985 resultados para Polymères-HM


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La recherche sur la conception de nouveaux matériaux, dits intelligents, est en constant progrès depuis plus de 30 ans. Historiquement, les premiers matériaux utilisés et transformés par l’homme étaient le bois, les minéraux et ses dérivés (pierre, métaux, etc.). C’est à la fin du 19e siècle que la synthèse des polymères organiques et inorganiques ainsi que leurs utilisations se développèrent. Ce progrès continue de nos jours. Ainsi, c’est dans cette direction que cette thèse fut rédigée, l’étude de polymères de coordination basés sur le cuivre(I). Elle s’orchestra en six principales sections de recherche. La première section, i.e. le chapitre 2 traite de la coordination de différents ligands monothioéthers sur du CuX (X = I, Br) pour former plusieurs types de polymères de coordination (CPs). Ainsi, le CP 1D [(Me[indice inférieur 2]S)[indice inférieur 3]{Cu[indice inférieur 2]([mu]-I)[indice inférieur 2}][indice inférieur n] est obtenu quand CuI et Sme[indice inférieur 2] réagissent ensemble dans le n-heptane, alors qu’ils entrainent la formation du CP 2D [(Me[indice inférieur 2]S) [indice inférieur 3] {Cu[indice inférieur 4]([mu]-I) [indice inférieur 4]}] [indice inférieur n] dans le MeCN. Ce dernier contient des unités de construction secondaire (SBU ; Secondary Building Units en anglais) en forme de cluster Cu[indice inférieur 4]I[indice inférieur 4] « cubane partiellement ouvert ». En faisant réagir le MeSEt avec du CuI, le CP 2D [(MeSEt) [indice inférieur 2]{Cu[indice inférieur 4] ([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I) [indice inférieur 2] ([mu][indice inférieur 2]-I) [indice inférieur 2]}(MeCN) [indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] contenant des SBUs de type Cu[indice inférieur 4]I[indice inférieur 4] « cubanes en escalier » a été isolé dans MeCN, alors qu’ils entrainent l’obtention du polymère 1D [(MeSEt) [indice inférieur 3]{Cu[indice inférieur 4] ([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I) [indice inférieur 4]}] [indice inférieur n] dans le n-heptane contenant quant à lui des clusters de types Cu[indice inférieur 4]I[indice inférieur 4] « cubanes fermés ». Alors que le traitement de MeSPr avec du CuI forme le CP 1D [(MeSPr) [indice inférieur 3]{Cu[indice inférieur 4] ([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I) [indice inférieur 4]}] [indice inférieur n], les composés [(L) [indice inférieur 4]{Cu[indice inférieur 4] ([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I) [indice inférieur 4]}] (L = EtSPr, Pr[indice inférieur 2]S) sont respectivement obtenus avec le EtSPr et le Pr[indice inférieur 2]S. À partir du [indice supérieur i]Pr[indice inférieur 2]S et de CuI, le cluster [([indice supérieur i]Pr[indice inférieur 2]S) [indice inférieur 6]{Cu[indice inférieur 8] ([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I) [indice inférieur 3]}([mu][indice inférieur 4]-I) [indice inférieur 2]}] est obtenu alors que l’on forme un CP 2D [(Cu[indice inférieur 3]Br[indice inférieur 3])(MeSEt) [indice inférieur 3]] [indice inférieur n] à partir de CuBr et MeSEt dans l’heptane. Ce dernier incorpore à la fois des Cu([mu][indice inférieur 2]-Br) [indice inférieur 2]Cu rhomboédriques et des SBUs de type Cu[indice inférieur 4]Br[indice inférieur 4] « cubanes ouverts ». Le MeSPr forme, quant à lui avec le CuBr dans l’heptane, le CP 1D [(Cu[indice inférieur 3]Br[indice inférieur 3])(MeSPr) [indice inférieur 3]] [indice inférieur n] qui, après recristallisation dans le MeCN, est converti en un CP 2D [(Cu[indice inférieur 5]Br[indice inférieur 5])([mu][indice inférieur 2]-MeSPr) [indice inférieur 3]] [indice inférieur n] incorporant des SBUs [(Cu[indice inférieur 5] ([mu][indice inférieur 4]-Br)([mu][indice inférieur 2]-Br)]. Les propriétés de stabilités thermiques et photophysiques de ces matériaux ont aussi été reportées.   Dans la section 2, i.e. au chapitre 3, les réactions entre des ligands dithioétherbutanes (1,4-bis(phénylthio)butane et 1,4-bis(cyclohexylthio)butane) avec CuX (X = Br, I) ont été étudiées. En faisant réagir les CuX avec le 1,4-bis(cyclohexylthio)butane, dans le ratio (1:1), les CPs 1D, peu luminescents, isostructuraux [(Cu[indice inférieur 2]X[indice inférieur 2])([mu]-CyS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 4])SCy) [indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] (X = Br, I) sont obtenus. Inversement, quand CuI réagit avec 1,4-bis(phénylthio)butane, dans le ratio (2:1), il se forme le préalablement reporté CP 2D [(Cu[indice inférieur 4]I[indice inférieur 4])([mu]- PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 4])SPh) [indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n], alors qu’avec le CyS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 4])SCy, un nouveau composé luminescent est obtenu, mais sa structure n’a pas pu être résolue.