958 resultados para SOCIAL CONTRACT


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A pesar de las múltiples inflexiones que en los últimos siglos se han dado en el mundo (Kuhn, 1962), aún se mantiene el empeño de entenderlo a través de un pensamiento limitado que debe conducir a una reflexión acerca de cómo se entiende y cómo evoluciona la vida. La transformación y el cambio de paradigmas de los últimos años no son más que una manifestación de la evolución del pensamiento humano y de las visiones de la realidad (Fritjof, 2004). La extensión del conocimiento es una respuesta a la inquietud social respecto a la necesidad sentida de un cambio en los modos de actuar y en las estructuras del pensamiento (innovación social), en la que se desarrolle un proceso de trasformación de las instituciones y la aplicación de los valores, para reorientar el curso del desarrollo humano, es decir, el curso de la realidad, para lo cual es necesaria una nueva visión de la vida.


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La autoridad legítima del soberano y la obligación política del ciudadano constituyen el fundamento del poder del Estado, no obstante, una y otra se ven seriamente cuestionadas ante situaciones de extrema injusticia como lo es el Genocidio. En casos como este la obligación de obedecer la ley por parte del súbdito puede e, incluso, debe ser exceptuada y sustituida por los mandatos de la razón moral. El caso de un tribunal alemán que decide absolver al asesino del principal perpetrador del Genocidio Armenio, desobedeciendo de esta manera la ley penal de su país, apoya la tesis enunciada apoyándose en argumentos de la teoría contractualista de Thomas Hobbes y John Locke. La misma tesis es analizada desde la perspectiva del Juego Limpio, en este caso la conclusión no es tan clara, sin embargo, plantea un nuevo problema sobre el Derecho de los Pueblos que deberá ser abordado en otra instancia.


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Public Assistance to the poor in the United States was always been reluctant and especially cruel to women. A society that from the outset prized Kantian principles of individual freedom over Rousseau’s notions of social contract and that was dominated by a puritanical morality saw poverty as self-made. If individuals had freedom of choice, bad outcomes were necessarily caused by bad choices. The poor had themselves to blame.


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This article examines the neo-liberal reforms that the Kim government implemented in post-crisis Korea. It argues that by embracing the reforms, the state, paradoxically, re-legitimised itself in the national political economy. The process of enacting the reforms completed the power shift from a collusive state-chaebol alliance towards a new alliance based on a more populist social contract - but one that nonetheless generally conformed to the tenets of neo-liberalism. Kim and his closest associates identified the malpractices of the chaebols as the main cause of the crisis, so reforming the chaebols would be the key to economic recovery. Combining populism and neo-liberalism, they drew on support from both domestic and international sources to rein in, rather than nurture, the chaebols.


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This paper examines the theoretical ideas of Friedrich von Hayek, arguably the key progenitor of the global economic orthodoxy of the past two decades. It assesses Hayek's thought as he presents it: namely as a form of liberalism. Section I argues that Hayek's thought, if liberal, is hostile to participatory democracy. Section II then argues the more radical thesis that neoliberalism is also in truth an illiberal doctrine. Founded not in any social contract doctrine, but a form of constructivism, neoliberal thought at its base accepts the paradoxical need to "discipline subjects for freedom", however this might contravene peoples' natural, social inclinations. The argument is framed by reference to Aristophanes' great comedy, The Birds, whose off shore borderless empire ironically prefigures the dream of neoliberal social engineers, and their corporate supporters.


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Many small rural communities with ageing populations and limited opportunities for young people are not attracting skilled workers, but have a flow of skilled people through the community as locums, seasonal workers or contractors. This project investigated the question: how can rural communities capture maximum benefit from professional and other highly skilled workers in the context of an increasingly mobile and transitory workforce? It found that rural communities derive a wide range of benefits from mobile skilled workers. Effectiveness of the integration process determines the nature and extent of mobile skilled worker contribution to the community. Community settings that encourage and support mobile skilled worker integration are identified in terms of culture, leadership and interactional infrastructure. These same settings also influence mobile skilled worker retention in rural communities. Rural communities need to be proactive in matching worker and community characteristics, and this begins with the recruitment process. Mobile skilled workers need assistance and support to develop a primary social contract, and the process needs to be monitored. This is a community-wide responsibility and requires a coordinated, whole-of-community approach. This is the first Australian study to explore how rural communities can capture the advantages from highly skilled mobile workers. Rural communities that make the most of the available pool of skills can increase resilience, identification and uptake of opportunities such as new enterprises, good practice in natural resource management, enhanced social and leisure opportunities, and the quality and range of local services. The importance of this report is that it provides a broad range of strategies for rural communities wanting to know how to optimise the benefits they derive from mobile skilled workers, regardless of their location or rural industry base.


