964 resultados para enterprise - gender roles
O presente relatório, fundamentado teoricamente, surge do desenvolvimento de um projeto de Educação e Intervenção Social com um grupo de Mulheres, denominado “Mais Valentes”, participantes no Projeto EntrEscolhas – Geração D’Ouro, com base na metodologia de investigaçãoação participativa, inserida no paradigma socio-crítico. O Projeto “Viver sem medo” foi desenvolvido a partir da finalidade de capacitar as mulheres do Grupo Mais Valentes para a tomada de decisão sobre os seus percursos de vida, tendo em conta o seu papel nas diferentes esferas da sociedade e, essencialmente, na família. Neste sentido, recorreram-se a técnicas e métodos de investigação que permitiram a construção do conhecimento sobre o grupo e cada uma das suas participantes, identificando-se problemas, necessidades, potencialidades e objetivos que pudessem responder aos anteriores. Ao longo do relatório é apresentada a construção do conhecimento sobre a realidade e o desenho e desenvolvimento do projeto concretizado conjuntamente com as participantes e, ainda, com contributos do e das Profissionais do Projeto EntrEscolhas – Geração D’Ouro. Neste sentido, foram realizados Encontros semanais com o grupo “Mais Valentes” e, posteriormente, ações com o objetivo de proporcionar a reflexão sobre os papéis sociais e familiares de género, o desenvolvimento de competências de literacia escolar e social e com vista à promoção de um melhor relacionamento interpessoal que permita a partilha e o diálogo. Por forma a avaliar todo o processo, recorreu-se ao modelo de avaliação CIPP, no sentido de se obter uma visão integral de todo o Projeto “Viver sem medo” e, assim, conseguir concretizar uma avaliação sistemática e contínua do mesmo, com base nas vivências de participação no projeto e opiniões das Mulheres e, assim, se possibilitar as mudanças desejadas, num clima de confiança e apoio mútuo.
Tese de Doutoramento em Ciências da Comunicação (área de especialização em Comunicação Estratégica e Organizacional).
Tese de Doutoramento em Sociologia
Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Média Interativos
Dissertação de mestrado em Estudos da Criança (área de especialização em Intervenção Psicossocial com Crianças, Jovens e Famílias)
Background: Little research has been carried out with regards to the inclusion of men during the birth process. The objective of this paper involves exploring the needs and expectations of the health services manifested by a group of fathers as a result of their experience during the birth process. Methods: Qualitative research was carried out in Granada in 2004 via individual interviews with fathers who showed shared responsibility in the upbringing. The profile is: employment, medium-high educational level, one or more child: 0-6 months of age. The transcript was subsequently submitted to hermeneutic analysis. Results: Some semantic constructs are: 1) Health Services do not concede the women as protagonists, 2) Birth process is depending on the body. Fathers can only support and fight for the relevance of men, 3) Men seem like “invisible”, 4) Health services inhibit their participation, and 5) have dealings with fathers according to their gender roles. The participants address the relationship between expectations of care during the birth process and unsatisfied demands, and the manner in which they employ the obstacles encountered within health services that inhibit their participation as arguments that confirm their separation from the process. Conclusions: This paper draws attention to the limited scope of the provision of healthcare during the birth process in terms of protagonism afforded to fathers. Indeed, despite their requisitory discourse, the interviewees manifest contradictory attitudes in the face of changes that require them to make commitments. We identify elements that could be improved to adapt services to the needs of fathers and vice versa.
In this paper I explore two hypotheses: (1) Formal child care availability for children under three has a positive effect across contexts, according to the degree of adaptation of social institutions to changes in gender roles. Event history models with regional fixed effects are applied to data from the European Community Household Panel (1994-2001). The results show a significant and positive effect of regional day care availability on both, first and higher order births, while results are consistent with the second hypothesis only for second or higher order births.
The final project deals with the question of female comedy and the comedy made by women. Comedy has traditionally been made by men and the woman has been the one who laughs. A funny woman has been a rare phenomenon. Although times have changed and gender roles have become more flexible, female comedians still remain in a minority compared to their male colleagues. The essay reviews the social and historical structures that influence the position of women in general and on the field of comedy in particular. The teoretical basis to this is feminist theory. Female comedy and humour have features of their own, that are being examined in the essay. It also makes a difference between feminine comedy and feminist comedy. Largely the project handles stand up comedy. The popularity of stand up comedy has changed the field of professional entertainment and brought a number of widely gifted comedians to a common knowledge. Stand up has an opportunity to be a political tool, which is essential for marginal comedians, which also includes female comedians. One of the fundamental subjects of the project is the political character of comedy. The essay also portrays the historical roots of stand up comedy in the Finnish and in the American tradition. It reflects on the fore mothers of the modern female comedian. The reasons that make a woman become a comedian are under consideration, as well as the strategies that help her to get her voice and message delivered. Since a woman is still held in the marginal, it gives female comedy a feature of its own. This way comedy can become a tool for a feminist battle.
