245 resultados para inbound markkinointi


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Some of the biggest challenges for intermodal transport competitiveness are the extra handling costs and pre- and post-haulage costs. This paper investigates the use of Intermodal High Capacity Transport (IHCT) for the intermodal transport chain in general and to pre-and post-haulage in particular. The aim is not only to measure the cost reductions from using larger vehicles but to understand how better management of inbound flows through increased integration of logistics processes can increase the efficiency of the last mile. The paper analyses the haulage of two 40 foot containers simultaneously when part of an intermodal transport chain. Data were collected from a demonstration project in Sweden, where permission was obtained to use longer vehicles on an approved route to and from the nearest intermodal terminal. Results indicate substantial cost savings from using longer vehicles for pre- and post-haulage. In addition, the business model whereby the shipper purchased their own chassis and permission was obtained to access the terminal after hours for collecting pre-loaded chassis brought additional cost and planning benefits. The total cost saving was significant and potentially eliminates the cost deficit associated with the last mile.


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No âmbito do Mestrado em Marketing Digital da Universidade Europeia, foi proposto aos alunos no terceiro semestre, a realização de um Projeto Final sendo as opções da realização deste projeto: relatório de estágio, dissertação ou projeto aplicado. Este relatório, redigido por Manuel Duarte Mendes, foi realizado no âmbito de Estágio Curricular. O objetivo do mesmo foi a inserção do aluno no mundo empresarial de forma a integrar os conhecimentos adquiridos ao longo do percurso do mestrado de Marketing Digital. O relatório irá relatar o estágio que realizei durante o período de 16 de novembro de 2015 até 31 de dezembro de 2015, na empresa RUPEAL, sobre a marca KWAN. A escolha da empresa foi efetuada através de um apelo prévio à empresa de forma a ingressar nos painéis de marketing da mesma. A RUPEAL é uma média empresa com dois negócios distintos sendo esses a criação de software através da marca SWAT (Special Web and Apps Tactics) e recrutamento e outsourcing através da marca KWAN, marca essa ao qual fui atribuído. Este estágio permitiu-me utilizar o conhecimento adquirido de diversas formas e baseou-se fortemente numa estratégia de Inbound Marketing.


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A modo de resumen de la introducción, objetivos, bases conceptuales-teóricas, resultados y conclusiones fundamentales de nuestra tesis titulada “Apertura “Inbound” en la Empresa Industrial Española: Resultados y Factores de Influencia”, señalamos lo siguiente… En un entorno dinámico como el actual, en el que las ideas valiosas pueden darse en el interior y en el exterior de las fronteras de la empresa (Chesbrough, 2003 a), cobra especial relevancia el estudio del impacto que la Innovación Abierta podría producir sobre sus resultados y comportamiento. En esta tesis, analizaremos la cuestión a través de un Modelo General de Investigación (MGI) dividido en dos partes. En la primera (Submodelo 1) estudiaremos si la innovación abierta tipo “inbound” podría: a) Potenciar el logro de resultados de innovación de acuerdo con las premisas del Manual de Oslo actual (OECD, 2005) y b) potenciar la mejora de la “performance” productiva y comercial. Tras su análisis, observamos –empíricamente- que la apertura “entrante” puede potenciar estos resultados, pero también tenderá a generar costes. Por tanto, parece razonable recomendar no sólo una “mayor” apertura “inbound” del proceso innovador, sino además su gestión eficiente. Ahora, si el “nuevo paradigma” estratégico parece tan interesante, ¿cómo podemos potenciarlo en nuestras empresas? En la segunda parte de nuestro modelo de investigación (Submodelo 2), tratamos de hallar una respuesta. Analizaremos cuáles podrían ser los factores “potenciadores” e “inhibidores” de este comportamiento, y lo haremos bajo un enfoque recomendado por la literatura: El enfoque contingente. De este modo, llegamos a la conclusión de que la apertura “inbound” puede ser vista como una capacidad dinámica (Teece, 2007) pues sustentaría su ventaja competitiva sostenible. En suma, la empresa deberá elegir cuál es el grado de apertura más ajustado a sus propios recursos, capacidades, negocio y/o visión estratégica; y todo ello, a lo largo del tiempo...


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L'elaborato tratta la customer care, ovvero l'insieme delle attività volte a fornire cura e attenzione nei confronti del cliente. Si illustra, inoltre, l'inbound marketing, una metodologia che attira i clienti tramite una canalizzazione degli stessi verso l'impresa. Entrambi i concetti sono stati analizzati ed applicati in Golee, azienda produttrice di un software gestionale per le società sportive. Golee, impiegando una strategia di inbound marketing e focalizzandosi sulle attività di customer care, negli ultimi anni è riuscita a fidelizzare un gran numero di clienti, aumentando vigorosamente il proprio valore aziendale.


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General background is provided on the potential of tourism growth to contribute to economic development, paying particular attention to the experience of Sri Lanka. An overview of trends in inbound tourism to Sri Lanka is presented with particular consideration being given to its number of inbound tourist arrivals. Sri Lanka’s comparative position in international tourism markets, the composition of its tourist arrivals by area of origin, the extent of foreign earnings by the Sri Lankan tourism industry and variations in the amount of these earnings, and the extent of employment generation by this industry are examined. Regional aspects of the tourism industry in Sri Lanka are given special consideration, and this is followed by a report on the regional economic impact of tourism of Pinnawala Elephant Orphanage. This major tourist attraction near the edge of the Western Highlands of Sri Lanka is shown to make a significant contribution to economic decentralisation. A general discussion follows of tourism development in the Sri Lankan context. The main factors that have hindered tourism growth in Sri Lanka and its decentralisation are considered. Indications are that major impediment posed by civil disturbance and terrorism is at an end in Sri Lanka.


