982 resultados para Suzuki-Miyaura coupling
A series of 2,5-diaryl substituted furans functionalized with several amino acids were synthesized and evaluated as the cyclooxygenases COX-1 and COX-2 enzymes inhibitors. The proline-substituted compound inhibited PGE(2) secretion by LPS-stimulated neutrophils, suggesting selectivity for COX-2. Molecular docking studies in the binding site of COX-2 were performed. (C) 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.
A very fast, easy and efficient synthesis is described for a novel and biologically important class of 1,4-disubstituted-4-(5-pyrrolidin-2-one)-1,2,3-triazoles by an ultrasound-assisted one-pot, three-step click reaction sequence of 5-[(trimethylsilyl)ethynyl]pyrrolidin-2-one with organic azides mediated by catalytic Cu-I salts.
Thiophene oligomers (OTs) and polymers (PTs) are currently attracting remarkable attention as organic materials showing semiconducting, fluorescent, nonlinear optical and liquid crystalline properties. All these properties can be fine-tuned through minor structural modifications. As a consequence, thiophene oligomers and polymers are among the most investigated compounds for applications in organic electronics, optoelectronics and thin film devices such as field effect transistors (FETs), light emitting diodes (LEDs) and photovoltaic devices (PVDs). Our research aims to explore the self-assembly features and the optical, electrical and photovoltaic properties of a class of thiophene based materials so far scarcely investigated, namely that of oligo- and polythiophenes head-to-head substituted with alkyl or S-alkyl chains. In particular, we synthesized these compounds in short reaction times, high yields, high purity and environmentally friendly procedures taking advantage of ultrasound (US) and microwave (MW) enabling technologies in Suzuki-Miyaura cross-couplings.
Discotic hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene (HBC) derivatives have attracted intensive scientific interest due to their unique optoelectronic properties, which depends, to a large extend, upon the attached functional groups. The presented work covers the synthesis of novel HBC building blocks and new HBC derivatives as functional materials. The traditional preparation of HBC derivatives requires elaborate synthetic techniques and tremendous effort. Especially, more than 10 synthetic steps are usually necessary to approach HBCs with lower symmetries. In order to simplify the synthetic work and reduce the high costs, a novel synthetic strategy involving only four steps was developed based on 2,3,5,6-tetraphenyl-1,4-diiodobenzene intermediates and palladium catalyzed Suzuki cross coupling reactions. In order to introduce various functionalities and expand the diversity of multi-functionalizations, a novel C2v-symmetric dihalo HBC building block 2-47, which contains one iodine and one bromine in para positions, was prepared following the traditional intermolecular [4+2] Diels-Alder reaction route. The outstanding chemical selectivity between iodo and bromo groups in this compound consequently leads to lots of HBC derivatives bearing different functionalities. Directly attached heteroatoms will improve the material properties. According to the application of intramolecular Scholl reaction to a para-dimethoxy HPB, which leads to a meta-dimethoxy HBC, a phenomenon of phenyl group migration was discovered. Thereby, several interesting mechanistic details involving arenium cation intermediates were discussed. With a series of dipole functionalized HBCs, the molecular dynamics of this kind of materials was studied in different phases by DSC, 2D WAXD, solid state NMR and dielectric spectroscopies. High charge carrier mobility is an important parameter for a semiconductive material and depends on the degree of intramolecular order of the discotic molecules in thin films for HBC derivatives. Dipole – dipole interaction and hydrogen bonds were respectively introduced in order to achieve highly ordered supramolecular structure. The self-assembly behavior of these materials were investigated both in solution and solid state. Depending upon the different functionalities, these novel materials show either gelating or non-linear optical properties, which consequently broaden their applications as functional materials. In the field of conceivable electronic devices at a molecular level, HBCs hold high promise. Differently functionalized HBCs have been used as active component in the studies of single-molecular CFET and metal-SAMs-metal junctions. The outstanding properties shown in these materials promise their exciting potential applications in molecular devices.
