247 resultados para justifications


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Durante el siglo XIX se ejecutan en Catalunya proyectos de grandes regadíos en las tierras con mejores aptitudes para ello, como son las de la Depresión Central leridana, las del delta del Ebro o las del Bajo Llobregat. La excepción será la llanura del Ampurdán, concretamente, su mitad norte. No obstante, la profusión de intentos es elevada, aunque ninguno dará resultados prácticos hasta los años 60 del siglo XX. Esto ha reforzado su desconocimiento y, mediante el artículo, se quiere paliar este déficit. En primer lugar, se repasan algunos de los viajeros y eruditos que, entre los siglos XVII y XIX, facilitaron datos sobre los riegos existentes y algunas propuestas para mejorarlos. A continuación se analizarán los tres intentos más significativos para ampliarlos durante la segunda mitad del XIX. Se abordarán sus objetivos, sus peculiaridades, sus promotores, los discursos que los justificaron y los motivos de su fracaso


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This paper presents a study of correlations between the performance of trainee translators, according to their teacher’s assessment, and the quality of their self-evaluation, according to their answers to metacognitive questionnaires. Two case-studies of two consecutive editions of a course in general translation from German into Spanish are dealt with. The course involved the use of post-translation metacognitive questionnaires designed to help trainees to evaluate their translating. A selection of the questionnaires (from the strongest and the weakest performances by students for each course edition) is considered. The study focuses on one item in these questionnaires that has to do with identifying translation problems and justifying their solutions. An interpretive analysis of the trainees’ answers for this questionnaire item reveals that the best-performing students were more strategically and translationally aware in self-evaluating their own translating. Our conclusions are based on considering six parameters from the analysis of the trainees’ answers, which are tentatively regarded as indicative of the quality of their self-evaluation.


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The major task of policy makers and practitioners when confronted with a resource management problem is to decide on the potential solution(s) to adopt from a range of available options. However, this process is unlikely to be successful and cost effective without access to an independently verified and comprehensive available list of options. There is currently burgeoning interest in ecosystem services and quantitative assessments of their importance and value. Recognition of the value of ecosystem services to human well-being represents an increasingly important argument for protecting and restoring the natural environment, alongside the moral and ethical justifications for conservation. As well as understanding the benefits of ecosystem services, it is also important to synthesize the practical interventions that are capable of maintaining and/or enhancing these services. Apart from pest regulation, pollination, and global climate regulation, this type of exercise has attracted relatively little attention. Through a systematic consultation exercise, we identify a candidate list of 296 possible interventions across the main regulating services of air quality regulation, climate regulation, water flow regulation, erosion regulation, water purification and waste treatment, disease regulation, pest regulation, pollination and natural hazard regulation. The range of interventions differs greatly between habitats and services depending upon the ease of manipulation and the level of research intensity. Some interventions have the potential to deliver benefits across a range of regulating services, especially those that reduce soil loss and maintain forest cover. Synthesis and applications: Solution scanning is important for questioning existing knowledge and identifying the range of options available to researchers and practitioners, as well as serving as the necessary basis for assessing cost effectiveness and guiding implementation strategies. We recommend that it become a routine part of decision making in all environmental policy areas.


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In two previous papers [J. Differential Equations, 228 (2006), pp. 530 579; Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. B, 6 (2006), pp. 1261 1300] we have developed fast algorithms for the computations of invariant tori in quasi‐periodic systems and developed theorems that assess their accuracy. In this paper, we study the results of implementing these algorithms and study their performance in actual implementations. More importantly, we note that, due to the speed of the algorithms and the theoretical developments about their reliability, we can compute with confidence invariant objects close to the breakdown of their hyperbolicity properties. This allows us to identify a mechanism of loss of hyperbolicity and measure some of its quantitative regularities. We find that some systems lose hyperbolicity because the stable and unstable bundles approach each other but the Lyapunov multipliers remain away from 1. We find empirically that, close to the breakdown, the distances between the invariant bundles and the Lyapunov multipliers which are natural measures of hyperbolicity depend on the parameters, with power laws with universal exponents. We also observe that, even if the rigorous justifications in [J. Differential Equations, 228 (2006), pp. 530-579] are developed only for hyperbolic tori, the algorithms work also for elliptic tori in Hamiltonian systems. We can continue these tori and also compute some bifurcations at resonance which may lead to the existence of hyperbolic tori with nonorientable bundles. We compute manifolds tangent to nonorientable bundles.


