996 resultados para agro-industrial ash


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Una de las mayores brechas que tienen los empresarios colombianos es la falta de información sobre las opciones de exportación hacia otros países, especialmente con Estados Unidos siendo uno de los principales socios comerciales que tiene Colombia. Por esta razón el presente trabajo de investigación se propuso identificar y analizar las oportunidades de exportaciones de productos agrícolas y agro-industriales potenciales desde Colombia hacia Estados Unidos en el periodo de 2003 hasta 2012. Después de contextualizar el entorno de los dos países así como el del sector agrícola de cada uno de ellos; se procedió a la selección de diez sub-partidas arancelarias a través de las bases de datos de TRADE MAP y UN COMTRADE. Con base en los resultados observados, se eligieron los dos productos agrícolas o agro-industriales potenciales para la exportación hacia Estados Unidos; adicionalmente se exploró el Tratado de Libre Comercio con dicho país para reconocer las ventajas, beneficios y oportunidades que este acuerdo generó en los productos seleccionados. Por lo tanto se concluye que Estados Unidos influye significativamente en las relaciones tanto comerciales como financieras a nivel mundial. En el caso de Colombia ha alcanzado resultados positivos en la balanza comercial, niveles óptimos de inversión y crecimiento de la economía comercial. Finalmente se puede afirmar que el Tratado de Libre Comercio entre los dos países promueve el ingreso preferencial de manera permanente, genera mayor estabilidad, competitividad en el largo plazo y acceso a mercados al agilizar los procesos normativos de los productos agrícolas y agro-industriales.


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Este estudo propõe-se a realizar uma análise de cara ter exploratório do comportamento da indústria de máquinas agrícolas no Brasil, setor esse que se constitui em parcela significativa da indústria de bens de capital como um todo e que, também, devido às suas características. peculiares (como, por exemplo, aquelas relativas ao seu mercado consumidor), vem merecendo um notável destaque dentro do chamado complexo agro-industrial. Além disso, este setor apresenta-se como um dos componentes vitais do processo de modernização agrícola, cujo desenvolvimento mais intenso vem ocorrendo desde a década de 60 com a crescente penetração do capital no campo.


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A cinza de casca de arroz é um resíduo agro-industrial decorrente do processo de queima da casca de arroz, sendo largamente encontrada no Rio Grande do Sul, pois, historicamente, este Estado é o maior produtor de arroz no Brasil, com cerca de 45% da produção nacional. Empregada como fonte de energia, a casca de arroz é queimada em diversas empresas; algumas, devido à sua natureza, incorporam a cinza ao produto, mas a maioria não encontra outro destino que não o descarte em forma de aterro, criando, assim, um problema ambiental de poluição do solo, do ar e de rios e córregos. No entanto, devido à presença de elevado percentual de sílica (SiO2) na sua constituição, a cinza de casca de arroz pode ter vários empregos. Na construção civil, pode ser empregada como pozolana, conforme vários estudos já vêm demonstrando. Porém, encontra restrições por motivos como sua cor escura, que confere aos cimentos, argamassas e concretos aos quais é adicionada, uma coloração também escura, e a falta de uniformidade apresentada em termos de características químicas e, principalmente, mineralógicas. A cor escura não é um problema de ordem técnica, mas estética e de aceitação no mercado. Já a composição mineralógica está associada à atividade pozolânica e a falta de uniformidade do material disponível implica na incerteza do grau de reatividade. Este trabalho teve o objetivo de verificar a viabilidade técnica do emprego de cinzas de casca de arroz residuais na confecção de cimentos Portland composto e/ou pozolânico, a partir de beneficiamentos das mesmas, que associam tratamentos físicos, químicos e/ou térmicos, os quais têm como finalidade reverter e/ou minimizar os aspectos negativos citados. Para tanto, foram empregadas três cinzas de casca de arroz, oriundas de diferentes processos de produção e com composições mineralógicas distintas. Após definidos os tratamentos a serem aplicados, através de seleção pelos critérios de cor e composição mineralógica, as cinzas tratadas foram avaliadas quanto à sua pozolanicidade, pelo Índice de Atividade Pozolânica (IAP) da NBR 5752 e também por um IAP alterado, proposto neste trabalho. A produção de cimentos com CCA beneficiada se deu a partir de um cimento base com substituição por CCA, em massa e em diferentes percentuais. Tais cimentos foram avaliados quanto à resistência à compressão, aos tempos de pega, à pozolanicidade e à expansibilidade a quente. A análise dos dados obtidos indica que os tratamentos propostos e/ou a associação deles resultam em beneficio no desempenho das cinzas, em pelo menos um dos vários aspectos considerados. A presente pesquisa permite concluir que as CCA residuais têm potencial para serem empregadas na produção de cimentos, tanto aquelas menos cristalinas, quanto as mais cristalinas. Para tanto, devem ser beneficiadas, sendo pelo menos submetidas a tratamento físico para redução de sua granulometria. Se outros objetivos forem pretendidos, como coloração clara, os tratamentos térmico ou químico podem ser empregados.


