800 resultados para alfalfa silage
Herein batch and continuous mesophilic anaerobic digestion of grass silage liquor was studied. The continuous process was carried out in Armfield digesters with an OLR ranging from 0.851 to 1.77 kg COD m-3 day-1. The effect of recirculation of effluent from the digester was investigated using different OLRs of grass silage liquor feed. These results showed that as the OLR increased, the methane yield decreased for the reactor with no recycle and increased for the reactor with recycle. However, the COD removal for both digesters was nearly the same at the same OLR. Overall these studies show that grass silage liquor can produce a high quality methane steam between 70% and 80% and achieve methane yields of 0.385 m3 kg-1 COD.
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias en Producción Animal) UANL
Tesis (Maestría en Ciencias con Especialidad en Microbiología) UANL
Effective use and recycling of manures together with occasional and judicious use of supplementary fertilizing materials forms the basis for management of phosphorus (P) and potassium (K) within organic farming systems. Replicated field trials were established at three sites across the UK to compare the supply of P and K to grass-clover swards cut for silage from a range of fertilizing materials, and to assess the usefulness of routine soil tests for P and K in organic farming systems. None of the fertilizing materials (farmyard manure, rock phosphate, Kali vinasse, volcanic tuff) significantly increased silage yields, nor was P offtake increased. However, farmyard manure and Kali vinasse proved effective sources of K to grass and clover in the short to medium term. Available P (measured as Olsen-P) showed no clear relationship with crop P offtake in these trials. In contrast, available K (measured by ammonium nitrate extraction) proved a useful measurement to predict K availability to crops and support K management decisions.
Simmental × Holstein-Friesian steers were offered four forage diets. These comprised grass silage (G); proportionately 0·67 grass silage, proportionately 0·33 maize silage (GGM); 0·33 grass silage, 0·67 maize silage ( MMG); maize silage ( M) from 424 (s.d. = 11·5) kg to slaughter at a minimum weight of 560 kg. Forages were mixed and offered ad libitum. Steers were offered 2 kg of a concentrate daily, the concentrate being formulated such that all steers had similar crude protein intakes across dietary treatments. A sample of steers was slaughtered at the beginning of the experimental period to allow the calculation of the rate of gain of the carcass and its components. Carcass dissection of a sample of steers allowed the development of a prediction equation of carcass composition based on thoracic limb dissection of all carcasses. Forage dry matter intake and live-weight gain increased linearly as maize silage replaced grass silage in the forage mixture, resulting in improvements in food conversion ratio (all P = 0·001). Killing-out proportion increased with maize silage inclusion ( P < 0·001) but fat and conformation scores did not differ significantly between diets. However, increasing maize inclusion in the diet resulted in a greater weight ( P = 0·05) and proportion ( P = 0·008) of fat in the carcass, and significant increases in internal fat deposition. The inclusion of maize led to a progressive increase in the daily gains of carcass ( P < 0·001), and significant increases in the daily gains of both fat ( P < 0·001) and lean tissue ( P < 0·001). Fat colour was more yellow in cattle given diets G and GGM than diets MMG and M ( P < 0·001) and colour intensity was lower on diet M than the other three diets ( P < 0·001). There were no significant differences in any aspects of eating quality between diets. Therefore, maize silage has the potential to reduce the time taken for finishing beef animals to achieve slaughter weight with no apparent detrimental effects on subsequent meat quality.
Replacing grass silage with maize silage results in a fundamental change in the ratio of structural to non-structural carbohydrates with commensurate changes in rumen fermentation patterns and nutrient utilisation. This study investigated the effects of feeding four forage mixtures, namely grass silage (G); 67 g/100 g grass silage133 g/100 g maize silage (GGM); 67 g/100 g maize silage133/100 g grass silage (MMG); maize silage (M) to four ruminally and duodenally canulated Holstein Friesian steers. All diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous (22.4 g N/kg DM) using a concentrate mixture. Dietary dry matter (DM) and organic matter (OM) digestibility increased with ascending maize silage inclusion (P,0.1) whereas starch and neutral detergent fibre digestibility declined (P,0.05). Ratio of non-glucogenic to glucogenic precursors in the rumen fluid increased with maize silage inclusion (P,0.01) with a commensurate reduction in rumen pH (P,0.05). Mean circulating concentrations of insulin were greatest and similar in diets MMG and GGM, lower in diet M and lowest in diet G (P,0.01). There were no effects of diet on the mean circulating concentration of growth hormone (GH), or the frequency, amplitude and duration of GH pulses, or the mean circulating concentrations of IGF-1. Increasing levels of DM, OM and starch intakes with the substitution of grass silage with maize silage affected overall digestion, nutrient partitioning and subsequent circulating concentrations of insulin.
