957 resultados para film i kyrkan


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Denna kandidatuppsats avhandlar tre stycken analyser av tre stycken filmscener från filmerna A Clockwork Orange, Reservoir Dogs och Watchmen, tre stycken exempel på scener där så kallad anempathetic music används. Denna form av musik kan beskrivas som att den distanserar sig från vad som händer i den rörliga bilden genom att förmedla den motsatta känslan, till exempel om musiken är glad och lättsam medan en våldtäkt sker i bild. Denna uppsats analyserar i dessa tre analysexempel vad sådan filmmusik kan bidra med för berättarfunktioner och meningspotential i filmexemplens narrativ. Resultaten från analysen visade på att musiken i de tre valda analysexemplen bidrar till ökad reflektion hos publiken och hur detta möjliggör för att anempathetic music kan ses som empathetic mot publiken och deras tolkning av filmscenernas narrativ.


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För den som reflekterar över de religiösa traditionernas försvagade roll och huruvida medier har kommit att ersätta kyrkor och församlingsliv så pekar mina resultat i riktning mot att konsumtion av spelfilm alldeles utmärkt kan innefatta gestaltningar av centrala existentiella frågor som hos individer förankrar föreställningar om livets mening, skuld och ansvar samt moraliska ideal att leva efter i sitt liv här och nu. Men när det gäller människans bearbetning av en dialogens relation till tillvaron som totalitet som den svenske religionspsykologen Hjalmar Sundén en gång uttryckte det, dvs relationen till verklighetens yttersta väsen tycks filmmediet inte utkonkurrera traditionell religion.


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Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att bidra med en djupare förståelse för hur musik påverkar uppfattningen av en karaktär i en film. Uppsatsen jämför resultaten från de som studerar inom ämnet musikproduktion med de som studerar inom ämnet bildproduktion på Högskolan Dalarna. Den undersökning som har bedrivits var av både kvantitativ och kvalitativ karaktär. Deltagarna i undersökningen har fått se en filmsekvens i tre olika versioner. Först utan musik, sedan med skräckmusik och avslutningsvis med spänningsmusik. Undersökningen är baserad på Johnny Wingstedts teorier om hur vi påverkas av musiken i vår vardag. Beroende på vilken musik de fick höra i samband med klippen så påverkades deras uppfattning av både karaktären samt handlingen i filmen.


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This dissertation aims to examine the field of film festival subtitling by means of the analysis of two subtitling experiences. These experiences will be approached both on a methodological and on a practical level in order to analyse how subtitlers put theory into practice. This approach will also help underline the existing differences in work methodology as far as different work experiences are concerned. The subtitling experiences examined in this dissertation are part of my internships as a subtitler in two Italian film festivals, namely “Umbria Film Festival” and “900 Fest”. In this dissertation, I chose to focus on the subtitling of two of the audiovisual products I translated. These products are a German documentary titled Befreier und Befreite and a Danish fiction film titled Stille Hjerte. This dissertation is divided into five chapters. Chapter 1 describes audiovisual translation at its most theoretical level, focusing on subtitling criteria and strategies. Chapter 2 examines the concept of film translation, focusing on the distinctive features of documentary translation as a specific genre. This chapter also presents the concept of film festival and provides information concerning the translation policies of festivals. Chapter 3 presents the festivals I worked for and details my internship experiences. Chapter 4 focuses on the German documentary and proposes a number of solutions to its main translation problems. Chapter 5 focuses on the Danish film and offers solutions to its translation problems. At the end of the dissertation, I will provide some comments on my internship experiences as well as on the practice of film festival subtitling.


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L’obiettivo del presente elaborato è quello di fornire un testo per il sottotitolaggio di Operacija Y [Operazione Y], il terzo episodio della celebre commedia sovietica Operacija Y i drugie priključenija Šurika [Operazione Y e altre avventure di Šurik]. Il capitolo iniziale introduce la traduzione audiovisiva e tratta in particolare il sottotitolaggio, i passaggi di realizzazione di quest’ultimo e i suoi tratti salienti. Il secondo capitolo propone una contestualizzazione del genere della commedia cinematografica russa durante il periodo sovietico, mentre il terzo fornisce una breve biografia del regista Leonid Gajdaj e la descrizione del film, con particolare attenzione al rinomato trio comico criminale formato da Trus, Balbes e Byvalyj. L’ultimo capitolo consiste in un commento alla traduzione e nell’analisi delle difficoltà incontrate e delle soluzioni trovate. In appendice viene riportato il testo per la sottotitolazione.