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Strong diurnal cycles in ambient aerosol mass were observed in a rural region of Southeast Brazil where the trace composition of the lower troposphere is governed mainly by emissions from agro-industry. An optical particle counter was used to record size-segregated aerosol number concentrations between 13 May 2010 and 15 March 2011. The data were collected every 10 min and used to calculate aerosol mass concentrations. Aerosol samples were also collected onto filters during daytime (10:00-16:00 local time) and nighttime (20:00-06:00) periods, for subsequent analysis of soluble ions and water-soluble organic carbon. Biomass burning aerosols predominated during the dry winter, while secondary aerosols were most important in the summer rainy season. In both seasons, diurnal cycles in calculated aerosol mass concentrations were due to the uptake of water by the aerosols and, to a lesser extent, to emissions and secondary aerosol formation. In neither season could the observed mass changes be explained by changes in the depth of the boundary layer. In the summer, nighttime increases in aerosol mass ranged from 2.7-fold to 81-fold, depending on particle size, while in the winter, the range was narrower, from 2.2-fold to 9.5-fold, supporting the possibility that the presence of particles derived from biomass burning reduced the overall ability of the aerosols to absorb water. Key Points Diurnal cycle of agro-industrial aerosol mass governed by humidity Biomass burning emissions act to suppress particle growth Need to consider diurnal mass cycles in aerosol dry deposition models ©2013. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved.


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Amylases from Rhizopus oryzae and Rhizopus microsporus var. oligosporus were obtained using agro-industrial wastes as substrates in submerged batch cultures. The enzymatic complex was partially characterised for use in the production of glucose syrup. Type II wheat flour proved better than cassava bagasse as sole carbon source for amylase production. The optimum fermentation condition for both microorganisms was 96 hours at 30°C and the amylase thus produced was used for starch hydrolysis. The product of the enzymatic hydrolysis indicated that the enzyme obtained was glucoamylase, only glucose as final product was attained for both microorganisms. R. oligosporus was of greater interest than R. oryzae for amylase production, taking into account enzyme activity, cultivation time, thermal stability and pH range. Glucose syrup was produced using concentrated enzyme and 100 g L-1 starch in a 4 hours reaction at 50°C. The bioprocess studied can contribute to fungus glucoamylase production and application. © 2013 Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences.


