980 resultados para democratic society


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Higgins School of the Humanities/Difficult Dialogues: Video Recording from 11/3/2011 event featuring Tom Hayden and Bob Ross "Engagement and Citizenry" Event Description: During their undergraduate years, students participate in a community that is a microcosm of society, and have the opportunity to learn about what it means to be a member of a society—a citizen—while they live it. How do we as educators (and humanists) best support and model this process? Where in our pedagogy can we enhance and develop the qualities of skillful empathy, effective analysis and motivated responsibility that good citizenship demands? Our guest for a conversation on engagement and citizenry is long-time activist Tom Hayden, who was the primary author of the Port Huron Statement of Students for a Democratic Society, which became known for its advocacy of “participatory democracy”. He is joined in conversation by Professor Bob Ross of Clark University, who participated with Hayden in the founding of SDS.


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Con su obra y con su acción Esteban Echeverría marca un hito en el desarrollo y afianzamiento de la identidad político social y cultural argentina. Formula expresamente un programa de construcción identitaria y toda su obra se encuentra teñida por la voluntad de crear una literatura propia y original, en una lengua castellana enriquecida por el uso americano, con temas provenientes de la realidad del país y con la finalidad de contribuir, trascendiendo lo estético, al engrandecimiento de su patria. Subyace en cada página de Echeverría la necesidad de crear una sociedad democrática que continúe el pensamiento anticolonial de la Revolución de Mayo. Su “Apología del matambre" condensa ejemplarmente estas características.


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Esta tesis doctoral pretende desgranar una técnica de proyecto que la experiencia californiana ejemplifica y que puede ser descrita en términos pragmatistas. La arquitectura doméstica californiana fue la expresión tangible de una forma de ser y estar californiana pero también universal. El destinatario de esta arquitectura experimental y pragmática fue el individuo, tanto el gran mecenas como el liberal individualista de recursos moderados y aspiraciones infinitas; la gente corriente y, más tarde, la típica familia de clase media, fueron sin embargo el destinatario soñado en muchos ensayos de casa particular, frecuentemente en la casa del propio arquitecto. Arquitectos y clientes compartían el deseo común de un espacio doméstico involucrado en propiciar una vida sana, informal y hedonista, y en comunión con el aire, la naturaleza y el territorio, que satisficiera el espíritu independiente y emprendedor propio de una identidad libre y progresista. Participaron en ese sentido de la esperanza pragmatista de un futuro mejor, mediante la formulación de un modo de vida propio, moldeado por las distintas fuerzas motoras que definían el contexto. La principal de ellas fue la sensación de oportunidad: California se ofrecía como una tabula rasa con un clima paradisíaco; el paraíso soñado para generaciones sucesivas de recién llegados, que en la distancia con tradiciones preestablecidas en sus lugares de origen, encontraron el mayor estímulo para una actitud experimental que tomó el modo de vida como un material de proyecto para la formulación del espacio doméstico. Así, el proyecto doméstico californiano, fue un laboratorio cuyo trabajo mezclaba casos específicos con mitos e ilusiones, muchas veces cuestionadas; pero su interés reside en que puede ser, además de un referente estético y un icono visual, un ejemplo de una forma de proyectar que aborda el proyecto doméstico con talante indagador desde la receptividad al contexto físico, social y cultural; con capacidad para soñar y experimentar llevando los ideales a la práctica de los casos concretos; desde la atención al usuario, aunque sea anónimo; y usando un léxico llano, que devuelve toda la eficacia al vocabulario cotidiano. La experiencia californiana es por tanto, en este trabajo, sólo un ejemplo; un ejemplo paradigmático de una técnica de proyecto que puede ser de interés en otras circunstancias y contextos, y que concibe el espacio doméstico como la expresión, y también el laboratorio, del modo de vida. ABSTRACT This doctoral thesis aims to display a design’s technic that is exemplified by the Californian experience and can be described in pragmatic terms. The Californian domestic architecture was the tangible expression of a life style and way of being that was Californian but also universal. Home’s designed for the everyday experience attended the individual, both the rich sponsors of their own domestic design and the low income liberal individualists in search of an affordable but optimum home. But the dreamed target was ordinary people and the typical middle class family, as they represented the dream of a truly democratic society. Many domestic experiments for them took the form of particular cases, often in the house of the architect, which acted as a laboratory in search of general solutions. Architects and clients shared the common desire of a new domestic space, involved in promoting a healthy, casual and hedonistic lifestyle and in communion with the air, nature and territory, which satisfied the own independent and entrepreneurial spirit of a free and progressive identity. The way of life was therefore a design material, sensitive to the forces that shaped the region and its society through its domestic space. The main one was the feeling of opportunity: California offered itself as a tabula rasa with an exotic climate; the dreamed paradise for successive generations of newcomers who, in the distance with the pre-established traditions of their homelands, found the greatest incentive for an experimental attitude in which lifestyle was seen as project material to formulate the domestic space. Thus, the Californian domestic project can be more than an aesthetic reference and a visual icon; it is also an example of a design’s technic that approaches the domestic project with an inquisitive spirit sustained by these abilities: receptivity to the physical, social and cultural context; capacity to dream and to experiment, carrying ideals into practice; attention to the user, even when it’s anonymous; and use of a common lexicon that returns all the power to the everyday vocabulary. The Californian experience is therefore, in this dissertation, just an example; a paradigmatic example of a project technique that conceives domestic space as an expression, and also as a laboratory, of the way of life.