(1) Les caractérisations habituelles en photophysique et en stabilité thermique ont été menées sur ces matériaux. Dans la troisième section, i.e. dans le chapitre 4, les réactions de coordination de CuX (Br, I) sur les ligands dithioétherbutènes E- et Z-PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])SPh, E- et Z-pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])S-pTol ont été comparées. Quand les sels CuX réagissent avec E-PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])SPh les CP 2D [Cu[indice inférieur 2]X[indice inférieur 2]{[mu]-E-PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])SPh}[indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] (X = I, Br), composés isostructuraux, sont obtenus. Incorporant une structure sans-précédente, ces réseaux sont formés à partir de couches 2D en alternance ABAB, contenants des SBUs Cu[indice inférieur 2] ([mu][indice inférieur 2]-X) [indice inférieur 2] rhomboédriques. Inversement, quand l’isomère Z-PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])SPh réagit avec des sels de CuX, deux structures différentes sont obtenues : le CP 2D [Cu[indice inférieur 4] ([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I) [indice inférieur 4] ([mu]-Z-PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])SPh}[indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] contenant des SBUs de type « cubane fermé » et le complexe 0D [Cu[indice inférieur 2]Br[indice inférieur 2]{[mu]-Z-PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])SPh}[indice inférieur 2]]. De par la réaction de E-pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])S-pTol avec CuI, le CP 2D [{Cu([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I)} [indice inférieur 2] ([mu]-E-pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])S-pTol)]n contenant des rubans parallèles en escalier est obtenu, alors que la structure issue de CuBr n’a pas pu être résolue. Finalement, quand CuX réagit avec Z-pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])S-pTol, les CPs 2D iso-structuraux [Cu[indice inférieur 2]X[indice inférieur 2]{[mu]-Z-pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]CH=CHCH[indice inférieur 2])S-pTol}[indice inférieur 2]] (X = I, Br) sont formés. Dans ce cas, contrairement, aux premières structures obtenues, les couches de ces CPs sont composées de grilles incorporant des SBUs rhomboédriques Cu[indice inférieur 2] ([mu][indice inférieur 2]-X) [indice inférieur 2] dont les distances Cu···Cu sont identiques d’une couche à l’autre. Les caractérisations habituelles en photophysique et en stabilités thermiques ont été menées sur ces matériaux. De plus, des calculs théoriques ont été réalisés afin de mieux comprendre les propriétés photophysiques de ces composés. La quatrième section, i.e. le chapitre 5, traite des réactions de CuX (Br, I, Cl) sur des ligands dithioétherbutynes (1,4-bis(pTolthio)but-2-yne et 1,4-bis(benzylthio)but-2-yne. Quand CuBr réagit avec 1,4-bis(pTolthio)but-2-yne, le CP 1D [{Cu([mu][indice inférieur 2]-Br) [indice inférieur 2]Cu}([mu]-pTolSCH[indice inférieur 2]C≡CCH[indice inférieur 2]S-pTol) [indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] est obtenu, alors que le CP 2D [{Cu[indice inférieur 4] ([mu][indice inférieur 3]-I) [indice inférieur 4]}([mu]-pTolSCH[indice inférieur 2]C≡CCH[indice inférieur 2]S-pTol) [indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n], préalablement reporté, est formé.(2) La réaction des sels CuI et CuCl avec 1,4-bis(benzylthio)but-2-yne engendre la formation de complexes isomorphes 0D [{Cu([mu][indice inférieur 2]-X) [indice inférieur 2]Cu}([mu]-PhCH[indice inférieur 2]SCH[indice inférieur 2]C≡CCH[indice inférieur 2]SCH[indice inférieur 2]Ph) [indice inférieur 2]] (X = I, Br). Contrairement à l’utilisation de CuCl, qui avec PhCH[indice inférieur 2]SCH[indice inférieur 2]C≡CCH[indice inférieur 2]SCH[indice inférieur 2]Ph forme le CP 2D [{Cu[indice inférieur 2] ([mu][indice inférieur 2]-Cl)([mu] [indice inférieur 3]-Cl)}([mu]-PhCH[indice inférieur 2]SCH[indice inférieur 2]C≡CCH[indice inférieur 2]SCH[indice inférieur 2]Ph)] [indice inférieur n]. Notons que ce CP présente des propriétés de photophysique peu communes pour un dérivé chloré, car il émet de la lumière autour de 600 nm. La cinquième section, i.e. le chapitre 6, traite des réactions de CuI avec PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]SPh et pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]S-pTol qui génèrent respectivement les CPs luminescents 1D [Cu[indice inférieur 4]I[indice inférieur 4]{[mu][indice inférieur 2]-PhS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]SPh}[indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] et 2D [Cu8I8{[mu]2-pTolS(CH2)8S-pTol}3(MeCN)2]n. Le CP 2D [Cu8I8{[mu]2-pTolS(CH2)8S-pTol}3 (MeCN)2]n présente un réseau qui n’avait jamais été rencontré dans la littérature auparavant, c.