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This study aimed to characterize the physical and chemical composition of ten items of arracacha grown in the municipality of São Manuel for the 2009 harvest. In the roots of the clones BGH (4560, 5741, 5744, 5746, 5747, 6414, 6513, 6525 and 7609) and the cultivar Amarela de Senador Amaral the characteristics evaluated were: color (L *, a * and b *) and moisture, ash, crude fiber, raw grease, protein, reducing sugars, total sugars and starch. After obtaining the data, an analysis was performed for the variance of test F and comparisons between the means made by the Tukey test at 5% probability. There was no significant difference to the results of luminosity (L *) while BGH 6414 and BGH 5744 showed the highest values for chroma and * BGH 5741, BGH 6414, BGH 7609, 'Amarela de Senador Amaral' BGH 5747 presented the highest chroma values for b *. Clones BGH 7609 and BGH 6414 showed significantly higher levels of dry matter and with the potential yield of agro-industrial processes it would be best suited in the form of frying. The materials that showed significantly larger amounts of ash were BGH 6525, BGH 5747, 'Amarela de Senador Amaral ", BGH 4560, BGH 5746, BGH 6513. Regarding the contents of fatty matter BGH 6525, BGH 5741 and BGH 5744 showed the highest levels. The results of BGH 7609 showed crude fiber significantly higher than the other materials tested, it can be used in diets composed of fibers. BGH 4560 and cultivar had the highest crude protein. BGH 5741 showed the lowest reducing sugar content among the clones, but not significantly different from results found for the cultivar. All clones showed total sugar levels were higher in the cultivar, which may have more flavor. BGH 5741, BGH 5746, BGH 6525 and BGH 6513 showed significantly higher starch content than the cultivar Amarela de Senador Amaral. From these results we conclude that the clones have similar color characteristics, and are potentially a nutritionally adequate substitute for the cultivar.


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This research deals with the production of pectic oligosaccharides (POS) from agro-industrial residues, with specific focus on development of continuous cross flow enzyme membrane reactor. Pectic oligosaccharides have recently gained attention due to their prebiotic activity. Lack of information on the continuous production of POS from agro-industrial residues formed the basis for the present study. Four residues i.e sugar beet pulp, onion hulls, pressed pumpkin cake and berry pomace were taken to study their pectin content. Based on the presence of higher galacturonic acid and arabinose (both homogalacturonan and rhamnogalacturonan) in sugar beet pulp and galacturonic acid (only homogalacturonan) in onion hulls, further optimization of different extraction methods of pectin (causing minimum damage to pectic chain) from these residues were done. The most suitable extractant for sugar beet pulp and onion hulls were nitric acid and sodium hexametaphosphate respectively. Further the experiments on the continuous production of POS from sugar beet pulp in an enzyme membrane reactor was initiated. Several optimization experiments indicated the optimum enzyme (Viscozyme) as well as feed concentration (25 g/L) to be used for producing POS from sugar beet pulp in an enzyme membrane reactor. The results highlighted that steady state POS production with volumetric and specific productivity of 22g/L/h and 11 g/gE/h respectively could be achieved by continuous cross flow filtration of sugar beet pulp pectic extract over 10 kDa membrane at residence time of 20 min. The POS yield of about 80% could be achieved using above conditions. Also, in this thesis preliminary experiments on the production and characterization of POS from onion hulls were conducted. The results revelaed that the most suitable enzyme for POS production from onion hulls is endo-polygalacturonase M2. The POS produced from onion hulls were present in the form of DP1 -DP10 in substituted as well as unsubstituted forms. This study clearly demonstrates that continuous production of POS from pectin rich sources can be achieved by using cross flow continuous enzyme membrane reactor.