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This chapter examines the relationship between globalisation and technological progress. It computes an annual and country specific measure of technological gap, the technology ratio (TGR), using a recently proposed method known as metafrontiers. The TGR is measured as the distance from a group frontier to the global (or meta) frontier. The TGRs provide a measure to compare technological capability across countries. The ranking obtained from the metafrontiers method is first compared to other methods based on the direct measure of patents, science articles, schooling etc. The TGRs are then related to levels of trade openness and inbound and outbound foreign direct investment within regions and overtime in an effort to identify the relationship between technological gap and outward orientation.


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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A Work Project, presented as part of the requirements for the Award of a Masters Degree in Management from the NOVA – School of Business and Economics


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Field Lab of Entrepreneurial Innovative Ventures


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The purpose of this work is to develop a practicable approach for Telecom firms to manage the credit risk exposition to their commercial agents’ network. Particularly it will try to approach the problem of credit concession to clients’ from a corporation perspective and explore the particular scenario of agents that are part of the commercial chain of the corporation and therefore are not end-users. The agents’ network that served as a model for the presented study is composed by companies that, at the same time, are both clients and suppliers of the Telecommunication Company. In that sense the credit exposition analysis must took into consideration all financial fluxes, both inbound and outbound. The current strain on the Financial Sector in Portugal, and other peripheral European economies, combined with the high leverage situation of most companies, generates an environment prone to credit default risk. Due to these circumstances managing credit risk exposure is becoming increasingly a critical function for every company Financial Department. The approach designed in the current study combined two traditional risk monitoring tools: credit risk scoring and credit limitation policies. The objective was to design a new credit monitoring framework that is more flexible, uses both external and internal relationship history to assess risk and takes into consideration commercial objectives inside the agents’ network. Although not explored at length, the blueprint of a Credit Governance model was created for implementing the new credit monitoring framework inside the telecom firm. The Telecom Company that served as a model for the present work decided to implement the new Credit Monitoring framework after this was presented to its Executive Commission.


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Inspired by the booming startup culture that’s transforming Lisbon’s business setting, the present case study tests the hypothesis that great marketing is the main key to any new business’ success, by analyzing the history and environment of a premature Portuguese tech startup company exploring the market of destination weddings, Wedmint, and its inbound marketing strategy.


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The paper analyses the regional flows of domestic tourism that took place in Spain in year 2000, contributing to the state of knowledge on tourism required by authorities and private firms when faced with decision making, for example, for regional infrastructure planning. Although tourism is one of the main income-generating economic activities in Spain, domestic tourism has received little attention in the literature compared to inbound tourism. The paper uses among others, gravitational model tools and concentration indices, to analyse regional concentration of both domestic demand and supply; tourism flows among regions, and the causes that may explain the observed flows and attractiveness between regions. Among the most remarkable results are the high regional concentration of demand and supply, and the role of population and regional income as explanatory variables. Also remarkable are the attractiveness of own region and neighbour ones, and that domestic tourism may be acting as a regional income redistributing activity


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Devido a mudanças tecnológicas e da globalização, o turismo vem passando por grandes transformações, permitindo um maior acesso às informações e uma maior aproximação entre o consumidor e o mercado turístico. O papel das agências de viagens e turismo (AVT’s) é de fundamental importância para o desenvolvimento da actividade turística de um país. Face a isto, as AVT’s devem aderir ao novo cenário, procurando acompanhar a evolução, renovando e actualizando sempre os seus serviços. O presente estudo tem por objectivo avaliar o papel das AVT’s da ilha de São Vicente, no âmbito do turismo emissor e receptor. Foi realizado um estudo de caso, incluindo os doze representantes das AVT’s da ilha de S. Vicente, com excepção das empresas exclusivamente marítimas. Foi usado um guião de entrevistas para a obtenção de dados relacionados aos responsáveis dos serviços, a empresa, aos colaboradores internos, clientes, serviços oferecidos, sazonalidade e sua problemática, parceiros, as tecnologias de informação e as perspectivas futuras. As informações foram analisadas sob um enquadramento teórico e prático. Constatou-se que sete agências dedicam-se ao turismo emissor e receptor, três ao turismo emissor, e duas ao receptor. Foi possível observar que as AVT’s apresentam semelhanças na prestação de serviços e a maioria tem a preocupação de acompanhar as exigências actuais do turismo. Pode-se concluir que o turismo emissor e receptor estão bem representados pelas AVT’s de São Vicente. Technological changes and globalization has allowed big transformations in Tourism, greater access to information and a closer relationship between the consumer and tourist market. The role of the Travel and Tourism Agencies (TTA) has fundamental importance for the tourism development in a country, and they must adhere to the new environment, trying to follow the evolution, always renewing and updating their services. The present study aims to evaluate the role of TTA’s in São Vicente Island, in the field of inbound and outbound tourism. It was conducted a case study, including 12 representatives of TTA's in São Vicente, with exception of shipping companies. It was used a scripted interview to obtain data about the service delegate, the company, internal employees, customers, offered services, seasonality and its problems, partners, information technology and future prospects. Data were analyzed from a theoretical and practical view. It was found that seven agencies dedicated to inbound and outbound tourism, three to outbound and two to inbound. The TTA’s have similarities in service delivery and most have the concern to keep up with current demands of tourism. It can be concluded that inbound and outbound tourism are well represented by TTA’s in São Vicente.