933 resultados para employee-supervisor relationships


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- Purpose This study aims to investigate the extent to which employee outcomes (anxiety/depression, bullying and workers’ compensation claims thoughts) are affected by shared perceptions of supervisor conflict management style (CMS). Further, this study aims to assess cross-level moderating effects of supervisor CMS climate on the positive association between relationship conflict and these outcomes. - Design/methodology/approach Multilevel modeling was conducted using a sample of 401 employees nested in 69 workgroups. - Findings High collaborating, low yielding and low forcing climates (positive supervisor climates) were associated with lower anxiety/depression, bullying and claim thoughts. Unexpectedly, the direction of moderation showed that the positive association between relationship conflict and anxiety/depression and bullying was stronger for positive supervisor CMS climates than for negative supervisor CMS climates (low collaborating, high yielding and high forcing). Nevertheless, these interactions revealed that positive supervisor climates were the most effective at reducing anxiety/depression and bullying when relationship conflict was low. For claim thoughts, positive supervisor CMS climates had the predicted stress-buffering effects. - Research limitations/implications Employees benefit from supervisors creating positive CMS climates when dealing with conflict as a third party, and intervening when conflict is low, when their intervention is more likely to minimize anxiety/depression and bullying. - Originality/value By considering the unique perspective of employees’ shared perceptions of supervisor CMS, important implications for the span of influence of supervisor behavior on employee well-being have been indicated.


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This study investigates the relationships between work stressors and organizational performance in terms of the quality of care provided by the long-term care facilities. Work stressors are first examined in relation to the unit's structural factors, resident characteristics, and to the unit specialization. The study is completed by an investigation into the associations of work stressors such as job demands or time pressure, role ambiguity, resident-related stress, and procedural injustice to organizational performance. Also the moderating effect of job control in the job demands organizational performance relationship is examined. The study was carried out in the National Research and Development Centre for Welfare and Health (STAKES). Survey data were drawn from 1194 nursing employees in 107 residential-home and health-center inpatient units in 1999 and from 977 employees in 91 units in 2002. Information on the unit resident characteristics and the quality of care was provided by the Resident Assessment Instrument (RAI). The results showed that large unit size or lower staffing levels were not consistently related to work stressors, whereas the impairments in residents' physical functioning in particular initiated stressful working conditions for employees. However, unit specialization into dementia and psychiatric residents was found to buffer the effects that the resident characteristics had on employee appraisals of work stressors, in that a high proportion of behavioral problems was related to less time pressure and role conflicts for employees in specialized units. Unit specialization was also related to improved team climates and the organizational commitment of employees. Work stressors associated with problems in care quality. Time pressure explained most of the differences between units in how the employees perceived the quality of physical and psychosocial care they provide for the residents. A high level of job demands in the unit was also found to be related to some increases in all clinical quality problems. High job control buffered the effects of job demands on the quality of care in terms of the use of restraints on elderly residents. Physical restraint and especially antipsychotic drug use were less prevalent in units that combined both high job demands and high control for employees. In contrast, in high strain units where heavy job demands coincided with a lack of control for employees, quality was poor in terms of the frequent use of physical restraints. In addition, procedural injustice was related to the frequent use of antianxiety of hypnotic drugs for elderly residents. The results suggest that both job control and procedural justice may have improved employees' abilities to cope when caring for the elderly residents, resulting in better organizational performance.


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[Book Contents] Introducing Employee Reward Systems; Conceptual and Theoretical Frameworks; The Legal, Employment Relations and Market Context; Base Pay Structures and Relationships; Pay Setting, Composition and Progression; Variable Pay Schemes; Benefits; Pensions; Non-Financial Reward; Rewarding Directors and Executives; International Reward Management; Employee Reward within HRM.


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Purpose: Changes to health care systems andworking hours have fragmentedresidents’ clinical experiences withpotentially negative effects ontheir development as professionals.Investigation of off-site supervision,which has been implemented in isolatedrural practice, could reveal importantbut less overt components of residencyeducation. 

Method: Insights from sociocultural learningtheory and work-based learning provideda theoretical framework. In 2011–2012,16 family physicians in Australia andCanada were asked in-depth how theyremotely supervised residents’ workand learning, and for their reflectionson this experience. The verbatiminterview transcripts and researchers’memos formed the data set. Templateanalysis produced a description andinterpretation of remote supervision. 

