828 resultados para State-Society Relationship


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Hi ha diversos autors que parlen dels beneficis socials que aporten les estructures d’aprenentatge cooperatives dins les aules d’Educació Primària, afirmant que d’aquesta manera podem millorar la cohesió dels grups i disminuir el percentatge d’alumnes rebutjats. Per comprovar-ho, al llarg d’aquesta investigació he implantat aquestes estructures de treball dins l’àrea d’Educació Física. A través de diferents instruments de recollida de dades, he pogut comprovar quin era l’estat de les relacions, abans, durant i després de la meva intervenció didàctica, d’aquesta manera, i comparant-ne els resultats, he pogut afirmar o desmentir la idea d’aquests autors.


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A partir de la reconstrucción del proceso de creación e implementación del programa presidencial para la reparación a población desplazada Familias En Su Tierra, se exploran las dificultades y retos que enfrenta la Ley de Víctimas y Restitución de Tierras.


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Basado en fuentes primarias (epistolarios), el artículo ofrece una aproximación al proceso de formación de grupos armados irregulares, en la provincia de Manabí, a inicios del siglo XIX, como consecuencia de la disputa por el poder y el control del monopolio de la violencia, en el marco de construcción del nuevo régimen republicano. En esta región periférica del Estado central, la sociedad se torna violenta cuando es presionada tanto por el poder estatal, como por los caudillos locales que pretenden formar parte de las estructuras de poder local por medio del reclutamiento forzoso para engrosar las filas de milicias y grupos armados.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to investigate if CSR is balanced between firm and wider society interests. Design/methodology/approach – A qualitative interpretive hermeneutic approach is used to analyse a variety of publically published secondary sources on the CSR of Tesco, Sainsburys, Morrisons and Co-operative in the UK grocery multiple sector (2005-2010). Findings – CSR strategic outcomes currently favour the firm more than society interests. A multilayered framework in the form of Social Responsibility of the Corporation (SRC) is designed and offered in support of balancing the business-society relationship more evenly. Research limitations/implications – This study is limited to firms originating from within the UK grocery multiple sector. Asda could not be included in the study as it does not publish CSR reports annually in the UK after becoming part of Walmart group. Practical implications – A framework for multi-level standardised definition of CSR in the form of SRC is offered. The inclusion of employees and members of the public on CSR/SRC boards is recommended to foster wider collaboration. The SRC framework promotes standardisation at global level while respecting diversity and firm heterogeneity at firm level. The findings may further contribute to GRI; UN Global Compact; WEF dialogues. Social implications – Recommendations are made to extend CSR board diversity for improved dialogue with communities. The SRC framework may be applied at global; national; industry and firm level. The framework can be applied internationally or locally. Future studies may offer quantitative attributes for balancing CSR/SRC. Originality/value – A globally unique and universally applicable framework for evaluating CSR activities is proposed. Future studies may extend the authors' framework to other industries, national environments or globally in the pursuit of balance between firm and society. Furthermore, firms may also adopt the framework to support CSR activities.


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A presente dissertação versa sobre o uso da Tecnologia da Informação e Comunicação aplicada aos processos de gestão pública à luz dos conceitos de eficácia, eficiência e accountabítlity. Para tanto, este estudo se funda sobre dois marcos teóricos. O primeiro trata do desenvolvimento científico-tecnológico e suas implicações na construção de uma sociedade resultante da interação da microeletrônica, da informatização e da telecomunicação. O segundo diz respeito à reforma do Estado Brasileiro, num contexto em que se discute a necessidade de torná-lo mais ágil, flexível e mais responsável perante a sociedade. Metodologicamente, valemo-nos do estudo de caso múltiplo, no qual analisamos o Pregão Eletrônico utilizado pelo Governo Federal para aquisição de bens e serviços nos moldes do leilão reverso do mercado de flores de Amsterdã. Especificamente, trata-se do Pregão 21/2001, realizado pelo Ministério da Previdência e Assistência Social, para compra de medicamentos. Este estudo contempla não só os diferentes aspectos do comércio eletrônico, como o procurement, mas também descreve o processo tradicional de licitações públicas. Ao final, concluímos que a adoção da tecnologia da informação aplicada à gestão pública, em especial como ferramenta para aquisição de bens e serviços, mostrouse eficiente ao promover uma redução de custos, tanto dos processos governamentais, quanto dos produtos adquiridos, fato extremamente relevante se considerarmos a realidade orçamentária brasileira. Ficou também comprovada a sua eficácia, evidenciada pela redução do tempo necessário à realização do procedimento, uma vez comparado ao processo tradicional de licitações pública. Por outro lado, podemos afirmar que a iniciativa amplia o grau de transparência das informações do setor público brasileiro, reconfigurando as relações EstadoSociedade.