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AIM: Confidentiality is important in healthcare practice, however, under certain circumstances, confidentiality is breached. In this paper, mental health professionals' (MHPs) practices related to informing imprisoned patients about confidentiality and its limits are presented. METHODS: Twenty-four MHPs working in Swiss prisons were interviewed. Data analysis involved qualitative thematic coding and was validated by discussing results with external experts and study participants. RESULTS: For expert evaluations and court-ordered therapies, participants informed patients that information revealed during these consultations is not bound by confidentiality rules. The practice of routinely informing patients about confidentiality and its limits became more complex in voluntary therapies, for which participants described four approaches and provided justifications in favour of or against their use. CONCLUSIONS: Further training and continued education are needed to improve physicians' ethical and legal knowledge about confidentiality disclosures. In order to promote ethical practices, it is important to understand and address existing motivations, attitudes and behaviours that impede appropriate patient information. Our study adds important new knowledge about the limits to confidentiality, particularly for providers working with vulnerable populations. Results from this study reflect typical ethical and practical dilemmas faced by and of interest to physicians working in forensic medicine and other related settings.


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Tutkielmassa on selvitetty suomalaisten osakeyhtiöiden mahdollisuuksia vaikuttaa liiketoimintansa Euroopan talousalueella (ETA). Tutkielmassa on tarkasteltu EY:n sääntelyä, EY-tuomioistuimen tuomitsemia ennakkotapauksia ja niiden vaikutuksia Suomen lainsäädäntöön suomalaisten osakeyhtiöiden kannalta. Tutkielma osoittaa yhteisön ylikansallisen ohjauksen vaikuttaneen kansalliseen lainsäädäntöön, mikä on tarjonnut suomalaisille osakeyhtiöille uusia mahdollisuuksia kehittää liiketoimintaansa verotuksen ja veroneutraalien yritysjärjestelyiden osalta ETA-alueella. EY-tuomioistuin on tuomioissaan kuitenkin jättänyt tiettyjä oikeuttamisperusteita jäsenvaltioille. Niiden perusteella valtiot voivat vaikuttaa osakeyhtiöiden verotukseen ja veroneutraaleihin yritysjärjestelyihin ETA-alueella, vaikka oikeuttamisperusteet lähtökohtaisesti rikkovat ylikansallista sääntelyä. EY:n ylikansallinen ohjaus tulee myös tulevaisuudessa vaikuttaa merkittävästi suomalaisten osakeyhtiöiden mahdollisuuteen harjoittaa liiketoimintaansa ETA-alueella. Ylikansallisen sääntelyn hyödyntäminen täysimääräisesti mahdollistuu suomalaisissa osakeyhtiöissä vasta, kun yhteisön alueelle luodaan yhtenäinen sääntely kaikkia osakeyhtiöitä kohtaan.


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Malgré une société de plus en plus tolérante, la discrimination reste un problème d'actualité. Pour expliquer la formation des comportements discriminatoires, la recherche en psychologie sociale a traditionnellement étudié la discrimination comme un phénomène intergroupe, notamment à travers la théorie de l'identité sociale (Tajfel & Turner, 1979). Toutefois, cette approche ne permet pas de comprendre comment des individus peuvent de nos jours s'engager dans des comportements discriminatoires tout en sachant que ces actes sont répréhensibles socialement et pénalement. C'est à cette problématique que nous nous sommes attelés dans la présente recherche. De nombreuses études ont mis en évidence le fait que des individus étaient prêts à commettre des actes discriminatoires pour autant qu'ils puissent les justifier (Crandall & Eshleman, 2003). Nous proposons de contribuer à la compréhension de ce phénomène grâce au concept de désengagement moral définit comme le processus par lequel des individus justifient leurs comportements immoraux pour les rendre acceptable. Ce concept a initialement été développé de manière conceptuelle par Bandura (1990) pour comprendre les processus cognitifs amenant des individus à se comporter de manière immorale. Dans le cadre de notre recherche, nous proposons de développer le concept de désengagement moral pour des actes discriminatoires (DMD) ainsi que sa mesure. Plus particulièrement, nous proposons de conceptualiser le DMD comme une différence individuelle permettant aux individus de s'engager dans des comportements discriminatoires en toute impunité à travers un processus anticipatoire de justification. Ces justifications visent à prouver le bien-fondé des actes de discrimination envisagés, ainsi perçus comme bénins, acceptables, voire désirables. Deux des trois étapes envisagées pour le développement de la mesure ont déjà été réalisées. Les résultats obtenus sont prometteurs quant à la structure et la validité de la mesure.


