67 resultados para Payroll


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Neste trabalho são analisados os principais aspectos da desoneração da folha de salários. São apresentadas considerações sobre os efeitos fiscais e extrafiscais dos tributos. Em seguida, apresentam-se informações sobre o histórico da Contribuição Previdenciária sobre a Receita Bruta ("CPRB"). Após, analisa-se a adequação da CPRB à CF/88 e conclui-se que a referida contribuição não possui fundamento de validade na CF/88. Em seguida, a CPRB é estudada à luz de princípios constitucionais, administrativos e econômicos considerados relevantes. Conclui-se que (i) o tributo é nocivo por ser cumulativo; (ii) a CPRB não é eficiente, já que a renúncia de receita não foi compensada pelo aumento do emprego nem gerou o desejado desenvolvimento econômico; (iii) a contribuição viola os princípios da isonomia, publicidade, motivação e impessoalidade, pois o regime não é assegurado a todos e não há razões que levem à inclusão de apenas alguns setores econômicos; e (iv) as regras de apuração do novo tributo são complexas. Por fim, sugere-se extinguir a CPRB e promover a redução da tributação sobre a folha (i) no contexto de uma reforma tributária, como a trazida pela PEC 233, ou (ii) acompanhada da majoração de alíquotas de contribuições não-cumulativas, se necessário para compensar a perda de arrecadação.


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This paper aims to make a theoretical reflection on the theoretical compatibility between the program State Employer of Last Resort (ELR) and the Democratic experimentalism (ED). The ED arises in political thought as an alternative to neo-liberal and social democratic programs in order to rescue the discussion about the institutional organization of society and the market economy. About the involuntary unemployment, it proposes tax changes incidents on payroll and proposes work fronts to the most vulnerable or poorly trained. The hypothesis of this paper is that this approach is compatible with the ELR program, the post- Keynesian line. The ELR is presented as transgression of the mainstream of economic thought by proposing that the State acts as guarantor of employment, working as a stabilizing anchor for the economy. On the edge, the ELR proposes eliminate completely involuntary unemployment. The implementation of the ELR, however, requires the construction of institutions that aim to remake the market economy, as well as deepen and energize politics and democracy, goals that are part of the ED program. Thus, the ED would, in theory, an environment conducive to innovative policies guarantors of training and occupation of the individual, essential for their emancipation institutional environment. In Brazil, which has serious infrastructure problems and qualification of manpower, such a program has enormous potential benefit. However when transposed to the Northeast of Brazil through the Plan for the region based on the principles of the ED and the hypothetical coupling to the ELR could not confirm or reject the hypothesis sub-compatibility of these two theoretical frameworks. The findings point to a partial convergence between these two programs


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This work discusses about the teacher salary in the primary school after the creation of the Fundo de Manutenção e Desenvolvimento do Ensino Fundamental e Valorização do Magistério (Fundef), in the public schools in Natal/RN, from 1996 to 2006. The salary is considered one of the politic dimensions of the valorization of teaching. We aim to analyze the implication of this fund to the teacher remuneration, with different levels of training, in the early career, comparing it to the annual minimum salary, during the same period. This study has a historic-critic approach, establishing the relationship between the elements into a particular context (valorization of teaching/ teacher salary) and the elements from general contexts (financing/ Fundef). Analyzing data of the teacher remuneration from municipal payroll and comparing them to the annual national minimum salary gave us the result that the teachers, in their early career, do not have remuneration with a satisfactory evolution. Teachers that finished high school received until three minimum salaries before the creation of Fundef (1996-1997), after that (in 1998) they received under two minimum salary. In addition to this, independently of the level of the teacher training, their remuneration is under three minimum salaries. Hence, we can infer that the politic of funds is distant from the ideal to valorize the professional of the municipal teaching


