802 resultados para Working conditions. Social worker. Illness. Health worker


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Photocopy. Springfield, Va. : U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Technical Information Service, 1977. -- v, 74 leaves ; 28 cm.


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This research explores whether civil society organizations (CSOs) can contribute to more effectively regulating the working conditions of temporary migrant farmworkers in North America. This dissertation unfolds in five parts. The first part of the dissertation sets out the background context. The context includes the political economy of agriculture and temporary migrant labour more broadly. It also includes the political economy of the legal regulations that govern immigration and work relations. The second part of the research builds an analytical model for studying the operation of CSOs active in working with the migrant farmworker population. The purpose of the analytical framework is to make sense of real-world examples by providing categories for analysis and a means to get at the channels of influence that CSOs utilize to achieve their aims. To this end, the model incorporates the insights from three significant bodies of literature—regulatory studies, labour studies, and economic sociology. The third part of the dissertation suggests some key strategic issues that CSOs should consider when intervening to assist migrant farmworkers, and also proposes a series of hypotheses about how CSOs can participate in the regulatory process. The fourth part probes and extends these hypotheses by empirically investigating the operation of three CSOs that are currently active in assisting migrant farm workers in North America: the Agricultural Workers Alliance (Canada), Global Workers’ Justice Alliance (USA), and the Coalition of Immokalee Workers (USA). The fifth and final part draws together lessons from the empirical work and concluded that CSOs can fill gaps left by the waning power of actors, such as trade unions and labour inspectorates, as well as act in ways that these traditional actors can not.


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This chapter describes physical and environmental determinants of the health of Australians, providing a background to the development of successful public health activity. Health determinants are the biomedical, genetic, behavioural, socio-economic and environmental factors that impact on health and wellbeing. These determinants can be influenced by interventions and by resources and systems (AIHW 2006). Many factors combine to affect the health of individuals and communities. People’s circumstances and the environment determine whether the population is healthy or not. Factors such as where people live, the state of their environment, genetics, their education level and income, and their relationships with friends and family, all are likely to impact on their health. The determinants of population health reflect the context of people’s lives; however, people are very unlikely to be able to control many of these determinants (WHO 2007). This chapter and Chapter 6 illustrate how various determinants can relate to, and influence other determinants, as well as health and wellbeing. We believe it is particularly important to provide an understanding of determinants and their relationship to health and illness in order to provide a structure in which a broader conceptualisation of health can be placed. Determinants of health do not exist in isolation from one another. More frequently they work together in a complex system. What is clear to anyone who works in public health is that many factors impact on the health and wellbeing of people. For example, in the next chapter we discuss factors such as living and working conditions, social support, ethnicity and class, income, housing, work stress and the impact of education on the length and quality of people’s lives. In 1974, the influential ‘Lalonde Report’ (Lalonde 1974) described key factors that impact on health status. These factors included lifestyle, environment, human biology and health services. Taking a population health approach builds on the Lalonde Report, and recognises that a range of factors, such as living and working conditions and the distribution of wealth in society, interact to determine the health status of a population. Tackling health determinants has great potential to reduce the burden of disease and promote the health of the general population. In summary, we understand very clearly now that health is determined by the complex interactions between individual characteristics, social and economic factors and physical environments; the entire range of factors that impact on health must be addressed if we are to make significant gains in population health, and focussing interventions on the health of the population or significant sub-populations can achieve important health gains. In 2007, the Australian Government included in the list of National Health Priority Areas the following health issues: cancer control, injury prevention and control, cardiovascular health, diabetes mellitus, mental health, asthma, and arthritis and musculoskeletal conditions. The National Health Priority Areas set the agenda for the Commonwealth, States and Territories, Local Governments and not-for-profit organisations to place attention on those areas considered to be the major foci for action. Many of these health issues are discussed in this chapter and the following chapter.


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La presenta investigación centra su atención en evaluar el impacto de las Condiciones de Trabajo en la Calidad de Vida Laboral del talento humano de sector manufacturero de la región Caribe colombiana. Para analizar este proceso se entrevistaron a 518 empleados del sector. El diseño utilizado fue no experimental de tipo transversal descriptivo, puesto que a cada participante se le aplicó una entrevista con el instrumento de Condiciones de Trabajo y la Herramienta de Calidad de Vida Laboral (Condiciones Salariales y Subjetivas). Los datos fueron analizados mediante análisis de correlación y modelos de regresión logística. Los resultados mostraron que el ambiente térmico y las normas de seguridad en el trabajo afectan de forma positiva la Calidad de Vida Laboral de los empleados del sector. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto que la relación entre las condiciones de trabajo y la CVL se basa en la competencia y distan de ser una relación lineal y simple relacionada con la consideración de la presencia o la ausencia de las condiciones de trabajo. Ello tiene implicaciones a la hora de formular políticas, programas e intervenciones para prevenir, erradicar y amortiguar los efectos negativos de las condiciones de trabajo y mejorar la seguridad industrial dentro de las empresas.