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L'État s'appuie aujourd'hui sur le secteur privé pour déployer les nombreuses activités qui sont les siennes et cela suivant de multiples formules : en tant que client ou partenaire, dans le cadre de collaborations ou au sein de structures communes (sociétés d'économie mixte), voire dans le modèle de la privatisation. La 18e Journée de droit administratif, organisée à Lausanne le 10 février 2015, a ainsi choisi pour thème une modalité particulière de cette collaboration, fréquente aujourd'hui, celle de la délégation d'activités étatiques au secteur privé. Elle implique un transfert - partiel - de responsabilité de l'État au bénéficiaire de la délégation, pour un ensemble d'activités déterminées ; tel est le cas par exemple de celles accomplies par une caisse maladie dans le domaine de l'assurance-maladie sociale, une association interprofessionnelle investie de tâches de formation professionnelle ou encore le concessionnaire d'une ligne de transport public. Dans un premier temps, l'ouvrage revisite brièvement le phénomène dans une approche non juridique. Il s'agit en particulier d'en repérer les justifications (managériales ou, plus largement, économiques) et de prendre la mesure des objections qu'on lui oppose, notamment sur le plan démocratique. Le coeur de l'analyse porte sur le régime juridique applicable à ce mécanisme. Après une introduction générale, les principaux thèmes liés à la délégation de tâches publiques sont abordés. Comment, tout d'abord, prend naissance la relation entre l'administration et le délégataire, par quel type d'acte (décision, contrat) et selon quelle procédure intervient le choix du délégataire ? Sont traitées ensuite des relations de ce dernier avec les particuliers, plus spécialement sous l'angle des droits fondamentaux. L'ouvrage présente en outre le cadre juridique pertinent lorsque la délégation porte respectivement sur une activité étatique classique (ministérielle ; non économique) ou, au contraire, sur une activité à caractère économique ; les divergences, on le verra, sont nombreuses entre ces deux grandes catégories de délégations. Une étude sectorielle, consacrée au cas spécifique de la délégation aux hôpitaux (qui porte plus précisément sur les prestations de soins aigus en milieu stationnaire, à charge de l'assurance-maladie de base), complète la perspective. Le présent ouvrage dresse en définitive un « état de la question » du droit suisse sur le thème très actuel de la délégation ; une synthèse finale permet encore de nouer la gerbe dans une approche comparative.


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The concept of research and the controversy among classical models for C, T & I, outdated by the development of knowledge and Post-modern society needs were revisited through the (3) Quadrants advanced by Donald Stokes in the mid-nineties. The scientific community to fit into these Quadrants was faced with many difficulties and reacted by issuing pseudo-facts, accepted by under-prepared technocrats as viable justifications for conducting research in face of these new paradigms. In a poor country full of contrast and needs such as Brazil, this attitude satisfies the bureaucracy and academic elite, but frustrates government and society, that do not get, in the expected measure, the benefits of their commitment with the Teaching, Research and Extension Sectors mainly embedded in the Public University system. An extension, in fact a contradictory approach, to Pasteur's Quadrant, is proposed to characterize this situation: The Syndrome of Ruetsap's Quadrant.


