986 resultados para Power Series


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Física - IFT


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This paper presents an extension of the Enestrom-Kakeya theorem concerning the roots of a polynomial that arises from the analysis of the stability of Brown (K, L) methods. The generalization relates to relaxing one of the inequalities on the coefficients of the polynomial. Two results concerning the zeros of polynomials will be proved, one of them providing a partial answer to a conjecture by Meneguette (1994)[6]. (C) 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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We discuss a new interacting model for the cosmological dark sector in which the attenuated dilution of cold dark matter scales as a(-3)f(a), where f(a) is an arbitrary function of the cosmic scale factor a. From thermodynamic arguments, we show that f(a) is proportional to the entropy source of the particle creation process. In order to investigate the cosmological consequences of this kind of interacting models, we expand f(a) in a power series, and viable cosmological solutions are obtained. Finally, we use current observational data to place constraints on the interacting function f(a).


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We study the power series ring R= K[[x1,x2,x3,...]]on countably infinitely many variables, over a field K, and two particular K-subalgebras of it: the ring S, which is isomorphic to an inverse limit of the polynomial rings in finitely many variables over K, and the ring R', which is the largest graded subalgebra of R. Of particular interest are the homogeneous, finitely generated ideals in R', among them the generic ideals. The definition of S as an inverse limit yields a set of truncation homomorphisms from S to K[x1,...,xn] which restrict to R'. We have that the truncation of a generic I in R' is a generic ideal in K[x1,...,xn]. It is shown in Initial ideals of Truncated Homogeneous Ideals that the initial ideal of such an ideal converge to the initial ideal of the corresponding ideal in R'. This initial ideal need no longer be finitely generated, but it is always locally finitely generated: this is proved in Gröbner Bases in R'. We show in Reverse lexicographic initial ideals of generic ideals are finitely generated that the initial ideal of a generic ideal in R' is finitely generated. This contrast to the lexicographic term order. If I in R' is a homogeneous, locally finitely generated ideal, and if we write the Hilbert series of the truncated algebras K[x1,...,xn] module the truncation of I as qn(t)/(1-t)n, then we show in Generalized Hilbert Numerators that the qn's converge to a power series in t which we call the generalized Hilbert numerator of the algebra R'/I. In Gröbner bases for non-homogeneous ideals in R' we show that the calculations of Gröbner bases and initial ideals in R' can be done also for some non-homogeneous ideals, namely those which have an associated homogeneous ideal which is locally finitely generated. The fact that S is an inverse limit of polynomial rings, which are naturally endowed with the discrete topology, provides S with a topology which makes it into a complete Hausdorff topological ring. The ring R', with the subspace topology, is dense in R, and the latter ring is the Cauchy completion of the former. In Topological properties of R' we show that with respect to this topology, locally finitely generated ideals in R'are closed.


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Es gibt kaum eine präzisere Beschreibung der Natur als die durch das Standardmodell der Elementarteilchen (SM). Es ist in der Lage bis auf wenige Ausnahmen, die Physik der Materie- und Austauschfelder zu beschreiben. Dennoch ist man interessiert an einer umfassenderen Theorie, die beispielsweise auch die Gravitation mit einbezieht, Neutrinooszillationen beschreibt, und die darüber hinaus auch weitere offene Fragen klärt. Um dieser Theorie ein Stück näher zu kommen, befasst sich die vorliegende Arbeit mit einem effektiven Potenzreihenansatz zur Beschreibung der Physik des Standardmodells und neuer Phänomene. Mit Hilfe eines Massenparameters und einem Satz neuer Kopplungskonstanten wird die Neue Physik parametrisiert. In niedrigster Ordnung erhält man das bekannte SM, Terme höherer Ordnung in der Kopplungskonstanten beschreiben die Effekte jenseits des SMs. Aus gewissen Symmetrie-Anforderungen heraus ergibt sich eine definierte Anzahl von effektiven Operatoren mit Massendimension sechs, die den hier vorgestellten Rechnungen zugrunde liegen. Wir berechnen zunächst für eine bestimmte Auswahl von Prozessen zugehörige Zerfallsbreiten bzw. Wirkungsquerschnitte in einem Modell, welches das SM um einen einzigen neuen effektiven Operator erweitertet. Unter der Annahme, dass der zusätzliche Beitrag zur Observablen innerhalb des experimentellen Messfehlers ist, geben wir anhand von vorliegenden experimentellen Ergebnissen aus leptonischen und semileptonischen Präzisionsmessungen Ausschlussgrenzen der neuen Kopplungen in Abhängigkeit von dem Massenparameter an. Die hier angeführten Resultate versetzen Physiker zum Einen in die Lage zu beurteilen, bei welchen gemessenen Observablen eine Erhöhung der Präzision sinnvoll ist, um bessere Ausschlussgrenzen angeben zu können. Zum anderen erhält man einen Anhaltspunkt, welche Prozesse im Hinblick auf Entdeckungen Neuer Physik interessant sind.


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The flexural vibration of a homogeneous isotropic linearly elastic cylinder of any aspect ratio is analysed in this paper. Natural frequencies of a cylinder under uniformly distributed axial loads acting on its bases are calculated numerically by the Ritz method with terms of power series in the coordinate directions as approximating functions. The effect of axial loads on the flexural vibration cannot be described by applying infinitesimal strain theory, therefore, geometrically nonlinear strain–displacement relations with second-order terms are considered here. The natural frequencies of free–free, clamped–clamped, and sliding–sliding cylinders subjected to axial loads are calculated using the proposed three-dimensional Ritz approach and are compared with those obtained with the finite element method and the Bernoulli–Euler theory. Different experiments with cylinders axially compressed by a hydraulic press are carried out and the experimental results for the lowest flexural frequency are compared with the numerical results. An approach based on the Ritz formulation is proposed for the flexural vibration of a cylinder between the platens of the press with constraints varying with the intensity of the compression. The results show that for low compressions the cylinder behaves similarly to a sliding–sliding cylinder, whereas for high compressions the cylinder vibrates as a clamped–clamped one.


