146 resultados para SNO


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he thermodynamic properties of mono- and dicalcium stannates have been determined in the temperature range 973–-1423°K from the electromotive force measurements on solid oxide galvanic cells[dformula Pt, Ni + NiO//CaO - ZrO[sub 2]/Y[sub 2]0[sub 3] - ThO[sub 2]//SnO[sub 2] + Sn, W, Pt][dformula Pt, Ni + NiO//CaO - ZrO[sub 2]/Y[sub 2]O[sub 3] - ThO[sub 2]//CaSnO[sub 3] + SnO[sub 2] + Sn, W, Pt][dformula Pt, Ni + NiO//CaO - ZrO[sub 2]/Y[sub 2]O[sub 3] - ThO[sub 2]/Ca[sub 2]SnO[sub 4] + CaSnO[sub 3] + Sn, W, Pt]and [dformula Pt, Ni + NiO//CaO - ZrO[sub 2]sol;Y[sub 2]O[sub 3] - ThO[sub 2]//Ca[sub 2]SnO[sub 4] + CaO, W, Pt] The Gibbs free energy changes accompanying the formation of the stannates from component oxides may be represented by the equations[dformula 2CaO + SnO[sub 2] --> Ca[sub 2]SnO[sub 4]][dformula Delta G[degree] = - 17,040 + 0.85T ([plus-minus]300) cal][dformula CaO + SnO[sub 2] --> CaSnO[sub 3]][dformula Delta G[degree] = - 17,390 + 2.0T ([plus-minus]300) cal]The partial pressures of the tin bearing oxide species resulting from the decomposition of the stannates have been calculated as a function of the oxygen partial pressure by combining the results of this study with published information on the partial pressures and composition of oxide species over stannic oxide.


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Base metal substituted Sn(0.95)M(0.05)O(2-delta) (M = Cu, Fe, Mn, Co) catalysts were synthesized by the solution combustion method and characterized by XRD, XPS, TEM and BET surface area analysis. The catalytic activities of these materials were investigated by performing CO oxidation. The rates and the apparent activation energies of the reaction for CO oxidation were determined for each catalyst. All the substituted catalysts showed high rates and lower activation energies for the oxidation of CO as compared to unsubstituted SnO(2). The rate was found to be much higher over copper substituted SnO(2) as compared to other studied catalysts. 100% CO conversion was obtained below 225 degrees C over this catalyst. A bifunctional reaction mechanism was developed that accounts for CO adsorption on base metal and support ions and O(2) dissociation on the oxide ion vacancy. The kinetic parameters were determined by fitting the model to the experimental data. The high rates of the CO oxidation reactions at low temperatures were rationalized by the high dissociative chemisorption of adsorbed O(2) over these catalysts.


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We incorporated tin oxide nanostructures into the graphene nanosheet matrix and observed that the phase of tin oxide varies with the morphology. The highest discharge capacity and coulumbic efficiency were obtained for SnO phase of nanoplates morphology. Platelet morphology of tin oxide shows more reversible capacity than the nanoparticle (SnO2 phase) tin oxide. The first discharge capacity obtained for SnO@GNS is 1393 and 950 mAh/g for SnO2@GNS electrode at a current density of 23 mu A/cm(2). A stable capacity of about 1022 and 715 mAh/g was achieved at a current rate of 23 mu A/cm(2) after 40 cycles for SnO@GNS and SnO2@GNS anodes, respectively. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Today our understanding of the vibrational thermodynamics of materials at low temperatures is emerging nicely, based on the harmonic model in which phonons are independent. At high temperatures, however, this understanding must accommodate how phonons interact with other phonons or with other excitations. We shall see that the phonon-phonon interactions give rise to interesting coupling problems, and essentially modify the equilibrium and non-equilibrium properties of materials, e.g., thermodynamic stability, heat capacity, optical properties and thermal transport of materials. Despite its great importance, to date the anharmonic lattice dynamics is poorly understood and most studies on lattice dynamics still rely on the harmonic or quasiharmonic models. There have been very few studies on the pure phonon anharmonicity and phonon-phonon interactions. The work presented in this thesis is devoted to the development of experimental and computational methods on this subject.