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The research assesses the skills of upper comprehensive school pupils in history. The focus is on locating personal motives, assessing wider reasons hidden in historical sources and evaluating source reliability. The research also questions how a wide use of multiple sources affects pupils’ holistic understanding of historical phenomena. The participants were a multicultural group of pupils. The origins of their cultures can be traced to the Balkan, the Middle East, Asia and Europe. The number of native Finnish speakers and pupils speaking Finnish as their second language was almost equal. The multicultural composition provides opportunities to assess how culturally responsive learning history from sources is. The intercultural approach to learning in a multicultural setting emphasizes equality as a precondition for learning. In order to set assignments at least to some extent match with all participants only those answers were taken into account which were produced by pupils who had studied history for a similar period of time in the Finnish comprehensive school system. Due to the small number of participants (41), the study avoids wide generalizations. Nevertheless, possible cultural blueprints in pupils’ way of thinking are noted. The first test examined the skills of pupils to find motives for emigration. The results showed that for 7th graders finding reasons is not a problematic task. However, the number of reasons noticed and justifications varied. In addition, the way the pupils explained their choices was a distinguishing factor. Some pupils interpreted source material making use of previous knowledge on the issue, while other pupils based their analysis solely on the text handed and did not try to add their own knowledge. Answers were divided into three categories: historical, explanatory and stating. Historical answers combined smoothly previously learned historical knowledge to one’s own source analysis; explanatory answers often ignored a wider frame, although they were effective when explaining e.g. historical concepts. The stating answers only noticed motives from the sources and made no attempts to explain them historically. Was the first test culturally responsive? All pupils representing different cultures tackled the first source exam successfully, but there were some signs of how historical concepts are understood in a slightly different way if the pupil’s personal history has no linkage to the concepts under scrutiny. The second test focused on the history of Native Americans. The test first required pupils to recognize whether short source extracts (5) were written by Indians or Caucasians. Based on what they had already learned from North American history, the pupils did not find it hard to distinguish between the sources. The analysis of multiphase causes and consequences of the disputes between Native Americans and white Americans caused dispersion among pupils. Using two historical sources and combining historical knowledge from both of them simultaneously was cumbersome for many. The explanations of consequences can be divided into two groups: the ones emphasizing short term consequences and those placing emphasis on long term consequences. The short term approach was mainly followed by boys in every group. The girls mainly paid attention to long term consequences. The result suggests that historical knowledge in sources is at least to some extent read through role and gender lenses. The third test required pupils to explain in their own words how the three sources given differed in their account of living conditions in Nazi Germany, which turned out to be demanding for many pupils. The pupils’ stronghold was rather the assessment of source reliability and accounts why the sources approached the same events differently. All participants wrote critical and justified comments on reliability and aspects that might have affected the content of the sources. The pupils felt that the main reasons that affected source reliability were the authors’ ethnic background, nationality and profession. The assessment showed that pupils were well aware that position in a historical situation has an impact on historical accounts, but in certain cases the victim’s account was seen as a historical truth. The account of events by a historian was chosen most often as the most reliable source, but it was often justified leniently with an indication to professionalism rather than with clear ideas of how historians conduct accounts based on sources. In brief, the last source test demonstrates that pupils have a strong idea that the ethnicity or nationalism determines how people explained events of the past. It is also an implication that pupils understand how historical knowledge is interpretative. The results also imply that history can be analyzed from a neutral perspective. One’s own membership in an ethnical or religious group does not automatically mean that a person’s cultural identity excludes historical explanations if something in them contradicts with his or her identity. The second method of extracting knowledge of pupils’ historical thinking was an essay analysis. The analysis shows that an analytical account of complicated political issues, which often include a great number of complicated political concepts, leads more likely to an inconsistent structure in the written work of pupils. The material also demonstrates that pupils have a strong tendency to take a critical stance when assessing history. Historical empathy in particular is shown if history somehow has a linkage to young people, children or minorities. Some topics can also awake strong feelings, especially among pupils with emigrant background, if there is a linkage between one’s own personal history and that of the school; and occasionally a student’s historical experience or thoughts replaced school history. Using sources during history lessons at school seems to have many advantages. It enhances the reasoning skills of pupils and their skills to assess the nature of historical knowledge. Thus one of the main aims and a great benefit of source work is to encourage pupils to express their own ideas and opinions. To conclude, when assessing the skills of adolescents in history - their work with sources, comments on history, historical knowledge and finally their historical thinking - one should be cautious and avoid cut off score evaluations. One purpose of pursuing history with sources is to encourage pupils to think independently, which is a useful tool for further identity construction. The idea that pupils have the right to conduct their own interpretations of history can be partially understood as part of a wider learning process, justification to study history comes from extrinsic reasons. The intrinsic reason is history itself; in order to understand history one should have a basic understanding of history as a specific domain of knowledge. Using sources does not mean that knowing history is of secondary importance. Only a balance between knowing the contextual history, understanding basic key concepts and working with sources is a solid base to improve pupils’ historical understanding.


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La mayoría de tratados de armonía enfocan las relaciones armónicas como el resultado de unas combinaciones concretas y hasta cierto punto aleatorias de sonidos y solamente muy de vez en cuando encontramos justificaciones de por qué unos determinados procesos armónicos tienen un resultado vivencial específico; incluso en esos casos, las explicaciones se quedan habitualmente en nada. En este trabajo estudiaremos a fondo cuáles son los fundamentos esenciales sobre los que se basa la música, entendida como un encadenamiento de frecuencias que, si bien es solamente una parte del todo musical, constituye un elemento muy importante. Para ello, la fenomenología de la música –el estudio del efecto de los sonidos sobre la conciencia humana– nos proporcionará las herramientas necesarias.


