933 resultados para Statistical factora analysis


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Mestrado em Engenharia Química


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Applications with soft real-time requirements can benefit from code mobility mechanisms, as long as those mechanisms support the timing and Quality of Service requirements of applications. In this paper, a generic model for code mobility mechanisms is presented. The proposed model gives system designers the necessary tools to perform a statistical timing analysis on the execution of the mobility mechanisms that can be used to determine the impact of code mobility in distributed real-time applications.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática


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Companhia das Quintas, Limited Company wishes to conquer the Chinese market with its wines. For that, it decided to enter in a partnership with a local importer and distributor. This project analyses the macroeconomic factors of the country, the local market and the consumer behavior, using on-site research that included interviews with professionals of the industry, unstructured observation of the consumer and existing statistical data analysis. Finally, the project presents a marketing plan to make this partnership a success.


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The purpose of this study is to explore the humorous side of television advertisement and its impact on Portuguese consumers’ hearts, minds and wallets. Both qualitative (through in-depth interviews) and quantitative (through an on-line survey and subsequent statistical data analysis) methods were used, guaranteeing a more consistent, strong and valid research. Twenty-five interviews with randomly chosen consumers were conducted face-to-face and three interviews via e-mail with marketers and television advertisers were performed in order to explore profoundly the subject. Moreover, 360 people have answered the on-line survey. Through the analysis of the data collected humor perception was found to be positively correlated with persuasion and intention to purchase the product; intention to share the advert; message comprehension; product liking and development of positive feelings towards the brand and brand credibility variables. The main implication of these findings relies on the fact that humor in advertising is able to boost its effectiveness.


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High levels of marine salt deposition present in coastal areas have a relevant effect on road runoff characteristics. This study assesses this effect with the purpose of identifying the relationships between monitored water quality parameters and intrinsic site variables. To achieve this objective, an extensive monitoring program was conducted on a Portuguese coastal highway. The study included 30 rainfall events, in different weather, traffic, and salt deposition conditions. The evaluations of various water quality parameters were carried out in over 200 samples. In addition, the meteorological, hydrological, and traffic parameters were continuously measured. The salt deposition rates were determined by means of a wet candle device, which is an innovative feature of the monitoring program. The relation between road runoff pollutants and independent variables associated with weather, traffic, and salt deposition conditions was assessed. Significant correlations among pollutants were observed. A high salinity concentration and its influence on the road runoff were confirmed. Furthermore, the concentrations of the most relevant pollutants seemed to be very dependent on some meteorological variables, particularly the duration of the antecedent dry period prior to each rainfall event and the average wind speed.


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A perda auditiva por exposição ao ruído é um problema de saúde ocupacional, não reconhecido nas escolas de música. Em Portugal, a legislação relativa a ruído ocupacional não possui indicações específicas para músicos, existindo apenas um código de conduta europeu, proveniente da Diretiva 2003/10/CE que estabelece as orientações gerais relativas a como devem ser protegidos do ruído músicos e trabalhadores de setores de entretenimento. Avaliou-se o nível sonoro contínuo equivalente (LAeq), individualmente no decorrer das atividades letivas, o que permitiu determinar o nível exposição pessoal diária ao ruído (Lex,8h) de 20 docentes de música. Paralelamente, os docentes preencheram um questionário relativo a fatores intrínsecos e individuais e todos efetuaram audiogramas tonais simples. Os dados recolhidos foram estatisticamente tratados através do programa Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) versão 21. Existem atividades letivas que implicam níveis de exposição pessoal diária ao ruído superiores ao nível de ação inferior (25%), pelo que se devem adotar medidas para sensibilizar e alertar os docentes para a adoção de medidas de proteção. A atividade dos docentes expostos a níveis de exposição pessoal diária mais elevados correspondeu a aulas de grupo e a aulas individuais, com utilização de instrumentos musicais direcionais. A manifestação de sintomatologia relevante relativa a perda auditiva (audição de zumbidos, dificuldades de perceção do diálogo e dificuldade em adormecer) e a evolução da surdez profissional, não parecem estar diretamente relacionadas com os níveis de exposição pessoal diária ao ruído nem atividades com exposição ao ruído desenvolvidas nos tempos livres.