-à-d., des couches de polymère construites à partir de deux cubanes fermés pontés ensemble par un rhomboèdre comme SBUs. Leurs propriétés physiques et de stabilités thermiques ont été étudiées et présentent quelques différences notables. La sixième section, i.e. le chapitre 7, traite des réactions entre CuI avec le ligand flexible pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]S-pTol dans le MeCN ou EtCN et p-[indice supérieur t]BuC[indice inférieur 6]H[indice inférieur 4]S(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]SC[indice inférieur 6]H[indice inférieur 4]-p-[indice supérieur t]Bu L2 dans EtCN. Les synthèses issues de pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]S-pTol permettent l’obtention de CPs 2D [Cu[indice inférieur 8]I[indice inférieur 8]{pTolS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]S-pTol}[indice inférieur 3] (solvant) [indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] (1•MeCN et 1•EtCN) contenant des nœuds de connexion de type Cu[indice inférieur 8]I[indice inférieur 8]. Par opposition, l’utilisation du ligand p-[indice supérieur t]BuC[indice inférieur 6]H[indice inférieur 4]S(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]SC[indice inférieur 6]H[indice inférieur 4]-p-[indice supérieur t]Bu dans EtCN entraine la formation d’un CP 1D [Cu[indice inférieur 4]I[indice inférieur 4]{p-[indice supérieur t]BuC[indice inférieur 6]H[indice inférieur 4]S(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 8]SC[indice inférieur 6]H[indice inférieur 4]-p-[indice supérieur t]Bu}[indice inférieur 2] (EtCN) [indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n] incorporant les SBUs de type cubane fermé. Les CPs 2D 1•MeCN et 1•EtCN, contrairement à 2•EtCN, présentent l’habilité de pouvoir perdre le solvant initialement incorporé dans leur structure sous vide et de le readsorber ou d’adsorber un autre solvant, chose qui peut être suivie à l’aide de la variation de la luminescence, la stabilité thermique, ou encore par diffraction des rayons X sur poudre. La septième section, i.e. le chapitre 8 traite des réactions, une fois encore, entre un ligand dithioéther, contenant un pont flexible butane (EtS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 4]SEt) et les sels CuX (X = I, Br). Dans ce cas, il se forme avec le CuI un CP luminescent 2D [Cu[indice inférieur 4]I[indice inférieur 4]{[mu]-EtS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 4]SEt}[indice inférieur 2]] [indice inférieur n], alors qu’il génère avec CuBr, le CP 3D [(Cu[indice inférieur 2]Br[indice inférieur 2]){[mu]-EtS(CH[indice inférieur 2]) [indice inférieur 4]SEt}][indice inférieur n] faiblement luminescent, construit sur des couches en parallèle pontées par les soufres doublement n-donneurs. Il est intéressant de remarquer qu’une migration de l’énergie d’excitation se produit dans le CP 3D (dérivé bromé) contrairement au CP 2D (dérivé iodé) sous excitation de haute intensité. Très peu d’exemples présentent ce type de processus parmi tous les CPs ( < 10). Pour conclure, les réactions entre les sels CuX (X = Cl, Br, I) avec des ligands thioéthers de types différents (mono-, di-thio, rigide ou flexible) peuvent offrir des matériaux de structures variables (CP 0D, 1D, 2D, 3D avec et sans cavités) présentant leurs propres spécificités (luminescence, stabilité thermique, adsorption de gaz, solvatochromisme, etc.). Le résultat le plus important à noter, en comparaison avec la littérature est, qu’il est très difficile, voire impossible, de pouvoir prédire la dimensionnalité, la structure et les propriétés dont résultera la coordination des ligands thioéthers sur des sels de CuX (X = Cl, Br, I). Par conséquent, de nombreuses combinaisons et études restent encore à être menées pour mieux comprendre ces matériaux et trouver la, ou les meilleures combinaisons possibles pour concevoir des MOFs luminescents à partir de CuX.