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El presente artículo explora la relación entre seguridad e inmigración, desde la perspectiva de una sociedad democrática avanzada. El respeto debido a las leyes, el cumplimiento de las normas de convivencia, entre otros aportes, también ejerce un papel vertebrador favorable para la legitimidad democrática. Los inmigrantes como aportación positiva a la vivencia de libertad que son las sociedades plurales de Occidente.


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During the last decade Castoriadis’ questioning has become a reference point in contemporary social theory. In this article I examine some of the key notions in Castoriadis’ work and explore how he strives to develop a theory on the irreducible creativity in the radical imagination of the individual and in the institution of the social-historical sphere. Firstly, I briefly discuss his conception of modern capitalism as bureaucratic capitalism, a view initiated by his criticism of the USSR regime. The following break up with Marxist theory and his psychoanalytic interests empowered him to criticize Lacan and read Freud in an imaginative, though unorthodox, fashion. I argue that this critical enterprise assisted greatly Castoriadis in his conception of the radical imaginary and in his unveiling of the political aspects of psychoanalysis. On the issue of the radical imaginary and its methodological repercussions, I’m focusing mainly on the radical imagination of the subject and its importance in the transition from the ‘‘psychic’’ to the ‘‘subject’’. Taking up the notion of “Being” as a starting point, I examine the notion of autonomy, seeking its roots in the ancient Greek world. By looking at notions such as “praxis”, “doing”, “project” and “elucidation”, I show how Castoriadis sought to redefine revolution as a means for social and individual autonomy. Finally I attempt to clarify the meaning of “democracy” and “democratic society” in the context of the social imaginary and its creations, the social imaginary significations.


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Introduction. In 2003, Iraq was invaded by the US coalition forces that ousted Saddam Hussein’s regime from power before occupying the whole country. The intension, declared by the then American George W. Bush, was to ‘build a decent and democratic society at the centre of the Middle East’ that ‘will become a place of progress and peace.’1 In 2014, three years after the withdrawal of the last American soldier, however, it is difficult to overestimate or exaggerate what is at stake. National unity and territorial integrity have never been so seriously threatened since the country is experiencing the internal fighting in its modern history. Many parts of Iraq, including the northern oil city of Kirkuk, long claimed as an integral part of the semi-autonomous region of Kurdistan, are out of the control of the central government. Large areas in the north including the strategic city of Mosul were seized by the fighters of the Islamic State, an Al-Qaeda offshoot, formerly known as ISIS, who threatened to invade the Kurdistan region before being attacked by airstrikes by the US. They proclaimed a caliphate on both sides of the border with Syria, where they also control vast territory.


