960 resultados para Perceptual-cognitive training
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar a possibilidade de aliar o treino cognitivo à intervenção psicoeducativa de oito sessões sobre hipertensão visando melhor manejo desta condição crônica em idosos. MÉTODOS: Participaram 64 idosos que se declararam como hipertensos, divididos em grupo experimental (GE, n=35) e grupo controle (GC, n=29). O grupo controle recebeu treino após o pós teste. O protocolo incluiu dados sócio-demográficos e clínicos, o Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM), Escala de Depressão Geriátrica (EDG), Teste Comportamental de Memória de Rivermead (RBMT), Fluência Verbal categoria animais (FV) e Short Cognitive Test (SKT). RESULTADOS: Pôde-se observar que o GE apresentou melhor desempenho cognitivo, quando comparado ao GC, após a intervenção. CONCLUSÕES: Podem ocorrer ganhos cognitivos associados a uma intervenção psicoeducativa para idosos hipertensos.
Objetivou-se com este estudo testar a eficácia de treino cognitivo de seis sessões, baseado na apresentação e prática de estratégias de memória (categorização) e na realização de atividades que recrutam as funções executivas, oferecido a idosos. Objetivou-se, também, identificar e comparar as estratégias mnemônicas utilizadas pelos participantes antes e após treino, segundo faixas de escolaridade. Participaram do estudo 31 idosos, divididos em Grupo 1 (com até 8 anos de escolaridade) e Grupo 2 (com 9 anos ou mais). Foram aplicadas questões sociodemográficas, escalas cognitivas e uma lista de estratégias possíveis para identificação das estratégias usadas. Os resultados indicaram a influência da escolaridade no uso de estratégias de memória no pré-teste. No pós-teste, apontaram para aumento na velocidade de processamento e na utilização de estratégias. Concluiu-se que o uso de estratégias, a autoeficácia para a memória e o ganho após o treino cognitivo podem ser influenciados pela escolaridade.
Perceptual-cognitive impairment after general anaesthesia may affect the ability to reliably report pain severity with the standard visual analog scale (VAS). To minimise these limitations, we developed 'PAULA the PAIN-METER' (PAULA): it has five coloured emoticon faces on the forefront, it is twice as long as a standard VAS scale, and patients use a slider to mark their pain experience. Forty-eight postoperative patients rated descriptive pain terms on PAULA and on a standard VAS immediately after admission and before discharge from the postanaesthesia care unit. Visual acuity was determined before both assessments. The values obtained with PAULA showed less variance than those obtained with the standard VAS, even at the first assessment, where only 23% of the patients had regained their visual acuity. Furthermore, the deviations of the absolute VAS values in individual patients for each descriptive pain term were significantly smaller with PAULA than with the standard VAS.
Recent brain imaging work has expanded our understanding of the mechanisms of perceptual, cognitive, and motor functions in human subjects, but research into the cerebral control of emotional and motivational function is at a much earlier stage. Important concepts and theories of emotion are briefly introduced, as are research designs and multimodal approaches to answering the central questions in the field. We provide a detailed inspection of the methodological and technical challenges in assessing the cerebral correlates of emotional activation, perception, learning, memory, and emotional regulation behavior in healthy humans. fMRI is particularly challenging in structures such as the amygdala as it is affected by susceptibility-related signal loss, image distortion, physiological and motion artifacts and colocalized Resting State Networks (RSNs). We review how these problems can be mitigated by using optimized echo-planar imaging (EPI) parameters, alternative MR sequences, and correction schemes. High-quality data can be acquired rapidly in these problematic regions with gradient compensated multiecho EPI or high resolution EPI with parallel imaging and optimum gradient directions, combined with distortion correction. Although neuroimaging studies of emotion encounter many difficulties regarding the limitations of measurement precision, research design, and strategies of validating neuropsychological emotion constructs, considerable improvement in data quality and sensitivity to subtle effects can be achieved. The methods outlined offer the prospect for fMRI studies of emotion to provide more sensitive, reliable, and representative models of measurement that systematically relate the dynamics of emotional regulation behavior with topographically distinct patterns of activity in the brain. This will provide additional information as an aid to assessment, categorization, and treatment of patients with emotional and personality disorders.
