61 resultados para disorientation


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We present a 63 year old man with new onset of fluctuating headache and behavioural changes showing marked inhibition and disorientation. After non invasive and invasive diagnostics an isolated cerebral vasculitis was found. Key results have been found in cerebral MRI and cerebral digital subtraction angiography with irregularities of vessel calibre of the intracerebral arteries. During treatment with high-dose corticosteroid therapy and Cyclophosphamid pulse therapy qualitative disorders and headache rapidly regressed. We discuss differential diagnosis of secondary headache, etiology of cerebral vasculitides, diagnostic challenge and therapy in isolated cerebral vasculitis.


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La enfermedad de Creutzfeldt-Jakob (ECJ) es una afección neurodege-nerativa rápidamente progresiva y mortal producida por priones. Es la más común de las encefalopatías espongiformes. La hipótesis prevalente sugiere que se inicia y propaga por conversión de una proteína priónica normal (PrP) en una isoforma conformacional anormal (PrPreS), que se acumula en el cerebro causando destrucción neuronal. Se reporta el caso de dos pacientes asistido en el Servicio de Neurología del Hospital Lagomaggiore de la ciudad de Mendoza en el período de 2 años: mujer de 49 años con cuadro de deterioro cognitivo rápidamente progresivo asociado a trastorno de la marcha y ataxia de 2 meses de evolución; y varón de 54 años con conductas inapropiadas y desorientación temporo-espacial de 20 días de evolución. Ambos con EEG compatible y proteína 14.3.3 positiva, falleciendo semanas después del diagnóstico. Se discute ambos casos, los cuales representaron un desafío diagnóstico dada la baja frecuencia y escaso reconocimiento de esta entidad en nuestro medio, debiendo debe ser considerado en pacientes que evolucionan a una demencia rápidamente progresiva.


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Ocean acidification is altering the oceanic carbonate saturation state and threatening the survival of marine calcifying organisms. Production of their calcium carbonate exoskeletons is dependent not only on the environmental seawater carbonate chemistry but also the ability to produce biominerals through proteins. We present shell growth and structural responses by the economically important marine calcifier Mytilus edulis to ocean acidification scenarios (380, 550, 750, 1000 µatm pCO2). After six months of incubation at 750 µatm pCO2, reduced carbonic anhydrase protein activity and shell growth occurs in M. edulis. Beyond that, at 1000 µatm pCO2, biomineralisation continued but with compensated metabolism of proteins and increased calcite growth. Mussel growth occurs at a cost to the structural integrity of the shell due to structural disorientation of calcite crystals. This loss of structural integrity could impact mussel shell strength and reduce protection from predators and changing environments.