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Dans un contexte où l’énergie représente un enjeu majeur pour les pays et organisations à économies émergentes et développées, la recherche de nouvelles sources renouvelables et la démocratisation des vecteurs énergétiques permettant l’approvisionnement mondial de façon durable constitue un devoir pour la communauté scientifique internationale. D’ailleurs, il serait essentiel que les nombreuses disciplines de la chimie concertent leurs efforts. Plus particulièrement, la croissance de la recherche en chimie de coordination orientée vers la photosynthèse artificielle ainsi que le développement de matériaux fonctionnels démontre l’importance indéniable de ce champ de recherche. Ce travail présente dans un premier temps l’étude des différentes voies de synthèse d’hydroxyamidines, un ligand chélatant aux propriétés de coordination prometteuses ne recevant que très peu d’attention de la part de la communauté scientifique. Dans un deuxième temps, nous présenterons le développement d’une stratégie d’assemblage de leurs complexes supramoléculaires impliquant des métaux de transition abondants et peu dispendieux de la première rangée. Dans un troisième temps, il sera question de l’investigation de leurs propriétés photophysiques et électrochimiques à des fins d’applications au sein de matériaux fonctionnels. Pour ce faire, les différentes voies de synthèse des hydroxyamidines et de leurs amidines correspondantes qui ont précédemment été étudiées par les membres du groupe seront tout d’abord perfectionnées, puis investiguées afin de déterminer leur versatilité. Ensuite, les propriétés de complexation des amox résultantes comportant des motifs sélectionnés seront déterminées pour enfin étudier les propriétés photophysiques et électrochimiques d’une série de complexes de métaux de transition de la première rangée. En somme, plusieurs designs qu’offrent les amox et bis-amox sont étudiés et les propriétés des architectures résultantes de leur auto-assemblage sont déterminées.