Das Ziel dieser Arbeit bestand zum einen in der Entwicklung einer einfachen Synthesestrategie zur Darstellung substituierter symmetrischer Indolo[3,2-b]carbazole sowie in der Erweiterung des -Elektronensystems, um höhere Analoga dieser Substanzklasse zu synthetisieren. Der Zugang sollte dabei durch eine doppelte Cadogan-Ringschlussreaktion als Schlüsselschritt erfolgen. Die doppelte Cadogan-Reaktion erfolgte dabei unter Mikrowellenbedingungen in zufriedenstellenden Ausbeuten. Mittels Röntgenstrukturanalyse sind die verschiedenen Indolo[3,2-b]carbazole und Diindolo[3,2-b;2´,3´-h]carbazole auf ihre Eigenschaften im Festkörper hin untersucht worden. Dabei zeigen sie mit ihren Anordnungen im festen Zustand gute Eigenschaften für deren Verwendung als organische Halbleitermaterialien in Organischen Dünnschichttransistoren oder auch in Organischen Leuchtdioden. Die photophysikalische Charakterisierung erfolgte mittels UV/Vis- und Fluoreszenzspektroskopie sowie durch elektrooptische Absorptionsmessung, die Informationen über die Größe der Dipolmomente im Grundzustand und im angeregten Franck-Condon-Zustand lieferte. Die elektrochemischen Eigenschaften wurden aus cyclovoltammetrischen Messungen durch die Bestimmung der Redoxpotentiale, und damit die Lage der HOMO- bzw. LUMO-Levels, gewonnen. Durch die Synthese und die Bestimmung ihrer photophysikalischen Eigenschaften, mittels UV/Vis- und Fluoreszenzspektroskopie, von auf Naphthalin basierenden Chromophoren wurden zudem Verbindungen dargestellt, die Verwendung in lumineszierenden Lanthanid(III)-Komplexen finden können. Die Darstellung erfolgte mittels einer palladium-katalysierten Arylaminierung gefolgt von einer Suzuki-Kupplung mit 1,4-Dibromnaphthalin als Startmaterial.
Nell'ultimo decennio sono stati sviluppati numerosi materiali π-coniugati contenenti unità tiofeniche per applicazioni in dispositivi organici a film sottile. Nel campo delle celle solari, la possibilità di creare dispositivi basati sull’utilizzo di materiali organici, rispetto ai dispositivi attualmente in commercio a base di silicio, ha suscitato grande interesse soprattutto per la possibilità di realizzare dispositivi su larga area con basso costo di produzione e su substrati flessibili. Gli oligo- e i politiofeni sono eccellenti candidati grazie alle ottime proprietà di trasporto di carica e alle caratteristiche di assorbimento di luce. In celle solari di tipo Bulk-Heterojunction (BHJ), ad esempio, il poli(3-esiltiofene) è uno tra i materiali più studiati. Ad oggi, con il P3HT sono state raggiunte efficienze certificate superiori all’8%, variando sia parametri dipendenti dalla struttura molecolare, come ad esempio il peso molecolare, la regioregolarità delle catene alchiliche, il grado di polidispersità, il grado di polimerizzazione, sia parametri da cui dipende l’organizzazione della blend donatore-accettore. Per superare l’efficienza di conversione ottenuta con i polimeri classici come il P3HT è necessario progettare e sintetizzare materiali con precise caratteristiche: basso energy gap per aumentare l’assorbimento di luce, elevata mobilità di carica per avere una rapida estrazione delle cariche, posizione ottimale degli orbitali di frontiera per garantire una efficiente dissociazione dell’eccitone ed infine buona solubilità per migliorare la processabilità. Il presente lavoro di tesi si è articolato nei seguenti punti: sintesi di oligo- e politiofeni tioalchil sostituiti con inserzione di unità benzotiadiazolo per massimizzare l’assorbimento ed abbassare il gap energetico; studio dell’effetto della ramificazione del gruppo tioalchilico sull’organizzazione supramolecolare allo stato solido e successiva ottimizzazione della morfologia del film solido variando metodi di deposizione e solventi; applicazione degli oligomeri e dei polimeri sintetizzati come materiali donatori in celle fotovoltaiche di tipo Bulk-Heterojunction in presenza di fenil-C61-butirrato di metile (PCBM) come materiale accettore.