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Spatial heterogeneity, spatial dependence and spatial scale constitute key features of spatial analysis of housing markets. However, the common practice of modelling spatial dependence as being generated by spatial interactions through a known spatial weights matrix is often not satisfactory. While existing estimators of spatial weights matrices are based on repeat sales or panel data, this paper takes this approach to a cross-section setting. Specifically, based on an a priori definition of housing submarkets and the assumption of a multifactor model, we develop maximum likelihood methodology to estimate hedonic models that facilitate understanding of both spatial heterogeneity and spatial interactions. The methodology, based on statistical orthogonal factor analysis, is applied to the urban housing market of Aveiro, Portugal at two different spatial scales.


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The aim of this study was to analyze the associations of plasma aldosterone and plasma renin activity with the metabolic syndrome and each of its components. We analyzed data from a family based study in the Seychelles made up of 356 participants (160 men and 196 women) from 69 families of African descent. In multivariable models, plasma aldosterone was associated positively (P < 0.05) with blood pressure in older individuals (interaction with age, P < 0.05) and with waist circumference in men (interaction with sex, P < 0.05) and negatively with high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, in particular in individuals with elevated urinary potassium excretion (interaction with urinary potassium, P < 0.05); plasma renin activity was significantly associated with triglycerides and fasting blood glucose. Plasma aldosterone, but not plasma renin activity, was associated with the metabolic syndrome per se, independently of the association with its separate components. The observation that plasma renin activity was associated with some components of the metabolic syndrome, whereas plasma aldosterone was associated with other components of the metabolic syndrome, suggests different underlying mechanisms. These findings reinforce previous observations suggesting that aldosterone is associated with several cardiovascular risk factors and also suggest that aldosterone might contribute to the increased cardiovascular disease risk in individuals of African descent with the metabolic syndrome.


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Until now, mortality atlases have been static. Most of them describe the geographical distribution of mortality using count data aggregated over time and standardized mortality rates. However, this methodology has several limitations. Count data aggregated over time produce a bias in the estimation of death rates. Moreover, this practice difficult the study of temporal changes in geographical distribution of mortality. On the other hand, using standardized mortality hamper to check differences in mortality among groups. The Interactive Mortality Atlas in Andalusia (AIMA) is an alternative to conventional static atlases. It is a dynamic Geographical Information System that allows visualizing in web-site more than 12.000 maps and 338.00 graphics related to the spatio-temporal distribution of the main death causes in Andalusia by age and sex groups from 1981. The objective of this paper is to describe the methods used for AIMA development, to show technical specifications and to present their interactivity. The system is available from the link products in www.demap.es. AIMA is the first interactive GIS that have been developed in Spain with these characteristics. Spatio-temporal Hierarchical Bayesian Models were used for statistical data analysis. The results were integrated into web-site using a PHP environment and a dynamic cartography in Flash. Thematic maps in AIMA demonstrate that the geographical distribution of mortality is dynamic, with differences among year, age and sex groups. The information nowadays provided by AIMA and the future updating will contribute to reflect on the past, the present and the future of population health in Andalusia.


