950 resultados para e-government strategy analysis


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Telmex es una organización que inicia su operación como empresa estatal mexicana con bajos niveles de eficiencia, posterior a su privatización tomó un nuevo rumbo en sus procesos internos, llevándola a generar modelos de negocio diferenciados y enfocados a la prestación de servicios de telecomunicación a la vanguardia. A partir de la búsqueda de nuevos horizontes la compañía logra tener presencia en la mayoría de los países del continente americano operando bajo la marca de “Telmex Internacional”, y a su vez, con sus respectivas subsidiarias en cada uno de los diferentes países, con el objetivo de satisfacer las necesidades locales con mayor efectividad. Con el apoyo de los diferentes acercamientos teóricos se busca identificar los patrones que le permitieron a Telmex llegar a posicionarse como una compañía líder en el sector de las telecomunicaciones en Latinoamérica y específicamente en Colombia, manteniéndose en un mercado competitivo mediante la oferta de servicios de empaquetamiento ajustados a las necesidades de los clientes.


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This paper provides an overview of the main insights arising from the ‘regional strategy’ literature. It also develops the contours of a new, rich research agenda for future international strategy scholarship, whereby the region should be introduced as an explicit, third geographic level of analysis, in addition to the country-level and the global level. Regional strategy analysis requires a fundamental rethink of mainstream theories in the international strategy sphere. This rethink involves, inter alia, internalization theory, with its resource-based view and transaction cost economics components, as well as the integration (I) – national responsiveness (NR) framework.


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This paper maps the policy shifts around the education and training of youth that frame how schools respond to issues of youth' at risk'. These shifts have occurred with the move from the self managing schools marked by market discourses of competition, autonomy and image management that supplanted earlier discourses of welfare and community, through to recent policies in Victoria arising from the Kirby Review of Post compulsory Education and Public Education, the Next Generation undertaken by the Labor government. These reports, and the policies emerging out of them, are producing new discourses about youth and schooling focusing on wellbeing, learning networks and more systemic support for schools at the same time as there is increased accountability and expectations of schools. Drawing on the school exclusion literature from the U.K, and using Bourdieu's notion of habitus, we examine the findings from a recent study undertaken on the Geelong Pathways Planning project, funded through a Victorian government strategy, to discuss how schools respond to such initiatives. The project explored the ways in which students in the Geelong region understood and worked with the job planning pathways program, and how service providers (schools, community education facilities, job networks etc) coordinated to meet the needs of individual youth. There was a disjuncture in the participating schools between the discourses of care and welfare for students at risk, and the actual practices and policies that ignored or excluded such students. This paper concludes with a discussion of what might be required systemically, in schools and in their relations to other education providers, to build the capacity to respond more effectively to all students.


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A importância e a contribuição das empresas de pequeno porte para o desenvolvimento do país são argumentos suficientes para que esse segmento empresarial seja considerado e tratado como estratégia de política pública. No Brasil as dificuldades e os entraves para que os pequenos negócios produzam resultados de política estão expressos, sobretudo, na conceituação de pequeno porte, na forma de tributação e nos encargos sociais. Para vencer essas limitações e sobreviver os pequenos empresários adotam práticas gerenciais que visam sistematicamente burlar o fisco, trazendo conseqüências desfavoráveis à empresa. Práticas tais como a utilização de caixa dois e o pagamento de salários sem o devido registro são amplamente aplicadas nas pequenas empresas que preferem se expor ao risco da fiscalização do que cumprir os requisitos definidos na legislação. Para reverter esse quadro, o posicionamento estratégico do governo face aos pequenos negócios deveria contemplar ações de incentivo a criação e desenvolvimento de uma classe empresarial, de melhoria da capacidade gerencial, de simplificação da legislação com redução da carga tributária e de assimilação de mão de obra excedente no mercado de trabalho.


