Medien-, Text- und Ereignisarrangements zeigen Angebots- und Nutzungsformen, die sich nach einem medienkommunikativen Aneignungs- und Entäußerungsmodell in der Tradition der Cultural Studies (Stuart Hall) beschreiben lassen. Die Langzeitbeobachtung der Jugendlichen zeigt, dass sie alltagspragmatische Kulturtechniken zur selbstbestimmten Gestaltung von Alltag entwickeln: zunächst eine Strukturierung ihrer kognitiven, affektiven und pragmatischen Interaktion nach Kriterien erfolgreicher intrinsischer Interaktion, mit dem Ziel derer Perpetuierung im Flow-Erleben (Mihalyi Csikszentmihalyi), dann eine Ästhetisierung von Alltagswirklichkeit mittels kollektiver Fiktionalisierung in der Tradition des Collective Story Telling (Janet H. Murray). Diese Kulturtechniken stellen vor dem Hintergrund der Enkodierung und Dekodierung sozialer Codes spezifische Adaptionen von Prozessen der Bedeutungszuweisung und Subjekt- bzw. Identitätskonstitution dar. Die sie evozierenden und mit ihnen korrespondierenden handlungsleitenden Themen der Jugendlichen sind der Wunsch nach Rekonstitution von Gesamtheit in einer sich fragmentarisierenden Wirklichkeit, die Affirmation von Selbstbestimmung- und Autonomieerfahrungen, das Erleben von Reintegration und Solidarität für das sich dissoziiert erfahrende Individuum. Das Handeln der Jugendlichen basiert damit auf dem momentan dominanten Prozess einer Individualisierung von Lebenswelt unter den Bedingungen von Reflexivität und Erlebnisrationalität in der postmodernen Gesellschaft. Mit ihren Versuchen selbstbestimmter Gestaltung folgen sie dem aktuellen gesellschaftlichen Auftrag einer weitgehend in eigener Regie vorzunehmenden Lokalisierung dieses Prozesses. Zunehmend tritt diese von den Jugendlichen selbstgesteuerte Sozialisation neben die traditionell heteronome Sozialisation von gesellschaftlichen Instituten wie etwa die von Schule. Damit wird das Handeln der Jugendlichen zu einer Herausforderung an Pädagogik und Schule. Schule muss, wenn sie ihrem eigentlichen Auftrag von Förderung gerecht werden will, eine Sensibilität für diese Eigenständigkeit von Jugendlichen entwickeln und in der Beobachtung ihres Handelns didaktische Innovationen für Lehren und Lernen entwickeln. Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Wiederentdeckung des pädagogischen Dialogs, besonders aber die Entwicklung einer individualisierten Lernkultur und die Förderung jugendlicher Gestaltungskompetenzen, welche von deren alltagsästhetischen Erfahrungen und Kompetenzen im Umgang mit multimedialen Kulturprodukten ausgeht. Schule kann und muss für diese Prozesse selbstgesteuerten Lernens angemessene pädagogische Räume bereitstellen, in denen die Jugendlichen innerhalb eines geschützten Kontextes in der Auseinandersetzung mit eigenen wie fremden Entwürfen ihre Identität entwickeln können.


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This article seeks to demonstrate how Law inter-related with Economy, constitutes in modern societies one of the main instruments for the construction of citizen consensus or the construction of political hegemony in modern societies. If we consider this affirmation —as is argued here— the transformations suffered in recent decades by Law as a consequence of the new phase of capitalistic globalization, have played an important role in the constitution of a new subjectivity (“single thought”) in the population.


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El artículo analiza la crisis que atraviesa el Estado-nación como producto de la agudización, profundización y aceleramiento de los procesos de globalización. En primer lugar, se abordan los cambios que se producen en su estructura, sus funciones y sus atribuciones soberanas de decisión, las cuales son sometidas a presiones en lo internacional y lo subnacional. Desde esta perspectiva, se hace énfasis en su lucha por sobrevivir a través de la diversificación de sus escenarios y de la cooperación con otros actores nacionales o internacionales. En consecuencia, el análisis nos conduce a constatar que el Estado-nación, en vez de desempeñar su papel jerárquico y autoritario tradicional, ha comenzado a jugar un rol negociador y de mediador entre los grandes problemas y los actores, o la combinación de actores, que más se adecuen a cada circunstancia. En este contexto, se evalúa la función integradora del Estado-nación, así como su capacidad para seguir siendo una pieza clave en un mundo globalizado y en momentos de fraccionamiento y pluralización de las sociedades actuales. Por último, se llega a la conclusión de que el Estadonación, a pesar de su crisis, sigue siendo la institución más importante del control global.-----This article analises the crisis affecting the Nation-State, which is a product of the aggravation, profundization and acceleration of the processes of globalization. In the first place the article deals with the changes of its structure, its functions and its decision-making power, all submitted to new international and sub-national pressures. From this perspective, emphasis is being placed on its struggle for survival through diversification of its scenarios and cooperation with other national and international actors. As a consequence, the analysis leads us to realize that the Nation-State, instead of being the hierarchical and authoritarian traditional entity, has started to play a new role as a negotiator and mediator of the big problems and their actors involved. In this context the integrating function of the Nation-State is being evaluated, as well as its capacity to stay a key player in a globalized world at times of the fragmentation and pluralization of modern societies. Finally the article concludes that the Nation-State, in spite of its current crisis, continues to be the most important institution of global control.