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INTRODUCTION According to several series, hospital hyponutrition involves 30-50% of hospitalized patients. The high prevalence justifies the need for early detection from admission. There several classical screening tools that show important limitations in their systematic application in daily clinical practice. OBJECTIVES To analyze the relationship between hyponutrition, detected by our screening method, and mortality, hospital stay, or re-admissions. To analyze, as well, the relationship between hyponutrition and prescription of nutritional support. To compare different nutritional screening methods at admission on a random sample of hospitalized patients. Validation of the INFORNUT method for nutritional screening. MATERIAL AND METHODS In a previous phase from the study design, a retrospective analysis with data from the year 2003 was carried out in order to know the situation of hyponutrition in Virgen de la Victoria Hospital, at Malaga, gathering data from the MBDS (Minimal Basic Data Set), laboratory analysis of nutritional risk (FILNUT filter), and prescription of nutritional support. In the experimental phase, a cross-sectional cohort study was done with a random sample of 255 patients, on May of 2004. Anthropometrical study, Subjective Global Assessment (SGA), Mini-Nutritional Assessment (MNA), Nutritional Risk Screening (NRS), Gassull's method, CONUT and INFORNUT were done. The settings of the INFORNUT filter were: albumin < 3.5 g/dL, and/or total proteins <5 g/dL, and/or prealbumin <18 mg/dL, with or without total lymphocyte count < 1.600 cells/mm3 and/or total cholesterol <180 mg/dL. In order to compare the different methods, a gold standard is created based on the recommendations of the SENPE on anthropometrical and laboratory data. The statistical association analysis was done by the chi-squared test (a: 0.05) and agreement by the k index. RESULTS In the study performed in the previous phase, it is observed that the prevalence of hospital hyponutrition is 53.9%. One thousand six hundred and forty four patients received nutritional support, of which 66.9% suffered from hyponutrition. We also observed that hyponutrition is one of the factors favoring the increase in mortality (hyponourished patients 15.19% vs. non-hyponourished 2.58%), hospital stay (hyponourished patients 20.95 days vs. non-hyponourished 8.75 days), and re-admissions (hyponourished patients 14.30% vs. non-hyponourished 6%). The results from the experimental study are as follows: the prevalence of hyponutrition obtained by the gold standard was 61%, INFORNUT 60%. Agreement levels between INFORNUT, CONUT, and GASSULL are good or very good between them (k: 0.67 INFORNUT with CONUT, and k: 0.94 INFORNUT and GASSULL) and wit the gold standard (k: 0.83; k: 0.64 CONUT; k: 0.89 GASSULL). However, structured tests (SGA, MNA, NRS) show low agreement indexes with the gold standard and laboratory or mixed tests (Gassull), although they show a low to intermediate level of agreement when compared one to each other (k: 0.489 NRS with SGA). INFORNUT shows sensitivity of 92.3%, a positive predictive value of 94.1%, and specificity of 91.2%. After the filer phase, a preliminary report is sent, on which anthropometrical and intake data are added and a Nutritional Risk Report is done. CONCLUSIONS Hyponutrition prevalence in our study (60%) is similar to that found by other authors. Hyponutrition is associated to increased mortality, hospital stay, and re-admission rate. There are no tools that have proven to be effective to show early hyponutrition at the hospital setting without important applicability limitations. FILNUT, as the first phase of the filter process of INFORNUT represents a valid tool: it has sensitivity and specificity for nutritional screening at admission. The main advantages of the process would be early detection of patients with risk for hyponutrition, having a teaching and sensitization function to health care staff implicating them in nutritional assessment of their patients, and doing a hyponutrition diagnosis and nutritional support need in the discharge report that would be registered by the Clinical Documentation Department. Therefore, INFORNUT would be a universal screening method with a good cost-effectiveness ratio.


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INTRODUCTION Monotherapy against HIV has undoubted theoretical advantages and has good scientific fundaments. However, it is still controversial and here we will analyze the efficacy and safety of MT with darunavir with ritonavir (DRV/r) on patients who have received this treatment in our hospitals. MATERIALS AND METHODS Observational retrospective study that includes patients from 10 Andalusian hospitals that have received DRV/r in MT and that have been followed over a minimum of 12 months. We carried out a statistical descriptive analysis based on the profile of patients who had been prescribed MT and the efficacy and safety that were observed, paying special attention to treatment failure and virological evolution. RESULTS DRV/r was prescribed to 604 patients, of which 41.1% had a CD4 nadir <200/mmc. 33.1% had chronic hepatitis caused by HCV, had received an average of five lines of previous treatment and had a history of treatment failure to analogues in 33%, to non-analogues 22 and protease inhibitors (PI) in 19.5%. 76.6% proceeded from a previous treatment with PI. The simplification was the main criteria for the instauration of MT in the 81.5% and the adverse effects in the 18.5%. We managed to maintain MT in 84% of cases, with only 4.8% of virological failure (VF) with viral load (VL) >200 c/mL and 3.6% additional losses due to VF with VL between 50 and 200 copies/mL. Thirty three genotypes were performed after failure without findings of resistance mutations to DRV/r or other IPs. Only 23.7% of patients presented some blips during the period of exposition to MT. Eighty seven percent of all determinations of VL had <50 copies/mL, and only 4.99% had >200 copies/mL. Although up to 14.9% registered at some point an AE, only 2.6% abandoned MT because of AE and 1.2% because of voluntary decision. Although the average of total and LDL cholesterol increases 10 mg/dL after 2 years of follow-up, so did HDL cholesterol in 3mg/dL and the values of triglycerides (-14 mg/dL) and GPT (-6 UI/mL) decreased. The average count of CD4 lymphocytes increased from 642 to 714/mm(3) at 24 weeks. CONCLUSIONS In a very broad series of patients obtained from clinical practice, data from clinical trials was confirmed: MT with DRV as a de-escalation strategy is very safe, it's associated to a negligible rate of adverse effects and maintains a good suppression of HIV replication. VF (with >50 or >200 copies/mL) is always under 10% and in any case without consequences.