L’oggetto della presente tesi di laurea magistrale consiste nello studio di polimeri coniugati nella catena principale, per una loro applicazione come materiali fotoattivi in celle fotovoltaiche. In particolare, sono stati sintetizzati e caratterizzati politiofeni tioalchil sostituiti, funzionalizzati in posizione 3-3' con catene alchiliche di diversa lunghezza e grado di ramificazione (tra cui una chirale), al fine di studiarne l'effetto sulle proprietà ottiche ed elettriche del materiale. I polimeri ottenuti sono stati caratterizzati mediante tecniche spettroscopiche (1H-NMR, UV-PL), cromatografia a permeazione su gel (GPC), analisi termiche (DSC, TGA) e misure elettrochimiche (voltammetria ciclica). Il comportamento chiro-ottico del campione chirale è stato inoltre valutato tramite misure di dicroismo circolare. Si è infine testata l’efficienza delle celle fotovoltaiche ottenute utilizzando i polimeri sintetizzati come materiale fotoattivo.
Los carbenos, conocidos como intermedios lábiles de reacción debido a su alta reactividad, son un grupo de compuestos con propiedades muy interesantes. Su uso está extendido en química organometálica, puesto que la mayoría de aplicaciones de estas especies implican su coordinación con metales de transición para formar complejos metal-carbeno. Existen diferentes tipos que de complejos en base a su configuración electrónica y los sustituyentes presentes en la molécula. Uno de los grupos de carbenos con mayor interés en catálisis organometálica son los complejos derivados de carbenos N-heterocíclicos (NHC). Entre ellos se encuentran los carbenos normales (nNHC), los anormales (aNHC) y los mesoiónicos (MIC). Cada uno de estos tipos presenta propiedades físicas y químicas diferentes, debido a la diferente disposición de los heteroátomos y el modo de enlace en la estructura. Los complejos metal-carbeno mesoiónicos están empezando a usarse en catálisis homogénea por su facilidad de formación y su alta estabilidad en condiciones normales de reacción. Además, se ha probado su utilidad como catalizadores de reacciones orgánicas en medios no convencionales, tales como el agua. Entre los medios no convencionales que pueden ser utilizados para llevar a cabo reacciones en condiciones más benignas para el medio ambiente, se encuentran los disolventes eutécticos (DES). Estos disolventes son formados a partir de la mezcla de dos sólidos, una sal cuaternaria (HBA) y una especie donante de hidrógenos (HBD), que dan lugar una disolución líquida a temperatura ambiente. Las propiedades de esta mezcla eutéctica se pueden ajustar en función de la relación HBA/HBD, con el fin de adaptarse a diferentes tipos de reacciones orgánicas. En este trabajo se estudia la reacción de Suzuki-Miyaura, un acoplamiento cruzado de dos especies orgánicas, tanto en agua como en un líquido eutéctico usando un complejo derivado de una carbeno mesoiónico, obteniéndose un mejor rendimiento de la reacción en el disolvente eutéctico. Además, el uso de un DES como medio de reacción permitiría recuperar el catalizador utilizado en la reacción, de modo que se reduciría el número de residuos generados en el proceso.
The work described in this thesis revolves around the 1,1,n,ntetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes, which are a series of [n]cyclophanes with a severely bent, board-shaped polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH). The thesis is divided into seven Chapters. The first Chapter conatins an overview of the seminal work on [n]cyclophanes of the first two members of the “capped rylene” series of PAHs: benzene and pyrene. Three different general strategies for the synthesis of [n]cyclophanes are discussed and this leads in to a discussion of some slected syntheses of [n]paracyclopahnes and [n](2,7)pyrenophanes. The chemical, structural, spectroscopic and photophysical properties of these benzene and pyrene-derived cyclophanes are discussed with emphasis on the changes that occur with changes in the structure of the aromatic system. Chapter 1 concludes with a brief introduction to [n]cyclophanes of the fourth member of the capped rylene series of PAHs: teropyrene. The focus of the work described in Chapter 2 is the synthesis of of 1,1,n,ntetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophane (n = 6 and 7) using a double-McMurry strategy. While the synthesis 1,1,7,7-tetramethyl[7](2,11)teropyrenophane was successful, the synthesis of the lower homologue 1,1,6,6-tetramethyl[6](2,11)teropyrenophane was not. The conformational behaviour of [n.2]pyrenophanes was also studied by 1H NMR spectroscopy and this provided a conformation-based rationale for the failure of the synthesis of 1,1,6,6-tetramethyl[6](2,11)teropyrenophane. Chapter 3 contains details of the synthesis of 1,1,n,n-tetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes (n = 7-9) using a Wurtz / McMurry strategy, which proved to be more general than the double McMurry strategy. The three teropyrenophanes were