807 resultados para Teaching skills


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Die Nützlichkeit des Einsatzes von Computern in Schule und Ausbildung ist schon seit einigen Jahren unbestritten. Uneinigkeit herrscht gegenwärtig allerdings darüber, welche Aufgaben von Computern eigenständig wahrgenommen werden können. Bewertet man die Übernahme von Lehrfunktionen durch computerbasierte Lehrsysteme, müssen häufig Mängel festgestellt werden. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, ausgehend von aktuellen Praxisrealisierungen computerbasierter Lehrsysteme unterschiedliche Klassen von zentralen Lehrkompetenzen (Schülermodellierung, Fachwissen und instruktionale Aktivitäten im engeren Sinne) zu bestimmen. Innerhalb jeder Klasse werden globale Leistungen der Lehrsysteme und notwendige, in komplementärer Relation stehende Tätigkeiten menschlicher Tutoren bestimmt. Das dabei entstandene Klassifikationsschema erlaubt sowohl die Einordnung typischer Lehrsysteme als auch die Feststellung von spezifischen Kompetenzen, die in der Lehrer- bzw. Trainerausbildung zukünftig vermehrt berücksichtigt werden sollten. (DIPF/Orig.)


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La enseñanza por competencias, de manera semejante con el conjunto de actividades académicas que realizan los centros de educación superior, poseen una compleja estructura de atributos, tales como: conocimientos, actitudes, valores y habilidades. Bajo estas consideraciones, entendemos que los docentes de las universidades deberían de orientar entre otras, sus preocupaciones académicas, para impulsar el cambio de enfoque educativo que viabilice la construcción de puentes, para modificar favorablemente el desfase existente entre lo que demanda el sector productivo y la práctica cotidiana en los salones de clase de las universidades. Las universidades como entes responsables de la formación profesional de los(as) ciudadanos(as) de la sociedad, deben velar por coadyuvar a insertar al mercado laboral a sus graduados con una mentalidad flexible, dinámica, creativos, y con visión de futuros conocedores de las realidades de mercado, con una formación integral, plurifuncionales y versados en las herramientas tecnológicas de punta, con el propósito que sean competentes en sus labores específicas. Abstract Teaching through competencies as well as the academic activities carried out in universities, has complex structures as attributes such as: knowledge, values, and abilities. Based on this consideration, we understand that university professors should guide their academic interest towards a change on the teaching approach, allowing the building of bridges that can positively modify the existing gap between the demands of the productive sector on the current practice in the university classroom. The Universities are responsible for the professional education of the members of society and should watch over to help introduce graduates in the labor market. These graduates should characterized by a flexible, dynamic, and creative mind, capable of future projections, as acquainted with the characteristics of the real market, with a well rounded formation, multifunctional and versed in the leading technological tools; so they can be competent on their specific tasks.


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In the current Cambodian higher education sector, there is little regulation of standards in curriculum design of undergraduate degrees in English language teacher education. The researcher, in the course of his professional work in the Curriculum and Policy Office at the Department of Higher Education, has seen evidence that most universities tend to copy their curriculum from one source, the curriculum of the Institute of Foreign Languages, the Royal University of Phnom Penh. Their programs fail to impose any entry standards, accepting students who pass the high school exam without any entrance examination. It is possible for a student to enter university with satisfactory scores in all subjects but English. Therefore, not many graduates are able to fulfil the professional requirements of the roles they are supposed to take. Neau (2010) claims that many Cambodian EFL teachers do not reach a high performance standard due to their low English language proficiency and poor background in teacher education. The main purpose of this study is to establish key guidelines for developing curricula for English language teacher education for all the universities across the country. It examines the content of the Bachelor‘s degree of Education in Teaching English as a Foreign Language (B Ed in TEFL) and Bachelor‘s degree of Arts in Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages (BA in TESOL) curricula adopted in Cambodian universities on the basis of criteria proposed in current curriculum research. It also investigates the perspectives of Cambodian EFL teachers on the areas of knowledge and skill they need in order to perform their English teaching duties in Cambodia today. The areas of knowledge and skill offered in the current curricula at Cambodian higher education institutions (HEIs), the framework of the knowledge base for EFL teacher education and general higher education, and the areas of knowledge and skill Cambodian EFL teachers perceive to be important, are compared so as to identify any gaps in the current English language teacher education curricula in the Cambodian HEIs. The existence of gaps show what domains of knowledge and skill need to be included in the English language teacher education curricula at Cambodian HEIs. These domains are those identified by previous curriculum researchers in both general and English language teacher education at tertiary level. Therefore, the present study provides useful insights into the importance of including appropriate content in English language teacher education curricula. Mixed methods are employed in this study. The course syllabi and the descriptions within the curricula in five Cambodian HEIs are analysed qualitatively based on the framework of knowledge and skills for EFL teachers, which is formed by looking at the knowledge base for second language teachers suggested by the methodologists and curriculum specialists whose work is elaborated on the review of literature. A quantitative method is applied to analyse the perspectives of 120 Cambodian EFL teachers on areas of knowledge and skills they should possess. The fieldwork was conducted between June and August, 2014. The analysis reveals that the following areas are included in the curricula at the five universities: communication skills, general knowledge, knowledge of teaching theories, teaching skills, pedagogical reasoning and decision making skills, subject matter knowledge, contextual knowledge, cognitive abilities, and knowledge of social issues. Additionally, research skills are included in three curricula while society and community involvement is in only one. Further, information and communication technology, which is outlined in the Education Strategies Plan (2006-2010), forms part of four curricula while leadership skills form part of two. This study demonstrates ultimately that most domains that are directly and indirectly related to language teaching competence are not sufficiently represented in the current curricula. On the basis of its findings, the study concludes with a set of guidelines that should inform the design and development of TESOL and TEFL curricula in Cambodia.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Santarém para obtenção do grau de mestre em Ciências de Educação na especialização de Supervisão e Orientação Pedagógica