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El progresivo envejecimiento de la población está produciendo una elevada demanda de servicios socio‐asistenciales por parte de las personas mayores para mantener su vida independiente y el consiguiente “envejecimiento activo”. La iniciativa Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) promueve el “envejecimiento activo” a través de las Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones (TIC) y es en ella donde se centrará el trabajo de esta tesis doctoral. Una característica fundamental de los servicios AAL es su adaptación y personalización a las características y preferencias del usuario y su contexto. Así, el paradigma “context awareness” presenta una gran relevancia en la provisión de servicios AAL y en el soporte a la vida independiente de las personas mayores. Concretamente, la utilización de ontologías permite crear modelos de usuarios y contexto que pueden ser utilizadas para los mecanismos de razonamiento incluidos en los servicios context‐aware. Por otra parte, los usuarios actualmente precisan acceder a un conjunto de servicios desde cualquier red de acceso y desde cualquier dispositivo. Las redes de próxima generación (Next Generation Networks‐NGN) lo hacen posible pues ofrecen una convergencia dispositivo‐red‐servicio. La tecnología IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) es una arquitectura que implementa el paradigma NGN y ofrece una serie de servicios de red genéricos llamados servicios habilitadores o enablers que pueden ser reutilizados en cualquier aplicación, soportando mecanismos de interoperabilidad entre aplicaciones y permitiendo un desarrollo robusto, rápido y sencillo. Además, los servicios enablers permiten mecanismos de gestión de la información de usuario para realizar una provisión adaptada del servicio en función de la información del estado del usuario. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral se centra en establecer un marco de convergencia entre estos dos campos diseñando y desarrollando un conjunto de servicios enablers soportados en una arquitectura IMS implementada para soportar la provisión de aplicaciones AAL bajo el paradigma context‐awareness y la triple convergencia reddispositivo‐ servicio cubriendo así las necesidades y requisitos de las personas mayores. Entre las aportaciones de la presente tesis se destaca la realización de un modelo de plataforma servicios AAL, denominado Residencia Virtual Asistiva, para su provisión en el domicilio de la persona mayor, así como la propuesta de implementación de sus servicios a través de servicios enablers. Por otra parte se define una ontología destinada a modelar servicios AAL así como sus usuarios (personas mayores) para lograr una provisión personalizada y adaptada de servicios AAL. Esta ontología se ha implementado a través del servicio de presencia de la arquitectura IMS para poder crear perfiles de usuario y así poder realizar dicha provisión personalizada. Además, se desarrolla una aplicación de teleconsulta, como ejemplo de servicio AAL, que utiliza una serie de servicios enablers desarrollados para ofrecer funcionalidades avanzadas a la aplicación. Bajo el paradigma contex‐awareness se ha desarrollado y evaluado técnicamente un servicio enabler para ofrecer soporte a la movilidad y a la independencia de las personas mayores con deterioro cognitivo que sufren episodios de desorientación espacial. ABSTRACT The progressive ageing of the population is making elderly people demand sociohealthcare services to maintain an independent living and therefore an “active ageing”. The initiative Ambient Assisted Living (AAL), on which the current PhD thesis is focused, promotes the “active ageing” by means of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Essential features of AAL services are the adaptation and personalization to the user’s characteristics and preferences as well as user’s context. Thus, the “context‐awareness” paradigm implies a great importance in the AAL service provision and the elderly independent living support. In particular, the usage of ontologies allows creating user and contexts models to be employed in the reasoning mechanism of context‐aware services. On the other hand, users currently require accessing to a set of services from anywhere and any device. Next‐Generation Networks (NGN) support this need by offering a service‐network‐device convergence. The IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) technology is an architecture that implements the NGN paradigm and offers a generic network services know as service enabler which can be reused by any application supporting application interoperability mechanism as well as allowing a simple, fast and robust application development. Furthermore, the service enablers offer user’s information management procedures to achieve and adapt service provision considering the user’s status. The objective of this PhD thesis is focused on establishing a convergence framework between these two previous fields by designing and developing a group of service enablers that will be deployed in an IMS architecture. The enablers developed will support the AAL applications provision from the context‐awareness paradigm and service‐network‐device convergence in order to cover the elderly people’s requirements and needs. Among the contributions achieved in this PhD thesis, the definition of an AAL platform service model, named as “Assited Virtual Nursing Home”, for being deployed in the older adult home is emphasised. In addition, a proposal of service enablers to support the AAL service defined in the model is made. Otherwise, an ontology is defined to model AAL services as well as their users with the aim at achieve a personalized and adapted AAL service. This ontology has been implemented by means of the IMS service presence in order to create users profiles to be used in the personalized AAL services. As an example of AAL service, a teleconsulting application has been developed to employ a group of service enablers developed using a set of advanced functionalities. Considering the context‐paradigm, a service enabler has been developed and technologically evaluated to support the mobility and independence of elderly people with mild cognitive impairment who suffers spatial disorientation episodes.


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Studies of patients with focal brain damage suggest that topographical representation is subserved by dissociable neural subcomponents. This article offers a condensed review of the literature of “topographical disorientation” and describes several functional MRI studies designed to test hypotheses generated by that review. Three hypotheses are considered: (i) The parahippocampal cortex is critically involved in the acquisition of exocentric spatial information in humans; (ii) separable, posterior, dorsal, and ventral cortical regions subserve the perception and long term representation of position and identity, respectively, of landmarks; and (iii) there is a distinct area of the ventral occipitotemporal cortex that responds maximally to building stimuli and may play a role in the perception of salient landmarks. We conclude with a discussion of the inferential limitations of neuroimaging and lesion studies. It is proposed that combining these two approaches allows for inferences regarding the computational involvement of a neuroanatomical substrate in a given cognitive process although neither method can strictly support this conclusion alone.