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The European Commission’s interference through state aid rules with the Member States’ support for public service broadcasting is not undisputed. Member States, public broadcasters and numerous academics fear that State aid control might limit the public service remit and, hence, the multi-platform and holistic role of public broadcasters in the converging media industries. This paper assesses to what extent the fear for Commission intervention is, indeed, justified. It starts with the assumption that the transformation from public service broadcasting to public service media is vital for the European democratic society. The paper leads to the observation that, in fact, European State aid policy might contribute to such a necessary and urgent transformation, instead of threatening it. The paper consists of three main parts. Firstly, the legal constraints and margins of the Community’s State aid framework are discussed. Secondly, the application of the rules to a selection of public broadcasting cases is analyzed. Finally, some conclusions are drawn from the analysis.


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O presente trabalho procura analisar e avaliar os mecanismos que favorecem ou dificultam a participação de famílias e outros atores que compõem o cenário educativo como coautores no processo de construção do projeto político pedagógico das instituições de educação infantil, bem como identificar e analisar práticas educacionais democráticas voltadas à garantia de uma escola pública de qualidade para a infância. O estudo bibliográfico apresenta reflexões sobre os impactos dos condicionantes sociais, culturais e econômicos da sociedade contemporânea na construção dos currículos escolares. Procura também analisar a contribuição da educação escolar na construção e na consolidação dos princípios da sociedade democrática. A pesquisa de campo lança mão de relato de quatro experiências concretas (denominadas "episódios") sobre trabalho coletivo, vivenciadas pela autora em diferentes espaços e tempos, todas na educação pública no município de São Paulo. Embora cada episódio esteja contextualizado em determinado tempo e espaço, envolvendo ainda a singularidade de seus atores sociais, são retomados neste trabalho os princípios convergentes que nortearam cada experiência a partir das categorias visão totalizadora, visão interdisciplinar, visão holística e visão heurística. Complementarmente, a análise documental utilizou as atas do Conselho de Escola do período 2007-2011 de uma Escola Municipal de Educação Infantil do município de São Paulo. A opção por estes documentos como instrumentos para análise justifica-se por se constituir o Conselho de Escola um dos espaços institucionalizados de discussão e tomada de decisões em que todos os segmentos da escola encontram-se representados. Assim, tendo como pano de fundo deste estudo a prática da gestão democrática, a análise de tais documentos permite melhor compreensão sobre as possibilidades e os limites que se estabelecem num colegiado de caráter deliberativo, diante de sua sujeição à administração pública. Os procedimentos metodológicos foram pensados no sentido de se identificar, compreender e compartilhar práticas que colaborem para a construção de uma pedagogia humanizadora, levando em conta as dimensões humanas em toda a sua complexidade.  


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The issue of institutional engineering has gained a renewed interest with the democratic transitions of the Central and Eastern European countries, as for some states it has become a matter of state survival. The four countries examined in the study – Macedonia, Slovakia, Romania and Bulgaria – exemplify the difficulty in establishing a stable democratic society in the context of the resurgence of national identity. The success of ethnonational minorities in achieving the desired policies affirming or expanding their rights as a group was conditioned upon the cohesion of the minority as well as the permissiveness of state institutions in terms of participation and representation of minority members. The Hungarian minorities in Slovakia and Romania, the Turkish minority in Bulgaria, and the Albanian minority in Macedonia, formed their political organizations to represent their interests. However, in some cases the divergence of strategies or goals between factions of the minority group seriously impeded its ability to obtain the desired concessions from the majority. The difficulty in the pursuit of policies favoring the expansion of minority rights was further exacerbated in some of the cases by the impermissiveness of political institutions. The political parties representing the interest of ethnonational minorities were allowed to participate in elections, although not without suspicions about their intent and even strong opposition from majority groups, but participation in elections and subsequent representation in legislative bodies did not translate into adoption of the desired policies. The ethnonational minorities' inability to effectively influence the decision-making process was the result of the inadequacy of democratic institutions to process these demands and channel them through the normal political process in the absence of majority desire to accommodate them. Despite the promise of democratic institutions to bring about a major overhaul of the policies of forceful assimilation and disregard for minority rights, the four cases analyzed in the study demonstrate that in effect ethnonational minorities continued to be at the mercy of the majority, especially if the minority was unable to position itself as a balancing actor.