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Tidigare har den vanligaste typen av reklam varit den i form av avbrott i tv­sändningar men i takt med våra ändrade tv­vanor söker reklamföretagen nya sätt att marknadsföra sig själva på. Så kallade produktplaceringar, är ett sådant marknadsföringssätt. Ett av de tydligaste exempel på detta är år 1982 då filmen E.T: The Extra Terrestrial hade premiär och huvudkaraktären åt godiset Reeses Pieces, en produktplacering som medförde en försäljningsökning på hela 65%. Produktplaceringar är sedan dess en blomstrande bransch och drar årligen in mångmiljardbelopp men attityderna gentemot denna typ av reklam har sviktat. Vi ställde oss därför frågan hur attityderna gentemot reklamfenomenet ser ut idag samt ifall ålder är en avgörande faktor för hur individer resonerar om produktplaceringar. Detta har lett till denna studiens syfte som är att undersöka två generationers attityder gentemot produktplaceringar i film och tv­serier samt hur de uppmärksammar det. Eftersom syftet med studien är att erhålla information om individers personliga uppfattningar, ansåg vi att den kvalitativa intervjun var bäst lämpad. Fyra intervjuer med personer mellan 20­30 år samt fyra intervjuer med personer mellan 50­60 år genomfördes. Materialet bestod i slutändan av åtta transkriberade intervjuer som analyserades med hjälp av studiens teoretiska ramverk. Teorierna berör generella antaganden om produktplaceringar, olika typer av produktplaceringar, dess påverkan på publiken, övertalningsförsök samt attityd och perception. Studien resulterade i att vi fann skillnader i hur generationerna uppmärksammar produktplaceringar. Den yngre generationen är i högre grad mottaglig för subtila placeringar medan den äldre generationen ansåg att placeringarna behövde vara tydliga och inzoomade för att uppmärksammas. Gällande attitydsaspekten fann vi att den yngre generationen har en något mer negativ inställning mot produktplaceringar, vilket kan bero på att denna typ av reklam påverkar det undermedvetna, något som framförallt den yngre generationen anser vara läskigt. Den äldre generationen har en något mer positiv syn på produktplaceringar, men en viss skepcism består. Detta beror troligen på att reklamtypen faktiskt påverkar och bringar ett köpintresse, något som denna generation hade skilda åsikter kring.


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This chapter examines community media projects in Scotland as social processes that nurture knowledge through participation in production. A visual and media anthropology framework (Ginsburg, 2005) with an emphasis on the social context of media production informs the analysis of community media. Drawing on community media projects in the Govan area of Glasgow and the Isle of Bute, the techniques of production foreground “the relational aspects of filmmaking” (Grimshaw and Ravetz, 2005: 7) and act as a catalyst for knowledge and networks of relations embedded in time and place. Community media is defined here as a creative social process, characterised by an approach to production that is multi-authored, collaborative and informed by the lives of participants, and which recognises the relevance of networks of relations to that practice (Caines, 2007: 2). As a networked process, community media production is recognised as existing in collaboration between a director or producer, such as myself, and organisations, institutions and participants, who are connected through a range of identities, practices and place. These relations born of the production process reflect a complex area of practice and participation that brings together “parallel and overlapping public spheres” (Meadows et al., 2002: 3). This relates to broader concerns with networks (Carpentier, Servaes and Lie, 2003; Rodríguez, 2001), both revealed during the process of production and enhanced by it, and how they can be described with reference to the knowledge practice of community media.


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Both William Shakespeare's play The Taming of the Shrew (1593) and the film 10 thing I hate About You (Gil Junger, 1999) contain tropes of gender and education and gendered education, and both represent and perform 'education'. That is, they depict characters undergoing a range of educational experiences and in turn educate their audience about what it means to be educated appropriately. It seems fitting then that these pairng of texts has been popular with high school teachers who, more often than not, use them as ways into teaching Shakespeare to contemporary adolescents. I suggest that the play-film pairing can be more productively introduced into the classroom as texts that offer critical readers the opportunity to contest the values of education and gender contatined within them, rather than as tools to reintroduce outdated notions of gendered agency and cultural authority. Indeed it is precisely because 10 Things is unequivocally a romantic comedy that aims to work within the audience's comfort zone that we must seriously interrogate the cultural politics of gender and education it promotes.


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Smart materials, such as thin-film piezoelectric polymers, are interesting for potential applications on Gossamer spacecraft. This investigation aims to predict the performance and long-term stability of the piezoelectric properties of poly(vinylidene fluoride) (PVDF) and its copolymers under conditions simulating the low-Earthorbit environment. To examine the effects of temperature on the piezoelectric properties of PVDF, poly(vinylidenefluoride-co-trifluoroethylene), and poly(vinylidenefluoride-cohexafluoropropylene), the d33 piezoelectric coefficients were measured up to 160 8C, and the electric displacement/electric field (D–E) hysteresis loops were measured from �80 to þ110 8C. The room-temperature d33 coefficient of PVDF homopolymer films, annealed at 50, 80, and 125 8C, dropped rapidly within a few days of thermal exposure and then remained unchanged. In contrast, the TrFE copolymer exhibited greater thermal stability than the homopolymer, with d33 remaining almost unchanged up to 125 8C. The HFP copolymer exhibited poor retention of d33 at temperatures above 80 8C. In situ D–E loop measurements from �80 to þ110 8C showed that the remanent polarization of the TrFE copolymer was more stable than that of the PVDF homopolymer. D–E hysteresis loop and d33 results were also compared with the deflection of the PVDF homopolymer and TrFE copolymer bimorphs tested over a wide temperature range.