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Very limited scientific knowledge exists on the trends and explanations of socioeconomic differences in physical activity among adults. There is a paucity of studies examining whether determinants vary across socioeconomic position and different life stages. This study examines a) how socioeconomic differences in leisure-time and commuting physical activity have changed in Finland from 1978 to 2002 and b) the contribution of childhood socioeconomic position, adolescence sports and exercise, adulthood socioeconomic position, working conditions and other adulthood health behaviours to socioeconomic differences in leisure-time physical activity. This study utilised three population-based datasets collected by the National Institute for Health and Welfare (THL, formerly National Institute for Public Health): the Health Behaviour and Health among the Finnish Adult Population Study from 1978 to 2002 (N=96 105), the National FINRISK Study 2002 and its physical activity sub-study (N= 9 179), and the Health 2000 Study (N=8 028). Survey information was collected by self-administered questionnaires, interviews at home, and measurements made at the study site. The response rates varied from 69 to 89 per cent. Several socioeconomic measures were linked from the national population registers. Based on the results, those with low income were physically inactive during leisure-time and while commuting from 1978 to 2002. Manual worker women, however, were more physically active commuters compared to their counterparts. Parental socioeconomic position contributed directly to adulthood educational differences in leisure-time physical inactivity but also indirectly through adulthood socioeconomic position (occupation, household income) and other unhealthy behaviours (mainly smoking). Among those with low education participation in competitive sports in youth and among those with high education exercise in late adolescence contributed to leisure-time physical activity in adulthood. Long exposure to physically strenuous working conditions in men and current job strain in women contributed to occupational class differences in leisure-time physical activity. Socioeconomic differences in physical activity have remained similar for twenty years in Finland. Educational career seems to have a strong contribution to physical activity. To adopt a lifelong physically active life-style, one should participate in a range of different sports and exercise in adolescence and in youth, have a low exposure to physically and mentally strenuous working conditions in later life and have other healthy behaviours in later life.


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Since 2008, Western countries are going through a deep economic crisis whose health impacts seem to be fundamentally counter-cyclical: when economic conditions worsen, so does health, and mortality tends to rise. While a growing number of studies have presented evidence on the effect of crises on the average population health, a largely neglected aspect of research is the impact of crises and the related political responses on social inequalities in health, even if the negative consequences of the crises are primarily borne by the most disadvantaged populations. This commentary will reflect on the results of the studies that have analyzed the effect of economic crises on social inequalities in health up to 2013. With some exceptions, the studies show an increase in health inequalities during crises, especially during the Southeast Asian and Japanese crises and the Soviet Union crisis, although it is not always evident for both sexes or all health or socioeconomic variables. In the Nordic countries during the nineties, a clear worsening of health equity did not occur. Results about the impacts of the current economic recession on health equity are still inconsistent. Some of the factors that could explain this variability in results are the role of welfare state policies, the diversity of time periods used in the analyses, the heterogeneity of socioeconomic and health variables considered, the changes in the socioeconomic profile of the groups under comparison in times of crises, and the type of measures used to analyze the magnitude of social inequalities in health. Social epidemiology should further collaborate with other disciplines to help produce more accurate and useful evidence about the relationship between crises and health equity.