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Química e Biológica


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The Maasai/Kikuyu agro-pastoral borderlands of Maiella and Enoosupukia, located in the hinterlands of Lake Naivasha’s agro-industrial hub, are particularly notorious in the history of ethnicised violence in the Kenya’s Rift Valley. In October 1993, an organised assault perpetrated by hundreds of Maasai vigilantes, with the assistance of game wardens and administration police, killed more than 20 farmers of Kikuyu descent. Consequently, thousands of migrant farmers were violently evicted from Enoosupukia at the instigation of leading local politicians. Nowadays, however, intercommunity relations are surprisingly peaceful and the cooperative use of natural resources is the rule rather than the exception. There seems to be a form of reorganization. Violence seems to be contained and the local economy has since recovered. This does not mean that there is no conflict, but people seem to have the facility to solve them peacefully. How did formerly violent conflicts develop into peaceful relations? How did competition turn into cooperation, facilitating changing land use? This dissertation explores the value of cross-cutting ties and local institutions in peaceful relationships and the non-violent resolution of conflicts across previously violently contested community boundaries. It mainly relies on ethnographic data collected between 2014 and 2015. The discussion therefore builds on several theoretical approaches in anthropology and the social sciences – that is, violent conflicts, cross-cutting ties and conflicting loyalties, joking relationships, peace and nonviolence, and institutions, in order to understand shared spaces that are experiencing fairly rapid social and economic changes, and characterised by conflict and coexistence. In the researched communities, cross-cutting ties and the split allegiances associated with them result from intermarriages, land transactions, trade, and friendship. By institutions, I refer to local peace committees, an attempt to standardise an aspect of customary law, and Nyumba Kumi, a strategy of anchoring community policing at the household level. In 2010, the state “implanted” these grassroots-level institutions and conferred on them the rights to handle specific conflicts and to prevent crime. I argue that the studied groups utilise diverse networks of relationships as adaptive responses to landlessness, poverty, and socio-political dynamics at the local level. Material and non-material exchanges and transfers accompany these social and economic ties and networks. In addition to being instrumental in nurturing a cohesive social fabric, I argue that such alliances could be thought of as strategies of appropriation of resources in the frontiers – areas that are considered to have immense agricultural potential and to be conducive to economic enterprise. Consequently, these areas are continuously changed and shaped through immigration, population growth, and agricultural intensification. However, cross-cutting ties and intergroup alliances may not necessarily prevent the occurrence or escalation of conflicts. Nevertheless, disputes and conflicts, which form part of the social order in the studied area, create the opportunities for locally contextualised systems of peace and non-violence that inculcate the values of cooperation, coexistence, and restraint from violence. Although the neo-traditional institutions (local peace committees and Nyumba Kumi) face massive complexities and lack the capacity to handle serious conflicts, their application of informal constraints in dispute resolution provides room for some optimism. Notably, the formation of ties and alliances between the studied groups, and the use of local norms and values to resolve disputes, are not new phenomena – they are reminiscent of historical patterns. Their persistence, particularly in the context of Kenya, indicates a form of historical continuity, which remains rather “undisturbed” despite the prevalence of ethnicised political economies. Indeed, the formation of alliances, which are driven by mutual pursuit of commodities (livestock, rental land, and agricultural produce), markets, and diversification, tends to override other identities. While the major thrust of social science literature in East Africa has focused on the search for root causes of violence, very little has been said about the conditions and practices of cooperation and non-violent conflict resolution. In addition, situations where prior violence turned into peaceful interaction have attracted little attention, though the analysis of such transitional phases holds the promise of contributing to applicable knowledge on conflict resolution. This study is part of a larger multidisciplinary project, “Resilience in East African Landscapes” (REAL), which is a Marie Curie Actions Innovative Training Networks (ITN) project. The principal focus of this multidisciplinary project is to study past, present, and future thresholds and sustainable trajectories in human-landscape interactions in East Africa over the last millennia. While other individual projects focus on long-term ecosystem dynamics and societal interactions, my project examines human-landscape interactions in the present and the very recent past (i.e. the period in which events and processes were witnessed or can still be recalled by today’s population). The transition from conflict to coexistence and from competition to cooperative use of previously violently contested land resources is understood here as enhancing adaptation in the face of social-political, economic, environmental, and climatic changes. This dissertation is therefore a contribution to new modes of resilience in human-landscape interactions after a collapse situation.


