856 resultados para higher degree assessment
No âmbito duma investigação que cruza a área científica da Ciência da Informação com a Educação, elegendo como objeto de estudo a Literacia da Informação (LI), selecionaram-se um conjunto de competências de LI, reconhecidas como mais importantes e mencionadas em vasta literatura sobre o tema, com destaque para alguns Referenciais internacionais. Pretende-se averiguar qual o papel da formação ministrada em diferentes licenciaturas de uma escola de ensino superior politécnico e refletir sobre que competências são mais desenvolvidas nos estudantes de diferentes cursos, comparando aqueles que iniciam e os que terminam a sua formação. Para além dos estudantes, destaca-se, neste estudo, a intervenção dos professores das referidas licenciaturas, ambos os grupos inquiridos através de questionários online. Também os elementos responsáveis pela coordenação dos oito cursos de primeiro ciclo em análise e a bibliotecária da instituição são envolvidos, neste caso, através de entrevistas semidirigidas, contribuindo para uma investigação que se pretende o mais completa possível e com a robustez decorrente do cruzamento de vários dados. Recorrendo a uma abordagem metodológica quantitativa e qualitativa, num interessante jogo de perceções consonantes ou divergentes entre estes atores cruciais do processo educativo, os resultados e a sua interpretação permitem refletir sobre a necessidade de adotar novas posturas e atuações no complexo processo de formação e de desenvolvimento de competências de LI. Estas devem ser adequadas aos perfis desejáveis dos diplomados do ensino superior, profissionais e cidadãos que se pretende que obtenham sucesso nas diferentes áreas da sua vida, revelando-se, em suma, indivíduos infoincluídos, ativos e participativos face às mudanças, desafios e crises do século XXI.
A avaliação do desempenho das Organizações sem fins lucrativos (OSFL) tornou-se para os gestores um dos desafios mais importantes na atualidade. O estudo visa analisar a implementação do Balanced Scorecard (BSC) nas associações mutualistas, uma das formas legais de instituição das OSFL. Os principais objetivos são verificar se o BSC é adotado por estas organizações, quais as alterações necessárias para a sua implementação e por último, as vantagens e desvantagens inerentes dessa aplicação. O método de investigação utilizado foi o estudo de caso. Como procedimentos foram selecionados a análise documental, dos decretos-lei e código das Associações Mutualistas, os questionários e uma entrevista. As associações analisadas foram escolhidas com base na sua filiação na União das Mutualidades (UM), uma associação de grau superior. Apesar da evidência recolhida mostrar que o BSC não é implementado, são reconhecidas vantagens superiores às limitações para uma gestão mais eficaz. Adicionalmente os resultados sugerem que a estrutura do BSC teria de ser diversa daquela que está subjacente ao setor empresarial. Inicialmente o BSC era dirigido para organizações com fins lucrativos, pelo que a falta de informação e a necessidade de alteração desta ferramenta de gestão não tenha despertado o interesse na sua implementação. Contudo, os potenciais desta aplicação são reconhecidos.
This Work Project investigates the determinants of reelection using data on the 278 Portuguese mainland municipalities for the period 1976-2009. We implement a logit fixed effect model to control for the municipalities’ unobserved characteristics that remain constant over time. Political variables, such as the vote share of the incumbent’s party in previous election, the number of mayor’s consecutive mandates and abstention rate, are found to be relevant in explaining incumbent’s reelection. Moreover, as to the mayor’s individual characteristics, age and education contribute to explain reelection prospects. We also provide weak evidence that a higher degree of fiscal autonomy increases political turnover and that the good economic prospects of the municipality positively affect reelection. Finally, the residents’ level of education and the size of the municipal population have an explanatory power on mayor’s reelection. We perform several robustness checks to confirm these results.
Disseminated strongyloidiasis (DS) is a rare and severe parasitic disease that is difficult to recognize and affects immunocompromised individuals. We report the case of a kidney transplant recipient who presented with DS despite prophylaxis with albendazole. We have discussed the need for better prophylactic strategies and for a higher degree of suspicion in order to diagnose DS.
INTRODUCTION : Bacterial translocation is the invasion of indigenous intestinal bacteria through the gut mucosa to normally sterile tissues and internal organs. Schistosomiasis may cause alterations in the immune system and damage to the intestines, portal system and mesenteric lymph nodes. This study investigated bacterial translocation and alterations in the intestinal microbiota and mucosa in schistosomiasis and splenectomized mice. METHODS : Forty female 35-day-old Swiss Webster mice were divided into the following four groups with 10 animals each: schistosomotic (ESF), splenectomized schistosomotic (ESEF), splenectomized (EF) and control (CF). Infection was achieved by introduction of 50 Schistosoma mansoni (SLM) cercariae through the skin. At 125 days after birth, half of the parasitized and unparasitized mice were subjected to splenectomy. Body weights were recorded for one week after splenectomy; then, the mice were euthanized to study bacterial translocation, microbiota composition and intestinal morphometry. RESULTS : We observed significant reductions in the weight increases in the EF, ESF and ESEF groups. There were increases of at least 1,000 CFU of intestinal microbiota bacteria in these groups compared with the CF. The EF, ESF and ESEF mice showed decreases in the heights and areas of villi and the total villus areas (perimeter). We observed frequent co-infections with various bacterial genera. CONCLUSIONS : The ESEF mice showed a higher degree of sepsis. This finding may be associated with a reduction in the immune response associated with the absence of the spleen and a reduction in nutritional absorption strengthened by both of these factors (Schistosoma infection and splenectomy).