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In the early 20th century, authors increasingly experimented with literary techniques striving towards two common aims: to illumine the inner life of their protagonists and to diverge from conventional forms of literary representations of reality. This shared endeavour was sparked by changes in society: industrialisation, developments in psychology, and the gradual decay of empires, such as the Victorian (1837–1901) and the Austro-Hungarian (1867–1918). Those developments yielded a sense of uncertainty and disorientation, which led to a so-called “turn [inwards]” in the arts (Micale 2). In this context, this essay examines Virginia Woolf’s (1882–1941) development of her literary technique by comparing To the Lighthouse (1927), written in free indirect discourse, with Arthur Schnitzler’s (1862–1932) Fräulein Else (1924), written in interior monologue. Instead of applying Freud’s theories of consciousness, I will demonstrate how empiricist psychology informed and partly helped shape the two narrative techniques by referring to Ernst Mach’s (1838–1916) idea of the unstable self, and William James’ (1842–1910) concept of the stream of consciousness. Furthermore, I will show that there is a continuous progression of literary ideas from Schnitzler’s Viennese fin-de-siècle connected to impressionism, towards Woolf’s Bloomsbury aesthetics connected to Paul Cézanne’s post-impressionist logic of sensations. In addition to that, I address how the women’s movement, starting in the end of the 19th century, inspired Woolf and Schnitzler to utilise their techniques as a means of revealing women’s restricted position in society. Methodologically, I will analyse the two novels’ narrative techniques applying close reading and by that point out their differences and similarities in connection to the above-mentioned theories as well as the two author’s literary approaches. I argue that this comparison demonstrates that modernist literary techniques of representing interiority evolved from interior monologue towards free indirect discourse. This progression also implicates that modernism can be seen as a continuum reaching back to the fin-de-siècle and culminating in the 1920s. 


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Surf Life Saving Queensland (SLSQ) is a leading authority on beach safety, providing patrol, education, and rescue services to both tourists and local residents along the coast of Queensland, Australia. SLSQ recognizes that tourists are a target group requiring special attention due to their unfamiliarity with ocean beaches and surfing activities, and in some cases having the additional challenge of poor swimming skills, language barriers, and disorientation in a foreign vacation environment. This article describes SLSQ initiatives to provide beach safety for tourists through a focus on service delivery and partnerships with the tourism industry and relevant government agencies. The positive involvement of SLSQ in tourism is a model for other coastal destinations, given that drowning is the second most frequent cause of injury death among international travelers.


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Key events in international politics, such as terrorist attacks, can be characterised as sublime: our minds clash with phenomena that supersede our cognitive abilities, triggering a range of powerful emotions, such as pain, fear and awe. Encounters with the sublime allow us an important glimpse into the contingent and often manipulative nature of representation. For centuries, philosophers have sought to learn from these experiences, but in political practice the ensuing insights are all too quickly suppressed and forgotten. The prevailing tendency is to react to the elements of fear and awe by reimposing control and order. We emphasise an alternative reaction to the sublime, one that explores new moral and political opportunities in the face of disorientation. But we also stress that we do not need to be dislocated by dramatic events to begin to wonder about the world. Moving from the sublime to the subliminal, we explore how it is possible to acquire the same type of insight into questions of representation and contingency by engaging more everyday practices of politics.


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High strength, high modulus carbon fibres are becoming increasingly important as high performance engineering materials. This thesis describes how they may be prepared by heat treatment from filaments spun from polyacrylonitrile and its copolymers. The chemistry of the first stages of heat treatment is very important in controlling the mechanical properties of the carbonised product. A cyclisation reaction has been found to be responsible for the relatively high thermal stability of pyrolysed polyacrylonitrile, but without oxidation the fibres degrade and fuse. An initial oxidation stage is, therefore, essential to the preparation of fibre of high orientation. The cyclised product of pyrolysis is probably a poly 1,4 dihydropiridine and oxidation converts this to aromatic structures, and cyclised structures containing carbonyl and other oxygenated groups. Oxidation is found to assist the carbon fibre preparation process, by producing a product which condenses at an earlier stage of heat treatment, before fusion can occur. Carbon fibre strength and modulus are dependent upon producing a highly oriented crystal structure. While oxidation of the polymer stabilises the fibre so as to prevent disorientation, further large increases in orientation, with a commensurate improvement in strength and modulus, can be obtained by stretching at temperatures above 1,700 °C. This process is analogous to the way fibre orientation is increased by the stretching of the precursor. A lamellar graphite structure can be created in high temperature fibre, by carefully controlling the degree of oxidation. This type of graphite can produce very high values of Young's modulus. More often, however, graphite fibre has a fibrillar fine structure, which is explicable in terms of continuous graphite ribbons. A ribbon model is the most satisfactory representation of the structure of carbon fibre, as it explains the mechanism of the development of long range order and the variation of Young's modulus with crystalline preferred orientation.