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Actualmente nuestras democracias se entienden a sí mismas como un procedimiento formal de carácter neutral respecto a las concepciones privadas de los individuos. En ellas, la legitimidad de las normas proviene de su aprobación por parte de los representantes en el Parlamento siguiendo los procedimientos establecidos. Como alternativa, el republicanismo contemporáneo ha recuperado conceptos tradicionales como el de bien común, y han propuesto las virtudes políticas, la deliberación y el debate comoremedios para paliar algunas de las insufciencias que se achacan a la democracia liberal. En este artículo mostraré cómo esta apuesta es menos deliberativa de lo que cabría suponerse, pues la deliberación opera como un mecanismo de justificaciónex post de postulados normativos. Este modelo de democracia deliberativa no puede ocultar su compromiso con un determinado ethos que dificultasu encaje con el carácter pluralista de nuestras sociedades modernas.-----Nowadays, Democracies has been understood as a formal and neutral process in relation to individual private conceptions. Rules of legitimacy come to their approval by representatives in Parliament following established procedures. Alternatively contemporary republicanism has recovered traditional concepts such as common good, political virtues and deliberation by opening up debates in order to solve certain liberal democracies fails. This article will try to show how this challenge is less deliberative that might be. The deliberation operates as a mechanism for justification“ex post” of normative postulates. This model of deliberative democracy is engaged to a particular ethos that promotes the lack of fit beteen pluralism and modern societies.


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La presente investigación tiene como objetivo explicar la influencia de la construcción de identidad cultural vietnamita en la Guerra de Independencia de Vietnam entre 1946 y 1954. Se argumenta que la construcción de identidad cultural justificó, promovió y legitimó la guerra de independencia como instrumento político ya que –en tanto proceso relacional– generó durante la colonización francesa prácticas de diferenciación fundamentadas en la reivindicación de los valores, tradiciones, costumbres, creencias y símbolos vietnamitas en torno a la resistencia. Ello propició una ruptura en las relaciones políticas imperantes, lo que condujo a la búsqueda de un nuevo orden social basado en la autodeterminación. Se utiliza una metodología de tipo cualitativa, fundamentada en el análisis documental e historiográfico.


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"TRAINING FOR THE UNIVERSAL MUSEUM" addresses a theme of our time. A Canadian, Marshall McLuhan, coined the phrase "global village" for this age which has witnessed mass travel, mass communications, even mass credit. Are we now about to see the "mass museum", a museum presumably homogenized and popularized for whatever constitutes the greatest cohort of global visitor which might arrive on the doorsteps of every-museum, every-where? The contributors to this volume think not. But there is in these papers some evidence of worry that we as individuals and institutions responsible for the education and professional development of museum workers are failing to consider seriously the impacts of the "global" forces at work in modern societies. Angelica Ruge discusses how the Germans are re-organizing museum training into a cohesive scheme, searching out the best elements from the former two states that now comprise the new German state. Margaret Greeves and Chris Newbery document the British search for a value free (and universally applicable?) set of museological skills which will underpin performance standards in the workplace. Both of these papers offer a response to the redefinition of the post-modern national state which as we watch, is redrawing political boundaries on every continent, and emphasizing the portability of skills and learning for the itinerant knowledge-industry worker.


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This article traces the paradoxical impact of Weber's oeuvre on two major scholars of nationalism, Ernest Gellner and Edward Shils. Both these scholars died in 1995, leaving behind a rich corpus of writings on the nation and nationalism, much of which was inspired by Max Weber. The paradox is that although neither scholar accepted Weber's sceptical attitude to the concept of ‘nation’, they both used his other major concepts, such as ‘rationality’, ‘disenchantment’, ‘unintended consequences’, the ‘ethic of responsibility’ and ‘charisma’, in their very analyses of the nation and nationalism. And they both saw, each in his own way, the nation and nationalism as constitutive elements of modern societies. However, the paradox ceases being a paradox if one sees the integration, by Shils and Gellner, of concepts of the nation and of nationalism in the analysis of modernity, as a development of Weber's ideas.