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While there is growing use of online counselling, little is known about its interactional organisation and how it compares to telephone counselling. This is despite past research suggesting that both counsellors and clients report the impact of the different modalities on the presentation and management of the counselling interaction. This paper compares the interactional affordances of telephone and online web counselling in opening sequences on Kids Help Line, a 24-hour Australian counselling service for children and young people up to the age of 25. We examine two ways that counsellors show active listening through response tokens and formulations. The analysis describes how counsellors’ use of minimal response tokens facilitate the clients’ problem presentation and are used in the management of turn taking and sequence organisation. For example, counsellors use the response token Mm hm to show that they understand that the client’s unit of talk to is not yet complete, and to affirm or invite the client to continue speaking. Formulations in phone and web counselling are another way that counsellors display active listening to re-present stretches of the clients’ preceding talk. In phone and web counselling, however, the respective modalities can complicate matters of turn transition and sequence organisation. By examining actual phone and online counselling sessions, this paper offers empirical demonstrations of the interactional affordances of phone and online counselling, and shows how the institutional practice of active listening is accomplished across different counselling modalities


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Traffic related emissions have been recognised as one of the main sources of air pollutants. In the research study discussed in this paper, variability of atmospheric total suspended particulate matter (TSP), polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and heavy metal (HM) concentrations with traffic and land use characteristics during weekdays and weekends were investigated. Data required for the study were collected from a range of sampling sites to ensure a wide mix of traffic and land use characteristics. The analysis undertaken confirmed that zinc has the highest concentration in the atmospheric phase during weekends as well as weekdays. Although the use of leaded gasoline was discontinued a decade ago, lead was the second most commonly detected heavy metal. This is attributed to the association of previously generated lead with roadside soil and re-suspension to the atmosphere. Soil related particles are the primary source of TSP and manganese to the atmosphere. The analysis further revealed that traffic sources are dominant in gas phase PAHs compared to the other sources during weekdays. Land use related sources become important contributors to atmospheric PAHs during weekends when traffic sources are at their minimal levels.


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Stormwater is a potential and readily available alternative source for potable water in urban areas. However, its direct use is severely constrained by the presence of toxic pollutants, such as heavy metals (HMs). The presence of HMs in stormwater is of concern because of their chronic toxicity and persistent nature. In addition to human health impacts, metals can contribute to adverse ecosystem health impact on receiving waters. Therefore, the ability to predict the levels of HMs in stormwater is crucial for monitoring stormwater quality and for the design of effective treatment systems. Unfortunately, the current laboratory methods for determining HM concentrations are resource intensive and time consuming. In this paper, applications of multivariate data analysis techniques are presented to identify potential surrogate parameters which can be used to determine HM concentrations in stormwater. Accordingly, partial least squares was applied to identify a suite of physicochemical parameters which can serve as indicators of HMs. Datasets having varied characteristics, such as land use and particle size distribution of solids, were analyzed to validate the efficacy of the influencing parameters. Iron, manganese, total organic carbon, and inorganic carbon were identified as the predominant parameters that correlate with the HM concentrations. The practical extension of the study outcomes to urban stormwater management is also discussed.


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This is the protocol for a review and there is no abstract. The objectives are as follows: The main aim of the review is to determine the effectiveness of using incentive-based approaches (IBAs) (financial and non-financial) to increase physical activity in community-dwelling children and adults. A secondary objective will be to address the use of incentives to improve cardiovascular and metabolic fitness. A final objective will be to explore: - whether there are any adverse effects associated with the use of IBAs for increasing physical activity; - whether there are any differential effects of IBAs within and between study populations by age, gender, education, inequalities and health status; and - whether the use of disincentive/aversive approaches leads to a reduction in sedentary behaviour.