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Report published in the Proceedings of the National Conference on "Education and Research in the Information Society", Plovdiv, May, 2016


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Ce projet de mémoire s’intéresse à la mise en relation du cognitive enhancement observé dans les universités occidentales contemporaines et de la société dans laquelle il s’insère. Nous avons voulu détacher la perspective du phénomène des analyses principalement orientées vers les programmes de sciences de la santé et de droit, ainsi que de l’approche quantitative, clinique, athéorique et somme toute moralisatrice qui lui est usuellement accordée afin d’explorer la nature des pratiques d’usages de psychotropes des étudiants universitaires en sciences humaines et sociales en vue d’augmenter leurs performances cognitives, d’approfondir la compréhension des raisonnements sous-jacents à ces pratiques, puis de resituer ces derniers dans leur contexte élargi. Nous avons interrogé treize étudiants de divers programmes de sciences humaines et sociales consommant, ou ayant déjà consommé, des psychotropes en vue de rehausser leurs performances cognitives en contexte académique. Les résultats suggèrent un écart dans la nature de leurs pratiques d’usage par rapport aux domaines d’études habituellement préconisés en ce sens qu’une grande variété de substances sont considérées comme supports cognitifs ; ensuite, que le recours aux psychotropes dans une visée de performance cognitive s’éloigne des logiques de la nécessité médicale et de la toxicomanie. En premier lieu, le cognitive enhancement est associé par plusieurs à une souffrance psychique liée à une perte de repères existentiels et les étudiants y ont recours dans une optique de compréhension de soi et de quête de repères dans un monde qu’ils ressentent comme instable. En second lieu, la consommation de psychotropes s’apparente davantage à un désir de satisfaire aux conditions incertaines et menaçantes des demandes externes de performance telles qu’ils les appréhendent qu’à un souci de soigner quelque condition médicale de la cognition. Nous pensons que le rapport au psychotrope qu’entretiennent les étudiants universitaires en sciences humaines et sociales s’insère en toute cohérence dans les discours et injonctions contemporaines de performance, en ce sens que leur souffrance psychique individuelle expose les limites de ce que la société attend d’eux.


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Los jóvenes no cualificados, que participan en los dispositivos educativos de segunda oportunidad, recorren itinerarios de transición al mercado laboral cada vez más complejos. Por lo que conocer sus expectativas y su capacidad de agencia resulta ineludible para mejorar nuestro acompañamiento como profesionales de la intervención sociolaboral. En este artículo exploramos la adaptación de esos jóvenes a una exigencia creciente de cualificación, que los está excluyendo laboralmente. Frente a este proceso, observamos que contraponen una resistencia basada en su capital simbólico, a través de la afectividad y la estética. Nuestro interés por estas respuestas nace de la desorientación percibida entre los profesionales de los programas educativos. Incapaces de comprender las trayectorias divergentes que estos jóvenes plantean, ante los itinerarios homogéneos que se les ofrecen para su inserción social. Tras el análisis de las creaciones artísticas y estéticas de los adolescentes, intuimos que hay dos factores que activan su resistencia a las limitaciones de sus expectativas de éxito. Por un lado, una variable institucional, que apunta a una deficiente planificación de los itinerarios formativos, que los jóvenes perciben que les aboca a la infracualificación y a un mercado laboral precario e inestable. Y por otro lado, una resistencia a la exclusión, que se enraíza en un imaginario de éxito y de movilidad social propio de una juventud globalizada.