In the analysis of multivariate categorical data, typically the analysis of questionnaire data, it is often advantageous, for substantive and technical reasons, to analyse a subset of response categories. In multiple correspondence analysis, where each category is coded as a column of an indicator matrix or row and column of Burt matrix, it is not correct to simply analyse the corresponding submatrix of data, since the whole geometric structure is different for the submatrix . A simple modification of the correspondence analysis algorithm allows the overall geometric structure of the complete data set to be retained while calculating the solution for the selected subset of points. This strategy is useful for analysing patterns of response amongst any subset of categories and relating these patterns to demographic factors, especially for studying patterns of particular responses such as missing and neutral responses. The methodology is illustrated using data from the International Social Survey Program on Family and Changing Gender Roles in 1994.
It is shown how correspondence analysis may be applied to a subset of response categories from a questionnaire survey, for example the subset of undecided responses or the subset of responses for a particular category. The idea is to maintain the original relative frequencies of the categories and not re-express them relative to totals within the subset, as would normally be done in a regular correspondence analysis of the subset. Furthermore, the masses and chi-square metric assigned to the data subset are the same as those in the correspondence analysis of the whole data set. This variant of the method, called Subset Correspondence Analysis, is illustrated on data from the ISSP survey on Family and Changing Gender Roles.
L’objectiu d’aquest treball és conèixer la percepció que tenen els adolescents usuaris dels centres oberts de la ciutat de Girona sobre la sexualitat, l’afectivitat, quins rols de gènere se’n deriven i quines creences els sustenten. El disseny del treball ha estat qualitatiu, observacional, grups de discussió. Pel que fa als subjectes i al mètode, la població seleccionada ha estat de 33 adolescents i joves d’edats compreses entre els 12 i els 22 anys, usuaris de quatre centres oberts de Girona: el centre obert de Taialà, el Centre Obert de Font de la Pólvora (Onyar), el Centre Obert de Santa Eugènia i el Centre Obert del Barri Vell. Es van dur a terme grups de discussió d’una hora de duració sense descans amb d’entre 6 i 8 persones a partir d’un guió format per diversos mites i frases en relació a diversos temes (El festeig, la virginitat, la curiositat pel cos i per la sexualitat, els anticonceptius i les principals fonts d’informació) sobre les que havien de dir si estaven d’acord o no i qui creien que les deia (si un noi o una noia). Sobre els resultats del treball cal dir que s’ha observat la persistència d’algunes creences del model del amor romàntic en relació al rols de gènere com la definició de la dona vinculada a papers de cura i prevenció, una dona que té accés a la sexualitat però segueix estan catalogada per la vivència d’aquesta essent una persona “respectable” o una “puta”, que pren un rol més actiu en la iniciativa però no el l’assertivitat en les relacions; i un home, més impulsiu i sexual. En relació als comportaments sexuals destacar l’embaràs no desitjat com la principal preocupació de les relacions i el desconeixement/confusió entre els mètodes anticonceptius i de barrera disponibles a la xarxa de salut. Apareix la pornografia com a model emergent de relacions sexuals i models de relació entre homes i dones, en contraposició a altres fonts de informació i consulta tradicionals com els amics que segueixen essent la més significativa, la família, els serveis socials i educatius, i Internet. Com a conclusió cal dir que queda palesa la necessitat de incorporar una perspectiva de gènere en la formació curricular dels joves i el fet de seguir replantejant les millors estratègies d’intervenció per una concepció integradora de la sexualitat
Drinking habits are socially patterned and social networks influence individuals' drinking behaviors. Previous studies have focused primarily upon the influence from family members to drink less. Those studies that have focused upon peer influence have been largely confined to social norms among adolescent and college-age drinkers. By contrast, based in adult populations, this article examines exhortations from friends not only to reduce alcohol consumption but also to increase it. Survey data in 15 countries that participate in the Gender, Alcohol and Culture: An International Study project (GENACIS) were used to test whether there were country and gender differences concerning the influence to drink less or to drink more by friends and examine if this was affected by the drinking behavior. The findings revealed that those influenced to drink less had more heavy episodic drinking (HED) occasions than those who did not report such influence. By contrast, influence to drink more, originating mainly from same-sex friends, may be more the result of social situations that encourage all drinkers, regardless of their frequency of HED occasions. At the country level, influence to drink less for both sexes decreased with the proportion of drinkers in a country. Similarly, influence to drink less for both sexes also decreased in countries where gender roles were more egalitarian. Thus, in countries where alcohol use is more widespread and fewer differences are observed between male and female gender role expectations, fewer people were influenced to drink less. These findings have implications for social and behavioral strategies designed to reduce alcohol-related harm across a wide range of cultures.