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Despite recent developments in fixed-film combined biological nutrients removal (BNR) technology; fixed-film systems (i.e., biofilters), are still at the early stages of development and their application has been limited to a few laboratory-scale experiments. Achieving enhanced biological phosphorus removal in fixed-film systems requires exposing the micro-organisms and the waste stream to alternating anaerobic/aerobic or anaerobic/anoxic conditions in cycles. The concept of cycle duration (CD) as a process control parameter is unique to fixed-film BNR systems, has not been previously investigated, and can be used to optimise the performance of such systems. The CD refers to the elapsed time before the biomass is re-exposed to the same environmental conditions in cycles. Fixed-film systems offer many advantages over suspended growth systems such as reduced operating costs, simplicity of operation, absence of sludge recycling problems, and compactness. The control of nutrient discharges to water bodies, improves water quality, fish production, and allow water reuse. The main objective of this study was to develop a fundamental understanding of the effect of CD on the transformations of nutrients in fixed-film biofilter systems subjected to alternating aeration I no-aeration cycles A fixed-film biofilter system consisting of three up-flow biofilters connected in series was developed and tested. The first and third biofilters were operated in a cyclic mode in which the biomass was subjected to aeration/no-aeration cycles. The influent wastewater was simulated aquaculture whose composition was based on actual water quality parameters of aquacuture wastewater from a prawn grow-out facility. The influent contained 8.5 - 9:3 mg!L a111monia-N, 8.5- 8.7 mg/L phosphate-P, and 45- 50 mg!L acetate. Two independent studies were conducted at two biofiltration rates to evaluate and confirm the effect of CD on nutrient transformations in the biofilter system for application in aquaculture: A third study was conducted to enhance denitrification in the system using an external carbon- source at a rate varying from 0-24 ml/min. The CD was varied in the range of0.25- 120 hours for the first two studies and fixed at 12 hours for the third study. This study identified the CD as an important process control parameter that can be used to optimise the performance of full-scale fixed-film systems for BNR which represents a novel contribution in this field of research. The CD resulted in environmental conditions that inhibited or enhanced nutrient transformations. The effect of CD on BNR in fixed-film systems in terms of phosphorus biomass saturation and depletion has been established. Short CDs did not permit the establishment of anaerobic activity in the un-aerated biofilter and, thus, inhibited phosphorus release. Long CDs resulted in extended anaerobic activity and, thus, resulted in active phosphorus release. Long CDs, however, resulted in depleting the biomass phosphorus reservoir in the releasing biofilter and saturating the biomass phosphorus reservoir in the up-taking biofilter in the cycle. This phosphorus biomass saturation/depletion phenomenon imposes a practical limit on how short or long the CD can be. The length of the CD should be somewhere just before saturation or depletion occur and for the system tested, the optimal CD was 12 hours for the biofiltration rates tested. The system achieved limited net phosphorus removal due to the limited sludge wasting and lack of external carbon supply during phosphorus uptake. The phosphorus saturation and depletion reflected the need to extract phosphorus from the phosphorus-rich micro-organisms, for example, through back-washing. The major challenges of achieving phosphorus removal in the system included: (I) overcoming the deterioration in the performance of the system during the transition period following the start of each new cycle; and (2) wasting excess phosphorus-saturated biomass following the aeration cycle. Denitrification occurred in poorly aerated sections of the third biofilter and generally declined as the CD increased and as the time progressed in the individual cycle. Denitrification and phosphorus uptake were supplied by an internal organic carbon source, and the addition of an external carbon source (acetate) to the third biofilter resulted in improved denitrification efficiency in the system from 18.4 without supplemental carbon to 88.7% when the carbon dose reached 24 mL/min The removal of TOC and nitrification improved as the CD increased, as a result of the reduction in the frequency of transition periods between the cycles. A conceptual design of an effective fixed-film BNR biofilter system for the treatment of the influent simulated aquaculture wastewater was proposed based on the findings of the study.


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Purpose: To date, there have been no measuring techniques available that could clearly identify all phases of tear film surface kinetics in one interblink interval. ----- ----- Methods: Using a series of cases, we show that lateral shearing interferometry equipped with a set of robust parameter estimation techniques is able to characterize up to five different phases of tear film surface kinetics that include: (i) initial fast tear film build-up phase, (ii) further slower tear film build-up phase, (iii) tear film stability, (iv) tear film thinning, and (v), after a detected break-up, subsequent tear film deterioration. ----- ----- Results: Several representative examples are given for estimating tear film surface kinetics in measurements in which the subjects were asked to blink and keep their eyes open as long as they could. ----- ----- Conclusions: Lateral shearing interferometry is a noninvasive technique that provides means for temporal characterization of tear film surface kinetics and the opportunity for the analysis of the two-step tear film build-up process.