Modern inelastic scattering techniques with neutrons or photons are ideal for sorting out the anharmonic contribution. Analysis of the experimental data can generate vibrational spectra of the materials, i.e., their phonon densities of states or phonon dispersion relations. We obtained high quality data from laser Raman spectrometer, Fourier transform infrared spectrometer and inelastic neutron spectrometer. With accurate phonon spectra data, we obtained the energy shifts and lifetime broadenings of the interacting phonons, and the vibrational entropies of different materials. The understanding of them then relies on the development of the fundamental theories and the computational methods.

We developed an efficient post-processor for analyzing the anharmonic vibrations from the molecular dynamics (MD) calculations. Currently, most first principles methods are not capable of dealing with strong anharmonicity, because the interactions of phonons are ignored at finite temperatures. Our method adopts the Fourier transformed velocity autocorrelation method to handle the big data of time-dependent atomic velocities from MD calculations, and efficiently reconstructs the phonon DOS and phonon dispersion relations. Our calculations can reproduce the phonon frequency shifts and lifetime broadenings very well at various temperatures.

To understand non-harmonic interactions in a microscopic way, we have developed a numerical fitting method to analyze the decay channels of phonon-phonon interactions. Based on the quantum perturbation theory of many-body interactions, this method is used to calculate the three-phonon and four-phonon kinematics subject to the conservation of energy and momentum, taking into account the weight of phonon couplings. We can assess the strengths of phonon-phonon interactions of different channels and anharmonic orders with the calculated two-phonon DOS. This method, with high computational efficiency, is a promising direction to advance our understandings of non-harmonic lattice dynamics and thermal transport properties.

These experimental techniques and theoretical methods have been successfully performed in the study of anharmonic behaviors of metal oxides, including rutile and cuprite stuctures, and will be discussed in detail in Chapters 4 to 6. For example, for rutile titanium dioxide (TiO2), we found that the anomalous anharmonic behavior of the B1g mode can be explained by the volume effects on quasiharmonic force constants, and by the explicit cubic and quartic anharmonicity. For rutile tin dioxide (SnO2), the broadening of the B2g mode with temperature showed an unusual concave downwards curvature. This curvature was caused by a change with temperature in the number of down-conversion decay channels, originating with the wide band gap in the phonon dispersions. For silver oxide (Ag2O), strong anharmonic effects were found for both phonons and for the negative thermal expansion.


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El proceso de cicatrización es complejo y múltiples factores influyen en él, como es la nutrición. La nutrición y la cicatrización están íntimamente unidas, de esta manera deficiencias nutricionales específicas podrán provocar un retraso en la progresión de la cicatrización. Abordar las heridas de manera integral es papel de la enfermería, con lo cual es importante conocer el enfoque actual de los Suplementos Nutricionales Orales (SNO). Objetivos: conocer el papel que juega la nutrición en la cicatrización de las heridas (agudas y crónicas). Conocer cuál es el enfoque y el conocimiento actual en la Suplementación Nutricional Oral y su implicación en las heridas. Diseño: revision bibliografica Metodos: se realiza una busqueda bibliografia en diferentes bases de datos (PubMed, Metas de Enfermeria y Chocrane). Se realiza un analisis de 11 articulos y de diferentes manuales, protocolos, libros etc. de las principales sociedades cientificas relacionadas con la nutricion y la cicatrizacion. Resultados: se identifican todos los macronutrientes (carbohidratos, proteinas y aminoacidos, acidos grasos y agua) y micronutientes (vitamina A, vitamina C, Vitamina E, Vitamina K, zinc,cobre, magnesio y hierro) involucrados en la cicatrizacion de las heridas. De esta manera se realiza un analisis de estos nutrientes y la implicacion de la suplementacion nutricional oral. El resultado es que 5 revisiones sistemáticas han estudiado el papel de los SNO, con gran controversia en sus conclusiones. Conclusiones: se ha visto que la nutricion influye en la cicatrizacion de las heridas, ya que los macronutrientes y los micronutrientes intervienen en todo el proceso de cicatrizacion, desde la hemostasia hasta la maduracion de la herida. Aun asi, cuando se hace referencia a Suplementos Nutricionales Orales (tanto con nutrientes especificos como sin ellos), la evidencia demuestra que hoy por hoy existe pocas investigaciones, sin llegar a ningun consenso claro. Palabras Clave: “Wounds”, “Wound Healing”, “Nutrition”, “Oral Supplements”, “Nutritional Supplements” y “Suplementos Nutricionales”.


