997 resultados para Strain-gauge


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L’atteinte de la fonction endothéliale représente une phase précoce de l’athérosclérose, un stade où les patients sont généralement asymptomatiques. Il existe donc un intérêt certain à détecter la dysfonction endothéliale. Nous avons développé une technique de mesure des variations de flot artériel au niveau des membres supérieurs, basée sur la spectroscopie proche infrarouge (NIRS). Cette approche permettrait d’étudier le niveau d’atteinte vasculaire et probablement de quantifier le degré de dysfonction endothéliale périphérique lors d’une hyperémie réactive. L'expérience a été exécutée sur deux cohortes de 13 et de 15 patients et a été comparée à la pléthysmographie par jauge de contrainte (SGP) qui est considérée comme une méthode de référence. Par la suite, nous avons caractérisé la réponse endothéliale par modélisation de la courbe hyperémique du flot artériel. Des études préliminaires avaient démontré que la réponse hyperémique adoptait majoritairement une forme bi-modale. Nous avons tenté de séparer les composantes endothéliales-dépendantes et endothéliales-indépendantes de l’hyperémie. La quantification des deux composantes de la réaction hyperémique permet de calculer un indice de la ‘santé’ du système endothélial local. Cet indice est nommé le ηfactor. Les résultats montrent une forte corrélation des mesures de flots entre la technique développée et la méthode de référence (r=0.91). Nous avons conclu que NIRS est une approche précise pour la mesure non-invasive du flot artériel. Nous avons obtenu une bonne répétabilité (ICC = 0.9313) pour le ηfactor indiquant sa robustesse. Cependant des études supplémentaires sont nécessaires pour valider la valeur de diagnostic du facteur défini. Mots clés: hyperémie réactive, réponse myogénique, oxyde nitrique, athérosclérose, spectroscopie proche infrarouge