Using a rich and highly accurate dataset for Portugal spanning from 1986 to 2013, this paper analyzes the determinants of downward nominal wage rigidity, mainly focusing on macroeconomic factors. The data supports the hypothesis that recessionary periods alongside with low in ation contribute to a higher degree of wage rigidity, as measured by the incidence of nominal wage freezes. It is further highlighted how this lack of wage adjustments con- tributed to an increase in labor costs which culminated in a wage markup of 6-7%. This paper, thus seems to corroborate the argument that low in ation did exacerbated the downward in exibility of (real) wages after the Great Recession.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Mecânica
OBJECTIVE: To test the hypothesis that left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) reduces the electrocardiographic and functional effects of right coronary artery occlusion. METHODS: We analysed 215 patients (166 males and 49 women,age of 58.9±10.6 years), with occlusion of the right coronary artery without other associated lesions. There was no significant difference (p>0.05) in age and gender distribution between the 78 patients with LVH (left ventricular mass >100g/m²) (Group A) when compared with the 137 patients without LVH (left ventricular mass <100g/m²) (Group B). RESULTS: The electrocardiographic finding of transmural necrosis was more often found in group B patients than in group A patients (56.9% and 30.8%, respectively; p<0.05). The left ventricular function parameters of group A were better than those of group B: the ratio end-diastolic pressure/systolic pressure (EDP/SP) (A: 0.108±0.036; B: 0.121±0.050; p<0.05); the end-diastolic volume index (A: 75.9±31.3ml/m²; B: 88.0±31.0ml/m²; p<0.01); the end-systolic volume index (A: 16.0±10.0ml/m²; B: 27.0 ±20.0ml/m²; p<0.001); the ejection fraction (A 78.6±10.8%; B 67.7±17.9%; p<0.001); the anteroinferior shortening (A: 43.9±10.3%; B: 35.1±12.8%; p<0.001). A higher degree of coronary tortuosity was observed in group A than in group B (78.2% and 24.1%; p<0.001) and also a more frequent absent or minimal diaphragmatic hypokinetic area (A: 80.8%; B: 54.0%; p<0.05). CONCLUSION: LVH reduces the effects of myocardial sequela and protects LV function when right coronary occlusion develops.
The objective of this paper is to estimate the impact of residential job accessibility on female employment probability in the metropolitan areas of Barcelona and Madrid. Following a “spatial mismatch” framework, we estimate a female employment probability equation where variables controlling for personal characteristics, residential segregation and employment potential on public transport network are included. Data used come from Microcensus 2001 of INE (National Institute of Statistics). The research focuses on the treatment of endogeneity problems and the measurement of accessibility variables. Our results show that low job accessibility in public transport negatively affects employment probability. The intensity of this effect tends to decrease with individual’s educational attainment. A higher degree of residential segregation also reduces job probability in a significant way..
This paper examines the impact of salt iodization in Switzerland in the 1920s and 1930s on occupational patterns of cohorts born after the intervention. The generalized use of iodized salt successfully combatted iodine deficiency disorders, which were previously endemic in some areas of Switzerland. The most important effect of universal prophylaxis by means of iodized salt was the eradication of mental retardation inflicted in utero by lack of iodine. This paper looks for evidence of increased cognitive ability of those treated with iodine in utero by examining the occupational choice and characteristics of occupations chosen by cohorts born after the intervention. By exploiting variation in pre-existing conditions and in the timing of the intervention, I find that cohorts born in previously highly-deficient areas after the introduction of iodized salt self-selected into higher-paying occupations. I also find that the characteristics of occupations in those areas changed, and that cohorts born after the intervention engaged to a higher degree in occupations with higher cognitive demands, whereas they opted out of physical-labor-intensive occupations.
We have developed and tested a new way of typing Trypanosoma cruzi, mamely the use of cloned nuclear DNA fragments as genetic markers. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms were verified on Soutern blots hybridized to random probes. Fragment patterns were analyzed and dendrograms constructed. Our results on well characterized laboratory strains correlate well to published isoenzyme studies. Some of the probes were also hybridized to chromosomes separated by pulse field gel electrophoresis a higher degree of heterogeneity was observed at this level.
