987 resultados para lateral composition modulation


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Tese dout., Engenharia Electrónica e Computação, Universidade do Algarve, 2005


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Phosphatidylcholine (PC), sphingomyelin (SM) and cholesterol (CHOL) are major constituents of mammalian cell membranes. DPPC/CHOL and DPPC/DMPC are well-known binary mixtures. POPC/CHOL, DOPC/CHOL, egg-SM/CHOL, egg-SM/POPC and egg-SM/DOPC are less studied, but also important for the comprehension of the POPC/egg-SM/CHOL mixtures. These provide complex media for which polarity is hard to access. It is mainly determined by the water penetrating the bilayer (unevenly distributed creating a polarity gradient), though the influence of the dipoles from phospholipids (e.g. –PO, –CO, –OH) and the double bond in the steroid ring of CHOL cannot be neglected. CHOL derivatives are an interesting tool to verify the influence of the double bonds in the polarization of its surroundings. Pyrene fluorescence was used to access an equivalent polarity (associated to the dielectric constant) near the lipid/water interface of lipid bilayers. POPC/CHOL and DOPC/CHOL have similar thermal behavior and variation with CHOL content, though for lower CHOL content the equivalent polarity is higher for the DOPC/CHOL mixtures. The studies with DPPC and DMPC showed that pyrene does not seem to have a marked preference for either ordered or disordered phases. For DPPC/CHOL and egg-SM/CHOL the highlight goes to the behavior of the mixtures at higher CHOL amounts, where there is a substantial change in the thermal behavior and polarity values especially for the egg-SM/CHOL mixture. Egg-SM/POPC and egg-SM/DOPC show different behavior depending on which phospholipid has a higher molar proportion. The ternary mixtures analyzed do not exhibit significant differences, though there is the indication of the existence of a more ordered environment at lower temperatures and a less ordered environment for higher temperatures. The presence of 7DHC or DCHOL in egg-SM bilayers showed a tendency for the same behavior detected upon mixing higher amounts of CHOL.


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Tese de mestrado em Bioquímica, apresentada à Universidade de Lisboa, através da Faculdade de Ciências, 2014


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Pain transmission at the spinal cord is modulated by descending actions that arise from supraspinal areas which collectively form the endogenous pain control system. Two key areas involved of the endogenous pain control system have a circunventricular location, namely the periaqueductal grey (PAG) and the locus coeruleus (LC). The PAG plays a crucial role in descending pain modulation as it conveys the input from higher brain centers to the spinal cord. As to the LC, it is involved in descending pain inhibition by direct noradrenergic projections to the spinal cord. In the context of neurological defects, several diseases may affect the structure and function of the brain. Hydrocephalus is a congenital or acquired disease characterized by an enlargement of the ventricles which leads to a distortion of the adjacent tissues, including the PAG and LC. Usually, patients suffering from hydrocephalus present dysfunctions in learning and memory and also motor deficits. It remains to be evaluated if lesions of the periventricular brain areas involved in pain control during hydrocephalus may affect descending pain control and, herein, affect pain responses. The studies included in the present thesis used an experimental model of hydrocephalus (the rat injected in the cisterna magna with kaolin) to study descending modulation of pain, focusing on the two circumventricular regions referred above (the PAG and the LC). In order to evaluate the effects of kaolin injection into the cisterna magna, we measured the degree of ventricular dilatation in sections encompassing the PAG by standard cytoarquitectonic stanings (thionin staining). For the LC, immunodetection of the noradrenaline-synthetizing enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) was performed, due to the noradrenergic nature of the LC neurons. In general, rats with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus presented a higher dilatation of the 4th ventricle, along with a tendency to a higher area of the PAG. Due to the validated role of detection the c-fos protooncogene as a marker of neuronal activation, we also studied neuronal activation in the several subnuclei which compose the PAG, namely the dorsomedial, dorsolateral, lateral and ventrolateral (VLPAG) parts. A decrease in the numbers of neurons immunoreactive for Fos protein (the product of activation of the c-fos protooncogene) was detected in rats injected with kaolin, whereas the remaining PAG subnuclei did not present changes in Fos-immunoreactive nuclei. Increases in the levels of TH in the LC, namely at the rostral parts of the nucleus, were detected in hydrocephalic animals. The following pain-related parameters were measured, namely 1) pain behavioural responses in a validated pain inflammatory test (the formalin test) and 2) the nociceptive activation of spinal cord neurons. A decrease in behavioral responses was detected in rats with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus was detected, namely in the second phase of the test (inflammatory phase). This is the phase of the formalin test in which the motor behaviour is less important, which is important since a semi-quantitative analysis of the motor performance of rats injected with kaolin indicates that these animals may present some motor impairments. Collectively, the results of the behavioral studies indicate that rats with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus exhibit hypoalgesia. A decrease in Fos expression was detected at the superficial dorsal layers of the spinal cord in rats with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus, further indicating that hydrocephalus decreases nociceptive responses. It remains to be ascertained if this is due to alterations in the PAG and LC in the rats with kaolin-induced hydrocephalus, which may affect descending pain modulation. It remains to be evaluated what are the mechanisms underlying the increased pain inhibition at the spinal dorsal horn in the hydrocephalus rats. Regarding the VLPAG, the decrease in neuronal activity may impair descending modulation. Since the LC has higher levels of TH in rats with kaolininduced hydrocephalus, which also appears to increase the noradrenergic innervation in the spinal dorsal horn, it is possible that an increase in the release of noradrenaline at the spinal cord accounts for pain inhibition. Our studies also determine the need to study in detail patients with hydrocephalus namely in what concerns their thresholds to pain and to perform imaging studies focused on the structure and function of pain control areas in the brain.