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Ethanol/water organosolv pulping was used to obtain sugarcane bagasse pulp that was bleached with sodium chlorite. This bleached pulp was used to obtain cellulosic films that were further evaluated by Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). A good film formation was observed when temperature of 74 degrees C and baths of distilled water were used, which after FTIR, TGA, and SEM analysis indicated no significant difference between the reaction times. The results showed this to be an interesting and promising process, combining the prerequisites for a more efficient utilization of agro-industrial residues.


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Concern about the growing demand of food and fuel has focused the attention on countries with conditions to provide for global requirements. Also, the build-up of an environmental awareness has compelled several governments to implement programs for the addition of biofuels to oil derivatives. Considering their relevance as world and South American producers, this study makes a characterization of the sucro-energetic sectors of Brazil and Colombia, based on a view of agro-industrial systems, industrial organization and transaction cost economy. The approach followed considered of a secondary information survey and in-depth interviews. The main differences found are centered on institutional development level and production volumes. However, the use of the same raw material, sugarcane, trade opening policies, cultural approaches and regional integration, are factors that could generate links of commercial exchange and technological cooperation between the two countries.


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This study describes the production of xylanases from Aspergillus niveus, A. niger, and A. ochraceus under solid-state fermentation using agro-industrial residues as substrates. Enzyme production was improved using a mixture of wheat bran and yeast extract or peptone. When a mixture of corncob and wheat bran was used, xylanase production from A. niger and A. ochraceus increased by 18%. All cultures were incubated at 30 A degrees C at 70-80% relative humidity for 96 h. For biobleaching assays, 10 or 35 U of xylanase/g dry cellulose pulp were incubated at pH 5.5 for 1 or 2 h, at 55 A degrees C. The delignification efficiency was 20%, the brightness (percentage of ISO) increased two to three points and the viscosity was maintained confirming the absence of cellulolytic activity. These results indicated that the use of xylanases could help to reduce the amount of chlorine compounds used in cellulose pulp treatment.


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This work concerns the influence of industrialized agriculture in the tropics on precipitation chemistry. A total of 264 rain events were sampled using a wet-only collector in central Sao Paulo State, Brazil, between January 2003 and July 2007. Electroneutrality balance calculations (considering H(+), K(+), Na(+), NH(4)(+), Ca(2)(+), Mg(2)(+), Cl(-), NO(3)(-), SO(4)(2-), F(-), PO(4)(3-), H(3)CCOO(-), HCOO(-), C(2)O(4)(2-) and HCO(3)(-)) showed that there was an excess of cations (similar to 15%), which was attributed to the presence of unmeasured organic anion species originating from biomass burning and biogenic emissions. On average, the three ions NH(4)(+), NO(3)(-) and H(+) were responsible for >55% of the total ion concentrations in the rainwater samples. Concentrations (except of H(+)) were significantly higher (t-test; P = 0.05), by between two to six-fold depending on species, during the winter sugar cane harvest period, due to the practice of pre-harvest burning of the crop. Principal component analysis showed that three components could explain 88% of the variance for measurements made throughout the year: PC1 (52%, biomass burning and soil dust resuspension); PC2 (26%, secondary aerosols); PC3 (10%, road transport emissions). Differences between harvest and non-harvest periods appeared to be mainly due to an increased relative importance of road transport/industrial emissions during the summer (non-harvest) period. The volume-weighted mean (VWM) concentrations of ammonium (23.4 mu mol L(-1)) and nitrate (17.5 mu mol L(-1)) in rainwater samples collected during the harvest period were similar to those found in rainwater from Sao Paulo city, which emphasizes the importance of including rural agro-industrial emissions in regional-scale atmospheric chemistry and transport models. Since there was evidence of a biomass burning source throughout the year, it appears that rainwater composition will continue to be affected by vegetation fires, even after sugar cane burning is phased out as envisaged by recent Sao Paulo State legislation. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Foi estudada a prevalência de obesidade na população urbana de 18-74 anos residente em 1987 no Município de Araraquara, SP, Brasil, cidade média agro industrial de 150.000 habitantes, situada a 250 km a noroeste da Capital do Estado. Foram estudados 1.126 habitantes, 502 do sexo masculino e 624 do feminino, selecionados por uma amostragem equiprobabilística por conglomerados. A prevalência de sobrepeso (Quetelet 25-29,9 kg/m²) foi de 26,9% para o sexo masculino e de 27,7% para o feminino. A prevalência de obesidade (Quetelet maior ou igual a 30,0 kg/m²) foi de 10,2% para o sexo masculino e de 14,7% para o feminino. Estas percentagens são bastante elevadas quando se as compara com as de países afluentes anglo-saxões. Discutem-se as causas do fenômeno, já que a cidade é um Município afluente de economia agroindustrial. Quando se definiram critérios próprios para Araraquara (P85 e P95 do Quetelet para a idade de 20-29 anos por sexo) verificou-se que o padrão "magro" para o Município é mais magro do que o similar norte-americano, o que torna criticável a extensão de critérios de corte oriundos de outras localidades para regiões de características diferentes.


