986 resultados para Road construction contracts.


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Mestrado em Contabilidade Internacional


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Trabalho Final de Mestrado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil, na Área de Especialização de Hidráulica


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O tema desta dissertação foi escolhido tendo em consideração a crescente necessidade de planeamento de empreitadas de construção de estradas, sendo um dos objetivos desta dissertação o de oferecer uma visão global do processo de planeamento da construção de uma estrada, focado apenas no fator tempo, recorrendo a ferramentas informáticas e utilizando um caso de estudo de uma estrada real e já construída. Inicialmente, faz-se uma breve descrição dos métodos de planeamento mais aplicados em planeamentos de projetos, bem como dos softwares a utilizar neste trabalho. De seguida, descreve-se o caso de estudo, indicando as suas características principais. Partindo-se deste caso real, com base no estudo do Projeto de Execução, determinam-se as atividades, as suas relações e dependências, definem-se equipas e frentes de trabalho e determinam-se os respetivos rendimentos. Após a obtenção dos rendimentos de todas as atividades, elabora-se o planeamento da estrada, focado apenas no fator tempo, recorrendo ao diagrama de Gantt e ao diagrama espaço-tempo, utilizando para isso softwares de referência no mercado, o Microsoft Project e o CCS Candy. Por fim, são apresentadas algumas das principais diferenças entre as duas ferramentas informáticas aplicadas, as conclusões gerais, assim como uma proposta de desenvolvimento futuro.


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The scope of the following study is to present an alternative and preventive dispute resolution method known as Dispute Resolution Board. The Dispute Resolution Board mechanism is included in construction contracts to support project participants in avoiding and resolving disputes. Over the years the construction industry dealt with the resolution of claims and disputes through several methods. One of the most successful and lasting is the Dispute Resolution Board. A Dispute Resolution Board is a board of impartial professionals formed at the start of the project to follow construction progress, prevent arising disputes, and assist in the resolution of disputes during the project. When a dispute arises the Board meets with the parties to settle this dispute. The recommendation of this Board is non-binding for the parties. In Portugal there is no experience with this form of conciliation.


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The scope of the following study is to present an alternative and preventive dispute resolution method known as Dispute Resolution Board. The Dispute Resolution Board mechanism is included in construction contracts to support project participants in avoiding and resolving disputes. Over the years the construction industry dealt with the resolution of claims and disputes through several methods. One of the most successful and lasting is the Dispute Resolution Board. A Dispute Resolution Board is a board of impartial professionals formed at the start of the project to follow construction progress, prevent arising disputes, and assist in the resolution of disputes during the project. When a dispute arises the Board meets with the parties to settle this dispute. The recommendation of this Board is non-binding for the parties. In Portugal there is no experience with this form of conciliation.


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The pavement recycling allows to reuse reclaimed asphalt pavement (RAP) or other waste materials in new asphalt mixtures for road construction or rehabilitation, thus re-ducing the use of virgin materials (aggregates and bitumen). Thus, the main aim of this study is to minimize the use of natural resources through the reuse of three waste materials: HDPE, mo-tor oil and RAP. Different amounts of waste motor oil and HDPE were added to an asphalt binder with 50% aged bitumen. The best solutions to produce the modified binders (4.5 to 5.0% HDPE and 10 % waste motor oil) performed as well as a conventional bitumen although they only used 35 % of virgin bitumen. Asphalt mixtures with 50 % RAP were produced with the selected modified binders, improving some characteristics in comparison with conventional asphalt mixtures. In conclusion, these wastes can revive in new asphalt mixtures.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Engenharia Civil


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The larva, pupa, male and female of Simulium daltanhani n. sp. are described and illustrated. This species shares diagnostic characteristics with Simulium quadrifidum Lutz, Simulium cauchense Floch & Abonnenc, Simulium brevifurcatum Lutz and Simulium siolii Py-Daniel. It was collected in three counties (Manaus, Presidente Figueiredo and Itacoatiara) in the State of Amazonas, Brazil. Its habitat includes streams in disturbed, open areas where the forest has been cut for road construction; it was not collected in adjacent forested streams, suggesting that it colonizes disturbed habitats. The larval subesophageal ganglion is discussed as a useful character, when pigmented, to distinguish this species within a limited geographic area.


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In this article, we explore the contractual design of toll road concession contracts. We highlight the fact that contracting parties try to sign not only complete rigid contracts in order to avoid renegotiations but also flexible contracts in order to adapt contractual framework to contingencies and to create incentives for cooperative behavior. This gives rise to multiple toll adjustment provisions and to a tradeoff between rigid and flexible contracts. Such a tradeoff is formalized using an incomplete contract framework - including ex post maladaptation and renegotiation costs - and propositions are tested using an original database of 71 concession contracts. Our results suggest an important role for economic efficiency concerns, as well as politics, in designing such public-private contracts. Codes JEL : D23, H11, H54, L14, L9.