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La phagocytose est un processus par lequel des cellules spécialisées du système immunitaire comme les macrophages ingèrent des microorganismes envahisseurs afin de les détruire. Les microbes phagocytés se retrouvent dans un compartiment intracellulaire nommé le phagosome, qui acquiert graduellement de nombreuses molécules lui permettant de se transformer en phagolysosome possédant la capacité de tuer et dégrader son contenu. L’utilisation de la protéomique a permis de mettre en évidence la présence de microdomaines (aussi nommés radeaux lipidiques ou radeaux membranaires) sur les phagosomes des macrophages. Notre équipe a démontré que ces radeaux exercent des fonctions cruciales au niveau de la membrane du phagosome. D’abord nous avons observé que la survie du parasite intracellulaire L. donovani est possible dans un phagosome dépourvu de radeaux lipidiques. Parallèlement nous avons constaté qu’un mutant de L. donovani n’exprimant pas de LPG à sa surface(LPG-) est rapidement tué dans un phagosome arborant des radeaux membranaires. Pour comprendre le mécanisme de perturbation des microdomaines du phagosome par la molécule LPG, nous avons provoqué la phagocytose de mutants LPG- du parasite et comparé par microscopie les différences avec le parasite de type sauvage. Nous avons ainsi démontré que le LPG de L. donovani est nécessaire et suffisant au parasite pour empêcher la maturation normale du phagosome. Nous avons également découvert que la molécule LPG permet d’empêcher la formation des radeaux lipidiques sur le phagosome et peut aussi désorganiser les radeaux lipidiques préexistants. Enfin, nous avons montré que l’action de LPG est proportionnelle au nombre d’unités répétitives de sucres (Gal(β1,4)-Manα1-PO4) qui composent cette molécule. Nos travaux ont démontré pour la première fois le rôle important de ces sous-domaines membranaires dans la maturation du phagosome. De plus, nos conclusions seront des pistes à suivre au cours des études cliniques ayant pour but d’enrayer la leishmaniose. Le second objectif de ce travail consistait à effectuer la caractérisation des radeaux lipidiques par une analyse protéomique et lipidomique à l’aide de la spectrométrie de masse. Nous avons ainsi entrepris l’identification systématique des protéines présentes dans les radeaux membranaires des phagosomes et ce, à trois moments clés de leurmaturation. Le traitement des phagosomes purifiés avec un détergent nous a permis d’isoler les «Detergent Resistent Membranes» (DRMs) des phagosomes, qui sont l’équivalent biochimique des radeaux membranaires. Nous avons ainsi établi une liste de 921 protéines associées au phagosome, dont 352 sont présentes dans les DRMs. Les protéines du phagosome sont partagées presque également entre trois tendances cinétiques (augmentation, diminution et présence transitoire). Cependant, une analyse plus spécifique des protéines des DRMs démontre qu’une majorité d’entre elles augmentent en fonction de la maturation. Cette observation ainsi que certains de nos résultats montrent que les radeaux lipidiques des phagosomes précoces sont soit très peu nombreux, soit pauvres en protéines, et qu’ils sont recrutés au cours de la maturation du phagosome. Nous avons aussi analysé les phospholipides du phagosome et constaté que la proportion entre chaque classe varie lors de la maturation. De plus, en regardant spécifiquement les différentes espèces de phospholipides nous avons constaté que ce ne sont pas uniquement les espèces majoritaires de la cellule qui dominent la composition de la membrane du phagosome. L’ensemble de nos résultats a permis de mettre en évidence plusieurs fonctions potentielles des radeaux lipidiques, lesquelles sont essentielles à la biogenèse des phagolysosomes (signalisation, fusion membranaire, action microbicide, transport transmembranaire, remodelage de l’actine). De plus, la cinétique d’acquisition des protéines de radeaux lipidiques indique que ceux-ci exerceraient leurs fonctions principalement au niveau des phagosomes ayant atteint un certain niveau de maturation. L’augmentation du nombre de protéines des radeaux membranaires qui s’effectue durant la maturation du phagosome s’accompagne d’une modulation des phospholipides, ce qui laisse penser que les radeaux membranaires se forment graduellement sur le phagosome et que ce ne sont pas seulement les protéines qui sont importées.