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o presente estudo se propõe a refletir sobre a questão da saúde mental e das políticas desenvolvidas a seu respeito no Brasil, tomando como objeto de análise o Programa de Saúde Mental implantado no município de Santos (SP), a partir de 1989. A abordagem usada em Santos e preconizada pela Organização Panamericana de Saúde e pela Organização Mundial de Saúde consiste em trabalhar a relação pessoa/sociedade, através da substituição do modelo hospitalocêntrico por intervenções ambulatoriais, frentes de trabalho e projetos de reinserção e valorização do paciente na sociedade. Neste sentido, a questão de saúde mental é considerada, antes de tudo, como uma questão política, implicando o tipo de relação que a sociedade quer estabelecer com uma parte de seus membros. Assim, fica circunscrita à discussão das relações sociais de poder e da construção da cidadania no contexto brasileiro.


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This Project was built to reflect about juvenile violence and the socio-educational´s range of community services provision. It is known that the juvenile violence is a phenomenon inserted on the capitalism system, backed on neo liberal project. Though, it is essential a historical analysis, showing the economical, political, social and cultural mechanisms which determine the juvenile violence personality. On this way, it is seek understand the elements that leads on work world changes, on the State and public politics sphere, that deepens social dissimilarities. On this propose, it is known that there is a relation among the violence, while one of many manifestations of social question on society and the macroestructuals´determinant that lead the teenager to a social rick situation. This research focused on a inquiry quail-quantitative, using the theoric-metodological procedures of observation, interview and documental quest techniques. The universe had been defined by the intentional sample of 22 interviewed on total, during August and October 2008, covering adolescents and their relatives, technical and the coordinator, which subsidized the Socio educational program of community services provision from Natal analysis of limits and their range. The results of this investigation indicate the necessity of development, with the teenagers authors of infringement acts, a care system that is grounded on a professional formation, respect on human rights and citizenship conquest, regarding that children and teenagers are designed as people on development, that have theirs rights and integral protection, being the State, society and family responsibility assure the integral development of them


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este texto procura contribuir para a discussão sobre as relações entre Estado, Sociedade e a Questão Ambiental, buscando situá-la em função das especificidades regionais da formação econômica e social brasileira, com destaque para a nova territorialidade da paisagem construída no Estado de São Paulo.


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Placing the management of childhood forms considered at risk, we discuss the operation of a welfare institution and its effects on the subjective process. Created to manage the virtues of the poor behavior of children, makes visible to the way technology features disciplinary policies: surveillance is evident of cameras, high walls, electric fences and in the eyes of educators, the penalty stands normalizing practices corrective aimed at standardization bodies, educational meetings are compared to the examination, as they produce dossiers of individual behavior, emphasizing characteristics that are considered dangerous anticipates the administration and production of docile individuals, useful, productive, applying identity models. Following the lines of knowledge and power relations that constitute this space, we used the genealogy in the analysis of discursive practices that cross society in its historical construction, the genealogy allows us to achieve these movements in the consolidation process of the government of life, and also, the deconstruction of hegemonic practices. In an attempt to escape the set, we propose the realization of artistic and cultural activities within a process of collective construction as a strategy of resistance and confrontation with the dominant logic, consolidating practices that favor the enhancement of life in its manifold possibilities.