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The aim of the present study is to analyze the evolution of the historical and institutional elements that generate the current design of the private health market in Brazil. Its main theoretical basis is the Theory of the Symbolic Power, by Pierre Bourdieu, complemented, in the non-conflictive aspects of these two visions, by the Anthony Giddens¿ institutional vision on the field genesis motivational factors. The research¿ data were collected through documents and semi structured interviews during 2002 e 2003 period, involving the qualitative analyze due to understand the field¿s phenomena under an actors¿ perspective. The research identifies the several players that integrate the market, their evident strategic goals, and those that are not so, besides of the powers¿ resources used to reach them, by DiMaggio and Powell¿ vision. Thus, it tries to show, through a historic linear description, and emphasis in the determinant facts, the evolution of the market¿s constitution. The study demonstrates that the field had formed from several Estate¿ actions, basically after the past seventy¿ decade, as result of a alternative Government¿ strategy towards a Brazilian population¿s dissemination plan of health¿ services that enforced the institutionalization of isomorphic structures, with a strong internal interaction and a hierarchy between kinds of values, that had emphasized the health¿ symbol as a citizenship¿s value. In the end, the study estimates that the crescent longevity¿ Brazilian¿s population and the consequent work¿s dismiss may cause a private health¿ elitism conforming a future problem in this sensible segment of the social politics of the Brazilian government.


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Este trabalho apresenta um estudo sobre as políticas de educação escolar e saúde indígena no Brasil, buscando verificar a presença das tendências de modificação observadas nas políticas sociais do país, a partir das décadas de 1980 e 1990: descentralização das políticas para as esferas subnacionais de governo; criação de mecanismos de participação da sociedade civil nos processos decisórios; estabelecimento de parcerias com instituições privadas para a provisão de serviços públicos; institucionalização de canais de controle; alteração no conteúdo das políticas e ampliação de seu alcance. O estudo foi realizado a partir de uma análise comparativa das duas políticas no nível federal e no nível local de governo. A análise no nível local foi realizada a partir do estudo de caso do Parque Indígena do Xingu. Buscou-se verificar, na trajetória das políticas, a influência dos fatores relacionados aos processos de Redemocratização e Reforma do Estado, das dinâmicas próprias das áreas de saúde e educação, da questão indígena e da agenda estatal indigenista. A partir da análise, verificamos, no nível federal, um avanço na legislação de ambos os campos, comparado com os princípios existentes antes da Constituição Federal de 1988. No que se refere à legislação, a educação escolar indígena apresenta-se mais consolidada quando comparada à saúde que ainda apresenta muitas indefinições. No Parque Indígena do Xingu percebemos uma inflexão nas duas políticas, a partir da década de 1990, que passam a buscar um crescente protagonismo indígena e a valorização de uma abordagem intercultural. No Xingu estes avanços foram resultado, sobretudo, da iniciativa das comunidades indígenas da região, em parceria com a Universidade Federal de São Paulo, na área da saúde, e com o Instituto Socioambiental, na área da educação, e com recursos, a principio, de fundações internacionais.