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Ce projet de mémoire s’intéresse à la mise en relation du cognitive enhancement observé dans les universités occidentales contemporaines et de la société dans laquelle il s’insère. Nous avons voulu détacher la perspective du phénomène des analyses principalement orientées vers les programmes de sciences de la santé et de droit, ainsi que de l’approche quantitative, clinique, athéorique et somme toute moralisatrice qui lui est usuellement accordée afin d’explorer la nature des pratiques d’usages de psychotropes des étudiants universitaires en sciences humaines et sociales en vue d’augmenter leurs performances cognitives, d’approfondir la compréhension des raisonnements sous-jacents à ces pratiques, puis de resituer ces derniers dans leur contexte élargi. Nous avons interrogé treize étudiants de divers programmes de sciences humaines et sociales consommant, ou ayant déjà consommé, des psychotropes en vue de rehausser leurs performances cognitives en contexte académique. Les résultats suggèrent un écart dans la nature de leurs pratiques d’usage par rapport aux domaines d’études habituellement préconisés en ce sens qu’une grande variété de substances sont considérées comme supports cognitifs ; ensuite, que le recours aux psychotropes dans une visée de performance cognitive s’éloigne des logiques de la nécessité médicale et de la toxicomanie. En premier lieu, le cognitive enhancement est associé par plusieurs à une souffrance psychique liée à une perte de repères existentiels et les étudiants y ont recours dans une optique de compréhension de soi et de quête de repères dans un monde qu’ils ressentent comme instable. En second lieu, la consommation de psychotropes s’apparente davantage à un désir de satisfaire aux conditions incertaines et menaçantes des demandes externes de performance telles qu’ils les appréhendent qu’à un souci de soigner quelque condition médicale de la cognition. Nous pensons que le rapport au psychotrope qu’entretiennent les étudiants universitaires en sciences humaines et sociales s’insère en toute cohérence dans les discours et injonctions contemporaines de performance, en ce sens que leur souffrance psychique individuelle expose les limites de ce que la société attend d’eux.


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Un número considerable de personas mayores padece alguna enfermedad neurodegenerativa que limita sus facultades intelectivas y volitivas, lo que en la práctica suele traducirse en alteraciones de la personalidad con conservación de consciencia, pérdidas de memoria, desorientación, inquietud, confusión o agresividad. Este deterioro progresivo de capacidad que puede afectar a nuestros mayores no sólo los convierte en fácil objetivo de agresiones sino también en potenciales creadores de riesgos y daños a terceros. Es precisamente la responsabilidad que puede derivarse de tales daños la que será analizada en primer lugar en esta sede, exponiendo el estado de la cuestión tanto en el civil como en el common law. Por otro lado, cuando una persona que tiene sus funciones cognitivas mermadas causa un daño a otro, no sólo se debe analizar la responsabilidad civil del propio agente del daño frente al perjudicado, sino también aquélla en que podría incurrir la persona encargada de su cuidado en caso de haberla. Dicha cuestión ocupará la segunda parte del presente trabajo.


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Objectives: The aim of the present study was to explore Aboriginal patients' lived experiences of cardiac care at a major metropolitan hospital in Melbourne.Methods: The study was a qualitative study involving in-depth interviews with a purposive sample of 10 Aboriginal patients who had been treated in the cardiology unit at the study hospital during 2012-13. A phenomenological approach was used to analyse the data.Results: Eight themes emerged from the data, each concerning various aspects of participants' experiences: 'dislike of hospitals', 'system failures', 'engagement with hospital staff', 'experiences of racism', 'health literacy and information needs', 'self-identifying as Aboriginal', 'family involvement in care' and 'going home and difficulties adapting'. Most participants had positive experiences of the cardiac care, but hospitalisation was often challenging because of a sense of dislocation and disorientation. The stress of hospitalisation was greatly mediated by positive engagements with staff, but at times exacerbated by system failures or negative experiences.Conclusion Cardiac crises are stressful and hospital stays were particularly disorienting for Aboriginal people dislocated from their home land and community.What is known about the topic? Aboriginal people have higher mortality rates due to cardiovascular diseases compared with other Australians. Along with different factors contributing to the life expectancy gap, Aboriginal people also face significant barriers in the use of the healthcare system.What does this paper add? Aboriginal patients' lived experience of cardiac care at a major metropolitan hospital in Melbourne is explored in this paper. Different issues were revealed during their interaction with the hospital staff and the hospital system in conjunction with their cultural aspect of patient care.What are the implications for practitioners? Positive interactions with staff, ongoing support from family and community, culturally appropriate cardiac rehabilitation programs can improve the cardiac care experiences of Aboriginal patients.