955 resultados para Pennsylvania Dutch.


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The caption below reads "Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1854 by F. Langenheim in the Clerks office of the district Court for the Eastern district of Pennsylvania".


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In the aftermath of World War II, a wave of Dutch Reformed immigrants arrived in Ontario, many of whom joined the Christian Reformed Church. Following familiar cultural patterns, history, and their Reformed Christian faith, these immigrants settled in Ontario with remarkable institutional completeness (Breton, 1964). They quickly established independent, parent-operated Christian schools across Ontario. The primary purpose of the schools was to educate children through a comprehensive biblically based school program, yet this religious purpose often intersected with a Dutch immigrant ethnic culture. Van Dijk (2001) states that “the schools were the most important organization in maintaining the religious and ethnic identity of Calvinists” (p. 66). In this qualitative study I explore the intersection of Reformed faith and Dutch Canadian immigrant ethnic culture in Christian schools through the experiential and professional lens of eight retired principals. Employing a theoretical framework informed by Berger’s (1967) Sacred Canopy, I suggest that the intersection of faith and culture was experienced in the schools and was embodied by the schools themselves. Findings point to this intersection being located in the participants’ experience of (a) Dutchness, (b) the struggle for Christian education, (c) the ties that bound the school community together, and (d) the cloud of witnesses that founded and continues to support and encourage the Christian school community. The study offers insight into a Dutch Reformed immigrant group’s experience carving out a niche for themselves on the educational landscape in Ontario. This study also offers suggestions on how Christian schools can broaden their canopy and become more ethnically and denominationally diverse in the future.


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What kind of science is appropriate for understanding the Facebook? How does Google find what you're looking for... ...and exactly how do they make money doing so? What structural properties might we expect any social network to have? How does your position in an economic network (dis)advantage you? How are individual and collective behavior related in complex networks? What might we mean by the economics of spam? What do game theory and the Paris subway have to do with Internet routing? What's going on in the pictures to the left and right? Networked Life looks at how our world is connected -- socially, economically, strategically and technologically -- and why it matters. The answers to the questions above are related. They have been the subject of a fascinating intersection of disciplines including computer science, physics, psychology, mathematics, economics and finance. Researchers from these areas all strive to quantify and explain the growing complexity and connectivity of the world around us, and they have begun to develop a rich new science along the way. Networked Life will explore recent scientific efforts to explain social, economic and technological structures -- and the way these structures interact -- on many different scales, from the behavior of individuals or small groups to that of complex networks such as the Internet and the global economy. This course covers computer science topics and other material that is mathematical, but all material will be presented in a way that is accessible to an educated audience with or without a strong technical background. The course is open to all majors and all levels, and is taught accordingly. There will be ample opportunities for those of a quantitative bent to dig deeper into the topics we examine. The majority of the course is grounded in scientific and mathematical findings of the past two decades or less.


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La región del Delta del Níger es uno de los territorios, sino el principal, en otorgarle a Nigeria numerosas regalías por la exportación de petróleo, sin embargo el escaso beneficio que recibe su población genera conflicto en la región. La alta contaminación provocada por empresas petroleras como la Royal Dutch Shell (RDS), la violación de Derechos Humanos y la estrecha relación que mantiene la multinacional con el Gobierno, se han convertido en los motores del conflicto. Es debido a esto que grupos armados como el Movimiento para la Emancipación del Delta del Níger (MEND), han emprendido acciones con el fin de controlar los recursos, cometiendo robos de petróleo y actos de violencia que constituyen represalias por el trato que la industria petrolera ha dado a la población del Delta. No obstante, el conflicto se ha ido alejando de sus objetivos iniciales en tanto que se ha convertido en un negocio lucrativo, ha producido mayores índices de pobreza y se ha generado un círculo de violencia entre las empresas petroleras, el gobierno nigeriano y los grupos armados. De ahí que el Delta del Níger constituya una región importante no sólo debido a sus altas producciones de petróleo, sino porque además representa una zona altamente compleja que envuelve a ciudadanos, gobiernos y petroleras.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n