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One of the main problems faced by humanity is pollution caused by residues resulting from the production and use of goods, e.g, sewage sludge. Among the various alternatives for its disposal, the agricultural use seems promising. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the hydraulic conductivity and interaction of soil with sandy-silty texture, classified as Spodosols, from the Experimental Station Itapirema - IPA, in Goiana, state of Pernambuco, in mixtures with sewage sludge from the Mangueira Sewage Treatment Station, in the city of Recife, Pernambuco at rates of 25, 50 and 75 Mg ha-1. Tests were conducted to let water percolate the natural saturated soil and soil-sludge mixtures to characterize their physical, chemical, and microstructural properties as well as hydraulic conductivity. Statistical data analysis showed that the presence of sewage sludge in soils leads to an increase of the < 0.005 mm fraction, reduction in real specific weight and variation in optimum moisture content from 11.60 to 12.90 % and apparent specific dry weight from 17.10 and 17.50 kN m-3. In the sludge-soil mixture, the quartz grains were covered by sludge and filling of the empty soil macropores between grains. There were changes in the chemical characteristics of soil and effluent due to sewage sludge addition and a small decrease in hydraulic conductivity. The results indicate the possibility that soil acidity influenced the concentrations of the elements found in the leachate, showing higher levels at higher sludge doses. It can be concluded that the leaching degree of potentially toxic elements from the sewage sludge treatments does not harm the environment.


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Glutathione (GSH) dysregulation at the gene, protein, and functional levels has been observed in schizophrenia patients. Together with disease-like anomalies in GSH deficit experimental models, it suggests that such redox dysregulation can play a critical role in altering neural connectivity and synchronization, and thus possibly causing schizophrenia symptoms. To determine whether increased GSH levels would modulate EEG synchronization, N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), a glutathione precursor, was administered to patients in a randomized, double-blind, crossover protocol for 60 days, followed by placebo for another 60 days (or vice versa). We analyzed whole-head topography of the multivariate phase synchronization (MPS) for 128-channel resting-state EEGs that were recorded at the onset, at the point of crossover, and at the end of the protocol. In this proof of concept study, the treatment with NAC significantly increased MPS compared to placebo over the left parieto-temporal, the right temporal, and the bilateral prefrontal regions. These changes were robust both at the group and at the individual level. Although MPS increase was observed in the absence of clinical improvement at a group level, it correlated with individual change estimated by Liddle's disorganization scale. Therefore, significant changes in EEG synchronization induced by NAC administration may precede clinically detectable improvement, highlighting its possible utility as a biomarker of treatment efficacy. TRIAL REGISTRATION: ClinicalTrials.gov NCT01506765.