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Gaelic Games are the indigenous sports played in Ireland, the most popular being Gaelic football and hurling. The games are contact sports and the physical demands are thought to be similar to those of Australian Rules football, rugby union, rugby league, field hockey, and lacrosse (Delahunt et al., 2011). The difference in chronological age between children in a single age group is known as relative age and its consequences as the RAE, whereby younger players are disadvantaged (Del Campo et al., 2010). The purpose of this study was to describe the physical and performance profile of sub-elite juvenile Gaelic Games players and to establish if a RAE is present in this cohort and any influence physiological moderator variables may have on this. Following receipt of ethical approval (EHSREC11-45), six sub-elite county development squads (Under-14/15/16 age groups, male, n=115) volunteered to partake in the study. Anthropometric data including skin folds and girths were collected. A number of field tests of physical performance including 5 and 20m speed, vertical and broad jump distance, and an estimate of VO2max were carried out. Descriptive data are presented as Mean SD. Juvenile sub-elite Gaelic Games players aged 14.53 0.82 y were 172.87 7.63 cm tall, had a mass of 64.74 11.06 kg, a BMI of 21.57 2.82 kg.m-2 and 9.22 4.78 % body fat. Flexibility, measured by sit and reach was 33.62 6.86 cm and lower limb power measured by vertical and broad jump were 42.19 5.73 and 191.16 25.26 cm, respectively. Participant time to complete 5m, 20m and an agility test (T-Test) was 1.12 0.07, 3.31 0.30 and 9.31 0.55 s respectively. Participant’s estimated VO2max was 48.23 5.05 ml.kg.min-1. Chi-Square analysis of birth month by quartile (Q1 = January-March) revealed that a RAE was present in this cohort, whereby an over-representation of players born in Q1 compared with Q2, Q3 and Q4 was evident (2 = 14.078, df = 3, p = 0.003). Kruskal-Wallis analysis of the data revealed no significant difference in any of the performance parameters based on quartile of birth (Alpha level = 0.05).This study provides a physical performance profile of juvenile sub-elite Gaelic Games players, comparable with those of other sports such as soccer and rugby. This novel data can inform us of the physical requirements of the sport. The evidence of a RAE is similar to that observed in other contact sports such as soccer and rugby league (Carling et al, 2009; Till et al, 2010). Although a RAE exists in this cohort, this cannot be explained by any physical/physiological moderator variables. Carling C et al. (2009). Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sport 19, 3-9. Delahunt E et al. (2011). Journal of Athletic Training 46, 241-5. Del Campo DG et al. (2010). Journal of Sport Science and Medicine 9, 190-198. Delorme N et al. (2010). European Journal of Sport Science 10, 91-96. Till K et al. (2010). Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 20, 320-329.


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We report the first successful Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Australian elite rice cultivars, Jarrah and Amaroo, using binary vectors with our improved promoters and selectable markers. Calli derived from mature embryos were used as target tissues. The binary vectors contained hph (encoding hygromycin resistance) or bar (encoding herbicide resistance) as the selectable marker gene and uidA (gus) or sgfpS65T as the reporter gene driven by different promoters. Use of Agrobacterium strain AGL1 carrying derivatives of an improved binary vector pWBVec8, wherein the CaMV35S driven hph gene is interrupted by the castor bean catalase 1 intron, produced a 4-fold higher number of independent transgenic lines compared to that produced with the use of strain EHA101 carrying the binary vector pIG121-Hm wherein the CaMV35S driven hph is intronless. The Ubiquitin promoter produced 30-fold higher β-glucuronidase (GUS) activity (derivatives of binary vector pWBVec8) in transgenic plants than the CaMV35S promoter (pIG121-Hm). The two modified SCSV promoters produced GUS activity comparable to that produced by the Ubiquitin promoter. Progeny analysis (R1) for hygromycin resistance and GUS activity with selected lines showed both Mendelian and non-Mendelian segregation. Lines showing very high levels of GUS activity in T0 showed a reduced level of GUS activity in their T1 progeny, while lines with moderate levels of GUS activity showed increased levels in T1 progeny. Stable heritable green fluorescent protein (GFP) expression was also observed in few transgenic plants produced with the binary vector pTO134 which had the CaMV35S promoter-driven selectable marker gene bar and a modified CaMV35S promoter-driven reporter gene sgfpS65T.