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A aplicação tópica de doadores de óxido nítrico é conhecida pelos seus efeitos benéficos no reparo tecidual cutâneo. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos da associação de biomateriais com doadores de óxido nítrico no reparo tecidual cutâneo de camundongos. Camundongos swiss machos foram submetidos a lesões excisionais por punch de biópsia de 8 mm no dorso. Os animais foram separados em 4 grupos (n=6 em cada grupo) de acordo com a aplicação do curativo de polivinil álcool e hidrogel sobre a lesão de punch: a) grupo polivinil álcool com grupos tiol e Pluronic F-127 (PVA-SH/F127) - tratado com hidrogel sem S- nitrosoglutationa (GSNO) e filme sem óxido nítrico; b) grupo polivinil álcool S-nitrosado (PVA-SNO/F127-GSNO) - tratado com hidrogel contendo GSNO e filme com óxido nítrico; c) grupo PVA-SNO - tratado apenas com filme óxido nítrico e d) grupo PVA-SNO/ F127 - tratado com hidrogel sem GSNO e filme com óxido nítrico. Os animais foram tratados por 7 dias consecutivos com aplicação diária de curativos com seus respectivos biomateriais. Após 7 dias de tratamento, foram retirados os curativos e as lesões foram deixadas cicatrizar por segunda intenção. O grupo tratado com filme de PVA-SNO (d) associado ao hidrogel F127, comparado com os demais grupos descritos acima, apresentou melhora no reparo tecidual, melhora da contração da lesão, diminuição do gap epitelial e densidade celular, aceleração da fase inflamatória, aumento da diferenciação miofibroblástica e aumento da expressão de colágeno do tipo III (p<0,05, ao menos). Com base nesses dados, a combinação de filmes PVA liberadores de óxido nítrico com F-127 pode representar uma nova abordagem para o tratamento de lesões cutâneas.


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The hydrosol of SnO2 nanoparticles are prepared by the method of colloid chemistry. The free piling up process of nanosized SnO2 colloid particles are investigated at the gas-liquid interface by LB and Brewster Angle Microscopy techniques. The result indicates that solid state monolayer and multilayer of SnO2 nanoparticles can be formed at the gas-liquid interface only by aging the sol in air or compressing it without amphiphiles surfactant.