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A Dissertação trata sobre a política salarial dos professores municipalizados do município de Tucuruí do Estado do Pará. Objetiva avaliar a política salarial dos professores no contexto da municipalização do ensino e tenta contribuir com a avaliação da política educacional no Pará, no período entre 1997 a 2008. Procuramos analisar dinamicamente, a política salarial face ao caráter da política educacional do programa de “descentralização”, desenvolvido nas reformas do Estado brasileiro, executado pelo Ministério da Educação, desde o governo de Fernando Henrique Cardoso. Assim, a investigação atentou para modelos de políticas de financiamento de orientação nacional concentrada no MEC. O estudo aponta contradições na relação do projeto nacional de municipalização com a gestão local em que a política salarial dos professores sofre perdas na remuneração. A questão norteadora do estudo acontece frente à instigação da existência de alterações nos salários dos professores a partir do momento que foram cedidos da rede estadual para o município de Tucurui, local da pesquisa. A partir deste local, analisamos documentos, fatos cotidianos da escola; realizamos entrevistas com os sujeitos da pesquisa como os professores, técnicos, secretário de educação e indicalistas do SINTEPP. Então, o estudo indicou que a política salarial dos professores sofreu alterações; progressiva extinção destes da folha ativa de pagamento da SEDUC e marcas de ilegalidade frente ao ato de cedência ao município que nos fizeram observar um modo imposto na condução da política municipalista no Pará. No contexto desta política avaliamos haver ajustes ideológicos de cunho conservador e neoliberal concretizados nos acordos entre o governo do Estado e a prefeitura.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This research is based on a unique and extensive database which tracks the employment, payroll and sales of individual Polish firms for the period 1990 to 1995. This allowed the authors to calculate the birth, survival and growth rates for different categories of enterprises (state-owned, cooperative, private, foreign-owned and privatised after 1990) and regions. These data match data collected in the United States, making it possible to compare the Polish situation with that of the state of Michigan. Analysis of the data and lessons from the Poland-Michigan comparisons provide a solid basis for the formulation of new policy recommendations for Poland. Allowing for certain important differences, Poland would still seem to need a higher rate of births of new companies. New small private companies and companies with foreign capital can be seen as the main source of job creation and economic revitalisation. To strengthen positive trends in the economy, Poland should create a model of institutional support for both potential entrepreneurs and foreign investors.


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The Business and Information Technologies (BIT) project strives to reveal new insights into how modern IT impacts organizational structures and business practices using empirical methods. Due to its international scope, it allows for inter-country comparison of empirical results. Germany — represented by the European School of Management and Technologies (ESMT) and the Institute of Information Systems at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin — joined the BIT project in 2006. This report presents the result of the first survey conducted in Germany during November–December 2006. The key results are as follows: • The most widely adopted technologies and systems in Germany are websites, wireless hardware and software, groupware/productivity tools, and enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems. The biggest potential for growth exists for collaboration and portal tools, content management systems, business process modelling, and business intelligence applications. A number of technological solutions have not yet been adopted by many organizations but also bear some potential, in particular identity management solutions, Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), biometrics, and third-party authentication and verification. • IT security remains on the top of the agenda for most enterprises: budget spending was increasing in the last 3 years. • The workplace and work requirements are changing. IT is used to monitor employees' performance in Germany, but less heavily compared to the United States (Karmarkar and Mangal, 2007).1 The demand for IT skills is increasing at all corporate levels. Executives are asking for more and better structured information and this, in turn, triggers the appearance of new decision-making tools and online technologies on the market. • The internal organization of companies in Germany is underway: organizations are becoming flatter, even though the trend is not as pronounced as in the United States (Karmarkar and Mangal, 2007), and the geographical scope of their operations is increasing. Modern IT plays an important role in enabling this development, e.g. telecommuting, teleconferencing, and other web-based collaboration formats are becoming increasingly popular in the corporate context. • The degree to which outsourcing is being pursued is quite limited with little change expected. IT services, payroll, and market research are the most widely outsourced business functions. This corresponds to the results from other countries. • Up to now, the adoption of e-business technologies has had a rather limited effect on marketing functions. Companies tend to extract synergies from traditional printed media and on-line advertising. • The adoption of e-business has not had a major impact on marketing capabilities and strategy yet. Traditional methods of customer segmentation are still dominating. The corporate identity of most organizations does not change significantly when going online. • Online sales channel are mainly viewed as a complement to the traditional distribution means. • Technology adoption has caused production and organizational costs to decrease. However, the costs of technology acquisition and maintenance as well as consultancy and internal communication costs have increased.