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Teach First Fellows nehmen wie Lehrkräfte eine hohe Verantwortung für die weitere Entwicklung von Kindern und Jugendlichen wahr. Anders als Lehrkräfte verfügen sie jedoch nicht über eine grundständige Ausbildung für ihre spezifische Tätigkeit. Deshalb stellt sich die Frage, inwiefern es gelingen kann, durch eine sorgfältige Auswahl der Fellows, sowie durch eine intensive Kurzqualifizierung gute Voraussetzungen für den Erfolg ihrer Tätigkeit zu schaffen. Die vorliegende Studie evaluiert die Ergebnisse des Qualifizierungsprogramms, das Teach First Deutschland für seine Fellows entwickelt und implementiert hat. Dabei interessiert insbesondere, welches Wissen zur Unterstützung von Lernprozessen, welche Fähigkeiten zur Gestaltung von Unterricht und welche Erwartung von pädagogischer Wirksamkeit innerhalb eines halben Jahres bei den Fellows aufgebaut werden können. Um ein tieferes Verständnis der Wirkweise des Qualifizierungsprogramms zu ermöglichen, wurden neben den Ergebnissen auch dessen Prozesskomponenten einer Bewertung unterzogen. (DIPF/Orig.)


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La Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Cuenca ha sido reconocida por sus logros y trayectoria deviniendo en una de las facultades más prestigiosas del Ecuador, este renombre ha sido el resultado de la excelente preparación académica que los docentes aplican en sus alumnos que si bien ha dado buenos resultados esta preparación pudiese exceder el umbral de tolerancia del alumno y generar lo que hoy en día se conoce como “Estrés Académico”. El presente estudio es descriptivo, cuantitativo y transversal, el mismo se conformó con una muestra de 285 alumnos de la Facultad desde primero hasta décimo ciclo. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de Estrés Académico, sus Factores de Riesgo y la influencia del Estrés Académico sobre el Rendimiento Académico de los estudiantes de la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad de Cuenca según el I.E.A (Inventario de Estrés Académico) modificado, desde primero hasta décimo ciclo en el año 2015. Resultados: La prevalencia de estrés académico en los estudiantes de medicina de la Universidad de Cuenca es del 91.58%, de estos el 46.7% se ubicó en un nivel moderado de intensidad, seguido del 36.48% quienes se ubicaron en una intensidad alta. El total de prevalencia de estrés académico en mujeres es del 95.45% sobrepasando al sexo masculino el cual demostró una prevalencia de 85.32%. Niveles altos de estrés académico se ven asociados significativamente con un rendimiento académico bajo. Conclusión: La prevalencia de Estrés Académico es alta y su nivel de intensidad es moderada, su intensidad alta se asocia significativamente a un rendimiento académico bajo, siendo las mujeres más susceptibles a sufrir estrés académico


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O propósito do presente estudo de investigação visa compreender o papel do supervisor pedagógico no desempenho e desenvolvimento das competências pedagógicas dos professores em estágio na Formação Inicial de Professores no contexto das modificações implementadas pela reforma educativa. A sua elaboração surge no sentido da constatação, reflexão e compreensão, dos desfasamentos que se encontram entre as teorias propostas e os processos praticados num ambiente de adaptação às mudanças operadas no papel do supervisor e professores supervisionados. Este é um projecto de investigação avaliativa cujo aporte presta-se ao saber e avaliar e não resolver o problema. O estudo é de carácter descritivo e foi realizado, na escola de formação de professores de Benguela – IEFPB – com os professores acompanhantes e professores orientados em estágio no ano lectivo 2015. Optamos predominantemente por uma metodologia quantitativa por meio da aplicação de questionário por inquérito aos professores/supervisores e aos professores/supervisionados e para complementar usamos o método qualitativo por meio da aplicação de entrevistas semiestruturadas dirigidas ao director pedagógico e ao coordenador das práticas pedagógicas. No que tange à ortografia deste trabalho, optamos por não usar o novo acordo ortográfico da língua portuguesa, por não estar em vigor em Angola pelo que usamos ortografia antiga em português europeu.