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Los programas de desarrollo regional promovidos por los gobiernos nacionales y las agencias multilaterales, como el Banco Mundial y el Banco Interamericano de Desarrollo (BID), se orientan a las políticas públicas de suministro de bienes públicos, ya sean servicios públicos o infraestructuras, a las regiones subdesarrolladas. Las evidencias apuntan que el éxito de estos programas depende en parte de externalidades, las cuales se relacionan con los cambios del tejido asociativo y los valores de los participantes de la comunidad. Estas externalidades se definen como el capital social. Cómo las externalidades no son directamente evaluadas en el impacto económico y social de los proyectos, pero su existencia es aceptada por los planificadores que reconocen la importancia de desarrollar el tejido de relaciones en la comunidad. Sin embargo este capital social no es medido. El objeto de esta tesis es investigar y proponer procesos de medida y evaluación del capital social de un proyecto, y relacionarlos con las actividades del mismo en un territorio y proyecto dado como casos de estudio. El Programa de Desarrollo de la Zona de Mata (PROMATA) en el Estado de Pernambuco, Brasil, financiado por el Estado de Pernambuco en Brasil y el BID, finalizado en 2010, ha sido elegido como caso de estudio. Para la evaluación y medida del capital social se han estudiado dos periodos. Uno considerando solo los planes del proyecto, sin considerar su implantación, que se ha denominado evaluación A Priori, basada en un panel de expertos con visión de las externalidades generadas. Y otra con la participación de las partes de la comunidad después de su finalización, denomina evaluación A Posteriori, para lo cual se han entrevistado un número significativo de partes interesadas utilizando un cuestionario especialmente diseñado. Los resultados han sido procesados mediante análisis estadísticos avanzados. El proyecto PROMATA es considerado un caso de éxito en Brasil, en parte por su aproximación al desarrollo asociativo. Sin embargo las valoraciones del capital social muestran que algunas relaciones Estado-sociedad y sociedad-personas no han cambiado todo lo esperado, en oposición a las evaluaciones de satisfacción de los indicadores del proyecto. Es el efecto externo del capital social. ABSTRACT The regional development programs promoted by the national governments and international multilateral agencies, like the World Bank and the Interamerican Development Bank (BID), are oriented to public policies under which public goods, like public services and infrastructures, are supplied to underdeveloped regions. More and more evidences are pointing to the fact that success of these programs depends in a good part of externalities, which are related to the changes in the networking and values among the stakeholders in the territory. These externalities are defined as the Social Capital. As externalities, they are not directly evaluated in the projects economic and social impact, but accepted to exist and the planners of the projects do acknowledge the important of social networking. However never assessed. The objective of this thesis is to investigate and propose a way to measure and assess the social capital of a given project, and relate that with the activities of the project, with a given project and territory as base case. The Development Program in Zona da Mata (PROMATA) in the State of Pernambuco, Brazil, funded by the Brazil State and the BID, ended in 2010, was chosen as the base case. For the assessment of the social capital two periods in time where studied. One considering only the project program named a priori evaluation and based in a panel of experts, which are aware of the possible externalities of the project. Other, considering the stakeholders view after the project ended, named posterior evaluation, which required interviewing a number of stakeholders using a specially designed questionnaire. The results were processed using advanced statistical techniques. PROMATA is considered a success case story in Brazil, in part for its social networking approach. However when the social capital is assessed there are areas of state-society and society-community relations not that well transformed, as the satisfaction research of the project indicators. This unforeseen externality is the social capital effect.


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This dissertation aims at integrating two scholarships: state-society relation studies and Chinese foreign policy analysis. I created Two-level Perception Gap Model to analyze different intellectual groups' relations with party-state by confirming Chinese intellectuals play a role in CFP making in general, China's Japan policy in particular. This model is an alternative approach, instead of conventional wisdom patron-client approach, to explain and analyze the pluralized intellectual-state relations in China. This model first analyzed the role of two intellectual groups, namely think tank scholars and popular nationalist, in China's Japan policy making, and then based on these analyses it explains the interactional patterns between these two intellectual groups and party-state. I used three case studies, which represented different types of issue, Chinese attitude toward the U.S.-Japan alliance and the Japanese defense policy, the controversy over the Yasukuni Shrine Visit, and the territorial dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands, to examine this model. First, I examined think tank scholar groups and the extent they influenced "core interest issue and sensitive issue (Issue 1)," Chinese attitude toward the U.S.-Japan alliance and the Japanese defense policy, and their international patterns with party-state. Chapter 3 compares the responses of Chinese officials to the changes in the defense policy of Japan to the analyses from the think tank scholars. As the model assumes, results show that think tank scholars' analyses are consistent with China's policy position; nevertheless, it is difficult to confirm their analyses have influence on Chinese attitude toward the U.S.-Japan alliance and the Japanese defense policy. Based on the analysis of journal articles, most articles do not provide policy suggestions or simply provide suggestions that do not deviate from the policy. As Gu's theory of pluralist institutionalism and my hypothesis points out, most think tank scholars are establishment intellectuals so they tend to be self-disciplined. Second, this model provide a new concept "patriotic dilemma" for analyzing the challenge and constraints brought by popular nationalist discourses and public mobilization to Chinese foreign policy decision makers. Chapter 4 investigated the cases study of the controversy over the Yasukuni Shrine Visit, defined as "major/minor interest issue/ sensitive issue (Issue 3)," and the discourses from the popular nationalist, mainly focusing on anti-Japanese activists. The chapter also observes their influence on nationalist public opinions and analyzes how the nationalist public opinions constrain the policy choices among decision makers. Results strongly supported the hypothesis of patriotic dilemma that, although the popular nationalist group and public opinions constrained the policy choices of Chinese decision makers in the short term, they were unable to change the fundamental policy direction. Third, chapter 5 also focuses on anti-Japanese activists and examines the model with the case of the territorial dispute over the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands. The result supported that hypothesis that China's policy change was not because of the influence from popular nationalist's discourses or public opinions but because of the change of priority of this issue, from major/minor interest issue to core interest issue. These two chapters also indicate that the patron-client model is unable to describe the popular nationalist. An alternative approach, such as the concept "patriotic dilemma" is needed to describe the relations between the popular nationalist and the government.