Estudiant el sistema de certificacions, concretament el PEFC (Programme for the Endorsement of Forest Certification) i el FSC (Forest Stewardship Council), s’ha analitzat la forest CUP 141 (catalogada d'utilitat pública) Sarredo-Manyero per a identificar-ne les mancances documentals en el Projecte d’Ordenació del PNAP (Parc Natural de l’Alt Pirineu). Dels resultats se’n desprèn un major grau de sostenibilitat del sistema FSC enfront del PEFC, fet que ha estat decisiu en l’elecció del primer com a certificació a estudiar al parc. Per altra banda, s’han constatat les discrepàncies existents quant a política forestal entre propietaris de les forests i l’administració del parc. Aquest fet té una incidència negativa si es vol revitalitzar el sector de la fusta a la zona. Finalment, i un cop avaluada la documentació de la CUP 141 amb els estàndards del sistema FSC, s’ha detectat que caldria completar aproximadament el 40% de la documentació necessària per a obtenir la certificació. Per tant, s’ha dissenyat un Protocol que serveixi de guia per a un nou Projecte d’Ordenació i que permeti obtenir la certificació de les forests del parc.
We experimentally investigate in the laboratory two prominent mechanisms that are employed in school choice programs to assign students to public schools. We study how individual behavior is influenced by preference intensities and risk aversion. Our main results show that (a) the Gale-Shapley mechanism is more robust to changes in cardinal preferences than the Boston mechanism independently of whether individuals can submit a complete or only a restricted ranking of the schools and (b) subjects with a higher degree of risk aversion are more likely to play "safer" strategies under the Gale-Shapley but not under the Boston mechanism. Both results have important implications for the efficiency and the stability of the mechanisms.
La metodologia docent impulsada per la creació d’un Espai Europeu d’Ensenyament Superior comú implica tenir en compte el treball de l’estudiant. En aquest sentit, resulta molt convenient facilitar a l’alumnat de primers cursos l’adaptació a una docència que s’organitza en crèdits ECTS i que se centra en el procés d’aprenentatge dels estudiants. Per aquest motiu, l’objectiu d’aquest projecte ha estat que assumissin un grau més elevat de responsabilitat en l’aprenentatge i que adquirissin una competència més gran en l’organització del temps d’acord amb els programes docents de les assignatures que cursessin. Per aconseguir-ho, s’ha creat un entorn de presentació de les guies docents basat en les agendes d’activitats d’aprenentatge. Aquestes agendes són, de fet, planificacions de les activitats presencials i no presencials que han de dur a terme els estudiants per assolir els objectius de cadascuna de les assignatures que fan. Perquè siguin efectives, han de ser el més individuals possibles i amb la informació suficient com perquè les activitats es puguin dur a terme. Així, els alumnes disposen d’una veritable agenda particular del què han de fer i quan per seguir una assignatura determinada. Com a resultat del projecte s’ha proposat una organització de la informació d’una assignatura que facilita tant la gestió de les guies docents com la creació d’agendes d’activitats d’aprenentatge, s’ha establert una metodologia de presentació dels programes docents amb suport de web perquè sigui de fàcil consulta i en els que els vincles de cada activitat s’activen segons el ritme del curs i, finalment, s’ha aplicat tot per al cas de l’assignatura de Fonaments de computadors, aconseguint que l’alumnat s’acostumi a seguir les agendes d’activitats i, consegüentment, a millorar el rendiment acadèmic de l’assignatura, que era el que, es pretenia originalment.
We employed two independent approaches to inactivate the angiogenic protein VEGF in newborn mice: inducible, Cre-loxP- mediated gene targeting, or administration of mFlt(1-3)-IgG, a soluble VEGF receptor chimeric protein. Partial inhibition of VEGF achieved by inducible gene targeting resulted in increased mortality, stunted body growth and impaired organ development, most notably of the liver. Administration of mFlt(1-3)-IgG, which achieves a higher degree of VEGF inhibition, resulted in nearly complete growth arrest and lethality. Ultrastructural analysis documented alterations in endothelial and other cell types. Histological and biochemical changes consistent with liver and renal failure were observed. Endothelial cells isolated from the liver of mFlt(1-3)-IgG-treated neonates demonstrated an increased apoptotic index, indicating that VEGF is required not only for proliferation but also for survival of endothelial cells. However, such treatment resulted in less significant alterations as the animal matured, and the dependence on VEGF was eventually lost some time after the fourth postnatal week. Administration of mFlt(1-3)-IgG to juvenile mice failed to induce apoptosis in liver endothelial cells. Thus, VEGF is essential for growth and survival in early postnatal life. However, in the fully developed animal, VEGF is likely to be involved primarily in active angiogenesis processes such as corpus luteum development.