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L’optogénétique est une technique prometteuse pour la modulation de l’activité neuronale. Par l’insertion d’une opsine microbienne dans la membrane plasmique de neurones et par son activation photonique, il devient possible de réguler l’activité neuronale avec une grande résolution temporelle et spatiale. Beaucoup de travaux ont été faits pour caractériser et synthétiser de nouvelles opsines. Ainsi, plusieurs variétés d’opsines sont désormais disponibles, chacune présentant des cinétiques et sensibilités à des longueurs d’onde différentes. En effet, il existe des constructions optogénétiques permettant de moduler à la hausse ou à la baisse l’activité neuronale, telles la channelrhodopsine-2 (ChR2) ou la halorhodopsine (NpHR), respectivement. Les promesses de cette technologie incluent le potentiel de stimuler une région restreinte du cerveau, et ce, de façon réversible. Toutefois, peu d’applications en ce sens ont été réalisées, cette technique étant limitée par l’absorption et la diffusion de la lumière dans les tissus. Ce mémoire présente la conception d’une fibre optique illuminant à un angle de 90° à sa sortie, capable de guider la lumière à des structures bien précises dans le système nerveux central. Nous avons conduit des tests in vivo dans le système visuel de souris transgéniques exprimant la ChR2 dans l’ensemble du système nerveux central. Dans le système visuel, les signaux rétiniens sont conduits au corps genouillé latéral (CGL) avant d’être relayés au cortex visuel primaire (V1). Pour valider la capacité de mon montage optogénétique à stimuler spécifiquement une sous-population de neurones, nous avons tiré profit de l’organisation rétinotopique existant dans le système visuel. En stimulant optogénétiquement le CGL et en tournant la fibre optique sur elle-même à l’aide d’un moteur, il devient possible de stimuler séquentiellement différentes portions de cette structure thalamique et conséquemment, différentes représentations du champ visuel. L’activation des projections thalamiques sera enregistrée au niveau de l’aire V1 à l’aide de l’imagerie optique intrinsèque, une technique qui permet d’imager les variations de la concentration d’oxygène et du volume sanguin dans le tissu neuronal, sur une grande surface corticale. Comme l’organisation rétinotopique est maintenue au niveau de l’aire V1, l’espace activé au niveau du cortex révèlera l’étendue spatiale de notre stimulation optogénétique du CGL. Les expériences in vivo démontrèrent qu’en déplaçant la fibre optique dans le CGL, il nous était possible de stimuler différents sous- ensembles de neurones dans cette structure thalamique. En conclusion, cette étude montre notre capacité à développer un système à base de fibre optique capable de stimuler optogénétiquement une population de neurone avec une grande précision spatiale.