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Transverse galloping is a type of aeroelastic instability characterized by large amplitude, low frequency, normal to wind oscillations that appear in some elastic two-dimensional bluff bodies when subjected to a fluid flow, provided that the flow velocity exceeds a threshold critical value. Such an oscillatory motion is explained because of the energy transfer from the flow to the two-dimensional bluff body. The 7 amount of energy that can be extracted depends on the cross section of the galloping prism. Assuming that the Glauert-Den Hartog quasistatic criterion for galloping instability is satisfied in a first approximation, the suitability of a given cross section for energy harvesting is evaluated by analyzing the lateral aerodynamic force coefficient, fitting a function with a power series in tan a (a being the angle of attack) to 10 available experimental data. In this paper, a fairly large number of simple prisms (triangle, ellipse, biconvex, and rhombus cross sections, as well 11 as D-shaped bodies) is analyzed for suitability as energy harvesters. The influence of the fitting process in the energy harvesting efficiency evaluation is also demonstrated. The analysis shows that the more promising bodies are those with isosceles or approximate isosceles cross sections.


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In the last 15 years, many class number formulas and main conjectures have been proven. Here, we discuss such formulas on the Selmer groups of the three-dimensional adjoint representation ad(φ) of a two-dimensional modular Galois representation φ. We start with the p-adic Galois representation φ0 of a modular elliptic curve E and present a formula expressing in terms of L(1, ad(φ0)) the intersection number of the elliptic curve E and the complementary abelian variety inside the Jacobian of the modular curve. Then we explain how one can deduce a formula for the order of the Selmer group Sel(ad(φ0)) from the proof of Wiles of the Shimura–Taniyama conjecture. After that, we generalize the formula in an Iwasawa theoretic setting of one and two variables. Here the first variable, T, is the weight variable of the universal p-ordinary Hecke algebra, and the second variable is the cyclotomic variable S. In the one-variable case, we let φ denote the p-ordinary Galois representation with values in GL2(Zp[[T]]) lifting φ0, and the characteristic power series of the Selmer group Sel(ad(φ)) is given by a p-adic L-function interpolating L(1, ad(φk)) for weight k + 2 specialization φk of φ. In the two-variable case, we state a main conjecture on the characteristic power series in Zp[[T, S]] of Sel(ad(φ) ⊗ ν−1), where ν is the universal cyclotomic character with values in Zp[[S]]. Finally, we describe our recent results toward the proof of the conjecture and a possible strategy of proving the main conjecture using p-adic Siegel modular forms.


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Purpose: In this paper the authors aim to show the advantages of using the decomposition method introduced by Adomian to solve Emden's equation, a classical non‐linear equation that appears in the study of the thermal behaviour of a spherical cloud and of the gravitational potential of a polytropic fluid at hydrostatic equilibrium. Design/methodology/approach: In their work, the authors first review Emden's equation and its possible solutions using the Frobenius and power series methods; then, Adomian polynomials are introduced. Afterwards, Emden's equation is solved using Adomian's decomposition method and, finally, they conclude with a comparison of the solution given by Adomian's method with the solution obtained by the other methods, for certain cases where the exact solution is known. Findings: Solving Emden's equation for n in the interval [0, 5] is very interesting for several scientific applications, such as astronomy. However, the exact solution is known only for n=0, n=1 and n=5. The experiments show that Adomian's method achieves an approximate solution which overlaps with the exact solution when n=0, and that coincides with the Taylor expansion of the exact solutions for n=1 and n=5. As a result, the authors obtained quite satisfactory results from their proposal. Originality/value: The main classical methods for obtaining approximate solutions of Emden's equation have serious computational drawbacks. The authors make a new, efficient numerical implementation for solving this equation, constructing iteratively the Adomian polynomials, which leads to a solution of Emden's equation that extends the range of variation of parameter n compared to the solutions given by both the Frobenius and the power series methods.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-06


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The performance of the maximum ratio combining method for the combining of antenna-diversity signals in correlated Rician-fading channels is rigorously studied. The distribution function of the normalized signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is expanded in terms of a power series and calculated numerically. This power series can easily take into account the signal correlations and antenna gains and can be applied to any number of receiving antennas. An application of the method to dual-antenna diversity systems produces useful distribution curves for the normalized SNR which can be used to find the diversity gain. It is revealed that signal correlation in Rician-fading channels helps to increase the diversity gain rather than to decrease it as in the Rayleigh fading channels. It is also shown that with a relative strong direct signal component, the diversity gain can be much higher than that without a direct signal component.


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The present study addresses the problem of predicting the properties of multicomponent systems from those of corresponding binary systems. Two types of multicomponent polynomial models have been analysed. A probabilistic interpretation of the parameters of the Polynomial model, which explicitly relates them with the Gibbs free energies of the generalised quasichemical reactions, is proposed. The presented treatment provides a theoretical justification for such parameters. A methodology of estimating the ternary interaction parameter from the binary ones is presented. The methodology provides a way in which the power series multicomponent models, where no projection is required, could be incorporated into the Calphad approach.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: 60J80, 62M05