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The research here undertaken analyzes the process of urbanization on the coast of Panamirim - RN and Nísia Floresta - RN, arising from leisure, the main leisure expression was considered the second residence and coastal tourism. The leisure promoted the growth of businesses and public and private services to meet consumer demand in that area, which initially occurred with users of second home, and which also gradually begin to occupy the coastline of these municipalities in 1980 and more recently with the development of tourism in the 1990s until now. To undertake such an analysis, we did the georeferencing about the trade and also public and private services of that coast, characterizing them; evaluated the extent to which services deployed in this area meets the demands of tourists and users of second residence; it was also identified how the centrality of Natal interferes in the expansion of services in these locations. The spatial area of research includes the coastal municipalities of Parnamirim and Nísia Floresta, considering the limits of the census of the Instituto Brasileiro de Geografia e Estatística- IBGE, and about the time frame, it was considered the 1990s to the present day. The methodology consists of: 1. survey and reading of the literature related to the researched topic, serving as the theoretical analysis in the construction of the object studied; 2. collection and organization of secondary data by the IBGE and tourism sectors of the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Natal and main municipalities of the research; 3. Questionnaires and / or interviews with the traders, service providers, tourists, users of second homes, local residents, and government. The analysis of such data collected allowed the preparation of graphs, maps and tables that illustrate the results obtained in the research field, basing so the study. The relevance of the study is shown by the extensive survey data involving agents of the research, including tourists, users of second homes and, above all, the data for the service sector that did not exist in the analyzed area. The study results identified in the area analyzed the emergence of three new centers, arising from the urbanization process from leisure, one of them located in the municipality of Nísia Foresta Beach in Barra de Tabatinga, and two in Parnamirim, more specifically in locality Pium and Beach Pirangi do Norte. It was further observed that, being located in tourist areas, the main feature of these new centers is seasonality


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Includes bibliography


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Esta dissertação discute a participação e alternativas de desenvolvimento na Transamazônica, a partir de estudo acerca da Organização Não-Governamental Associação Solidária e Econômica de Frutas da Amazônia (ASSEEFA) que é a encarregada pelos Projetos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável (PDSs), no município de Anapu, Transamazônica, Estado do Pará. Objetiva-se, verificar as imagens construídas sobre a ASSEEFA e os PDSs e, assim, apontar o grau de participação da sociedade civil de Anapu no processo de formulação e implementação de políticas alternativas de desenvolvimento para aquela região. Objetiva-se, ainda, explicitar em que campo se construíram as referências ao meio ambiente, presentes nas lutas dos movimentos sociais locais. Tomando como referência os conceitos apresentados por Ammann (1978) e Bordenave (1994), questionamos a existência ou não de participação social na criação da ASSEEFA e na implementação dos PDSs? Nesse sentido, as categorias participação social, sociedade civil, desenvolvimento, meio ambiente e Amazônia, com reflexos latentes nessa região, foram selecionadas como elementos centrais de análise, o que é realizado logo no primeiro capítulo. Com o intento de oferecer respostas à altura dos objetivos acima apontados, analisou-se, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica e de campo, primeiro momento, a trajetória de constituição da ASSEEFA e dos PDSs. Observou-se, assim, que, nas parcerias, disputas e negociações da sociedade civil, existiam componentes relevantes que evidenciavam que aqueles movimentos possuem propostas voltadas para um tipo de desenvolvimento que valorize o meio ambiente e que, sobretudo, compromete-se com o resgate da cidadania. A análise dos pontos de vista das instituições governamentais como Instituto Nacional de Colonização e Reforma Agrária (INCRA) e Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis (IBAMA) e representantes da associação de madeireiros, serviu como referência para compreensão das diversas possibilidades, interesses e conflitos com que se apresentam as iniciativas da sociedade civil e a realização do desenvolvimento na Transamazônica. Tomamos como hipótese principal a formulação de que a participação social na ASSEEFA e nos PDSs de Anapu está ligada aos mais diversos interesses e que esta significa um rompimento com antigas práticas e visões sobre o desenvolvimento e a possibilidade desses agricultores de garantia de suas liberdades efetivas, como o direito a terra, ao trabalho, a educação e à saúde, em suma aos direitos fundamentais do ser humano.


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Despite the ethnicisation of power since independence in 1991, Kazakhstan has managed to maintain political stability without experiencing large-scale mobilisation to oppose Kazakh domination. This paper examines government strategy to avoid ethnic voting in an attempt to explain why ethnic divisions were rarely reflected in the struggle for power in the republic. While the arbitrary use of legal provisions considerably limited participation in elections by ethnic leaders, powerful pro-president parties that exhibited a cross-ethnic character were created to curtail ethnically based movements. The control strategy in elections aimed not simply at ethnicising the parliament in favour of Kazakhs, but at having loyal Russians and other minorities represented in the legislature through nomination by the president and catch-all pro-regime parties, or through the presidential consultative body—Assembly of the People of Kazakhstan. This well-controlled representation of minorities served not only to placate non-Kazakhs but also to provide legitimacy for the Kazakh-dominated leadership by projecting the image of cross-ethnic support for the president and some degree of power-sharing.