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Le microenvironnement tumoral et les cellules et molécules signal (cytokines et chimiokines) qu’ils contiennent sont reconnus comme jouant un rôle prépondérant dans la progression des tumeurs. Il devient donc nécessaire d’étudier la relation entre les molécules signal, les cellules infiltrantes et les cellules tumorales. Le TGF-β est une puissante cytokine immunosuppressive et suppressive de la croissance cellulaire, dont le rôle dans la formation du microenvironnement tumoral leucémique est mal connu. Dans cette étude, nous avons étudié le modèle injectable de leucémie lymphoïde T EL4 (cellules tumorales produisant du TGF-β) de souche C57BL/6. Nous avons caractérisé l’infiltration de cellules myéloïdes et lymphoïdes au niveau des tumeurs par cytométrie en flux et par microscopie à fluorescence. L’analyse des cellules infiltrant les tumeurs EL4 nous a permis de montrer la forte présence de lymphocytes T et de cellules myéloïdes CD11b+. Nous avons donc poursuivi l’étude afin de mieux caractériser ces cellules. Nous avons montré que ces cellules se retrouvent en périphérie de la tumeur et en périphérie des vaisseaux sanguins de la tumeur. Ces cellules ont des phénotypes nous laissant croire qu’elles appartiennent à la famille des cellules dite myéloïdes suppressives. Ces cellules ont de forts niveaux de transcrits de VEGF et de MMP9 au niveau de la tumeur ainsi qu’au niveau systémique, mais ne semblent pas avoir une forte capacité inhibitrice in vitro. Afin de déterminer si la production tumorale de TGF-β influe le recrutement de ces cellules, nous avons transformé des cellules EL4 à l’aide d’un shRNA afin de diminuer la production de TGF-β (shRNA-TGF-β) et, comparé l’infiltration myéloïde et lymphoïde de tumeurs formées avec des cellules EL4 contrôles (shRNA-Luc). Une diminution de 50% dans les niveaux de transcrits de TGF-β n’affecte pas la croissance tumorale mais semble diminuer l’infiltration par des cellules myéloïdes. La présente étude nous a permis de mieux comprendre le modèle de leucémie EL4 et le rôle des populations cellulaires myéloïdes dans le microenvironnement tumoral leucémique. La diminution du TGF-β produit par les cellules tumorales réduit l’infiltration de ces populations myéloïdes dans la tumeur EL4. Le rôle précis de ces cellules est encore à déterminer. Ces résultats sont en accord avec le fait qu’une thérapie anti-TGF-β n’est pas suffisante pour contrer la progression tumorale, mais pourrait influer sur le résultat post-chimiothérapie et l’immunothérapie en altérant la composition du microenvironnement.


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Tethered films of polystyrene-block-poly(methyl methacrylate) copolymers of varying composition and molecular weight were investigated using atomic force microscopy and the observed structures compared with theoretical predictions. Although the experimental results were in qualitative agreement with the theory, there was significant quantitative variation. This was attributed to the presence of solvent in the films prior to and during annealing, a hypothesis supported by new preliminary calculations reported here. Solvent exchange experiments (where a good solvent for both polymer blocks was gradually replaced by a selective solvent), were also performed on the films. This procedure generated textured films in which the structure was defined by miscibility of the polymer blocks with the second solvent.