Advancing maize crop maturity is associated with changes in ear-to-stover ratio which may have consequences for the digestibility of the ensiled crop. The apparent digestibility and nitrogen retention of three diets (Early, Mid and Late) containing maize silages made from maize of advancing harvest date [dry matter (DM) contents of the maize silages were 273, 314 and 367 g kg(-1) for the silages in the Early, Mid and Late diets respectively], together with a protein supplement offered in sufficient quantities to make the diets isonitrogenous, were measured in six Holstein-Friesian steers in an incomplete Latin square design with four periods. Dry-matter intake of maize silage tended to be least for the Early diet and greatest for the Medium diet (P=0(.)182). Apparent digestibility of DM and organic matter did not differ between diets. Apparent digestibility of energy was lowest in the Late diet (P = 0(.)057) and the metabolizable energy concentrations of the three silages were calculated as 11(.)0, 11(.)1 and 10(.)6 MJ kg(-1) DM for the Early, Medium and Late diets respectively (P = 0(.)068). No differences were detected between diets in starch digestibility but the number of undamaged grains present in the faeces of animals fed the Late diet was significantly higher than with the Early and Mid diets (P = 0(.)006). The apparent digestibility of neutral-detergent fibre of the diets reduced significantly as silage DM content increased (P = 0(.)012) with a similar trend for the apparent digestibility of acid-detergent fibre (P = 0(.)078). Apparent digestibility of nitrogen (N) was similar for the Early and Mid diets, both being greater than the Late diet (P = 0(.)035). Nitrogen retention did not differ between diets. It was concluded that delaying harvest until the DM content is above 300 g kg(-1) can negatively affect the nutritive value of maize silage in the UK.
Substituting grass silage with maize silage in forage mixtures may result in one forage influencing the nutritive value of another in terms of whole tract nutrient digestibility and N utilisation. This experiment investigated effects of four forage combinations being, grass silage (G); 67 g/100 g grass silage + 33 g/100 g maize silage (GGM); 67 g/100 g maize silage + 33 g/100 g grass silage (MMG); maize silage (M). All diets were formulated to be isonitrogenous (22.4 g N/kg dry matter [DM]) using a concentrate mixture. Ration digestibility and N balance was determined using 7 Holstein Friesian steers (mean body weight 411.0 +/- 120.9 kg) in a cross-over design. Inclusion of maize silage in the diet had a positive linear effect on forage and total DM intake (P = 0.001), and on apparent DM and organic matter digestibility (both P = 0.048). Regardless of the silage ratio used, the metabolisable energy concentration of maize silage was calculated to be higher than that of grass silage (P = 0.058), and linearly related to the relative proportions of the two silages in the forage mixture. Inclusion of maize silage in the diet resulted in a linear decline in the apparent digestibility of starch (P = 0.022), neutral detergent fibre (P < 0.001) and acid detergent fibre (P = 0.003). Nitrogen retention, expressed as amount retained per day or in terms of body weight (g/100 kg) increased linearly with maize inclusion (P = 0.047 and 0.046, respectively). Replacing grass silage with maize silage caused linear responses according to the proportions of each forage in the diet, and that there were no associative effects of combining forages. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Advancing maturity of forage maize is associated with increases in the proportion of dry matter (DM) and starch, and decreases in the proportions of structural carbohydrates in the ensiled crop. This experiment investigated the effects of three maize silages of 291 (low), 339 (medium) and 393 (high) g DM per kg fresh weight on the performance of 48 Simmental. Holstein-Friesian cattle. Equal numbers of steers (mean start weight = 503 (s.d. 31.3) kg) and heifers (mean start weight = 378 (s.d. 11.2) kg) were offered individually isonitrogenous diets composed of the three silages plus a protein supplement with minerals once daily until slaughter at the target live weight of 575 and 475 kg for steers and heifers, respectively. Intake was reduced on the low diet (P < 0.01) compared with the other two treatments. Dietary starch intake increased by a total of 1 kg/day between low and medium diets but by only 0.2 kg/day between medium and high diets. Unlike starch intake, total neutral-detergent fibre intake showed no significant difference (P > 0.05) between diets. There were no differences in live-weight gain between treatments but differences (P < 0.05) in food conversion efficiency indicated relative gains of 115, 100 and 102 g gain per kg DM intake for diets low, medium and high, respectively. There were no differences between diets in carcass weights, fat score and overall conformation.