obtained in ca. 10 milligram quantities. Trends in the spectroscopic properties that accompany changes in the structure of the teropyrene system are discussed. A violation of Kasha’s rule was observed when the teropyrenophanes were irradiated at 260 nm. The work described in the fourth Chapter concentrates on the development of gram-scale syntheses of 1,1,n,n-tetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes (n = 7–10) using the Wurtz / McMurry strategy. Several major modifications to the orginal synthetic pathway had to be made to enable the first several steps to be performed comfortably on tens of grams of material. Solubility problems severely limited the amount of material that could be produced at a late stage of the synthetic pathways leading to the evennumbered members of the series (n = 8, 10). Ultimately, only 1,1,9,9- tetramethyl[9](2,11)teropyrenophane was synthesized on a multi-gram scale. In the final step in the synthesis, a valence isomerization / dehydrogenation (VID) reaction, the teropyrenophane was observed to become unstable under the conditions of its formation at n = 8. The synthesis of 1,1,10,10-tetramethyl[10](2,11)teropyrenophane was achieved for the first time, but only on a few hundred milligram scale. In Chapter 5, the results of an investigation of the electrophilic aromatic bromination of the 1,1,n,n-tetramethyl[n](2,11)teropyrenophanes (n = 7–10) are presented. Being the most abundant cyclophane, most of the work was performed on 1,1,9,9-tetramethyl[9](2,11)teropyrenophane. Reaction of this compound with varying amounts of of bromine revealed that bromination occurs most rapidly at the symmetryrelated 4, 9, 13 and 18 positions (teropyrene numbering) and that the 4,9,13,18- tetrabromide could be formed exclusively. Subsequent bromination occurs selectively on the symmetry-related 6, 7, 15 and 16 positions (teropyrene numbering), but considerably more slowly. Only mixtures of penta-, hexa-, hepta and octabromides could be formed. Bromination reactions of the higher and lower homologues (n = 7, 8 and 10) revealed that the reactivity of the teropyrene system increased with the degree of bend. Crystal structures of some tetra-, hexa-, hepta- and octa-brominated products were obtained. The goal of the work described in Chapter 6 is to use 1,1,9,9- tetramethyl[9](2,11)teropyrenophane as a starting material for the synthesis of warped nanographenophanes. A bromination, Suzuki-Miyaura, cyclodehydrogenation sequence was unsuccessful, as was a C–H arylation / cyclodehydrogenation approach. Itami’s recently-developed K-region-selective annulative -extension (APEX) reaction proved to be successful, affording a giant [n]cyclophane with a C84 PAH. Attempted bay-region Diels-Alder reactions and some cursory host-guest chemistry of teropyrenophanes are also discussed. In Chapter 7 a synthetic approach toward a planar model compound, 2,11-di-tbutylteropyrene, is described. The synthesis could not be completed owing to solubility problems at the end of the synthetic pathway.
Reaction of salicylaldehyde semicarbazone (L-1), 2-hydroxyacetophenone semicarbazone (L-2), and 2-hydroxynaphthaldehyde semicarbazone (L-3) with [Pd(PPh3)(2)Cl-2] in ethanol in the presence of a base (NEt3) affords a family of yellow complexes (1a, 1b and 1c, respectively). In these complexes the semicarbazone ligands are coordinated to palladium in a rather unusual tridentate ONN-mode, and a PPh3 also remains coordinated to the metal center. Crystal structures of the 1b and 1c complexes have been determined, and structure of 1a has been optimized by a DFT method. In these complexes two potential donor sites of the coordinated semicarbazone, viz. the hydrazinic nitrogen and carbonylic oxygen, remain unutilized. Further reaction of these palladium complexes (1a, 1b and 1c) with [Ru(PPh3)(2)(CO)(2)Cl-2] yields a family of orange complexes (2a, 2b and 2c, respectively). In these heterodinuclear (Pd-Ru) complexes, the hydrazinic nitrogen (via dissociation of the N-H proton) and the carbonylic oxygen from the palladium-containing fragment bind to the ruthenium center by displacing a chloride and a carbonyl. Crystal structures of 2a and 2c have been determined, and the structure of 2b has been optimized by a DFT method. All the complexes show characteristic H-1 NMR spectra and, intense absorptions in the visible and ultraviolet region. Cyclic voltammetry on all the complexes shows an irreversible oxidation of the coordinated semicarbazone within 0.86-0.93 V vs. SCE, and an irreversible reduction of the same ligand within -0.96 to -1.14 V vs. SCE. Both the mononuclear (1a, 1b and 1c) and heterodinuclear (2a, 2b and 2c) complexes are found to efficiently catalyze Suzuki, Heck and Sonogashira type C-C coupling reactions utilizing a variety of aryl bromides and aryl chlorides. The Pd-Ru complexes (2a, 2b and 2c) are found to be better catalysts than the Pd complexes (1a, 1b and 1c) for Suzuki and Heck coupling reactions.