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Estudo que possui como objeto violência laboral em hospital psiquiátrico como risco psicossocial à saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, cujo interesse investigativo iniciou-se na graduação e posteriormente ao trabalhar como enfermeiro em um hospital psiquiátrico. Tais experiências marcaram de forma peculiar a minha trajetória profissional e o interesse acerca do objeto de estudo, por entender que a violência em âmbito psiquiátrico precisa ser desvelada e discutida para que medidas preventivas sejam adotadas no coletivo dos trabalhadores com vistas ao bem estar, a satisfação no trabalho e qualidade do serviço ofertado a população. Objetivou-se neste estudo, identificar os tipos de violência presentes no trabalho da enfermagem em hospital psiquiátrico; descrever as repercussões da violência laboral para a saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem em hospital psiquiátrico e analisar os mecanismos de enfrentamento adotados pelos trabalhadores da enfermagem diante da violência laboral em hospital psiquiátrico. Estudo qualitativo, descritivo, cujos dados foram obtidos em um hospital psiquiátrico situado no município do Rio de Janeiro, no período janeiro a fevereiro de 2013 com 16 trabalhadores (7 enfermeiros e 9 técnicos de enfermagem), a partir dos critérios de inclusão adotados. Trabalhou-se com a técnica de entrevista semiestruturada, mediante um roteiro contendo questões sobre o objeto de estudo. O projeto atendeu as exigências presentes na Resolução 196/96, do Ministério da Saúde (MS), tendo sido aprovado pela Comissão de Ética em Pesquisa (CEP) com o número 070.3.2012. Aplicada a técnica de conteúdo ao material emergiram os seguintes resultados: na vivencia dos trabalhadores do hospital psiquiátrico há três tipos de violência. A primeira refere-se à violência sofrida, principalmente durante as emergências psiquiátricas, momento em que o trabalhador sofre com as agressões verbais e, em alguns casos, físicas cometidas pelo paciente. Outro tipo de violência no trabalho foi a perpetrada pelo familiar em momentos de tensão e a terceira envolveu a violência simbólica por parte dos médicos, principalmente os residentes. A violência do trabalho foi identificada em decorrência da precarização das condições de trabalho em termos de recursos humanos e materiais. A violência laboral revelou-se como um risco psicossocial a saúde do trabalhador por acarretar sofrimento psíquico e físico evidenciado através de queixas de desgaste, estresse e medo, levando a insatisfação e desmotivação no trabalho. Para se manterem no trabalho, os trabalhadores elaboram estratégias de enfrentamento centradas na resolução dos problemas decorrentes da violência e na regulação da emoção. Diante dos resultados, concluiu-se que a violência em hospital psiquiátrico é um risco psicossocial que afeta a saúde dos trabalhadores de enfermagem, cabendo a organização juntamente com os trabalhadores propor medidas que deem visibilidade a violência sofrida, através do diagnostico, da prevenção e enfrentamento coletivo, o que pode ser realizado mediante denuncia dos próprios trabalhadores junto a instituição, sindicatos e órgãos de classe. Salienta-se a importância de suporte psicoterápico dos trabalhadores de enfermagem vitimas de violência com vistas à identificação dos fatores de risco e fortalecimento dos fatores protetores. Recomenda-se a continuidade de estudos na área, considerando a incipiência dos mesmos.


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Objectives: Multimorbidity is common in the older population, but the impact of combinations of chronic conditions on disability and quality of life (QoL) is not well known. This analysis explores the effect of specific combinations of chronic diseases on disability, QoL and self-rated health (SRH).

Design: We used data from two population representative cross-sectional studies, the Northern Ireland Health and Social Wellbeing Survey (NIHSWS) 2005 and the Survey of Lifestyle, Attitudes and Nutrition (SLAN) 2007 (conducted in the Republic of Ireland).

Setting: Randomly selected community-living participants were interviewed at home.

Participants: A total of 6159 participants aged 50 years and older were included in the analysis.

Outcome measures: Chronic conditions were classified as cardiovascular disease, chronic pain,diabetes or respiratory disease. Interaction terms estimated by logistic regression were used to examine the effects of multiple chronic conditions on disability, SRH and QoL.

Results: Each chronic condition group was correlated with each of the others after adjusting for sociodemographic factors. Those from Northern Ireland were more likely to report a limitation in daily activities (45%) compared to those from the Republic of Ireland (21%). Each condition had an independent effect on disability, SRH and QoL, and those with multiple chronic conditions reported the worst outcomes. However, there were no statistically significant positive interactions between chronic condition groups with respect to any outcome.

Conclusions: Chronic conditions affect individuals largely independent of each other with respect to their effect on disability, SRH and QoL. However, a significant proportion of the population aged 50 years and over across the island of Ireland lives with multimorbidity,and this group is at the highest risk of disability, poor SRH and poor QoL.


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This study applies a Marxist theoretical paradigm to examine the working conditions of greenhouse workers in the Niagara Region, and the range of factors that bear upon the formation of their class-consciousness. The Niagara greenhouse industry represents one of the most developed horticultural regions in Canada and plays a prominent role in the local economy. The industry generates substantial revenues and employs a significant number of people, yet the greenhouse workers are paid one of the lowest rates in the region. Being classified as agricultural workers, the greenhouse employees are exempted from many provisions of federal and provincial labour regulations. Under the current provincial statutes, agricultural workers in Ontario are denied the right to organize and bargain collectively. Except for a few technical and managerial positions, the greenhouse industry employs mostly low-skilled workers who are subjected to poor working conditions that stem from the employer's attempts to adapt to larger structural imperatives of the capitalist economy. While subjected to these poor working conditions, the greenhouse workers are also affected by objectively alienated social relations and by ruling class ideological domination and hegemony. These two sets of factors arise from the inherent conflict of interests between wage-labour and capital but also militate against the development of class-consciousness. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 12 greenhouse workers to examine the role played by their material circumstances in the formulation of their social and political views as well as the extent to which they are aware of their class location and class interests. The hegemonic notions of 'common sense' acted as impediments to formation of classconsciousness. The greenhouse workers have virtually no opportunities to access alternative perspectives that would address the issues associated with exploitation in production and offer solutions leading to 'social justice'. Fonnidable challenges confront any organized political body seeking to improve the conditions of the working people.