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El artículo aborda la evolución del mercado de trabajo y de la estructura del empleo en la provincia de Buenos Aires durante el período 1991-2009. El análisis recurre a la articulación de una multiplicidad de fuentes de información para dar cuenta de los diferentes aspectos de los fenómenos laborales. A partir de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares, se analizan los indicadores básicos de los mercados de trabajo urbanos en los principales aglomerados de la provincia y se lleva a cabo una caracterización de sus respectivas estructuras de empleo, considerando dimensiones tales como la categoría ocupacional, la composición público-privado, la condición de registro del empleo (registrado y no registrado) y el sector de actividad. Por otra parte, a nivel del total provincial, se analiza la evolución el empleo privado registrado y su composición sectorial. Para este tipo de análisis se utilizan datos procedentes de los registros administrativos que surgen de las declaraciones juradas de personal en relación de dependencia que realizan mensualmente los contribuyentes ante la AFIP. Estos datos permiten tratamientos muy desagregados de la información, de suma importancia para el análisis sectorial detallado. También a nivel del total provincial, se caracteriza al empleo público en sus distintos niveles de gobierno (nacional, provincial y municipal) a partir de fuentes presupuestarias y de otras, menos difundidas, elaboradas por distintos organismos públicos. El artículo ofrece análisis descriptivos de las variables mencionadas y un pormenorizado detalle metodológico respecto de las fuentes y el tratamiento de la información.


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El artículo aborda la evolución del mercado de trabajo y de la estructura del empleo en la provincia de Buenos Aires durante el período 1991-2009. El análisis recurre a la articulación de una multiplicidad de fuentes de información para dar cuenta de los diferentes aspectos de los fenómenos laborales. A partir de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares, se analizan los indicadores básicos de los mercados de trabajo urbanos en los principales aglomerados de la provincia y se lleva a cabo una caracterización de sus respectivas estructuras de empleo, considerando dimensiones tales como la categoría ocupacional, la composición público-privado, la condición de registro del empleo (registrado y no registrado) y el sector de actividad. Por otra parte, a nivel del total provincial, se analiza la evolución el empleo privado registrado y su composición sectorial. Para este tipo de análisis se utilizan datos procedentes de los registros administrativos que surgen de las declaraciones juradas de personal en relación de dependencia que realizan mensualmente los contribuyentes ante la AFIP. Estos datos permiten tratamientos muy desagregados de la información, de suma importancia para el análisis sectorial detallado. También a nivel del total provincial, se caracteriza al empleo público en sus distintos niveles de gobierno (nacional, provincial y municipal) a partir de fuentes presupuestarias y de otras, menos difundidas, elaboradas por distintos organismos públicos. El artículo ofrece análisis descriptivos de las variables mencionadas y un pormenorizado detalle metodológico respecto de las fuentes y el tratamiento de la información.


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El artículo aborda la evolución del mercado de trabajo y de la estructura del empleo en la provincia de Buenos Aires durante el período 1991-2009. El análisis recurre a la articulación de una multiplicidad de fuentes de información para dar cuenta de los diferentes aspectos de los fenómenos laborales. A partir de la Encuesta Permanente de Hogares, se analizan los indicadores básicos de los mercados de trabajo urbanos en los principales aglomerados de la provincia y se lleva a cabo una caracterización de sus respectivas estructuras de empleo, considerando dimensiones tales como la categoría ocupacional, la composición público-privado, la condición de registro del empleo (registrado y no registrado) y el sector de actividad. Por otra parte, a nivel del total provincial, se analiza la evolución el empleo privado registrado y su composición sectorial. Para este tipo de análisis se utilizan datos procedentes de los registros administrativos que surgen de las declaraciones juradas de personal en relación de dependencia que realizan mensualmente los contribuyentes ante la AFIP. Estos datos permiten tratamientos muy desagregados de la información, de suma importancia para el análisis sectorial detallado. También a nivel del total provincial, se caracteriza al empleo público en sus distintos niveles de gobierno (nacional, provincial y municipal) a partir de fuentes presupuestarias y de otras, menos difundidas, elaboradas por distintos organismos públicos. El artículo ofrece análisis descriptivos de las variables mencionadas y un pormenorizado detalle metodológico respecto de las fuentes y el tratamiento de la información.