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Background: Aging is associated with reduced numbers of beneficial colonic bifidobacteria and impaired immunity. Galactooligosaccharides (GOSs) stimulate the growth of bifidobacteria in younger adults, but little is known about their effects in the elderly and their immunomodulatory capacity. Objective: We assessed the effect of a prebiotic GOS mixture (B-GOS) on immune function and fecal microflora composition in healthy elderly subjects. Design: In a double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study, 44 elderly subjects were randomly assigned to receive either a placebo or the B-GOS treatment (5.5 g/d). Subjects consumed the treatments for 10 wk, and then went through a 4-wk washout period, before switching to the other treatment for the final 10 wk. Blood and fecal samples were collected at the beginning, middle (5 wk), and end of the test period. Predominant bacterial groups were quantified, and phagocytosis, natural killer (NK) cell activity, cytokine production, plasma cholesterol, and HDL cholesterol were measured. Results: B-GOS significantly increased the numbers of beneficial bacteria, especially bifidobacteria, at the expense of less beneficial groups compared with the baseline and placebo. Significant increases in phagocytosis, NK cell activity, and the production of antiinflammatory cytokine interleukin-10 (IL-10) and significant reduction in the production of proinflammatory cytokines (IL-6, IL-1 beta , and tumor necrosis factor-alpha) were also observed. B-GOS exerted no effects on total cholesterol or HDL-cholesterol production, however. Conclusions: B-GOS administration to healthy elderly persons resulted in positive effects on both the microflora composition and the immune response. Therefore, B-GOS may be a useful dietary candidate for the enhancement of gastrointestinal health and immune function in elderly persons. Am J Clin Nutr 2008; 88: 1438-46.


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Synbiotics are recognized means of modulating gut microbiota composition and activities. However, whether synbiotics are superior to prebiotics and probiotics alone in moderating the gut microbiota towards a purportedly healthy composition has not been determined. Eight selected synbiotics (short-chain fructooligosaccharides or fructooligosaccharides, each combined with one of four probiotics, Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3, Lactobacillus plantarum WCFS1, Lactobacillus paracasei 8700:2 or Bifidobacterium longum 46) were added to 24-h pH-controlled anaerobic faecal batch cultures. The prebiotic and probiotic components were also tested alone to determine their respective role within the synbiotic for modulation of the faecal microbiota. Effects upon major groups of the microbiota were evaluated using FISH. Rifampicin variant probiotic strains were used to assess probiotic levels. Synbiotic and prebiotics increased bifidobacteria and the Eubacterium rectale-Clostridium coccoides group. Lower levels of Escherichia coli were retrieved with these combinations after 5 and 10 h of fermentation. Probiotics alone had little effect upon the groups, however. Multivariate analysis revealed that the effect of synbiotics differed from the prebiotics as higher levels of Lactobacillus-Enterococcus were observed when the probiotic was stimulated by the prebiotic component. Here, the synbiotic approach was more effective than prebiotic or probiotic alone to modulate the gut microbiota.


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The role of ribosome modulation factor (RMF) in protecting heat-stressed Escherichia coli cells was identified by the observation that cultures of a mutant strain lacking functional RMF (HMY15) were highly heat sensitive in stationary phase compared to those of the parent strain (W3110). No difference in heat sensitivity was observed between these strains in exponential phase, during which RMF is not synthesised. Studies by differential scanning calorimetry demonstrated that the ribosomes of stationary-phase cultures of the mutant strain had lower thermal stability than those of the parent strain in stationary phase, or exponential-phase ribosomes. More rapid breakdown of ribosomes in the mutant strain during heating was confirmed by rRNA analysis and sucrose density gradient centrifugation. Analyses of ribosome composition showed that the 100S dimers dissociated more rapidly during heating than 70S particles. While ribosome dimerisation is a consequence of the conformational changes caused by RMF binding, it may not therefore be essential for RMF-mediated ribosome stabilisation.


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Clostridium difficile infection is a frequent complication of antibiotic therapy in hospitalised patients, which today is attracting more attention than ever and has led to its classification as a 'superbug'. Disruption of the composition of the intestinal microflora following antibiotic treatment is an important prerequisite for overgrowth of C. difficile and the subsequent development of an infection. Treatment options for antibiotic-associated diarrhoea and C. difficile-induced colitis include administration of specific antibiotics (e.g. vancomycin), which often leads to high relapse rates. More importantly, both the rate and severity of C. difficile-associated diseases are increasing, with new epidemic strains of C. difficile often implicated. For the prevention and treatment of antibiotic-associated diarrhoea and C. difficile infection, several probiotic bacteria such as selected strains of lactobacilli (especially Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG), Bifidobacterium longum, and Enterococcus faecium and the non-pathogenic yeast Saccharomyces boulardii have been used. Controlled trials indicate a benefit of S. boulardii and L. rhamnosus GG as therapeutic agents when used as adjuncts to antibiotics. However, the need for more well designed controlled trials with probiotics is explicit.