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INTRODUCCIÓN. El presente trabajo explora las condiciones de trabajo saludables más frecuentemente estudiadas en Colombia y Europa en el período 2002 a 2012. OBJETIVO. Este trabajo busca definir los avances en investigación de las condiciones de trabajo saludables que presentaron Colombia y Europa en el período 2002 a 2012, a través de: el análisis del concepto de salud en el trabajo desde diferentes enfoques e investigaciones; el análisis los modelos sobre condiciones saludables en el trabajo; así como la revisión, consolidación y análisis documental alrededor del estado del arte de la investigación sobre los aspectos relacionados con las condiciones psicosociales del trabajo. METODO. Investigación documental, a través de la búsqueda en base de datos y posterior consolidación, sistematización y análisis de la literatura científica que evaluaban aspectos relacionados con las condiciones de trabajo saludable, en Colombia y Europa, durante el período 2002-2012. RESULTADOS. En la revisión documental se encontró que la implementación de ambientes saludables a nivel organizacional es un esfuerzo y compromiso de los empresarios, los trabajadores y la sociedad para mejorar el bienestar de las personas en el trabajo que representa una responsabilidad social empresarial, así como una ventaja competitiva sostenible en el sector económico. De igual manera, se resalta el avance que presenta Europa y España en el desarrollo de estudios nacionales de las condiciones detrabajo saludables frente a Colombia que aún no ha tenido investigaciones de representatividad nacional.


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This study addresses a gap in much of the research involving stress among high-risk occupations by investigating the effects of linear, non-linear and interaction models in a law enforcement organization that has undertaken a series of efficiency-driven organizational reforms. The results of a survey involving 2085 police officers indicated that the demand-control-support model provided good utility in predicting an officer's satisfaction, commitment and well-being. In particular, social support and job control were closely associated with all three outcome variables. Although the demand × control/support interactions were not identified in the data, there was some support for the curvilinear effects of job demands. The results have implications for the organizational conditions that need to be addressed in contemporary policing environments where new public management strategies have had widespread affects on the social and organizational context in which policing takes place.


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Background A number of widely prevalent job stressors have been identified as modifiable risk factors for common mental and physical illnesses such as depression and cardiovascular disease, yet there has been relatively little study of population trends in exposure to job stressors over time. The aims of this paper were to assess: (1) overall time trends in job control and security and (2) whether disparities by sex, age, skill level and employment arrangement were changing over time in the Australian working population. Methods Job control and security were measured in eight annual waves (2000–2008) from the Australian nationally-representative Household Income and Labour Dynamics of Australia panel survey (n=13 188 unique individuals for control and n=13 182 for security). Observed and model-predicted time trends were generated. Models were generated using population-averaged longitudinal linear regression, with year fitted categorically. Changes in disparities over time by sex, age group, skill level and employment arrangement were tested as interactions between each of these stratifying variables and time. Results While significant disparities persisted for disadvantaged compared with advantaged groups, results suggested that inequalities in job control narrowed among young workers compared with older groups and for casual, fixed-term and self-employed compared with permanent workers. A slight narrowing of disparities over time in job security was noted for gender, age, employment arrangement and occupational skill level. Conclusions Despite the favourable findings of small reductions in disparities in job control and security, significant cross-sectional disparities persist. Policy and practice intervention to improve psychosocial working conditions for disadvantaged groups could reduce these persisting disparities and associated illness burdens.


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Mental health and social outcomes following acquired brain injury (ABI) in children are often considered to be due to brain insult, but other factors, such as environment, may also play a role. We assessed mental health and social function in children with chronic illness, with and without stroke (a form of ABI), and typically developing (TD) controls to examine environmental influences on these outcomes. We recruited 36 children diagnosed with stroke, 15 with chronic asthma, and 43 TD controls. Children and parents completed questionnaires rating child mental health and social function and distal and proximal environment. TD children had significantly less internalizing and social problems than stroke and asthma groups, and engaged in more social activities than children with stroke. Poorer parent mental health predicted more internalizing and social problems and lower social participation. Family dysfunction was associated with internalizing problems. Lower parent education contributed to children's social function. Children with chronic illness are at elevated risk of poorer mental health and social function. Addition of brain insult leads to poorer social participation. Quality of home environment contributes to children's outcomes, suggesting that supporting parent and family function provides an opportunity to optimize child mental health and social outcomes.


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 The outcomes of the current study suggest employee performance should be taken into account when examining the effects of stress-related working conditions. Furthermore, the current study highlights the need to pay careful attention to the types of analyses that are undertaken in stressor-performance research and not to assume the relationship between stress-related working conditions and employee performance parallels the stressor-health literature.