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Programming and mathematics are core areas of computer science (CS) and consequently also important parts of CS education. Introductory instruction in these two topics is, however, not without problems. Studies show that CS students find programming difficult to learn and that teaching mathematical topics to CS novices is challenging. One reason for the latter is the disconnection between mathematics and programming found in many CS curricula, which results in students not seeing the relevance of the subject for their studies. In addition, reports indicate that students' mathematical capability and maturity levels are dropping. The challenges faced when teaching mathematics and programming at CS departments can also be traced back to gaps in students' prior education. In Finland the high school curriculum does not include CS as a subject; instead, focus is on learning to use the computer and its applications as tools. Similarly, many of the mathematics courses emphasize application of formulas, while logic, formalisms and proofs, which are important in CS, are avoided. Consequently, high school graduates are not well prepared for studies in CS. Motivated by these challenges, the goal of the present work is to describe new approaches to teaching mathematics and programming aimed at addressing these issues: Structured derivations is a logic-based approach to teaching mathematics, where formalisms and justifications are made explicit. The aim is to help students become better at communicating their reasoning using mathematical language and logical notation at the same time as they become more confident with formalisms. The Python programming language was originally designed with education in mind, and has a simple syntax compared to many other popular languages. The aim of using it in instruction is to address algorithms and their implementation in a way that allows focus to be put on learning algorithmic thinking and programming instead of on learning a complex syntax. Invariant based programming is a diagrammatic approach to developing programs that are correct by construction. The approach is based on elementary propositional and predicate logic, and makes explicit the underlying mathematical foundations of programming. The aim is also to show how mathematics in general, and logic in particular, can be used to create better programs.


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Renewable energy investments play a key role in energy transition. While studies have suggested that social acceptance may form a barrier for renewable energy investments, the ways in which companies perceive and attempt to gain the acceptance have received little attention. This study aims to fill the gap by exploring how large electric utilities justify their strategic investments in their press releases and how do the justifications differ between renewable and non-renewable energy investments. The study bases on legitimacy theory and aims at contributing to the research on legitimation in institutional change. As its research method, the study employs an inductive mixed method content analysis. The study has two parts: a qualitative content analysis that explores and identifies the themes and legitimation strategies of the press releases and a quantitative computer-aided analysis that compares renewable and non-renewable energy investments. The sample of the study consists of 396 press releases representing the strategic energy investments of 34 electric utilities from the list of the world’s 250 largest and financially most successful energy companies. The data is collected from the period of 2010–2014. The study reveals that most important justifications for strategic energy investments are fit with the strategy and environmental and social benefits. Justifications address especially the expectations of market. Investments into non-renewable energy are justified more and they use more arguments addressing the proprieties and performance of power plants whereas renewable energy investments are legitimized by references to past actions and commonly accepted morals and norms. The findings support the notion that validity-addressing and propriety-addressing legitimation strategies are used differently in stable and unstable institutional settings.


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Global climate change and intentional climate modification, i.e. geoengineering include various ethical problems which are entangled as a complex ensemble of questions regarding the future of the biosphere. The possibilities of catastrophic effects of climate change which are also called “climate emergency” have led to the emergence of the idea of modifying the atmospheric conditions in the form of geoengineering. The novel issue of weather ethics is a subdivision of climate ethics, and it is interested in ethical and political questions surrounding weather and climate control and modification in a restricted spatio-temporal scale. The objective of geoengineering is to counterbalance the adverse effects of climate change and its diverse corollaries in various ways on a large scale. The claim of this dissertation is that there are ethical justifications to claim that currently large-scale interventions to the climate system are ethically questionable. The justification to pursue geoengineering on the basis of considering its pros and cons, is inadequate. Moral judgement can still be elaborated in cases where decisions have to be made urgently and the selection of desirable choices is severely limited. The changes needed to avoid severe negative impacts of climate change requires commitment to mitigation as well as social changes because technical solutions cannot address the issue of climate change altogether. The quantitative emphasis of consumerism should shift to qualitative focus on the aspiration for simplicity in order to a move towards the objective of the continuation of the existence of humankind and a flourishing, vital biosphere.