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Karen Aplin and Giles Harrison examine international records of the 1859 Carrington flare and consider what they mean for our understanding of space weather today. Space weather is increasingly recognized as a hazard to modern societies, and one way to assess the extent of its possible impact is through analysis of historic space weather events. One such event was the massive solar storm of late August and early September 1859. This is now widely known as the “Carrington flare” or “Carrington event” after the visual solar emissions on 1 September first reported by the Victorian astronomer Richard Carrington from his observatory in Redhill, Surrey (Carrington 1859). The related aurorae and subsequent effects on telegraph networks are well documented (e.g. Clark 2007, Boteler 2006), but use of modern techniques, such as analysis of nitrates produced by solar protons in ice cores to retrospectively assess the nature of the solar flare, has proved problematic (Wolff et al. 2012). This means that there is still very little quantitative information about the flare beyond magnetic observations (e.g. Viljanen et al. 2014).


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Energy intensity of the total primary energy supply (TPES), total final energy consumption (TFC) and LOSSES in the conversion from TPES to TFC were analyzed for the World, OECD and Rest of the World (ROW) countries. LOSSES increased significantly for all groups of countries due to the increase of electricity production from coal in the period studied (1971-2008). Electricity share final consumption almost doubled, increasing from 8.8% to 17.2% in the period studied. However the energy intensity of LOSSES remained practically constant, which reflects the fact that the efficiency of electricity generation from coal (the main source of electricity) remained practically constant in that period. Despite the attractiveness of end-use devices running on electricity such as computers, which is typical of modern societies, the CO(2) emissions are bound to increase unless coal is replaced by less carbon emitting sources such as natural gas, renewables and nuclear energy. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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O Estado e o mercado são instituições complementares. O Estado é a instituição principal que coordena as sociedades modernas; é o sistema constitucional e a organização que o garante; é o principal instrumento através do qual as sociedades democráticas estão moldando o capitalismo de modo a alcançar seus próprios objetivos políticos. Os mercados são instituições baseadas na competição, regulada pelo Estado para que contribuam com a coordenação da economia. Enquanto o liberalismo emergiu no século 18 para combater o estado autocrático, desde os anos 1980 o neoliberalismo (uma distorção maior do liberalismo econômico) tornou-se dominante e montou um assalto ao estado em nome do mercado, mas eventualmente também atacou o mercado. A macroeconomia neoclássica e a teoria da escolha pública foram as meta-ideologias que deram a esse assalto um apelo ‘científico’ e matemático.


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Trabalho preparado para número especial da Revista de Estudos Avançados da USP, dezembro de 2009.


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The capitalist revolution was such a major economic, social and political transformation that that we can see history divided into two phases: ancient and modern times or pre-capitalism and capitalism. While ancient societies change slowly, modern societies change fast as they, for the first time, experience economic development. Taking the more developed countries as reference, capitalism itself may be seen as divided in three phases: commercial capitalism that marked the transition, classical or bourgeois capitalism, and professionals’ or knowledge capitalism. The later, that is dominant since the beginning of the 20th century, may be divided in two phases: the fordist one and the 30 neoliberal years of capitalism (1979-2008).


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Modern societies cannot anymore be just defined as classical or bourgeois capitalism. Since the emergence of a second relation of production and a third social class in capitalist societies, they are mixed societies where two forms of property – capital and organization – are present. That is why modern capitalism is not anymore classical or bourgeois capitalism, but a mixed form that we call professionals’ capitalism or knowledge capitalism or technobureaucratic. In this paper I define the new relation of production that we call “organization”. As to capital, I discuss the transformation of its definition as capitalism changed historically.


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A classe média brasileira apresentou um grande crescimento nos últimos anos representando 52% da população do país. Justamente devido a este fenômeno, surgiu o interesse nesta pesquisa que está focada em mulheres residentes no Rio de Janeiro. Podem ser observadas pesquisas recentes na área de marketing acerca dos hábitos de consumo desta classe, principalmente devido ao aumento do seu poder aquisitivo, porém pouco foram exploradas as particularidades dos diversos grupos dentro desta grande massa e de como se comportam em universos antes originários e característico das elites sociais, como o dos bens de luxo. A presente pesquisa tem o objetivo de contribuir para uma exploração mais detalhada acerca desta população. A fim de se observar a produção de conhecimento e o processo de construção de identidade das mulheres pesquisadas, o tema abordado foi o consumo de objetos de luxo. Três categorias se apresentam relevantes: Luxo, Luxo no Dia a Dia e Sonho de Consumo, que trazem informações distintas e complementares para melhor compreensão do grupo analisado. Apesar das teorias tradicionais de luxo apresentarem o status social, a diferenciação e o hedonismo como principais motivos do consumo destes objetos, outros aspectos relevantes foram observados quanto a este tipo de consumo, sendo a família a grande arena onde a maior parte das relações sociais e econômicas acontecem. A pesquisa também mostra o desenvolvimento de um olhar peculiar para a moda por parte do grupo estudado sendo a chave para o entendimento do que é luxo. Os resultados deste estudo mostram a riqueza das práticas e significados de consumo dentro de um mesmo grupo e a importância de um olhar qualitativo para que acadêmicos e gestores da área de marketing possam realmente entender os fenômenos de consumo das sociedades modernas, especialmente sociedades em pleno desenvolvimento social e econômico como o Brasil.