Results: Thirteen Australian family physiciansfrom five states and one territory, andthree Canadians from one province,participated. The main themes werehow remoteness changed the dynamicsof care and supervision; the importanceof ongoing, holistic, nonhierarchical,supportive supervisory relationships; andthat residents learned “clinical courage”through responsibility for patients’ careover time. Distance required supervisorsto articulate and pass on their expertiseto residents but made monitoringdifficult. Supervisory continuityencouraged residents to build on pastexperiences and confront deficiencies. 

Conclusions: Remote supervision enabled residents todevelop as clinicians and professionals.This questions the supremacy of co-locationas an organizing principle forresidency education. Future specialists maybenefit from programs that give themongoing and increasing responsibilityfor a group of patients and supportive.


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This study contributes to current research on voice behaviour by investigating several under-explored drivers that motivate employees’ expression of constructive ideas about work-related issues. It draws from the concept of psychological climate to examine how voice behaviour is influenced by employees’ (1) personal resources (tenacity and passion for work), (2) perceptions of social interdependence (task and outcome interdependence), and (3) supervisor leadership style (transformational and transactional). Using a multi-source research design, surveys were administered to 226 employees and to 24 supervisors at a Canadian-based not-for-profit organization. The hypotheses are tested with hierarchical regression analysis. The results indicate that employees are more likely to engage in voice behaviour to the extent that they exhibit higher levels of passion for work. Further, their voice behaviour is lower to the extent that their supervisor adopts a transformational leadership style characterized by high performance expectations or a transactional leadership style based on contingent rewards and contingent punishment behaviours. The study reveals that there are no significant effects of tenacity, social interdependence, and behaviour-focused transformational leadership on voice. The findings have significant implications for organizations that seek to encourage employee behaviours that help improve current work practices or undo harmful situations.


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Much attention has been given to financial conflicts of interest (COI) in bioscience research. Yet to date, surprisingly little attention has focused on other COIs that arise in supervisor-student relations. We examine a spectrum of related situations, ranging from standard graduate supervision through to dual relationships sometimes found in research with commercial potential. We illustrate some of the less-obvious factors that can bias supervisory judgment, and situate financial COI along a spectrum of forces that are deserving of recognition. We conclude by providing two sets of recommendations: one for individual supervisors, and the other for institutions and policy-makers.


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Tant auprès des chercheurs que des praticiens, la socialisation organisationnelle semble représenter un sujet d’intérêt à l’heure actuelle (Fang, Duffy, & Shaw, 2011). Dans cette lignée, la présente thèse cherche à approfondir notre compréhension de la socialisation organisationnelle, afin d’en dresser un portrait plus complet et étayé, mais aussi d’y arrimer des pratiques porteuses pour les organisations et leurs employés. Plus précisément, les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés, largement ignorés à ce jour dans la documentation (Ashforth, Sluss, & Harrison, 2007), sont examinés à partir de données recueillies à trois temps de mesure distincts auprès d’un échantillon de 224 nouveaux employés. Avec comme point de départ la théorie de l’échange social (Blau, 1964) et le concept de confiance affective (McAllister, 1995), le premier des deux articles qui composent la thèse démontre que, par rapport aux approches dites classiques (i.e., exprimant une vision cognitive de la socialisation organisationnelle), une approche relationnelle de la socialisation organisationnelle permet de mieux rendre compte du lien psychologique qui s’établit entre les nouveaux employés et l’organisation, alors que les approches cognitives classiques sont davantage explicatives de la performance des employés. Les deux approches semblent donc complémentaires pour expliquer l’adaptation des nouveaux employés. Le second article s’appuie sur la démonstration effectuée dans le premier article et cherche à approfondir davantage les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés, de même que leur influence sur l’adaptation de ces derniers. À cette fin, la théorie de la conservation des ressources (Hobfoll, 1989) est considérée et l’engagement affectif (Meyer & Herscovitch, 2001) est mis de l’avant comme concept focal. Les résultats suggèrent que l’engagement affectif envers le supérieur compense pour un déclin de l’engagement affectif envers l’organisation, tel qu’il résulte d’un bris de la relation avec l’organisation. Les relations semblent donc, dans certaines circonstances, avoir une portée qui dépasse leurs protagonistes directs. La présente thèse démontre donc que les aspects relationnels inhérents au vécu des nouveaux employés ont une influence distincte, prépondérante et complexe sur leur adaptation en emploi. Ce faisant, elle s’insère dans un courant de recherche visant à remettre à l’avant-plan et mieux comprendre la sphère relationnelle dans les organisations (Ragins & Dutton, 2007). Les implications théoriques et pratiques qui en découlent seront discutées.