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‘Historiographic Metafiction’ (HM) is a literary term first coined by creative writing academic Linda Hutcheon in 1988, and which refers to the postmodern practice of a fiction author inserting imagined--or illegitimate--characters into narratives that are intended to be received as authentic and historically accurate, that is, ostensibly legitimate. Such adventurous and bold authorial strategies frequently result in “novels which are both intensely self-reflexive and yet paradoxically also lay claim to historical events and personages” (Hutcheon, A Poetics 5). They can be so entertaining and engaging that the overtly intertextual, explicitly inventive work of biographical HM can even change the “hegemonic discourse of history” (Nunning 353) for, as Philippa Gregory, the author of HM novel The Other Boleyn Girl (2001), has said regarding this genre of creative writing: “Fiction is about imagined feelings and thoughts. History depends on the outer life. The novel is always about the inner life. Fiction can sometimes do more than history. It can fill the gaps” (University of Sussex). In a way, this article will be filling one of the gaps regarding HM...


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Head motion (HM) is a critical confounding factor in functional MRI. Here we investigate whether HM during resting state functional MRI (RS-fMRI) is influenced by genetic factors in a sample of 462 twins (65% fema≤ 101 MZ (monozygotic) and 130 DZ (dizygotic) twin pairs; mean age: 21 (SD=3.16), range 16-29). Heritability estimates for three HM components-mean translation (MT), maximum translation (MAXT) and mean rotation (MR)-ranged from 37 to 51%. We detected a significant common genetic influence on HM variability, with about two-thirds (genetic correlations range 0.76-1.00) of the variance shared between MR, MT and MAXT. A composite metric (HM-PC1), which aggregated these three, was also moderately heritable (h2=42%). Using a sub-sample (N=35) of the twins we confirmed that mean and maximum translational and rotational motions were consistent "traits" over repeated scans (r=0.53-0.59); reliability was even higher for the composite metric (r=0.66). In addition, phenotypic and cross-trait cross-twin correlations between HM and resting state functional connectivities (RS-FCs) with Brodmann areas (BA) 44 and 45, in which RS-FCs were found to be moderately heritable (BA44: h2-=0.23 (sd=0.041), BA45: h2-=0.26 (sd=0.061)), indicated that HM might not represent a major bias in genetic studies using FCs. Even so, the HM effect on FC was not completely eliminated after regression. HM may be a valuable endophenotype whose relationship with brain disorders remains to be elucidated.


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Test results reported on several natural sensitive soils show significant anisotropy of the yield curves, which are generally oriented along the coefficient of earth pressure at rest (K-0) axis. An attempt is made in this paper to explain the anisotropy in yielding from microstructural considerations. An elliptic pore, with particle domains aligned along the periphery of the pore, and with the major axis of the pore being oriented along the direction of the in situ major principal stress, is chosen as the unit of microstructure. An analysis of forces at the interdomain contacts around the ellipse is carried out with reference to experimentally determined yield stress conditions of one soil, and a yield criteria is defined. The analysis, with the proposed yield criteria, enables one to define the complete yield curve for any other soil from the results of only two tests (one constant eta compression test with eta close to eta(K?0), where eta is the stress ratio (= q/p) and eta(K?0) is the stress ratio corresponding to anisotropic K-0 compression, and another undrained shear test). Predicted yield curves are compared with experimental yield curves of several soils reported in the literature.