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Ying-Ko Vocational High School prepares students to become trained craftspeople to support the local industry. At the School it is understood that part of the mission is to build good citizens who will work and live in the emerging democratic society in modern Taiwan. The purpose of this study was to determine the perceptions of the students, parents, and teachers regarding their understanding and appreciation of the code of student conduct currently in use at the school. A three-stage sample clustering was used to obtain the samples of students (N = 2,216), parents (N = 100), and teachers (N = 115) who were surveyed using three distinct but comparable questionnaires. Data were analyzed using t test and ANOVA. ^ After reviewing the results of the analysis of the questionnaire no significant differences were noted which set any one group apart from the others. Each group demonstrated acceptance of the code as written and implemented. It was concluded that Chinese culture and tradition might be stronger than initially thought. This is an important finding as schools in Taiwan move toward teaching democracy and independence to their students. ^


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There is a place where a Canadian citizen can be sent to 30 days detention, by someone who is not a judge, without being represented by counsel, and without having a meaningful right to appeal. It is the summary trial system of the Canadian Armed Forces. This thesis analyses that system and suggests reforms. It is aimed at those who have an interest in improving the administration of military justice at the unit level but want to sufficiently understand the issues before doing so. Through a classic legal approach with elements of legal history and comparative law, this study begins by setting military justice in the Canadian legal firmament. The introductory chapter also explains fundamental concepts, first and foremost the broader notion of discipline, for which summary trial is one of the last maintaining tools. Chapter II describes the current system. An overview of its historical background is first given. Then, each procedural step is demystified, from investigation until review. Chapter III identifies potential breaches of the Charter, highlighting those that put the system at greater constitutional risk: the lack of judicial independence, the absence of hearing transcript, the lack of legal representation and the disparity of treatment between ranks. Alternatives adopted in the Canadian Armed Forces and in foreign jurisdictions, from both common law and civil law traditions, in addressing similar challenges are reviewed in Chapter IV. Chapter V analyses whether the breaches could nevertheless be justified in a free and democratic society. Its conclusion is that, considering the availability of reasonable alternatives, it would be hard to convince a court that the current system is a legitimate impairment of the individual’s legal rights. The conclusion Chapter presents options to address current challenges. First, the approach of ‘depenalization’ taken by the Government in recent Bill C-71 is analysed and criticised. The ‘judicialization’ approach is advocated through a series of 16 recommendations designed not only to strengthen the constitutionality of the system but also to improve the administration of military justice in furtherance of service members’ legal rights.


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Este artículo analiza la evolución del concepto de ciudadanía en la obra de Dominique Schnapper como uno de los ejemplos más destacados en la sociología contemporánea de una aproximación completa a la cuestión. A través de un recorrido exhaustivo por su obra, el objetivo es profundizar en la comprensión de la tensión entre la dinámica democrática y la idea de ciudadanía en cuanto que tipo ideal del vínculo social y como principio regulador de las sociedades democráticas. La autora propone en sus primeros trabajos una noción de ciudadanía vinculada al proceso político de construcción de la nación que no distingue entre la definición de un tipo ideal sociológico y la construcción de un ideal de sociedad. Esta confusión se corrige al introducir posteriormente en el análisis la incidencia de la democracia sobre las experiencias individuales de la ciudadanía, aportando una perspectiva de análisis de gran utilidad tanto para la comprensión de la dinámica contemporánea de las sociedades democráticas como para la necesaria defensa de la ciudadanía como vínculo social fundamental y como principio fundador de la legitimidad política.


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Este artículo mostrará que las versiones estrictas del Igualitarismo Democrático y del Igualitarismo de la Suerte son implausibles ya que defienden una visión monista del objeto de la justicia igualitaria. Por el contrario, sus versiones moderadas son aceptables ya que admiten la composición plural del objeto de justicia igualitaria.Esta comprensión plural exige, sin embargo, el establecimiento de prioridades normativas ya que las exigencias de cada valor entran típicamente en conflicto. Aquí, se ofrecerán tres argumentos para defender la prioridad del Igualitarismo Democrático sobre el Igualitarismo de la Suerte: uno instrumental, otro relacionado con el significado expresivo de las políticas públicas estatales y un último que justifica la división del trabajo moral igualitarista.


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