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Conciliar el trabajo y la familia es una lucha cotidiana que cada persona realiza para satisfacer las exigencias de ambas dimensiones de su vida. El no tener consciencia del problema que surge en el empleado para lograr esta conciliación y la ausencia de soluciones eficaces a éste, no sólo afecta a la organización a través de la baja productividad, el absentismo, el aumento del estrés, entre otros efectos; sino también a la vida familiar, social, física y psicológica del trabajador. Es por ello, que este proyecto de grado busca a partir de la revisión de la literatura mostrar cómo la percepción que tienen los trabajadores de su equilibrio trabajo-familia, se ve influenciada por un factor organizativo, como lo son los turnos laborales; además evidenciar las soluciones que se han implementado en las diferentes empresas de manera exitósa, para finalmente plantear estrategias que se puedan aplicar en las organizaciones facilitando el equilibrio trabajo-familia de los trabajadores.


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Earlier studies suggest age is positively associated with job satisfaction, while others use length of service, or tenure, as a predictor of job satisfaction levels. This article examines whether age and tenure are individual determinants of satisfaction, or whether there is an interaction between the two. The results indicate that employee age is not significantly associated with overall job satisfaction level, but that tenure is. There is also significant relationship between tenure and facets of satisfaction (job, pay and fringe benefits), but the effect of tenure on satisfaction is significantly modified by age.


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Discrimination, in its best form, is a hard concept to fathom as an employee or ordinary citizen. In the workplace, there are times when discrimination is necessary due to extenuating circumstances that revolve around the form or act of discrimination. It could be conveyed to save a life or avoid future conflict. However, it must be clearly stated as a written law that the act is lawful. When unlawful discrimination occurs, it stages an entirely different tone, as it is mainly conducted out of malice, hatred, greed, control, or ignorance. Over the last few decades, discrimination has existed in the workplace, although Federal laws mandate that it does not occur. It does not exist in just one geographical area or is country specific, but covers a wide spectrum, linking countries together from their points of view to creating rifts amongst those who are affected and those who are not, not only from a business perspective, but social humanistic relationships as well. This thesis will use quantitative and qualitative data to support discrimination of sexual harassment, race or color, and gender issues, as well as personal experiences, and how it has and will continue to impact businesses if the acts do not cease, permanently. Leadership, from the Presidents and Heads of Countries, Chief Executive Officers (CEOs), managers, lowest-ranking supervisor, and employees should make it their personal goal to ensure these issues do not continue or arise in their perspective areas of responsibilities. When employees understand that they are valued, will be taken seriously when reporting acts of discrimination, and that some form of action will be taken, performance and productivity will escalate, and morale will increase in the workplace, resulting in higher productivity and subsequently higher profit margins for the company.


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Cover title.


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Prepared for the Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, under Research and Development Grant No. 91-48-78-39.


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In this study, we investigated the relationships between psychological contract breach, affective commitment, and two types of employee performance (i.e. civic virtue behaviour and in-role performance). It was predicted that an experience of contract breach can severely hurt the affective commitment of the employees and this, in turn, results in poor in-role performance and less civic virtue behaviours. Results revealed that affective commitment had differential mediating effects on the two types of employee performance. That is, affective commitment mediated the relationship between breach and self-reported and supervisor-rated civic virtue, but not the relationship between breach and in-role performance.


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This study advances research on interpersonal exchange relationships by integrating social exchange, workplace friendship and climate research to develop a multilevel model. Data were collected from 215 manager-employee dyads working within 36 teams. At the individual level, LMX was positively associated with TMX and workplace friendship. Further, workplace friendship was positively related to TMX, and mediated the LMX-TMX relationship. At the team level, HLM results demonstrated that the relationship between LMX and workplace friendship was moderated by affective climate. Findings suggest that high-quality LMX relationships are associated with enhanced employees' perceptions of workplace friendship when affective group climate was strong.


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This study examined the influence of organizational justice perceptions on employee work outcome relationships as moderated by individual differences that are influenced by societal culture. Power distance, but not country or individualism, moderated the relationships between perceived justice and satisfaction, performance, and absenteeism. The effects of perceived justice on these outcomes were stronger among individuals scoring lower on power distance index, and most of these study participants were in the U.S. (versus Hong Kong) sample. Limitations of the study and the implications of the findings for managing cross-culturally are discussed.