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Using legitimacy theory this paper contrasts the values portrayed by public accounting firms via their recruitment practices and society's expectations of the responsibilities of a professional accountant. Society confers on organisations legitimacy when the value system of the organisation is congruent with the value system of the larger social system (Deegan, 2006). It is argued that there is increasing incongruence between the value system of public accounting firms (that employ accounting graduates) and society's value system that includes an expectation of accountants to act in the public interest. This study draws on evidence from recent corporate collapses, to question whether the attributes/skills displayed by accountants have reduced their capacity to act in the public interest. Interviews with employers show that preferences for employment are given to graduates who 'fit the culture' of the organisation and have the ability to 'market' the firm to clients. Attributes that define the professional accountant appear to be less highly valued. It is concluded that the attributes valued in the workplace today have the potential to increase the risk of 'severing the social contract' between the accounting profession and society.


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Purpose – The aim of this paper is to investigate stakeholder power changes and their impact on firms' disclosure decisions in the Chinese stock market. Using legitimacy theory and stakeholder theory, the paper identifies newly emerged stakeholder groups for listed Chinese firms during three distinguished periods of the development of the Chinese stock market.

Design/methodology/approach – Panel data analysis was undertaken over a period from 1995-2006 with an aim to examine the influence of stakeholder power changes on voluntary disclosures made by 297 listed firms in their 12 years of annual reports. A voluntary disclosure checklist has been used for hand-collecting data from annual reports.

Findings – The finding shows that different stakeholder groups exert different degrees of influence on firms' decision-making in respect of information disclosure during different stages of the development of the Chinese stock market.

Research limitations/implications – The impact of a stakeholder power changes on corporate disclosure has not been well addressed and how listed Chinese firms respond to these changes is still a significant gap in the Chinese corporate disclosure literature. In this study, the paper uses proxies to represent each stakeholder group, discuss power changes of each group and predict the impact of power changes on firms' voluntary disclosure.

Originality/value – The paper identifies the new content of the “social contract” between listed firms and Chinese society and identifies various stakeholder groups of listed Chinese firms in the context of a new “social contract”. The paper predicts that voluntary corporate disclosure is the result of stakeholder pressures and firms use voluntary disclosure as one of their strategies to manage the firm-stakeholder relationship.


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This chapter presents an account of the mediatization of education policy through a focus on the development and uptake of the knowledge economy discourse in national education policy and research settings. During the late 20th and early part of the 21st century, Australia, like other nation states around the globe, came to adopt the knowledge economy discourse as a kind of meta-policy that would help connect a variety of statistical indicators and provide direction for a number of policy areas, including education, science, and research funding. In Australia the adoption of a knowledge economy discourse was preceded by coverage from specialized sections of the quality print media, discussed broadly as a debate about the social contract that was afforded to fields charged with developing and producing national capacities for knowledge production. Such a debate mirrored similar claims by Michael Gibbons in the late 1990s, where he argued for a new social contract between science and society. Given the media coverage surrounding the uptake of the knowledge economy discourse and the promotion of the concept by the OECD, this chapter presents an account of the emergence of the knowledge economy discourse through a focus on the mediatization of the concept. The broad argument presented in this account is that what could be called “mediatization effects”, related to the promotion and adoption of policy concepts, are variable, and reach the broader public in inconsistent, time-bound, and sporadic patterns. In order to understand mediatization effects in respect of policy, the paper draws on a broad Bourdieuian informed conceptual framework to understand different kinds of fields, their logics of practice, and importantly here, cross-field effects. Specifically, the focus is on those cross-field effects related to the impact of practices within both national and global fields of journalism on national and global fields of education policy. While the case is an Australian one, the account explores general and more broadly applicable ways to understand links between the globalization and the mediatization of policy.


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Purpose – Agriculture is a major generator of wealth and employment in Australia. However, it faces a range of economic and environmental challenges which require substantial community support. The purpose of this paper is to examine Australian adults’ Australian knowledge of, and attitudes towards, Australian agriculture. Design/methodology/approach – Online questionnaire survey of 1,026 adults conducted nationwide during August 2012. Findings – Most respondents had little knowledge of even the basic aspects of the industry but they approved of farmers’ performance of their roles. Latent class analysis showed that there are two groups of consumers with low and lower levels of knowledge. The respondents’ age, rural residence and universalist values were positive predictors of agricultural knowledge. Research limitations/implications – This was a cross-sectional, quota-based survey which examined only some aspects of agriculture. However, the findings suggest that more communication with the general public about the industry is required in order to build on the positive sentiment that exists within the community. Practical implications – More education about agriculture in schools and higher education is indicated. Social implications – The poor state of knowledge of agriculture threatens the social contract upon which agricultural communities depend for survival. Originality/value – The study highlights the poor state of general knowledge about agriculture in Australia. The findings could be used as a baseline against which the efficacy of future education programmes could be assessed.


