985 resultados para TECHNICAL TRAINING


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"OE-80022, OE-80025-56."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"July 1993."


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Mode of access: Internet.


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A pesquisa possui como objetivo geral levantar, analisar, quantificar e classificar por níveis de competências quais foram os profissionais recrutados pela Petrobras no período pós-descoberta da camada do pré-sal brasileiro. A pesquisa se justifica pela previsão de crescimento da produção nacional de petróleo e gás natural estimada para os próximos anos o que poderá causar um descompasso entre a oferta e a demanda de mão de obra para o seu desenvolvimento. A abordagem metodológica desenvolvida para realização da pesquisa foi a da pesquisa exploratória, descritiva e documental, através de análise qualitativa e quantitativa longitudinal. Como resultado, a pesquisa revelou que a Petrobras não recruta profissionais para posições de nível gerencial. Os resultados demonstraram ainda que 56,8% das vagas abertas ao recrutamento são destinadas aos profissionais com formação de nível médio e que 76,4porcento das vagas são relacionadas ao processo fabril evidenciando que a Petrobras utiliza como porta de entrada a contratação de profissionais de nível médio com formação técnica. Ao realizar a classificação e qualificação da oferta de vagas abertas ao recrutamento a pesquisa identificou cinco grupos de profissionais distribuídos por três eixos de carreira e quatro níveis salariais que quando categorizados por níveis de competências que foram responsáveis por 69porcento de todas as vagas abertas ao recrutamento. Os dois primeiros grupos em relevância estão relacionados ao eixo de carreira de operações industriais onde o nível superior (O6) e o nível inferior (O1) foram os responsáveis por 22porcento e 21porcento respectivamente do total da oferta de vagas no período. O terceiro grupo em importância diz respeito ao eixo de carreira engenharia, processos e projetos onde os profissionais categorizados com nível médio (E3) numa escala de dois a cinco foram os responsáveis por 13porcento do total de vagas abertas. O quarto e quinto grupos estão relacionados ao eixo de carreira gestão de negócios e categorizados por níveis de competências nos níveis três (G3) e quatro (G4) em uma escala de um a cinco sendo estes responsáveis 7porcento e 6porcento do total de vagas.


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Estudo sobre a comunicação em três organizações não governamentais de Curitiba-PR que se originaram em movimentos sociais, fundadas nas décadas de 1970, 1980 e 1990. Os objetivos da pesquisa compreenderam encontrar técnicas de comunicação utilizadas para se relacionarem com seus públicos e o papel desempenhado pelo comunicador nessas organizações. A metodologia empregada valeu-se de estudo de casos múltiplos, que incluiu como técnicas de busca de dados a pesquisa documental, bibliográfica e a realização entrevistas com líderes, fundadores e comunicadores das organizações estudadas. Como marco teórico buscou-se nos estudos de comunicação popular alternativa o embasamento para situar as análises realizadas. Dentre os resultados alcançados descobriu-se que, timidamente, há um avanço para o uso de técnicas de comunicação profissionalizadas e uma busca por um profissional que detenha a formação técnica, mas que antes de tudo esteja engajado, comprometido com as causas da organização.(AU)


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This research investigates technology transfer (TT) to developing countries, with specific reference to South Africa. Particular attention is paid to physical asset management, which includes the maintenance of plant, equipment and facilities. The research is case based, comprising a main case study (the South African electricity utility, Eskom) and four mini-cases. A five level framework adapted from Salami and Reavill (1997) is used as the methodological basis for the formulation of the research questions. This deals with technology selection, and management issues including implementation and maintenance and evaluation and modifications. The findings suggest the Salami and Reavill (1997) framework is a useful guide for TT. The case organisations did not introduce technology for strategic advantage, but to achieve operational efficiencies through cost reduction, higher quality and the ability to meet customer demand. Acquirers favour standardised technologies with which they are familiar. Cost-benefit evaluations have limited use in technology acquisition decisions. Users rely on supplier expertise to compensate for poor education and technical training in South Africa. The impact of political and economic factors is more evident in Eskom than in the mini-cases. Physical asset management follows traditional preventive maintenance practices, with limited use of new maintenance management thinking. Few modifications of the technology or R&D innovations take place. Little use is made of explicit knowledge from computerised maintenance management systems. Low operating and maintenance skills are not conducive to the transfer of high-technology equipment. South African organisations acquire technology as items of plant, equipment and systems, but limited transfer of technology takes place. This suggests that operators and maintainers frequently do not understand the underlying technology, and like workers elsewhere, are not always inclined towards adopting technology in the workplace.


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Cadbury showed concern for the welfare of its labour force in a variety of ways and not least in the provision of educational and educative-recreational facilities. The firm regarded the education of employees as having a positive effect on the efficiency of the business at the same time as being of benefit to the individual, the local community and the nation. The life-long education of people was seen as essential for personal fulfilament, social improvement, economic competitiveness and the proper functioning of democratic procedures. The educational system built up at Cadbury, and the philosophy on which it was founded, acquired both a domestic and international reputation. Its main components were the day continuation education of juniors; the Bournville Works Evening Institute; vocational and non-vocational scholarships; emphasis on the primary importance of general education as a basis for life, work and technical training; stress on equality of educational opportunity for females; and leisure and sporting amenities which the firm felt to be educative in the sense that they contributed to personal psychological and physical development and social skills. The system was primarily shaped and constructed in the first three decades of the twentieth century and went into decline and eventual demise in the 1960's and 1970's as a result of economic pressures, social changes, enhanced state arrangements for education, shifts in Cadbury management thinking and the merger with Schweppes in 1969.