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten mediatekstit kuvaavat naisten ja miesten työn ja muun elämän yhteensovittamista. Tavoitteena on tutkia sitä, miten media rakentaa ja uusintaa suomalaisessa yhteiskunnassa vallitsevia sukupuolikäsityksiä ja stereotypioita työn ja muun elämän yhdistämistä käsittelevissä lehtiteksteissä. Lisäksi tavoitteena on analysoida sitä, minkälaisia merkityksiä mediatekstit synnyttävät työstä ja yksityiselämästä. Tutkimus on luonteeltaan laadullinen ja tutkimusmetodina on käytetty diskurssianalyysia. Tutkimusaineisto koostuu 17 suomalaisesta lehtitekstistä. Tekstien valinnassa oli tärkeää se, että ne käsittelevät työn ja muun elämän yhteensovittamista mahdollisimman monipuolisesti. Tutkimustulokset osoittavat, että media uusintaa olemassa olevia sukupuolikäsityksiä työn ja muun elämän yhteensovittamisessa.Lisäksi kävi ilmi työn tekemisen arvostaminen. Muu elämä rakennetaan pääsääntöisesti työssäkäynnin ympärille, vaikka mahdollisuuksia omaan aikaan ja yksityiselämään pidetään hyvin tärkeinä. Yhteiskunnan arvot ja kulttuuri ovat mediatekstien luoman kuvan taustalla. Tämä sanelee osaltaan sen, miten sukupuolta työn ja muun elämän yhteensovittamisessa on lehdissä käsitelty.
Tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, miten ”sukupuolikiintiöt yritysten hallituksissa” rakentuvat suomalaisessa mediassa ja sitä kautta; nähdäänkö sukupuolikiintiöt toimivana keinona saavuttaa työelämän tasa-arvo. Tutkielmassa luodaan silmäys sukupuolirooleihin sekä niitä uusintaviin ja ylläpitäviin rakenteisiin yhteiskunnassa. Edelleen tavoitteena on selvittää, murtavatko naiskiintiöt liike-elämässä ja politiikassa vallitsevia johtajuuden sukupuolirooleja. Tutkielmassa käsitellään tasa-arvoa yhteiskunnallisessa, johtajuustutkimuksellisessa ja feministisessä valossa. Sukupuolikiintiöistä kirjoitettaessa voidaan havaita erilaisia suhtautumistapoja niiden vaikutuksesta tasa-arvon toteutumiseen. Tutkielmassa esimerkkeinä käytettyjä lehtitekstejä leimaavat vastakkainasettelut, voimakkaat tunteet ja jakautuminen eri leireihin. Tutkimusmenetelmänä on käytetty kriittistä, valtaorientoitunutta diskurssianalyysiä, joka on antoisa viitekehys mediamaailman käytäntöjen tutkimiseen kontekstissaan. Media on tässä tutkimuksessa rajattu käsittämään tiettyjä suomalaisia sanoma-, aikakausi- ja iltapäivälehtiä. Tutkimuksen pääongelmaksi nousevat tavat, joilla sukupuolikiintiöistä mediassa kirjoitetaan sekä asenteet, joita ne lukijoille välittävät. Tämän tutkimuksen keskeisinä tuloksina voidaan esittää yleisimmät suhtautumistavat sukupuolikiintiötä kohtaan mediassa, sekä kolme diskurssia, jotka useimmiten kiintiökeskusteluissa esiintyvät. Pätevyys- diskurssi painottaa yksilön pätevyyttä ensisijaisena valintakriteerinä hallitusjäseniä valittaessa. Uhka- diskurssi esittää sukupuolikiintiöt uhkavaatimuksena, johon tullaan turvautumaan kulttuuristen muutosten hitauden vuoksi. (Epä)tasa-arvo- diskurssi näkee sukupuolikiintiöt tasa-arvoa edistävänä keinona, mutta toisaalta kokee naiskiintiöt epätasa-arvoisina ja miehiä sortavina.