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Les maladies cardio-vasculaires demeurent une cause majeure de mortalité et morbidité dans les sociétés développées. La recherche de déterminants prédictifs d’évènements vasculaires représente toujours un enjeu d’actualité face aux coûts croissants des dépenses reliées aux soins médicaux et à l’élargissement des populations concernées, notamment face à l’occidentalisation des pays émergeants comme l’Inde, le Brésil et la Chine. La cardiologie nucléaire occupe depuis trente ans, une place essentielle dans l’arsenal des méthodes diagnostiques et pronostiques des cardiopathies. De plus, de nouvelles percées permettront de dépister d’une façon plus précoce et précise, la maladie athérosclérotique cardiaque et périphérique chez les populations atteintes ainsi qu’en prévention primaire. Nous présenterons dans cette thèse, deux approches nouvelles de la cardiologie nucléaire. La dysfonction endothéliale est considérée comme le signal pathologique le plus précoce de l’athérosclérose. Les facteurs de risques cardiovasculaires traditionnels atteignent la fonction endothéliale et peuvent initier le processus d’athérosclérose même en l’absence de lésion endothéliale physique. La quantification de la fonction endothéliale coronarienne comporte donc un intérêt certain comme biomarqueur précoce de la maladie coronarienne. La pléthysmographie isotopique, méthodologie développée lors de ce cycle d’étude, permet de quantifier la fonction endothéliale périphérique, cette dernière étant corrélée à la fonction endothéliale coronarienne. Cette méthodologie est démontrée dans le premier manuscrit (Harel et. al., Physiol Meas., 2007). L’utilisation d’un radiomarquage des érythrocytes permet la mesure du flot artériel au niveau du membre supérieur pendant la réalisation d’une hyperémie réactive locale. Cette nouvelle procédure a été validée en comparaison à la pléthysmographie par jauge de contrainte sur une cohorte de 26 patients. Elle a démontré une excellente reproductibilité (coefficient de corrélation intra-classe = 0.89). De plus, la mesure du flot artérielle pendant la réaction hyperémique corrélait avec les mesure réalisées par la méthode de référence (r=0.87). Le deuxième manuscrit expose les bases de la spectroscopie infrarouge comme méthodologie de mesure du flot artériel et quantification de la réaction hyperémique (Harel et. al., Physiol Meas., 2008). Cette étude utilisa un protocole de triples mesures simultanées à l’aide de la pléthysmographie par jauge de contrainte, radio-isotopique et par spectroscopie infrarouge. La technique par spectroscopie fut démontrée précise et reproductible quant à la mesure des flots artériels au niveau de l’avant-bras. Cette nouvelle procédure a présenté des avantages indéniables quant à la diminution d’artéfact et à sa facilité d’utilisation. Le second volet de ma thèse porte sur l’analyse du synchronisme de contraction cardiaque. En effet, plus de 30% des patients recevant une thérapie de resynchronisation ne démontre pas d’amélioration clinique. De plus, ce taux de non-réponse est encore plus élevé lors de l’utilisation de critères morphologiques de réponse à la resynchronisation (réduction du volume télésystolique). Il existe donc un besoin urgent de développer une méthodologie de mesure fiable et précise de la dynamique cardiaque. Le troisième manuscrit expose les bases d’une nouvelle technique radio-isotopique permettant la quantification de la fraction d’éjection du ventricule gauche (Harel et. al. J Nucl Cardiol., 2007). L’étude portant sur 202 patients a démontré une excellente corrélation (r=0.84) avec la méthode de référence (ventriculographie planaire). La comparaison avec le logiciel QBS (Cedar-Sinai) démontrait un écart type du biais inférieur (7.44% vs 9.36%). De plus, le biais dans la mesure ne démontrait pas de corrélation avec la magnitude du paramètre pour notre méthodologie, contrairement au logiciel alterne. Le quatrième manuscrit portait sur la quantification de l’asynchronisme intra-ventriculaire gauche (Harel et. al. J Nucl Cardiol, 2008). Un nouveau paramètre tridimensionnel (CHI: contraction homogeneity index) (médiane 73.8% ; IQ 58.7% - 84.9%) permis d’intégrer les composantes d’amplitude et du synchronisme de la contraction ventriculaire. La validation de ce paramètre fut effectuée par comparaison avec la déviation standard de l’histogramme de phase (SDΦ) (médiane 28.2º ; IQ 17.5º - 46.8º) obtenu par la ventriculographie planaire lors d’une étude portant sur 235 patients. Ces quatre manuscrits, déjà publiés dans la littérature scientifique spécialisée, résument une fraction des travaux de recherche que nous avons effectués durant les trois dernières années. Ces travaux s’inscrivent dans deux axes majeurs de développement de la cardiologie du 21ième siècle.


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An experimental and theoretical comparison is made of force control performance with different types of innerloop joint servoing techniques. The problem of disturbance rejection and sensitivity to plant dynamics variations (robustness) is addressed. Position, velocity, strain gauge derived joint torque, and current servos are designed and implemented on a specially instrumented industrial robot, and the end-effector force feedback performances achieved are compared. Joint strain derived torque servoing is found to provide the best overall robust force control performance. Experimental results of the robust hard-on-hard contact achieved with the novel force controller implementation based on joint torque sensing are provided. Conclusions are drawn on the force control performance achievable on a geared robot given the joint servoing technique.


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A force model was developed for crankshaft pin grinding to predict the forces generated during grinding. The force model developed builds on the authors’ previously developed model, which predicted the out-of-roundness in crankshaft pin grinding. The model includes key grinding variables, such as the work removal parameter (WRP), system sti€ ness and Young’s modulus to determine the end forces produced. The model also includes the important geometrical relationships that are unique to this type of grinding. The model was veriŽ ed using an experiential set-up involving sophisticated strain gauge force measurements on a commercial Landis CP grinding machine, with close correlation between the results and the model.