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Durante décadas y aun en la actualidad muchas organizaciones, a nivel mundial, continúan afrontando pérdidas significativas debido a fracasos parciales y totales respecto a sus inversiones en sistemas de información (SI), planteando serios retos a los niveles gerenciales y los profesionales de SI. Estadísticas alarmantes y décadas de experiencia en la praxis en el área de SI en diversas organizaciones llevan al autor a poner el énfasis en los usuarios finales internos (UF) que son designados como representantes (UFR) de sus pares en los proyectos de desarrollo de SI (PDSI) por considerarlos como factores influyentes de manera significativa en el problema. Particularmente, con enfoque en ciertos factores de los UFR críticos para el éxito de los PDSI, con dimensiones analizadas de forma aislada o incompleta en otros estudios empíricos, a la fecha. No se encontraron estudios en Latinoamérica ni en otras latitudes que abordasen el fenómeno del éxito/fracaso de los SI desde el punto de vista adoptado en esta tesis. Por ello, esta investigación empírica ha evaluado en qué grado estos factores pudiesen influenciar los resultados durante el desarrollo e implementación de SI y su posible impacto en la satisfacción de los UF, siendo esta última aceptada por variados autores como la principal medida del éxito de los SI. Este estudio fue realizado en América Latina en las cuatro grandes empresas industriales que integran verticalmente el sector aluminio de Venezuela, sometidas a un macro PDSI para instalar el paquete, de tipo ERP, SAP/R3. Experimentados profesionales fueron encuestados o entrevistados, tales como altos ejecutivos, desarrolladores, líderes de proyecto y líderes de los UF. Un enfoque metodológico de triangulación permitió combinar un análisis cuantitativo con un análisis cualitativo interpretativo del tipo hermenéutico/dialéctico, hallándose resultados convergentes y complementarios. Un análisis estadístico, utilizando Partial Least Squares (PLS), seguido de un análisis hermenéutico/dialéctico. Los resultados confirmaron un hecho importante: en los casos problemáticos, paradójicamente, los orígenes de las razones de rechazo de esos SI argumentadas por los UF, en alto grado, apuntaron a los UFR o a ellos mismos. Los resultados también confirmaron la prevalencia de factores de orden cognitivo, conductual y político en estas organizaciones sobre los tecnológicos, al igual que el alto riesgo de dar por sentado la presencia y calidad de los factores requeridos de los UFR y de los otros factores estudiados. La validación estadística del modelo propuesto reveló al constructo conocimientos de los UFR como la principal variable latente, con los variables indicadoras que componen este constructo ejerciendo la mayor influencia sobre la calidad y el éxito de los SI. Un hallazgo contrario al de otros estudios, mostró que los conocimientos sobre las tecnologías de la información (TI) fueron los menos relevantes. Los SI de nómina y de administración de los RRHH fueron los más problemáticos, como suele ser el caso, por su complejidad en organizaciones grandes. Las conclusiones principales confirman el decisivo rol de los UF para el éxito de los PDSI y su relación con la creciente problemática planteada, la cual amerita más investigación y de las organizaciones una mayor atención y preparación. Descuidar los factores humanos y sociales así como una efectiva planificación y gestión de los mismos en preparación para estos proyectos origina serios riesgos. No obstante las limitaciones de este trabajo, la problemática analizada suele influir en los PDSI en diversas organizaciones, indistintamente de su tamaño o tipo de SI, estimándose, por tanto, que los resultados, conclusiones y recomendaciones de esta investigación tienen un alto grado de generalización. Una relación de indicadores claves es suministrada con fines preventivos. Finalmente, los factores evaluados pueden usarse para ampliar el modelo reconocido de DeLone y McLean (2003), conectándolos como variables latentes de sus variables independientes calidad de la información y calidad del SI. ABSTRACT For decades, many organizations worldwide have been enduring heavy losses due to partial and total failures regarding their investments in information systems (IS), posing serious challenges to all management levels and IS practitioners. Alarming statistics in this regard and decades of practice in the IS area lead the author to place an emphasis on the end users (EU) who are appointed in representation of their peers (EUR) to IS development projects (ISDP), considering them as highly influential factors on the problem. Especially, focusing on certain EUR success factors, and their dimensions, deemed critical to any IS development and implementation, omitted or not thoroughly analyzed neither in the theory nor in the empirical research on the subject, so far. No studies were found in Latin America or elsewhere addressing the phenomenon of IS success/failure from the perspective presented herein. Hence, this empirical research has assessed to what degree such factors can influence the outcomes of an ISDP and their feasible impact on the EU´s satisfaction, being the latter accepted by several authors as the main measure of IS success. This study was performed in Latin America embracing four major industrial enterprises, which vertically integrate the aluminum sector of Venezuela, subjected to a macro ISDP to install the ERP-type package SAP/R3. The field work included surveying and interviewing experienced professionals such as IS executives, IS developers, IS project leaders and end-user project leaders. A triangulation methodological approach allowed combining quantitative and interpretive analyses, obtaining convergent and complementing results. A statistical analysis, using Partial Least Squares (PLS), was carried out followed by a hermeneutical/dialectical analysis. Results confirmed a major finding: in problematic cases, paradoxically, the origins of IS rejection reasons argued by the EU, at a high degree, were usually traceable to the EUR and themselves. The results also confirmed the prevalence of cognitive, behavioral and political factors in these organizations as well as the high risk of taking for granted the presence and quality of those factors demanded from the EUR. The statistical validation of the proposed model revealed the construct EUR knowledge as the main latent variable, with its items exerting a major influence on IS quality and success. Another finding, in contradiction with that of other studies, proved knowledge of information technology (IT) aspects to be irrelevant. The payroll and the human resources administration IS were the most problematic, as is usually the case in large companies. The main conclusions confirm the EU´s decisive role for IS success and their relationship with the problem, which continues, demanding more research and, from organizations, more attention and preparation. Neglecting human and social factors in organizations as well as their effective planning and management in preparation for ISDP poses serious risks. Despite the limitations of this work, the analyzed problem tends to influence ISDP in a wide range of organizations; regardless of their size or type of IS, thus showing a high degree of generalization. Therefore it is believed that the results, conclusions and suggestions of this research have a high degree of generalization. A detailed checklist comprising key measures is provided for preventive actions. Finally, the factors evaluated can be used to expand the well-known model of DeLone & McLean (2003), by connecting them as latent variables of its independent variables information quality and IS quality.