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The present work has for object the Jury under the democratic optics, looking for to demonstrate its democratic validation. The purpose of this work was to revisit the institution, in order to bring its importance while instrument of popular participation. The work presents, first, a systematic and chronological approach of the institution of the Jury and its evolution inside of Brazilian constitutional history, objectifying, with this, to approach the narrow entailing of the Jury with the constitutional postulates. After that, the constitutional principles of the Jury had been examined, looking for to establish the popular identity of the institution and its approach with the human rights system of the Brazilian Federal Constitution. More ahead, had been examined the direct participation of the society in the Jury, going deep the questions related with the election of the jurors and the jury nullification on the American Jury. Finally, had been dedicated the study of the current conjuncture of the Brazilian Jury, its problems and the possible solutions, beyond the study of the limitation's mechanisms in the constitutional principle of the popular supremacy and the reform's projects suggested for legislators and jurists. In this way, had been looked elaborate a constitutional construction of the Jury, defending its permanence in the Brasil law system, for being a fundamental guarantee to protect the freedom, moreover for being essential to validate the Democratic State of Right, for to be the materialization of the democratic principle. For opportune, it's necessary to allege that this work had been directed to the constitutional analysis of the Jury, its legitimacy and its democratic vocation, using themselves as ideological north the American Jury System and as philosophical base the social contract theory, understanding the Jury as an instrument of protection of the society front to the state supremacy and its hierarchy structure of the power


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Neste artigo desenvolvemos a interpretação durkheimeana da divisão do trabalho social como solidariedade orgânica e contratual. Examinamos alguns aspectos que essa análise nos apresenta, de um lado, pela caracterização de um tipo de sociedade industrial que enaltece a solidariedade das funções no trabalho coletivo e não nos modos de produção; e, de outro, pela pressuposição de um Estado como elemento catalizador das corporações e que não deixa de antever uma noção de contrato.


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As redes sociais do ciberespaço têm se configurado como um fenômeno cada vez mais comum em nossos dias. É fácil perceber que o advento da internet ampliou não só as modalidades de leitura e escrita, como também a interação entre os seus usuários - e é sobre esta última que o presente estudo se debruça. Nossa proposta é analisar o fenômeno da polidez na interação entre participantes de sete discussões sobre assuntos ligados à Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA), postadas nos fóruns na comunidade "Belém", do site Orkut. Para tanto, pautamo-nos especialmente na abordagem sociológica de Goffman (1967), nos estudos sobre enquadres interativos de Tannen e Wallat (2002 [1987]), nas investigações de Gumperz (2002 [1982]) acerca das pistas de contextualização e nos estudos de Kerbrat-Orecchioni (1992, 1997, 1998, 2006) sobre as relações interpessoais e polidez. Sobre esta, apresentamos os modelos seminais de Brown e Levinson (1987 [1978]), considerando suas referências aos trabalhos de Searle (1969), acerca dos atos de fala, e ao de Grice (1975), no que diz respeito ao Princípio de Cooperação e suas máximas e implicaturas conversacionais. Também discutimos o modelo de Leech (1983), que trata do Príncipio Geral da Polidez, a partir de suas observações sobre as máximas gricerianas. Ainda com relação aos estudos sobre polidez linguística, discorremos sobre a noção de contrato social, presente no trabalho de Fraser e Nolan (1981, apud OLIVEIRA, 2004), e destacamos a extensa e relevante contribuição de Kerbrat-Orecchioni (1992, 1997, 1998, 2006) ao modelo de Brown e Levinson, com a introdução da noção de atos valorizantes de face (face flatteringactsou FFA), dissociação de face positiva e face negativa de polidez positiva e polidez negativa, respectivamente, introdução da noção do fenômeno da impolidez, além dos procedimentos de polidez linguística distinguidos pela linguista. Em nossa conclusão, verificamos que os efeitos de sentido de polidez negativa e de impolidez positiva são os que predominam nos fóruns analisados, especialmente quando os usuários tratam de temas polêmicos, na urgência, talvez, de defender seus pontos de vista com exatidão - ora com mitigação (polidez negativa), para não gerar embates agressivos; ora sem mitigação (impolidez positiva), no intuito de validar seus posicionamentos. A polidez positiva e a impolidez negativa não se sobressaíram em nossos dados. Esta é uma investigação de cunho empírico-indutivo, que privilegia a análise qualitativa de realizações linguístico-discursivas de fato ocorridas em situações reais de uso da língua.


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The aim of this paper is to show how the contract joins with moral and politics in Rousseau's Social contract. The contract denatures and changes human nature when human being becomes social. With this change, moral and politics arouse. Moral is the condition of liberty and politics becomes on the field of consent and rhetoric.