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Diet, among other environmental and genetic factors, is currently recognised to have an important role in health and disease. There is increasing evidence that the human colonic microbiota can contribute positively towards host nutrition and health. As such, dietary modulation has been proposed as important for improved gut health, especially during the highly sensitive stage of infancy. Differences in gut microflora composition and incidence of infection occur between breast- and formula-fed infants. Human milk components that cannot be duplicated in infant formulae could possibly account for these differences. However, various functional food ingredients such as oligosaccharides, prebiotics, proteins and probiotics could effect a beneficial modification in the composition and activities of gut microflora of infants. The aim of the present review is to describe existing knowledge on the composition and metabolic activities of the gastrointestinal microflora of human infants and discuss various possibilities and opportunities for its nutritional modulation.


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Most of the human population in the western world has access to unlimited calories and leads an increasingly sedentary lifestyle. The propensity to undertake voluntary exercise or indulge in spontaneous physical exercise, which might be termed "exercise salience", is drawing increased scientific attention. Despite its genetic aspects, this complex behaviour is clearly modulated by the environment and influenced by physiological states. Inflammation is often overlooked as one of these conditions even though it is known to induce a state of reduced mobility. Chronic subclinical inflammation is associated with the metabolic syndrome; a largely lifestyle-induced disease which can lead to decreased exercise salience. The result is a vicious cycle that increases oxidative stress and reduces metabolic flexibility and perpetuates the disease state. In contrast, hormetic stimuli can induce an anti-inflammatory phenotype, thereby enhancing exercise salience, leading to greater biological fitness and improved functional longevity. One general consequence of hormesis is upregulation of mitochondrial function and resistance to oxidative stress. Examples of hormetic factors include calorie restriction, extreme environmental temperatures, physical activity and polyphenols. The hormetic modulation of inflammation, and thus, exercise salience, may help to explain the highly heterogeneous expression of voluntary exercise behaviour and therefore body composition phenotypes of humans living in similar obesogenic environments.


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The response of lightning rates over Europe to arrival of high speed solar wind streams at Earth is investigated using a superposed epoch analysis. Fast solar wind stream arrival is determined from modulation of the solar wind V y component, measured by the Advanced Composition Explorer spacecraft. Lightning rate changes around these event times are determined from the very low frequency arrival time difference (ATD) system of the UK Met Office. Arrival of high speed streams at Earth is found to be preceded by a decrease in total solar irradiance and an increase in sunspot number and Mg II emissions. These are consistent with the high speed stream's source being co-located with an active region appearing on the Eastern solar limb and rotating at the 27 d period of the Sun. Arrival of the high speed stream at Earth also coincides with a small (~1%) but rapid decrease in galactic cosmic ray flux, a moderate (~6%) increase in lower energy solar energetic protons (SEPs), and a substantial, statistically significant increase in lightning rates. These changes persist for around 40 d in all three quantities. The lightning rate increase is corroborated by an increase in the total number of thunder days observed by UK Met stations, again persisting for around 40 d after the arrival of a high speed solar wind stream. This result appears to contradict earlier studies that found an anti-correlation between sunspot number and thunder days over solar cycle timescales. The increase in lightning rates and thunder days that we observe coincides with an increased flux of SEPs which, while not being detected at ground level, nevertheless penetrate the atmosphere to tropospheric altitudes. This effect could be further amplified by an increase in mean lightning stroke intensity that brings more strokes above the detection threshold of the ATD system. In order to remove any potential seasonal bias the analysis was repeated for daily solar wind triggers occurring during the summer months (June to August). Though this reduced the number of solar wind triggers to 32, the response in both lightning and thunder day data remained statistically significant. This modulation of lightning by regular and predictable solar wind events may be beneficial to medium range forecasting of hazardous weather.