In his provocative article, F. Mechsner (2004) advances the thesis that human voluntary movements are subject to psychological or perceptual -cognitive control and are thus organized without regard to efferent patterns (p. 355). Rather than considering in detail the experiments that he proffered by way of support, the present author discusses the degree to which that supposition has appeal on the grounds of simplicity and is defined in terms that are compatible with a unified science.
The authors tested for predominant patterns of coordination in the combination of rhythmic flexion-extension (FE) and supination-pronation (SP) at the elbow-joint complex. Participants (N = 10) spontaneously established in-phase (supination synchronized with flexion) and antiphase (pronation synchronized with flexion) patterns. In addition, the authors used a motorized robot arm to generate involuntary SP movements with different phase relations with respect to voluntary FE. The involuntarily induced in-phase pattern was accentuated and was more consistent than other patterns. That result provides evidence that the predominance of the in-phase pattern originates in the influence of neuro-muscular-skeletal constraints rather than in a preference dictated by perceptual-cognitive factors implicated in voluntary control. Neuromuscular-skeletal constraints involved in the predominance of the in-phase and the antiphase patterns are discussed.
The aging process causes changes in the elderly’s sleep/awake standard impairing their cognitive abilities, particularly executive functioning, which already suffers loss by aging. The literature suggests that executive function and preserved sleep quality are key to maintaining good quality of life and independence of older people, requiring interventions to minimize the impact of losses incurred by the aging process. This study evaluated the effect of a cognitive training program and sleep hygiene techniques for executive functions and sleep quality in healthy older people. The participants were 41 healthy older adults, of both sexes, who were randomly divided into four groups: control group [GC], cognitive training group [GTC], sleep hygiene group [GHS] and training group + hygiene [GTH]. The research was developed in three stages: 1st - initial assessment of cognition and sleep; 2nd - specific intervention to each group; 3rd - post-intervention revaluation. The results showed that GTC had significant improvements in cognitive tasks flexibility, planning, verbal fluency and some aspects of episodic memory, besides gains in sleep quality and decrease on daytime hypersomnolence. The GHS improved sleep quality and daytime sleepiness as well and had significant improvements in insights capacity, planning, attention and in all evaluated aspects of episodic memory. The GTH had significant gains in cognitive flexibility, problem solving, verbal fluency, attention and episodic memory. The CG showed significant worsening in excessive daytime sleepiness in capacity planning. Thus, we conclude that cognitive training interventions and sleep hygiene strategies are useful in improving cognitive performance and quality of healthy elderly sleep.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gerontologia Social.
Os declínios cognitivo podem ser considerados normais a partir dos 60 anos. Estudos comprovam a relação entre o treino cognitivo e a melhoria no desempenho das funções cognitivas. Porém a informação acerca da possibilidade do treino cognitivo facilitar a alfabetização dos idosos ainda não é suficiente. Este é um estudo quantitativo, observacional, descritivo e inferencial cujo objetivo é averiguar se o programa de treino cognitivo CogWeb pode ser utilizado por idosos com baixo nível de alfabetização. A caracterização da amostra é feita a partir de um questionário sociodemográfico, o estado mental é medido com o Mini Exame do Estado Mental, o nível de alfabetização é medido com Provas de Avaliação dos Processos de Leitura e o treino cognitivo é realizado com a versão impressa do programa CogWeb.