Reaction of the 4-R-benzaldehyde thiosemicarbazones (denoted in general as L-R; R = OCH(3), CH(3), H, Cl and NO(2)) with trans-[Pd(PPh(3))(2)Cl(2)] afforded a group of mixed-ligand complexes (denoted in general as 1-R) incorporating a N,S-coordinated thiosemicarbazone. a triphenylphosphine and a chloride. Similar reaction with Na(2)[PdCl(4)] afforded a family of bis-thiosemicarbazone complexes (denoted in general as 2-R), where each ligand is N,S-coordinated. Crystal structures of 1-CH(3), 1-NO(2), 2-OCH(3), 2-NO(2) and L-NO(2) have been determined. In all the complexes the thiosemicarbazones are coordinated to the metal center, via dissociation of the acidic proton, as bidentate N,S-donors forming five-membered chelate rings. With reference to the structure of the uncoordinated thiosemicarbazone, this coordination mode is associated with a conformational change around the C=N bond. All the 1-R and 2-R complexes display intense absorptions in the visible region. Catalytic activity of the 1-R and 2-R complexes towards some C-C coupling reactions (e.g. Suzuki, Heck and Sonogashira) has been examined and while both are found to be efficient catalysts, 1-R is much better catalyst than 2-R.
As amidas constituem uma classe de moléculas com amplo perfil farmacológico e que despertam atenção também pela capacidade de coordenar metais de transição. Esta proposta de trabalho compreende, inicialmente, a síntese de 3 ligantes bis-amidas simétricas tendo como reagentes de partida etilenodiamina, orto-fenilenodiamina, salicilato de metila e cloreto de benzoíla. Esses compostos foram caracterizados por espectroscopia no infravermelho (IV), ressonância magnética nuclear de hidrogênio (RMN 1H) e difração de raios X em monocristal (DRX). Após sintetizar e caracterizar esses compostos, a outra etapa do trabalho foi a utilização dessas bis-amidas como ligante na reação catalítica de acoplamento Suzuki. O sistema catalítico otimizado à base destes ligantes na presença de paládio, foi capaz de promover a formação de bifenilas com rendimentos superiores a 90% à temperatura de 50 °C e tempo reacional de 1 h. Este sistema se mostrou eficiente para reagentes com diversos grupos substituintes (eletroretiradores e eletrodoadores) nos anéis aromáticos dos haletos de arila e ácidos arilborônicos.
We investigate synchronization in a Kuramoto-like model with nearest neighbor coupling. Upon analyzing the behavior of individual oscillators at the onset of complete synchronization, we show that the time interval between bursts in the time dependence of the frequencies of the oscillators exhibits universal scaling and blows up at the critical coupling strength. We also bring out a key mechanism that leads to phase locking. Finally, we deduce forms for the phases and frequencies at the onset of complete synchronization.
Oscillator networks have been developed in order to perform specific tasks related to image processing. Here we analytically investigate the existence of synchronism in a pair of phase oscillators that are short-range dynamically coupled. Then, we use these analytical results to design a network able of detecting border of black-and-white figures. Each unit composing this network is a pair of such phase oscillators and is assigned to a pixel in the image. The couplings among the units forming the network are also dynamical. Border detection emerges from the network activity.