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A crescente procura e o carácter finito dos recursos energéticos fósseis e as consequências nocivas de natureza ambiental provocadas pela emissão de gases de efeito de estufa para atmosfera, resultantes da sua combustão, obriga a reequacionar a utilização da energia, com uma maior racionalização nos consumos e diversificando as suas fontes e formas, com particular importância para as energias renováveis, onde as pellets, como forma densificada de biomassa, se inserem. O presente trabalho visa avaliar o potencial de incorporação de resíduos agrícolas como matéria-prima na produção de pellets a utilizar como combustível em caldeiras domésticas, sendo, para isso, contabilizados os resíduos agrícolas existentes em Portugal Continental adequados para aquele efeito, e, também, avaliada, pela via experimental, a viabilidade técnica do uso destas pellets em caldeiras domésticas, com testes de combustão de alguns tipos de pellets de origem agrícola e florestal. Os quantitativos apurados de resíduos agrícolas, basearam-se fundamentalmente em dados relativos às áreas de cultura e às produções agrícolas de 2008 do Instituto Nacional de Estatística e em relações área/massa de resíduos ou produto agrícola/massa de resíduos, de vários autores credenciados. O potencial total anual destes resíduos ronda os 2,8 milhões de toneladas, correspondendo 43,5% às culturas permanentes, 6,6% às culturas temporárias, 8,4% à actividade agro-industrial e 41,5% aos matos, representando cerca de 1,2 milhões de toneladas equivalentes de petróleo, para um poder calorífico médio da ordem dos 17600 kJ/kg. Nos testes laboratoriais foram usadas pellets de pinho, adquiridas no mercado e de vides, de giestas e de bagaço de azeitona todos a 100% e de mistura de bagaço de azeitona e de pinho, ambos a 50%, que foram produzidas numa pelletizadora doméstica em virtude das fábricas existentes em Portugal não produzirem pellets que incorporem resíduos agrícolas. A densificação deste tipo de resíduos mostrou-se fácil de realizar, apenas exige um controlo apertado da humidade dos resíduos, após a sua trituração, para que se assegure uma boa consistência e o máximo potencial calorífico. Relativamente à combustão das pellets testadas verificou-se que esta se processou normalmente, sem interrupções e de forma muito semelhante às pellets de pinho, que serviram de referência. As pellets de vides e as de mistura aparentaram um menor poder calorífico, dado terem um maior teor de humidade originado nas operações de pelletização, notando-se que a caldeira demorava mais tempo até a bomba de recirculação arrancar (54 ºC). A ignição, com a caldeira fria, processou-se de forma fácil, mesmo com estas últimas pellets, embora naturalmente tenha demorado um pouco mais de tempo. O teor de cinzas destas pellets era superior às de pinho, mais do dobro, porém, sem qualquer influência no funcionamento da caldeira.