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个旧锡多金属矿床位于云南省东南部,是一个驰名中外的超大型锡多金属矿床。本文在深入细致的野外地质工作基础上,对矿石进行了系统的显微鉴定,并对特征矿物做了电子探针定性、定量及面扫描分析,然后通过微量元素、稀土元素丫同位素地球化学(Pb、S、I-Ie、Ar)对比研究,探讨了矿床的成矿物质来源、成矿流体来源,论证了个旧锡矿区经历了广泛且具有重要成矿意义的中三叠世热水沉积成矿作用和燕山晚期的花岗岩岩浆热液的叠加改造成矿作用。最后重新建立了矿床的成矿模式。论文取得的主要认识如下:1.中三叠世,个旧矿区处于特殊的沉积环境一大陆裂谷系中的局I浪边缘海盆。2.中三叠世安尼期海底喷发的玄武岩,在时间、空间上与区内锡多金属矿床有着密切联系。该玄武岩源于富集成矿元素上地慢区,其地慢源区熔融前经历了交代富集作用。该富集作用对本区超大型锡多金属矿床的形成具有着重要意义。 3.“层间氧化矿”矿体的产状以及矿石类型隐含着同生沉积的信息。 4.矿石显微鉴定结果表明矿区曾发生热水沉积成矿作用,部分接触带矿体是燕山期花岗岩岩浆热液叠加、改造热水沉积矿体形成,在某些层间矿中,尤其是离花岗岩体较近的层间矿,存在后期岩浆热液叠加成矿作用。5.锡在鲡状黄铁矿、胶状结构黄铁矿中的大量存在,表明海底喷流时携带了大量成矿元素,具有成矿的潜力,同时锡石包裹体的存在暗示着海底喷流时可形成锡(SnO,)矿体。6.电气石细脉型锡矿与层间赤褐铁矿型锡矿的矿石及锡石单矿物稀土元素组成与花岗岩稀土对比研究,表明电气石细脉型矿体为花岗岩岩浆期后热液成因,而层间赤褐铁型应为热水沉积成因。层间矿块状硫化物中单矿物的稀土组成分析结果,表明部分层间矿存在热水沉积成矿作用,同时也存在花岗岩岩浆热液成矿作用,这与岩矿鉴定结果一致。层间矿围岩稀土和微量元素结果也表明部分围岩为热水沉积形成。7.矿石铅、硫同位素地球化学特征表明部分铅和硫源于印支期的热水沉积作用,另有部分铅、硫源于燕山期花岗岩岩浆热液作用;氦、氨同位素地球化学资料反映出该矿床早期成矿流体中氦主源于地慢,为热水沉积成因,同时大量放射性成因氦的加入,也表明了有大量后期花岗岩岩浆热液成矿流体的叠加和改造。8.“层间氧化矿”中成分极为单一(赤铁矿、褐铁矿、针铁矿、锡石)的致密土状赤铁矿矿石和部分褐铁矿矿石为热水沉积的直接产物,并非由硫化矿物氧化形成。9.在探讨矿区西区花岗岩的主量元素演化规律的基础上,对东区花岗岩演化规律进行了反演,得出东区花岗岩获得大量的铁,特别是三价铁,表明围岩在花岗岩侵入时就已经存在大量的三价铁,正是在花岗岩的侵入过程中对大量热水沉积的层间氧化矿的改造,导致了花岗岩中三价铁的演化异常。同时根据花岗岩稀土演化规律进行的模拟表明,老厂花岗岩可能“消化”了大量的热水沉积矿化体,其中层间氧化矿占有主要的份额,从而在局部空间形成了强氧化性质的地球化学障。强氧化环境的形成一方面形成老厂花岗岩特别的稀土模式,另一方面加快了含锡热液的分解,促使锡石沉淀并富集成矿。10.重新建立了个旧锡矿的成矿模式:个旧锡矿是长期以来多种地质作用的综合产物,具有多来源,多期次成矿特点,经历了广泛且具有重要的成矿意义的中三叠世热水沉积成矿作用和燕山晚期岩浆热液的叠加改造成矿作用,热水沉积成矿作用形成了以非晶质铁氧化物相为主的层间矿。燕山期大规模的岩浆活动对早期形成的部分层间矿或矿源层进行了叠加改造,个旧锡矿床应属热水沉积一岩浆热液叠加矿床。


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The retinal vascular endothelium is essential for angiogenesis and is involved in maintaining barrier selectivity and vascular tone. The aim of this study was to identify and quantify microRNAs and other small regulatory non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) which may regulate these crucial functions. Primary bovine retinal microvascular endothelial cells (RMECs) provide a well-characterized in vitro system for studying angiogenesis. RNA extracted from RMECs was used to prepare a small RNA library for deep sequencing (Illumina Genome Analyzer). A total of 6.8 million reads were mapped to 250 known microRNAs in miRBase (release 16). In many cases, the most frequent isomiR differed from the sequence reported in miRBase. In addition, five novel microRNAs, 13 novel bovine orthologs of known human microRNAs and multiple new members of the miR-2284/2285 family were detected. Several similar to 30 nucleotide sno-miRNAs were identified, with the most highly expressed being derived from snoRNA U78. Highly expressed microRNAs previously associated with endothelial cells included miR-126 and miR-378, but the most highly expressed was miR-21, comprising more than one-third of all mapped reads. Inhibition of miR-21 with an LNA inhibitor significantly reduced proliferation, migration, and tube-forming capacity of RMECs. The independence from prior sequence knowledge provided by deep sequencing facilitates analysis of novel microRNAs and other small RNAs. This approach also enables quantitative evaluation of microRNA expression, which has highlighted the predominance of a small number of microRNAs in RMECs. Knockdown of miR-21 suggests a role for this microRNA in regulation of angiogenesis in the retinal microvasculature. J. Cell. Biochem. 113: 20982111, 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Semiconductor physics has developed significantly in the field of re- search and industry in the past few decades due to it’s numerous practical applications. One of the relevant fields of current interest in material science is the fundamental aspects and applications of semi- conducting transparent thin films. Transparent conductors show the properties of transparency and conductivity simultaneously. As far as the band structure is concerned, the combination of the these two properties in the same material is contradictory. Generally a trans- parent material is an insulator having completely filled valence and empty conduction bands. Metallic conductivity come out when the Fermi level lies within a band with a large density of states to provide high carrier concentration. Effective transparent conductors must nec- essarily represent a compromise between a better transmission within the visible spectral range and a controlled but useful electrical con- ductivity [1–6]. Generally oxides like In2O3, SnO2, ZnO, CdO etc, show such a combination. These materials without any doping are insulators with optical band gap of about 3 eV. To become a trans- parent conductor, these materials must be degenerately doped to lift the Fermi level up into the conduction band. Degenerate doping pro- vides high mobility of extra carriers and low optical absorption. The increase in conductivity involves an increase in either carrier concen- tration or mobility. Increase in carrier concentration will enhance the absorption in the visible region while increase in mobility has no re- verse effect on optical properties. Therefore the focus of research for new transparent conducting oxide (TCO) materials is on developing materials with higher carrier mobilities.