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Acceptable reliability of normalisation contractions in electromyography (EMG) is paramount for testing conducted over a number of days or if normal laboratory strength testing equipment is unavailable. This study examined the reliability of maximal voluntary isometric contractions (MVIC) and sub-maximal (60%) isometric contractions for use in neck muscle EMG studies. Surface EMG was recorded bilaterally from eight sites around the neck at C4/5 level from five healthy male subjects. Subjects performed MVIC and sub-maximal normalisation contractions using an isokinetic dynamometer (ID) and a portable cable dynamometer with attached strain gauge (PCD) in addition to a MVIC against a manual resistance (MR). Subjects were tested in flexion, extension, left and right lateral bending and were retested by the same tester within a two-week period. Intra class correlation co-efficients (ICC) were calculated for each testing method and contraction direction and a mean ICC was calculated across all contraction directions. All normalisation methods produced excellent within-day reliability (mean ICC >0.80) but only the MVICs using the ID and PCD had acceptable reliability when assessed between-days. This study confirmed the validity of using MVICs elicited using the ID and PCD as reliable reference contractions for the normalisation of neck EMG.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the setting time and the thermal expansion coefficient of 2 endodontic cements, MTA-Angelus and a novel cement called CER. The setting time was determined in accordance to ANSI/ADA specifications no. 57. Three samples of 10 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness were prepared for each cement. The thermal expansion measurements were performed by strain gauge technique. Four samples of each cement were prepared using silicone rings of 5 mm diameter and 2 mm thickness. The data were analyzed statistically using the Student t test. The setting time obtained for the MTA-Angelus and CER cements was 15 (SD 1) min and 7 (SD 1) min, respectively. The linear coefficient of thermal expansion was 8.86 (SD 0.28) mu strain/degrees C for MTA-Angelus and 11.76 (SD 1.20) mu strain/degrees C for CER. The statistical analysis showed significant difference (P < .05) in the setting time and linear coefficient of thermal expansion between the 2 cements. The CER cement has a coefficient of expansion similar to dentin, which could contribute to a decrease of microleakage degree.


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The application of engineering knowledge in dentistry has helped the understanding of biomechanics aspects related to osseointegrated implants. Several techniques have been used to evaluate the biomechanical load oil implants comprising the use of photoelastic stress analysis, finite element stress analysis, and strain-gauge analysis. Therefore, the purpose of this Study was to describe engineering methods used in dentistry to evaluate the biomechanical behavior of osseointegrated implants. Photoelasticity provides good qualitative information oil the overall location and concentration of stresses but produces limited quantitative information. The method serves as ail important tool for determining the critical stress points in a material and is often used for determining stress concentration factors in irregular geometries. The application of strain-gauge method oil dental implants is based oil the use of electrical resistance strain gauges and its associated equipment and provides both in vitro and vivo measurements strains under static and dynamic loads. However, strain-gauge method provides only the data regarding strain at the gauge. Finite element analysis can Simulate stress using a computer-created model to calculate stress, strain, and displacement. Such analysis has the advantage of allowing several conditions to be changed easily and allows measurement of stress distribution around implants at optional points that are difficult to examine clinically All the 3 methodologies call be useful to evaluate biomechanical implant behavior close to the clinical condition but the researcher should have enough knowledge in model fabrication (experimental delineation) and results analysis.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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A pressure analgesiometric device was developed for unrestrained cats. Eleven cats were studied. Stimulation was via three rounded pins within a bracelet on the forearm. The pins were advanced by manual bladder inflation. Bladder pressure was measured using a strain gauge pressure transducer. The threshold was recorded at the behavioural end point. Thresholds were measured at 5 and 15 min intervals for 2-4 h, after removal/replacement of the cuff, for 120 min after SC butorphanol (0.4 mg/kg), and with mild skin inflammation at the testing site. Data were analysed using ANOVA. Pressure thresholds in untreated cats were around 150 mmHg. The minimum interval for testing was established as 15 min. Data were reproducible over 4 h and beyond 24 h. Thresholds in 5 cats increased (P < 0.05) above baseline for 45 min after butorphanol with a maximum increase of 270 +/- 182 mmHg at 10 min. Thresholds decreased with inflammation. The method appears suitable for feline analgesia investigations. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A 1000-kgf resistive strain-gauge load cell has been developed for quality testing of rocket propellant grain. A 7075-T6 aluminum alloy has been used for the elastic column, in which 8 uniaxial, 120-Ω strain gauges have been bonded and connected to form a full Wheatstone bridge to detect the strain. The chosen geometry makes the transducer insensitive to moments and, also, to the temperature. Experimental tests using a universal testing machine to imposed compression force to the load cell have demonstrated that its behavior is linear, with sensitivity of 2.90 μV/kgf ± 0.34%, and negligible hysteresis. The designed force transducer response to a dynamic test has been comparable to that of a commercial load cell. © 2005 IEEE.