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A criminal investigation requires to search and to interpret vestiges of a criminal act that happened in a past time. The forensic investigator arises in this context as a critical reader of the investigation scene, in search of physical traces that should enable her to tell a story of the offence/crime which allegedly occurred. The challenge of any investigator is to detect and recognise relevant physical traces in order to provide forensic clues for investigation and intelligence purposes. Inspired by this obser- vation, the current research focuses on the following questions : What is a relevant physical trace? And, how does the forensic investigator know she is facing one ? The interest of such questions is to provide a definition of a dimension often used in forensic science but never studied in its implications and operations. This doctoral research investigates scientific paths that are not often explored in forensic science, by using semiotic and sociological tools combined with statistical data analysis. The results are shown following a semiotic path, strongly influenced by Peir- ce's studies, and a second track, called empirical, where investigations data were analysed and forensic investigators interviewed about their work practices in the field. By the semiotic track, a macroscopic view is given of a signification process running from the discove- red physical trace at the scene to what is evaluated as being relevant for the investigator. The physical trace is perceived in the form of several signs, whose meaning is culturally codified. The reasoning should consist of three main steps : 1- What kind of source does the discovered physical trace refer to ? 2- What cause/activity is at the origin of this source in the specific context of the case ? 3- What story can be told from these observations ? The stage 3 requires to reason in creating hypotheses that should explain the presence of the discovered trace coming from an activity ; the specific activity that is related to the investigated case. To validate this assumption, it would depend on their ability to respond to a rule of relevancy. The last step is the symbolisation of the relevancy. The rule would consist of two points : the recognition of the factual/circumstantial relevancy (Is the link between the trace and the case recognised with the formulated hypothesis ? ) and appropriate relevancy (What investment is required to collect and analyse the discovered trace considering the expected outcome at the investigation/intelligence level?). This process of meaning is based on observations and a conjectural reasoning subject to many influences. In this study, relevancy in forensic science is presented as a conventional dimension that is symbolised and conditioned by the context, the forensic investigator's practice and her workplace environment (culture of the place). In short, the current research states relevancy results of the interactions between parameters from situational, structural (or organisational) and individual orders. The detection, collection and analysis of relevant physical traces at scenes depends on the knowledge and culture mastered by the forensic investigator. In the study of the relation relevant trace-forensic investigator, this research introduces the KEE model as a conceptual map that illustrates three major areas of forensic knowledge and culture acquisition, involved in the research and evaluation of the relevant physical trace. Through the analysis of the investigation data and interviews, the relationship between those three parameters and the relevancy was highlighted. K, for knowing, embodies a rela- tionship to the immediate knowledge allowing to give an overview of the reality at a specific moment ; an important point since relevancy is signified in a context. E, for education, is considered through its relationship with relevancy via a culture that tends to become institutionalised ; it represents the theoretical knowledge. As for the parameter E, for experience, it exists in its relation to relevancy in the adjustments of the strategies of intervention (i.e a practical knowledge) of each practitioner having modulated her work in the light of success and setbacks case after case. The two E parameters constitute the library resources for the semiotic recognition process and the K parameter ensures the contextualisation required to set up the reasoning and to formulate explanatory hypotheses for the discovered physical traces, questioned in their relevancy. This research demonstrates that the relevancy is not absolute. It is temporal and contextual; it is a conventional and relative dimension that must be discussed. This is where the whole issue of the meaning of what is relevant to each stakeholder of the investigation process rests. By proposing a step by step approach to the meaning process from the physical trace to the forensic clue, this study aims to provide a more advanced understanding of the reasoning and its operation, in order to streng- then forensic investigators' training. This doctoral research presents a set of tools critical to both pedagogical and practical aspects for crime scene management while identifying key-influences with individual, structural and situational dimensions. - Une enquête criminelle consiste à rechercher