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Arch bridge structural solution has been known for centuries, in fact the simple nature of arch that require low tension and shear strength was an advantage as the simple materials like stone and brick were the only option back in ancient centuries. By the pass of time especially after industrial revolution, the new materials were adopted in construction of arch bridges to reach longer spans. Nowadays one long span arch bridge is made of steel, concrete or combination of these two as "CFST", as the result of using these high strength materials, very long spans can be achieved. The current record for longest arch belongs to Chaotianmen bridge over Yangtze river in China with 552 meters span made of steel and the longest reinforced concrete type is Wanxian bridge which also cross the Yangtze river through a 420 meters span. Today the designer is no longer limited by span length as long as arch bridge is the most applicable solution among other approaches, i.e. cable stayed and suspended bridges are more reasonable if very long span is desired. Like any super structure, the economical and architectural aspects in construction of a bridge is extremely important, in other words, as a narrower bridge has better appearance, it also require smaller volume of material which make the design more economical. Design of such bridge, beside the high strength materials, requires precise structural analysis approaches capable of integrating the combination of material behaviour and complex geometry of structure and various types of loads which may be applied to bridge during its service life. Depend on the design strategy, analysis may only evaluates the linear elastic behaviour of structure or consider the nonlinear properties as well. Although most of structures in the past were designed to act in their elastic range, the rapid increase in computational capacity allow us to consider different sources of nonlinearities in order to achieve a more realistic evaluations where the dynamic behaviour of bridge is important especially in seismic zones where large movements may occur or structure experience P - _ effect during the earthquake. The above mentioned type of analysis is computationally expensive and very time consuming. In recent years, several methods were proposed in order to resolve this problem. Discussion of recent developments on these methods and their application on long span concrete arch bridges is the main goal of this research. Accordingly available long span concrete arch bridges have been studied to gather the critical information about their geometrical aspects and properties of their materials. Based on concluded information, several concrete arch bridges were designed for further studies. The main span of these bridges range from 100 to 400 meters. The Structural analysis methods implemented in in this study are as following: Elastic Analysis: Direct Response History Analysis (DRHA): This method solves the direct equation of motion over time history of applied acceleration or imposed load in linear elastic range. Modal Response History Analysis (MRHA): Similar to DRHA, this method is also based on time history, but the equation of motion is simplified to single degree of freedom system and calculates the response of each mode independently. Performing this analysis require less time than DRHA. Modal Response Spectrum Analysis (MRSA): As it is obvious from its name, this method calculates the peak response of structure for each mode and combine them using modal combination rules based on the introduced spectra of ground motion. This method is expected to be fastest among Elastic analysis. Inelastic Analysis: Nonlinear Response History Analysis (NL-RHA): The most accurate strategy to address significant nonlinearities in structural dynamics is undoubtedly the nonlinear response history analysis which is similar to DRHA but extended to inelastic range by updating the stiffness matrix for every iteration. This onerous task, clearly increase the computational cost especially for unsymmetrical buildings that requires to be analyzed in a full 3D model for taking the torsional effects in to consideration. Modal Pushover Analysis (MPA): The Modal Pushover Analysis is basically the MRHA but extended to inelastic stage. After all, the MRHA cannot solve the system of dynamics because the resisting force fs(u; u_ ) is unknown for inelastic stage. The solution of MPA for this obstacle is using the previously recorded fs to evaluate system of dynamics. Extended Modal Pushover Analysis (EMPA): Expanded Modal pushover is a one of very recent proposed methods which evaluates response of structure under multi-directional excitation using the modal pushover analysis strategy. In one specific mode,the original pushover neglect the contribution of the directions different than characteristic one, this is reasonable in regular symmetric building but a structure with complex shape like long span arch bridges may go through strong modal coupling. This method intend to consider modal coupling while it take same time of computation as MPA. Coupled Nonlinear Static Pushover Analysis (CNSP): The EMPA includes the contribution of non-characteristic direction to the formal MPA procedure. However the static pushovers in EMPA are performed individually for every mode, accordingly the resulted values from different modes can be combined but this is only valid in elastic phase; as soon as any element in structure starts yielding the neutral axis of that section is no longer fixed for both response during the earthquake, meaning the longitudinal deflection unavoidably affect the transverse one or vice versa. To overcome this drawback, the CNSP suggests executing pushover analysis for governing modes of each direction at the same time. This strategy is estimated to be more accurate than MPA and EMPA, moreover the calculation time is reduced because only one pushover analysis is required. Regardless of the strategy, the accuracy of structural analysis is highly dependent on modelling and numerical integration approaches used in evaluation of each method. Therefore the widely used Finite Element Method is implemented in process of all analysis performed in this research. In order to address the study, chapter 2, starts with gathered information about constructed long span arch bridges, this chapter continuous with geometrical and material definition of new models. Chapter 3 provides the detailed information about structural analysis strategies; furthermore the step by step description of procedure of all methods is available in Appendix A. The document ends with the description of results and conclusion of chapter 4.