Partindo do princípio que a cognição é modificável e alterável, surge a educação cognitiva. Este repensar da educação converge com a necessidade de uma educação para a diversidade e inclusão. Ao mesmo tempo surgem as novas tecnologias, cada vez mais presentes. Focando os processos de criatividade e resolução de problemas, construímos um programa e-learning de desenvolvimento cognitivo através da matemática (PEDCM) e estudamos os efeitos da implementação do mesmo. A metodologia utilizada foi a quasi-experimental, com pré e pós-teste e sem grupo de controlo. A amostra foi constituída por 1O alunos de uma turma do 8° ano da Escola EB 2,3 Conde de Vilalva, em Évora. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: o Teste de Auto-conceito de Susan Harter; Matrizes Standard de Raven; Bateria de Provas de Raciocínio; Teste de Pensamento Criativo de Torrance e o PEDCM. Este último foi implementado durante 10 sessões (com 1h30m cada). Os resultados obtidos demonstram efeitos positivos evidentes da implementação PEDCM, ao nível do desempenho cognitivo, desempenho criativo, no auto-conceito e principalmente no rendimento escolar. ABSTRACT: Starting from the principle that cognition is alterable and modifiable, rises the cognitive education. This rethinking of education converges with an education for diversity and inclusion. Parallelly the new technologies rise, more and more present in education. Focusing on the processes of creativity and problem resolution and we've built an e-learning program of cognitive development through mathematics (PEDCM) and studied the effects of its implementation. The used methodology was the almost experimental, with pre and post test without a group of control. The show was built by 1O students of a class of 8th grade of the school EB2,3 Conde de Vilalva in Évora. The instruments used were: the Test of SelfConcept by Susan Harter; Standard Registries by Raven; Set of Reasoning Tests; Test of Creative Thought from Torrance and the PEDCM, implemented for 10 sessions (of 1.30h each). The results attained show the positive effects evident from the implementation of the PEDCM, to the level of cognitive performance, creative performance, in the self concept and particularly in the school results.
Trabalho de Projeto apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gerontologia Social.
La enfermedad de Alzheimer (EA) es la demencia más frecuente y su prevalencia continúa en aumento tanto en Colombia como en el mundo. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo explorar si las actitudes hacia la EA varían según la edad y género de 450 personas adultas colombianas. Se realizó un estudio exploratorio de corte transversal en el que se aplicó un cuestionario autodiligenciado. Se encontró que efectivamente hay algunas diferencias según la edad y el género en el componente cognoscitivo (creencias y conocimiento) y conductual (intención conductual y conducta) de las actitudes; y diferencias según el género en el componente afectivo. Se concluye que los conocimientos sobre la EA son escasos, que la tristeza es la emoción predominante hacia la EA y que es un tema de interés en el que predomina la idea de que afecta especialmente la memoria. Se discutieron los resultados reconociendo que esta es una aproximación inicial a las actitudes hacia la EA.
The aim of this experiment was to determine the effectiveness of two video-based perceptual training approaches designed to improve the anticipatory skills of junior tennis players. Players were assigned equally to an explicit learning group, an implicit learning group, a placebo group or a control group. A progressive temporal occlusion paradigm was used to examine, before and after training, the ability of the players to predict the direction of an opponent's service in an in-vivo on-court setting. The players responded either through hitting a return stroke or making a verbal prediction of stroke direction. Results revealed that the implicit learning group, whose training required them to predict serve speed direction while viewing temporally occluded video footage of the return-of-serve scenario, significantly improved their prediction accuracy after the training intervention. However, this training effect dissipated after a 32 day unfilled retention interval. The explicit learning group, who received instructions about the specific aspects of the pre-contact service kinematics that are informative with respect to service direction, did not demonstrate any significant performance improvements after the intervention. This, together with the absence of any significant improvements for the placebo and control groups, demonstrated that the improvement observed for the implicit learning group was not a consequence of either expectancy or familiarity effects.
Aim. The purpose of the present study was to compare the effect of different resistance training systems (Multiple-set [MS] and Pyramid [P]) on hormonal, metabolic and perceptual markers of internal load. Methods. Ten healthy men performed two resistance training sessions (MS and P) which consisted of three exercises (bench press, peck deck and decline bench press) with the same total volume of load lifted. The training sessions were performed 14 days apart and allocated in a counter-balanced order. Hormonal (plasma insulin, growth hormone [GH], testosterone and cortisol) and metabolic (blood glucose and lactate) responses were assessed before and after each exercise bout. Session rating of perceived exertion (session RPE) was taken 30-min following each bout. Results. No difference was observed for session-RPE between P and MS bouts (P>0.05). Plasma GH, cortisol and lactate increased significantly after exercise both bouts (P<0.01), but there were no significant changes between MS and P (P>0.05). Conclusion. It is concluded that the acute bout of resistance exercise following MS and P systems provide similar training strain when the total volume of load lifted is matched.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2011