974 resultados para Semilinear Wave Equation


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A theoretical study on the propagation of plane waves in the presence of a hot mean flow in a uniform pipe is presented. The temperature variation in the pipe is taken to be a linear temperature gradient along the axis. The theoretical studies include the formulation of a wave equation based on continuity, momentum, and state equation, and derivation of a general four-pole matrix, which is shown to yield the well-known transfer matrices for several other simpler cases.


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We propose a lattice Boltzmann model for the wave equation. Using a lattice Boltzmann equation and the Chapman-Enskog expansion, we get 1D and 2D wave equations with truncation error of order two. The numerical tests show the method can be used to simulate the wave motions.


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The diffusive wave equation with inhomogeneous terms representing hydraulics with uniform or concentrated lateral inflow intoa river is theoretically investigated in the current paper. All the solutions have been systematically expressed in a unified form interms of response function or so called K-function. The integration of K-function obtained by using Laplace transform becomesS-function, which is examined in detail to improve the understanding of flood routing characters. The backwater effects usuallyresulting in the discharge reductions and water surface elevations upstream due to both the downstream boundary and lateral infloware analyzed. With a pulse discharge in upstream boundary inflow, downstream boundary outflow and lateral inflow respectively,hydrographs of a channel are routed by using the S-functions. Moreover, the comparisons of hydrographs in infinite, semi-infiniteand finite channels are pursued to exhibit the different backwater effects due to a concentrated lateral inflow for various channeltypes.


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The scattering of general SH plane wave by an interface crack between two dissimilar viscoelastic bodies is studied and the dynamic stress,intensity factor at the crack-tip is computed. The scattering problem can be decomposed into two problems: one is the reflection and refraction problem of general SH plane waves at perfect interface (with no crack); another is the scattering problem due to the existence of crack. For the first problem, the viscoelastic wave equation, displacement and stress continuity conditions across the interface are used to obtain the shear stress distribution at the interface. For the second problem, the integral transformation method is used to reduce the scattering problem into dual integral equations. Then, the dual integral equations are transformed into the Cauchy singular integral equation of first kind by introduction of the crack dislocation density function. Finally, the singular integral equation is solved by Kurtz's piecewise continuous function method. As a consequence, the crack opening displacement and dynamic stress intensity factor are obtained. At the end of the paper, a numerical example is given. The effects of incident angle, incident frequency and viscoelastic material parameters are analyzed. It is found that there is a frequency region for viscoelastic material within which the viscoelastic effects cannot be ignored.


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Stimulated Raman scattering (SRS) of a relativistic laser in plasmas is studied in the framework of the standard equation set of a three-wave process. As far as every wave involved in the process is concerned, its evolution has two aspects: time-dependent amplitude and time-dependent frequency. These two aspects affect each other. Strict analysis and numerical experiment on the full three-wave equation set reveal that a fast growing mode of the instability, which could reach a balance or saturation point during a period far shorter than an estimation based on conventional analysis, could take place in a standard three-wave process without coupling with a fourth wave. This fast growing mode is found to stem from the constraint set by the background density on the amplitude of the driven Langmuir wave. The effect of various parameters on the development of the SRS instability is studied by numerical calculation of the history of the instability in different cases. (c) 2007 American Institute of Physics.


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Electromagnetic wave propagation and scattering in a sphere composed of an inhomogeneous medium having random variations in its permittivity are studied by utilizing the Born approximation in solving the vector wave equation. The variations in the permittivity are taken to be isotropic and homogeneous, and are spatially characterized by a Gaussian correlation function. Temporal variations in the medium are not considered.

Two particular problems are considered: i) finding the far-zone electric field when an electric or magnetic dipole is situated at the center of the sphere, and ii) finding the electric field at the sphere's center when a linearly polarized plane wave is incident upon it. Expressions are obtained for the mean-square magnitudes of the scattered field components; it is found that the mean of the product of any two transverse components vanishes. The cases where the wavelength is much shorter than correlation distance of the medium and where it is much longer than it are both considered.


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We use a spectral method to solve numerically two nonlocal, nonlinear, dispersive, integrable wave equations, the Benjamin-Ono and the Intermediate Long Wave equations. The proposed numerical method is able to capture well the dynamics of the solutions; we use it to investigate the behaviour of solitary wave solutions of the equations with special attention to those, among the properties usually connected with integrability, for which there is at present no analytic proof. Thus we study in particular the resolution property of arbitrary initial profiles into sequences of solitary waves for both equations and clean interaction of Benjamin-Ono solitary waves. We also verify numerically that the behaviour of the solution of the Intermediate Long Wave equation as the model parameter tends to the infinite depth limit is the one predicted by the theory.


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We consider the approximation of solutions of the time-harmonic linear elastic wave equation by linear combinations of plane waves. We prove algebraic orders of convergence both with respect to the dimension of the approximating space and to the diameter of the domain. The error is measured in Sobolev norms and the constants in the estimates explicitly depend on the problem wavenumber. The obtained estimates can be used in the h- and p-convergence analysis of wave-based finite element schemes.


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The aim of the article is to present a unified approach to the existence, uniqueness and regularity of solutions to problems belonging to a class of second order in time semilinear partial differential equations in Banach spaces. Our results are applied next to a number of examples appearing in literature, which fall into the class of strongly damped semilinear wave equations. The present work essentially extends the results on the existence and regularity of solutions to such problems. Previously, these problems have been considered mostly within the Hilbert space setting and with the main part operators being selfadjoint. In this article we present a more general approach, involving sectorial operators in reflexive Banach spaces. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Assuming that nuclear matter can be treated as a perfect fluid, we study the propagation of perturbations in the baryon density at high temperature. The equation of state is derived from the non-linear Walecka model. The expansion of the Euler and continuity equations of relativistic hydrodynamics around equilibrium configurations lead to the breaking wave equation for the density perturbation. We solve it numerically for this perturbation and follow the propagation of the initial pulses.


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For eta >= 0, we consider a family of damped wave equations u(u) + eta Lambda 1/2u(t) + au(t) + Lambda u = f(u), t > 0, x is an element of Omega subset of R-N, where -Lambda denotes the Laplacian with zero Dirichlet boundary condition in L-2(Omega). For a dissipative nonlinearity f satisfying a suitable growth restrictions these equations define on the phase space H-0(1)(Omega) x L-2(Omega) semigroups {T-eta(t) : t >= 0} which have global attractors A(eta) eta >= 0. We show that the family {A(eta)}(eta >= 0), behaves upper and lower semi-continuously as the parameter eta tends to 0(+).


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In this paper we discuss the existence of compact attractor for the abstract semilinear evolution equation u = Au + f (t, u); the results are applied to damped partial differential equations of hyperbolic type. Our approach is a combination of Liapunov method with the theory of alpha-contractions.


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The Dirac wave equation is obtained in the non-Riemannian manifold of the Einstein-Schrödinger nonsymmetric theory. A new internal connection is determined in terms of complex vierbeins, which shows the coupling of the electromagnetic potential with gravity in the presence of a spin-1/2 field. © 1988 American Institute of Physics.


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Este artigo é dedicado ao estudo da controlabilidade finito-aproximada para a equação não linear de transferência de calor em domínios com fronteira móvel. A demonstração do resultado principal baseia-se no princípio de continuação única de Carolina Fabre 1996 e em argumentos de ponto fixo do tipo Leray-Schauder.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)