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Little research has been undertaken into high stakes deception, and even less into high stakes deception in written text. This study addresses that gap. In this thesis, I present a new approach to detecting deception in written narratives based on the definition of deception as a progression and focusing on identifying deceptive linguistic strategy rather than individual cues. I propose a new approach for subdividing whole narratives into their constituent episodes, each of which is linguistically profiled and their progression mapped to identify authors’ deceptive strategies based on cue interaction. I conduct a double blind study using qualitative and quantitative analysis in which linguistic strategy (cue interaction and progression) and overall cue presence are used to predict deception in witness statements. This results in linguistic strategy analysis correctly predicting 85% of deceptive statements (92% overall) compared to 54% (64% overall) with cues identified on a whole statement basis. These results suggest that deception cues are not static, and that the value of individual cues as deception predictors is linked to their interaction with other cues. Results also indicate that in certain cue combinations, individual self-references (I, Me and My), previously believed to be indicators of truthfulness, are effective predictors of deceptive linguistic strategy at work


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This paper examines the potential economic impact of the Irish government strategy for the development of the seafood sector in Ireland, Food Harvest 2020 (FH2020). The seafood industry accounts for a large proportion of income and employment in peripheral coastal areas. Many of these regions are predominantly rural and they are largely dependent on the primary fisheries sector. Moreover, the services and retail businesses in these areas are heavily dependent on direct spending from the fisheries, aquaculture and seafood processing sectors. A social accounting matrix (SAM) approach with (1) set to zero purchase coefficients for all directly impacted industries and (2) changes in output converted to final demand shocks is used to calculate the economic and employment impact on the rest of the economy from an increase in the output in the fisheries, aquaculture and seafood processing sectors in Ireland. The results suggest fisheries sectors have strong links with the rest of the economy hence an important economic impact from a policy perspective.


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The concepts of smart city and social innovation in combination with the increasing use of ICT by citizens and public authorities could enhance the involvement of people on the decisions that directly affect their daily life. A case study approach was adopted to illustrate the potential of civic crowdfunding for increasing the participation and collaboration between citizens, firms and government. The analysis of two exemplary cases shows that civic crowdfunding platforms could be used by public administration to engage communities in the search of solutions to local problems. Likewise, it could be used to reinforce the community ties and to leverage the bonds among the stakeholders and the partners of the community ecosystem.