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1. The United States General Accounting Office.--2. Accounting principles and standards and internal auditing guidelines.--3. Audit.--4. Claims--General.--5. Transportation.--6. Payroll, leave, and allowances.--7. Standardized fiscal procedures.--8. Management and services.--9. Accounting forms.


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A collection of miscellaneous pamphlets.


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This thesis examines individual differences in work behaviour of rubber tappers. The study examined sex, age, experience and race differences and their interactions with terrain on job performance, absenteeism, and job satisfaction of 1053 rubber tappers. Rubber tappers are unskilled blue-collar workers who essentially do the same type of work and are paid the same rates of pay. There are very few studies that have compared male and female blue-collar workers doing similar jobs in organisational settings. This study is one of the few investigations that examine sex differences in job performance of blue-collar workers doing same job using production data. Studies on age differences in work behaviour encounter numerous methodological difficulties such as high turnover, internal transfers and problems associated with age differences in educational levels. The participation of rubber tappers in this study is envisaged to overcome these difficulties because attrition rates of rubber tappers are low, and internal transfers are non existent. Further, the educational levels of rubber tappers are relatively similar across different age cohorts, as most rubber tappers have little or no education. Two measures of both job performance and absenteeism were derived from payroll records. The two job performance measures were total crop production and attendance. The two absenteeism measures were avoidable and unavoidable absence rates. Overall job satisfaction was determined using a 4-item scale. Significant sex, age, experience and race differences were obtained for job performance, absenteeism and job satisfaction. Significant interactive effects were also obtained for sex, age , experience, race and terrain for job performance and absenteeism. The results are discussed in relation to the abilities and motivation of rubber tappers. The implication of these findings for employee selection and human resource management in rubber estates is discussed.


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This fourth edition of Essentials of Jamaican Taxation as with earlier editions covers the material for an undergraduate course in Jamaican taxation and deals with the theory of taxation and its application through the main provisions of the Income Tax Act, the various Acts governing payroll taxes, the General Consumption Tax Act and the Contractors Levy Act. This edition covers changes which took place after 2007 including the main provisions in the 2012 budget. The text is designed to give mainly students of accounting a working knowledge of taxation as it is administered in Jamaica so they are equipped to perform computations of tax payable by businesses/employers, employees, self-employed, and persons with income from sources other than employment. Most of the text should be understood quite readily by readers other than students who wish to be informed on taxation matters.