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The potential energy surfaces of the HCN<->HNC and LiCN<->LiNC isomerization processes were determined by ab initio theory using fully optimized triple-zeta double polarization types of basis sets. Both the MP2 corrections and the QCISD level of calculations were performed to correct for the electron correlation. Results show that electron correlation has a considerable influence on the energetics and structures. Analysis of the intramolecular bond rearrangement processes reveals that, in both cases, H (or Li+) migrates in an almost elliptic path in the plane of the molecule. In HCN<->HNC, the migrating hydrogen interacts with the in-plane pi,pi* orbitals of CN, leading to a decrease in the C-N bond order. In LiCN<->LiNC, Li+ does not interact with the corresponding pi,pi* orbitals of CN.


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Sr2FeMoO6 oxides exhibit a half-metallic ferromagnetic (HM-FM) ground state and peculiar magnetic and magnetotransport properties, which are interesting for applications in the emerging field of spintronics and attractive for fundamental research in the field of heavily correlated electron systems. Sr2FeWO6 is an insulator with an antiferromagnetic (I-AFM) ground state. The solid solutions Sr2FeMoxW1-xO6 also have peculiar properties-W doping enhances chemical order which allows stabilization of the HM-FM state; as the W content exceeds a certain value a metal to insulator transition (MIT) occurs. The role of W in determining the physical properties of Sr2FeMoxW1-xO6 systems has been a matter of intense investigation. This work deals with the problem of the structural and electronic changes related to the MIT from a local perspective by means of x-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS). This technique allows one to probe in detail the local structure and electronic modifications around selected absorber ions (W, Mo, Fe and Sr in our case). The results of XAS analysis in the whole composition range (0 <= x <= 1), in the near edge (XANES) and extended (EXAFS) regions, demonstrate an abrupt change of the local structure around the Fe and Mo sites at the critical composition, x(c). This change represents the microstructural counterpart associated with the MIT. Conversely, the local structure and electronic configuration of W ions remain unaltered in the whole composition range, suggesting indirect participation of W in the MIT.


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Abstract-The success of automatic speaker recognition in laboratory environments suggests applications in forensic science for establishing the Identity of individuals on the basis of features extracted from speech. A theoretical model for such a verification scheme for continuous normaliy distributed featureIss developed. The three cases of using a) single feature, b)multipliendependent measurements of a single feature, and c)multpleindependent features are explored.The number iofndependent features needed for areliable personal identification is computed based on the theoretcal model and an expklatory study of some speech featues.


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Polyaniline (PANI)/para-toluene sulfonic acid (pTSA) and PANI/pTSA-TiO2 composites were prepared using chemical method and characterized by infrared spectroscopy (IR), powder X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The electrical conductivity and magnetic properties were also measured. In corroboration with XRD, the micrographs of SEM indicated the homogeneous dispersion of TiO nanoparticles in bulk PANI/pTSA matrix. Conductivity of the PANI/pTSA-TiO2 was higher than the PAN[/pTSA, and the maximum conductivity obtained was 9.48 (S/cm) at 5 wt% of TiO2. Using SQUID magnetometer, it was found that PANI/pTSA was either paramagnetic or weakly ferromagnetic from 300 K down to 5 K with H-C approximate to 30 Oe and M-r approximate to 0.015 emu/g. On the other hand,PANI/pTSA-TiO2 was diamagnetic from 300 K down to about 50 K and below which it was weakly ferromagnetic. Furthermore, a nearly temperature-independent magnetization was observed in both the cases down to 50 K and below which the magnetization increased rapidly (a Curie like susceptibility was observed). The Pauli susceptibility (chi(pauli)) was calculated to be about 4.8 X 10(-5) and 1.6 x 10(-5)emug(-1) Oe(-1) K for PANI/pTSA and PANI/pTSA-TiO2, respectively.