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The year 1949 saw the Iowa General Assembly’s establishment of the Iowa Secondary Road Research Fund, which led to the creation of a supervisory board within what was then the Iowa State Highway Commission to oversee the expenditure of that fund. The purpose of the fund and the board was to research road construction topics likely to be beneficial to the working of Iowa’s secondary, or local, road system. The supervisory board—called the Iowa Highway Research Board (the “Board”)—was organized by the highway commission in December 1949 and first met in May 1950. The creation of the fund and of the Iowa Highway Research Board marked the first organized effort in the United States to investigate local road construction problems and placed Iowa in the forefront of this field of engineering research. That Iowa should be a leader in such an effort is not surprising, given the early and sustained emphasis of the Iowa State Highway Commission on both research and the dissemination of information to county authorities. Now, 50 years later, a retrospective is in order. To that end, the Iowa Highway Research Board commissioned the preparation of a commemorative history. This work is the result of that project. Throughout its existence, the Board has funded nearly 450 projects, several of national significance. Many new construction and maintenance techniques have been developed, some of which have evolved into standard practices in highway construction. Innovative new materials and equipment have been tested. Still other projects have considered a wide variety of subjects related to the efficient operation of the highway system. Highway safety, conservation, and law have all come under research scrutiny. While it will not be possible, given the short space available, to consider all the projects financed by the Iowa Highway Research Board, it is well worthwhile to examine the Board’s principal projects and its resulting contributions to the field of highway research.


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With the spiraling cost of construction, coupled with inflation, engineers must develop and research new techniques to better utilize the public's dollar. One area i n which these new technologies must be researched is in the field of highway construction; more specifically, asphalt products. There are areas within the state of Iowa which do not have Class I aggregate readily available for asphalt concrete road construction. The cost of transporting higher quality aggregate specified in the "Standard Specifications for Highway and Bridge construction"' for construction projects is escalating on a yearly basis. Many counties will be squeezed out of the construction of new roadways if an alternative to the high costs is not identified. The same high costs will curtail adequate upkeep on the existing paved system and will result in decreased serviceability. For this reason, a product is needed to better utilize the local aggregates for road construction and maintenance. There i s a product on the market which the promoters claim will improve the prer?nt asphalt to such a degree as to "upgrade deficient aggregates" to the level they can be used in today's standard construction techniques. This product is "Chem-Crete Bitumen," a'kpecially refined asphalt" that was promoted by Chem-Crete Corporation of Menlo Park, California. Chemkrete Technologies, Inc. of Wickliffe, Ohio; a wholly owned subsidiary of the Lubrizol Corporation has since purchased the U.S.


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The objective of this project was to promote and facilitate analysis and evaluation of the impacts of road construction activities in Smart Work Zone Deployment Initiative (SWZDI) states. The two primary objectives of this project were to assess urban freeway work-zone impacts through use of remote monitoring devices, such as radar-based traffic sensors, traffic cameras, and traffic signal loop detectors, and evaluate the effectiveness of using these devices for such a purpose. Two high-volume suburban freeway work zones, located on Interstate 35/80 (I-35/I-80) through the Des Moines, Iowa metropolitan area, were evaluated at the request of the Iowa Department of Transportation (DOT).


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The Iowa State Highway Commission has adopted a number of rigid safety requirements that the Bureau of Public Roads has set forth as standards for road construction. One of these safety requirements is the elimination of two piers on Interstate grade separations, thus leaving two long spans. These longer spans lower the ability of prestressed concrete beams to compete economically with steel beams. In an effort to be more competitive, the prestressing companies have been studying the use of lightweight aggregate in structural concrete.


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Quality granular materials suitable for building all-weather roads are not uniformly distributed throughout the state of Iowa. For this reason the Iowa Highway Research Board has sponsored a number of research programs for the purpose of developing new and effective methods for making use of whatever materials are locally available. This need is ever more pressing today due to the decreasing availability of road funds and quality materials, and the increasing costs of energy and all types of binder materials. In the 1950s, Professor L. H. Csanyi of Iowa State University had demonstrated both in the laboratory and in the field, in Iowa and in a number of foreign countries, the effectiveness of preparing low cost mixes by stabilizing ungraded local aggregates such as gravel, sand and loess with asphalt cements using the foamed asphalt process. In this process controlled foam was produced by introducing saturated steam at about 40 psi into heated asphalt cement at about 25 psi through a specially designed and properly adjusted nozzle. The reduced viscosity and the increased volume and surface energy in the foamed asphalt allowed intimate coating and mixing of cold, wet aggregates or soils. Through the use of asphalt cements in a foamed state, materials normally considered unsuitable could be used in the preparation of mixes for stabilized bases and surfaces for low traffic road construction. By attaching the desired number of foam nozzles, the foamed asphalt can be used in conjunction with any type of mixing plant, either stationary or mobile, batch or continuous, central plant or in-place soil stabilization.


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Kossuth County is located in North Central Iowa bordering on the State of Minnesota. It is the largest county in Iowa consisting of 28 congressional townships. The population of the county is 23,000 of which 11,000 people live in the rural area. There are 13 towns located in the county with the county seat, Algona, being the largest with a population of 6,100. Major industry of the area is grain farming with some beef and hog production. Naturally, where there is good grain farm land it follows that there is poor soil available for road construction and pavements. However, below the 3 to 4 feet of good farm land of Kossuth there is present a good grade of clay soil which does make an adequate base for surfacing when placed and compacted on top of the roadbed. As early as 1950, the then Kossuth County Engineer, H.M. Smith, embarked on a program of stage construction in building new grades and pavements. The goal of his program was primarily to conserve the county's rapidly dwindling supply of surfacing materials, and also, to realize the side effects of providing smooth and dustless roads for the public. Engineer Smith was fully aware of the poor soils that existed for road construction, but he also knew about the good clay that lay below the farm soil. Consequently, in his grading program he insisted that road ditches be dug deep enough to allow the good clay soil to be compacted on top of the roadbed. The presence of the compacted clay on top of the road resulted in a briding affect over the farm soil. The stage construction program satisfied the objectives of aggregate construction and dust control but did generate other problems which we are now trying to solve as economically as possible.