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[EUS]Unibertsitateko irakasleriaren garapenaren(IG) kontzeptu konprentsibotik abiatuta, doktorego tesi honek iraupen luzeko IG programen inpaktua du aztergai, bai maila indibidualean (kontzepzio eta hurbilketan) eta baita maila organizazional zein instituzionalean ere. Azterketa hau burutzeko metodologia aktiboen (arazoetan, proiektuetan eta kasuetan oinarritutako ikaskuntza) ERAGIN programaren lehendabiziko promozioa hartuko da kasu gisa. Iraupen luzeko estrategiaren (350 ordu) bidez eta ko-mentoria taldeen funtzionamenduan oinarrituz, ikerlan enpirikoak IG-ak irakasleriaren ikas-irakaskuntza kontzepzioetan eta hurbilketan izandako inpaktuaz ageriko ebidentziak ematen ditu, baina baita ikas-irakaskuntzaren inguruan ikertzeko (scholarship of teaching and learning) eta irakaskuntza eremuetan liderra izateko gaitasunaz ere. Honako alderdiok aldaketa organizazionalean murgiltzen gaituzte eta curriculum hibridoaren pausokako gauzapenaren alde lan egiten dute.


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O estágio pedagógico em Educação Física é o momento derradeiro da formação inicial dos professores de Educação Física, surgindo, por isso, como uma etapa fulcral da sua formação, oferecendo ao novo professor, a oportunidade de prática do ensino em contexto real, conjetura essencial para o desenvolvimento das suas competências profissionais. O presente relatório incorpora o relato e a análise reflexiva das experiências vividas ao longo do estágio pedagógico realizado na Escola Básica e Secundária de Gama Barros no ano letivo 2014/2015, e integrado no Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário da Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. O documento apresenta como objetivo a exposição, reflexão e análise das atividades desenvolvidas, dificuldades encontradas, estratégias utilizadas e decisões tomadas no âmbito das diferentes áreas trabalhadas neste processo de formação. Isto é, a organização e gestão do ensino e da aprendizagem (nas dimensões de avaliação, planeamento e condução), a investigação e inovação pedagógica, a participação na escola e, ainda, a relação com a comunidade. Esta análise reflexiva permitiu a avaliação dos fatores que condicionaram o processo, evidenciando as mais-valias deste relatório para a formação do professor enquanto futuro profissional na área disciplinar de Educação Física.


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This report is a summary of the effects of the Michigan Teacher Excellence Program (MITEP) on me as a science educator. The first chapter is a report of an action research project jointly authored with two other science teachers participating in the MITEP program titled “Station Activities and Misconceptions in the Chemistry Classroom.” The second chapter is a reflective essay evaluating the impacts of the MITEP experience on my teaching skills and practice, knowledge of science education and science education research, and leadership skills. The most significant impacts were a dramatic increase in my earth science content knowledge, a deeper understanding of inquiry-based teaching methods, and an expanded professional network of science educators.


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Background First aid given immediately after a motor vehicle crash can have considerable benefits. Less understood however is first aid training as a prevention strategy for reducing risk-taking. A first step is to understand whether first aid skills are associated with risk-taking and injury experiences. Further, students and teachers who undergo or deliver such training offer important perspectives about implementation. Aims The research has two aims: (i) to identify whether first aid knowledge is associated with road risk-taking and injury and (ii) to examine teachers’ and students’ experiences of first aid activities within a school-based injury prevention and control program. Method Participants were 173 Year 9s (47% male) who completed a survey which included demographic information, first aid knowledge and risk-taking behaviour and injury experiences. Focus groups were held with 8 teachers who delivered, and 70 students who participated in, a school-based injury prevention and control program. Results Results showed a relationship between greater first aid knowledge and reduced engagement in risk-taking and injury experiences. Both students and teachers reported favourably on first aid however teachers also acknowledged challenges in delivering practical activities. Discussion & Conclusion It appears that first aid can be implemented within the school setting, particularly at the Year 9 level, and that both students and teachers involved in such training identify multiple benefits and positive experiences with first aid training. In addition, the findings suggest that first aid knowledge could be an important part of a prevention program.


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This paper in the journalism education field reports on the construction of a new subject as part of a postgraduate coursework degree. The subject, or unit1 will offer both Journalism students and other students an introductory experience of creating media, using common ‘new media’ tools, with exercises that will model the learning of communication principles through practice. It has been named ‘Fundamental Media Skills for the Workplace’. The conceptualisation and teaching of it will be characteristic of the Journalism academic discipline that uses the ‘inside perspective’—understanding mass media by observing from within. Proposers for the unit within the Journalism discipline have sought to extend the common teaching approach, based on training to produce start-ready recruits for media jobs, backed by a study of contexts, e.g. journalistic ethics, or media audiences. In this proposal, students would then examine the process to elicit additional knowledge about their learning. The paper draws on literature of journalism and its pedagogy, and on communication generally. It also documents a ‘community of practice’ exercise conducted among practitioners as teachers for the subject, developing exercises and models of media work. A preliminary conclusion from that exercise is that it has taken a step towards enhancing skills-based learning for media work, as a portal to more generalised knowledge.