et à faire parler les vestiges d'un acte incriminé passé. L'investigateur forensique se pose dans ce cadre comme un lecteur critique des lieux à la recherche de traces devant lui permettre de former son récit, soit l'histoire du délit/crime censé s'être produit. Le challenge de tout investigateur est de pouvoir détecter et reconnaître les traces dites pertinentes pour fournir des indices forensiques à buts d'enquête et de renseignement. Inspirée par un tel constat, la présente recherche pose au coeur de ses réflexions les questions suivantes : Qu'est-ce qu'une trace pertinente ? Et, comment fait le forensicien pour déterminer qu'il y fait face ? L'intérêt de tels questionnements se comprend dans la volonté de définir une dimension souvent utili- sée en science forensique, mais encore jamais étudiée dans ses implications et fonctionnements. Cette recherche se lance dans des voies d'étude encore peu explorées en usant d'outils sémiotiques et des pratiques d'enquêtes sociologiques combinés à des traitements statistiques de données. Les résultats sont représentés en suivant une piste sémiotique fortement influencée par les écrits de Peirce et une seconde piste dite empirique où des données d'interventions ont été analysées et des investigateurs forensiques interviewés sur leurs pratiques de travail sur le terrain. Par la piste sémiotique, une vision macroscopique du processus de signification de la trace en élément pertinent est représentée. La trace est perçue sous la forme de plusieurs signes dont la signification est codifiée culturellement. Le raisonnement se formaliserait en trois principales étapes : 1- Quel type de source évoque la trace détectée? 2- Quelle cause/activité est à l'origine de cette source dans le contexte précis du cas ? 3- Quelle histoire peut être racontée à partir de ces observations ? Cette dernière étape consiste à raisonner en créant des hypothèses devant expliquer la présence de la trace détectée suite à une activité posée comme étant en lien avec le cas investigué. Pour valider ces hypothèses, cela dépendrait de leur capacité à répondre à une règle, celle de la pertinence. Cette dernière étape consiste en la symbolisation de la pertinence. La règle se composerait de deux points : la reconnaissance de la pertinence factuelle (le lien entre la trace et le cas est-il reconnu dans l'hypothèse fournie?) et la pertinence appropriée (quel est l'investissement à fournir dans la collecte et l'exploitation de la trace pour le bénéfice attendu au niveau de l'investigation/renseignement?). Tout ce processus de signification se base sur des observations et un raisonnement conjectural soumis à de nombreuses influences. Dans cette étude, la pertinence en science forensique se formalise sous les traits d'une dimension conventionnelle, symbolisée, conditionnée par le contexte, la pratique de l'investigateur forensique et la culture du milieu ; en somme cette recherche avance que la pertinence est le fruit d'une interaction entre des paramètres d'ordre situationnel, structurel (ou organisationnel) et individuel. Garantir la détection, la collecte et l'exploitation des traces pertinentes sur les lieux dépend de la connaissance et d'une culture maîtrisées par le forensicien. Dans l'étude du rapport trace pertinente-investigateur forensique, la présente recherche pose le modèle SFE comme une carte conceptuelle illustrant trois grands axes d'acquisition de la connaissance et de la culture forensiques intervenant dans la recherche et l'évaluation de la trace pertinente. Par l'analyse des données d'in- terventions et des entretiens, le rapport entre ces trois paramètres et la pertinence a été mis en évidence. S, pour savoir, incarne un rapport à la connaissance immédiate pour se faire une représentation d'une réalité à un instant donné, un point important pour une pertinence qui se comprend dans un contexte. F, pour formation, se conçoit dans son rapport à la pertinence via cette culture qui tend à s'institutionnaliser (soit une connaissance théorique). Quant au paramètre E, pour expérience, il se comprend dans son rapport à la pertinence dans cet ajustement des stratégies d'intervention (soit une connaissance pratique) de chaque praticien ayant modulé leur travail au regard des succès et échecs enregistrés cas après cas. F et E formeraient la bibliothèque de ressources permettant le processus de reconnaissance sémiotique et S assurerait la contextualisation nécessaire pour poser le raisonnement et formuler les hypothèses explicatives pour les traces détectées et questionnées dans leur pertinence. Ce travail démontre que la pertinence n'est pas absolue. Elle est temporelle et contextuelle, c'est une dimension conventionnelle relative et interprétée qui se doit d'être discutée. C'est là que repose toute la problématique de la signification de ce qui est pertinent pour chaque participant du processus d'investigation. En proposant une lecture par étapes du processus de signification depuis la trace à l'indice, l'étude vise à offrir une compréhension plus poussée du raisonnement et de son fonctionnement pour renforcer la formation des intervenants forensiques. Cette recherche présente ainsi un ensemble d'outils critiques à portée tant pédagogiques que pratiques pour la gestion des lieux tout en identifiant des influences-clé jouées par des dimensions individuelles, structurelles et situationnelles.