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La malvada Reina es muy vanidosa y está decidida a ser la mujer más hermosa sobre la tierra, pero su espejo mágico le desvela que la más bella es la princesa Blancanieves que trabaja de criada en el palacio. Pero nadie puede interponerse en su camino como descubre la hermosa Blancanieves.


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Bendadaite, ideally Fe(2+)Fe(2)(3+)(AsO(4))(2)(OH)(2 center dot).4H(2)O, is a new member of the arthurite group It was found as a weathering product of arsenopyrite on a single hand specimen from the phosphate pegmatite Bendada. central Portugal (type locality) Co-type locality is the granite pegmatite of La via do Almerindo (Almerindo mine), Linopolis, Divmo das Laranjeiras county, Minas Gerais, Brazil Further localities are the Vein Negra mine, Copiapo province, Chile, mid-East, Bou Azzer district, Morocco, and Para Inferida yard, Fenugu Sibirt mine, Gonnosfanadiga, Medio Campidano Province, Sardinia. Italy Type bendadaite occurs as blackish green to dark brownish tufts (<0 1 mm long) and flattened radiating aggregates. in intimate association with an intermediate member of the scorodite-mansfieldite series It is monoclinic. space group P2(l/c). with a = 10 239(3) angstrom. b = 9 713(2) angstrom, c = 5 552(2) angstrom. beta = 94 11(2)degrees. = 550 7(2) angstrom(3). Z = 2 Electron-microprobe analysis yielded (wt %). CaO 0 04, MnO 0 03. CuO 006, ZnO 004. Fe(2)O(3) (total) 43 92, Al(2)O(3) 115. SnO(2) 0 10, As(2)O(5) 43 27. P(2)O(5) 1 86, SO(3) 0.03 The empirical formula is (Fe(0 52)(2+)Fe(0 32)(3+)rectangle(0 16))(Sigma 1 00)(Fe(1 89)(3+)Al(0 11))(Sigma 2 00)(As(1 87)P(0 13))(Sigma 2 00)O(8)(OH)(2 00) 4H(2)O based. CM 2(As,P) and assuming ideal 80, 2(OH), 4H2O and complete occupancy of the ferric on site by Fe(3+) and Al Optically, bendadaite is biaxial, positive, 2V(est) = 85+/-4 degrees, 2V(eale) = 88 degrees, with alpha 1 734(3). 13 1 759(3), 7 1 787(4) Pleochrosim is medium strong X pale reddish brown. Y yellowish brown, Z dark yellowish brown. absorption Z > V > X, optical dispersion weak, r > v. Optical axis plane Is parallel to (010), with X approximately parallel to a and Z nearly parallel to c Bendadaite has vitreous to sub-adamantine luster, is translucent and non-fluorescent It is brittle, shows irregular fracture and a good cleavage parallel to 1010} 3 15 0 10 g/cm(3), 3 193 g/cm3 (for the empirical formula) The five strongest powder diffraction lines [d in angstrom (I)(hkl] are 10 22 (10)(100), 7 036 (8)(110), 4 250 (5)(11 I), 2 865 (4)(311), 4 833 (3)(020,011) The d spacings are very similar to those of its Zn analogue, ojelaite The crystal structure of bendadaite was solved and refined using a crystal from the co-type locality with the composition (Fe(0 95)(2+)rectangle(0 05))(Sigma 1 00)(Fe(1 80)(3+)Al(0 20))Sigma(2 00)(As(1 48)P(0 52))(Sigma 2 00)O(8)) (OH)(2) 4H(2)O (R = 16%) and confirms an arthurite-type atomic arrangement