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Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the accuracy of two working cast fabrication techniques using strain-gauge analysis. Methods: Two working cast fabrication methods were evaluated. Based on a master model, 20 working casts were fabricated by means of an indirect impression technique using polyether after splinting the square transfer copings with acrylic resin. Specimens were assigned to 2 groups (n=10): Group A (GA): type IV dental stone was poured around the abutment analogs in the conventional way; Group B (GB), the dental stone was poured in two stages. Spacers were used over the abutment analogs (rubber tubes) and type IV dental stone was poured around the abutment analogs in the conventional way. After the stone had hardened completely, the spacers were removed and more stone was inserted in the spaces created. Six strain-gauges (Excel Ltd.), positioned in a cast bar, which was dimensionally accurate (perfect fit) to the master model, recorded the microstrains generated by each specimen. Data were analyzed statistically by the variance analysis (ANOVA) and Tukey's test (α= 5%). Results: The microstrain values (με) were (mean±SD): GA: 263.7±109.07με, and GB: 193.73±78.83με. Conclusion: There was no statistical difference between the two methods studied.


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Studies on the distribution of plantar pressure between the sole of the foot and the ground were developed before the 19th century. Currently, the most often employed plantar pressure measurement systems are Pedar® and FScan®, which have restrictions such as operational difficulty and high cost. In the present study, a device was constructed from two pressure plates capable of measuring plantar forces in discreet areas of the feet at a low cost, using strain-gages attached to sixteen strategic points of the mechanical elements. Sixteen prismatic beams were soldered to each frame, for which the free extremity of each beam represented a specific point of the foot. Two strain gauges were attached to each beam - one near the upper fixed extremity and the other near the lower fixed extremity. Using a Wheatstone bridge electric circuit, the gauges were used to measure the force acting on the extremity of the beam. Precision and accuracy of the prototype was about 10%. In some measurements, accuracy was 2%. The low precision and accuracy were mainly due to the restrictions of the available equipment, which only permitted four measurements at a time. Thus, it was necessary for participants to stand on the plates four separate times, which signified possible changes in the position of the feet on the pressure plates. Despite some limitations, the aim was achieved. The prototype has been used in some studies and represents a contribution to biomechanics, demonstrating the viability of using strain gauges.


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the aim of this study was to validate the Alternate Current Biosusceptometry (ACB) for monitoring gastric contractions in rats. In vitro data were obtained to establish the relationship between ACB and the strain-gauge (SG) signal amplitude. In vivo experiments were performed on rats with magnetic markers and SGs previously implanted under the gastric serosa. The effects of the prandial state in gastric motility profiles were obtained. The correlation between in vitro signal amplitudes was strong (R = 0.989). The temporal cross-correlation between the ACB and SG signal amplitude was higher in the postprandial than in the fasting state. Irregular signal profiles, low contraction amplitudes, and smaller signal-to-noise ratios explained the poor correlation for fasting-state recordings. The contraction frequencies using ACB were 0.068 ± 0.007 Hz (postprandial) and 0.058 ± 0.007 Hz (fasting) and those using SG were 0.066 ± 0.006 Hz (postprandial) and 0.059 ± 0.008 Hz (fasting) (P < 0.003). When a magnetic tracer was ingested, there was a strong correlation and a small phasedifference between techniques. We conclude that ACB provides an accurate and sensitive technique for studies of GI motility in the rat. © 2010 IEEE.