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This revision guide takes the student pharmacist or pharmacy technician through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. It gives bullet points of basic information on applied pharmacy practice followed by questions and answers. This reference text accompanies the compulsory dispensing courses found in all undergraduate MPharm programmes and equivalent technical training courses. Changes for the new edition include: * Information on revisions to the community pharmacy contract. * Additional content on new advanced community pharmacy services. * Revised worked examples and student questions. * Updated prescription labelling information, including the use of new cautionary and warning labels. * Updated references and bibliography.


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Applied Pharmaceutical Practice is an invaluable resource and will guide the student pharmacist and pharmacy technician through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. As a core reference text, it is ideal as a companion to the compulsory dispensing courses found in all undergraduate MPharm programmes and the equivalent technical training courses. Contents include: •medicines classification and standard operating procedures •NHS supply in the community and within hospitals •non-NHS supply •controlled drugs •emergency supply •patient counselling and communication •poisons and spirits This practical textbook contains useful exercises with an answers section and numerous examples and is written by authors with extensive experience within the field. This is a comprehensive guide through the main stages of pharmaceutical dispensing.The textbook is designed to guide student pharmacists or pharmacy technicians through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. It provides students with a core reference text to accompany the compulsory dispensing course found in all pharmacy undergraduate programmes, highlighting and explaining all key concepts behind the processes involved in pharmaceutical dispensing.


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Applied Pharmaceutical Practice is an invaluable resource and will guide the student pharmacist and pharmacy technician through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. As a core reference text, it is ideal as a companion to the compulsory dispensing courses found in all undergraduate MPharm programmes and the equivalent technical training courses. Contents include: •medicines classification and standard operating procedures •NHS supply in the community and within hospitals •non-NHS supply •controlled drugs •emergency supply •patient counselling and communication •poisons and spirits This practical textbook contains useful exercises with an answers section and numerous examples and is written by authors with extensive experience within the field. This is a comprehensive guide through the main stages of pharmaceutical dispensing.The textbook is designed to guide student pharmacists or pharmacy technicians through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. It provides students with a core reference text to accompany the compulsory dispensing course found in all pharmacy undergraduate programmes, highlighting and explaining all key concepts behind the processes involved in pharmaceutical dispensing.


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This revision guide takes the student pharmacist or pharmacy technician through the main stages involved in pharmaceutical dispensing. It gives bullet points of basic information on applied pharmacy practice followed by questions and answers. This reference text accompanies the compulsory dispensing courses found in all undergraduate MPharm programmes and equivalent technical training courses. Changes for the new edition include: * Information on revisions to the community pharmacy contract. * Additional content on new advanced community pharmacy services. * Revised worked examples and student questions. * Updated prescription labelling information, including the use of new cautionary and warning labels. * Updated references and bibliography.


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The questions of software-based design of “virtual” technical systems are considered as facility of imitation experiment for educational purposes. These virtual systems are usable for analysis of medical intrascopy systems functioning. The virtual educational technical systems allow guarantee the goodness technical training of bioengineers.


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Experiential learning is an important component of undergraduate hospitality programs, but most of the research in this area has focused on administrative and design issues. The author reports on a study undertaken to ascertain student perceptions as they relate to three commonly stated goals of experiential programs: the application of classroom studies, technical training, and management development.


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The thesis deals with the concepts of technical tra ining of middle level adopted by the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of R io Grande do Norte (IFRN). Discusses these concepts from the four political-pedagogical projects built in the period 1970 to 2010, spanning three institutionalities: Federal Technica l School of Rio Grande do Norte (1970- 1998), Federal Center of Technological Education of Rio Grande do Norte (1999-2008) and IFRN (from 2008) as well as three important politic al contexts of the country: Civil-Military Dictatorship, New Republic and Period of neoliberal ideas in Brazil. The goal is to analyze the configuration of the conceptions of training adopte d in the political-pedagogical projects IFRN, with emphasis on the specificities and (dis) contin uities, placing them in the context of political, economic and educational change in development in t he country. Addresses the relationship work, education and human development in capitalist society, in order to grasp the concept of employee training engendered by that company as wel l as the possibility of a counter- hegemonic formation. We analyze the formation of mi d-level concepts outlined in the educational reforms implemented in the country. We investigate the concepts of training outlined in the political-pedagogical projects IFRN . Makes use of the historical-dialectical materialism, the literature review, the documentary research and interviews were conducted with subjects who participated in the working group coordinator of the drafting of the political- institutional educational projects. The results sho w that the training of workers in capitalist society has a unilateral character; that the traini ng required by the working class is the omnilateral training; that the formative ideas that permeated the educational reforms in the country between 1970 and 2010 were all envisaged by unilateral training; that, in certain contexts, conceptions of technical training medium level outlined in the political-pedagogical projects IFRN reflect the formative perspectives th at guide educational reforms in the country (unilateral training) and, at other times, the inst itution adopts concepts (training omnilateral) that are not consistent with such prospects; and th at between the political-pedagogical projects built from 1970 to 2010 there are more continuities than breaks in relation to the concepts of training adopted. We conclude that the challenge is to institutionalize the IFRN their educational actions omnilateral designing training undertaken in the political-pedagogical project 2009.