996 resultados para PROGRAM MANAGEMENT


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Project Procurement is a ‘great’ environment for ethical issues with its low-price state of mind and competition. It has many opportunities that could contribute to illegal activities or unethical behavior especially in the construction industry. In 2006 alone, 17.3% of 417 Malaysian government contract projects were considered sick due to the poor performance by the contractors. Therefore it is important to govern the project procurement, especially the plan procurement stage to ensure the accountability and transparency of the decision made in awarding the right contract to the best contractor. This is where project governance framework (PGF) is really needed in project procurement planning. Project governance is a subset of corporate governance focusing on the areas of corporate governance related to project activities, including: portfolio direction, project sponsorship, project and program management and efficiency and disclosure and reporting. This paper highlights the importance of implementing project governance framework (PGF) to ensure that the decision makers are answerable and accountable to the stakeholders, and the decision making is transparent to avoid any ethical issues arises. A comprehensive preliminary literature is carried out to discover the importance of executing PGF in project procurement in Malaysian public sector. By understanding the important of PGF, it is hoped that this will bring a signal to other developing countries to implement the similar method in ensuring the transparency of the decision making in project procurement planning in their countries.


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The purpose of this paper is to provide some insights about P2M, and more specifically, to develop some thoughts about Project Management seen as a Mirror, a place for reflection…, between the Mission of organisation and its actual creation of Values (with s: a source of value for people, organisations and society). This place is the realm of complexity, of interactions between multiple variables, each of them having a specific time horizon and occupying a specific place, playing a specific role. Before developing this paper I would like to borrow to my colleague and friend, Professor Ohara, the following, part of a paper going to be presented at IPMA World Congress, in New Delhi later this year in November 2005. “P2M is the Japanese version of project & program management, which is the first standard guide for education and certification developed in 2001. A specific finding of P2M is characterized by “mission driven management of projects” or a program which harness complexity of problem solving observed in the interface between technical system and business model.” (Ohara, 2005, IPMA Conference, New Delhi) “The term of “mission” is a key word in the field of corporate strategy, where it expresses raison d’être or “value of business”. It is more specifically used for expressing “the client needs” in terms of a strategic business unit. The concept of mission is deemed to be a useful tool to share essential content of value and needs in message for complex project.” (Ohara, 2005, IPMA Conference, New Delhi) “Mission is considered as a significant “metamodel representation” by several reasons. First, it represents multiple values for aspiration. The central objective of mission initiative is profiling of ideality in the future from reality, which all stakeholders are glad to accept and share. Second, it shall be within a stretch of efforts, and not beyond or outside of the realization. Though it looks like unique, it has to depict a solid foundation. The pragmatic sense of equilibrium between innovation and adaptation is required for the mission. Third, it shall imply a rough sketch for solution to critical issues for problems in reality.” (Ohara, 2005, IPMA Conference, New Delhi) “Project modeling” idea has been introduced in P2M program management. A package of three project models of “scheme”, “system” and “service” are given as a reference type program. (Ohara, 2005, IPMA Conference, New Delhi) If these quotes apply to P2M, they are fully congruent with the results of the research undertaken and the resulting meta-model & meta-method developed by the CIMAP, ESC Lille Research Centre in Project & Program Management, since the 80’s. The paper starts by questioning the common Project Management (PM) paradigm. Then discussing the concept of Project, it argues that an alternative epistemological position should be taken to capture Page 2 / 11 the very nature of the PM field. Based on this, a development about “the need of modelling to understand” is proposed grounded on two theoretical roots. This leads to the conclusion that, in order to enables this modelling, a standard approach is necessary, but should be understood under the perspective of the Theory of Convention in order to facilitate a situational and contextual application.


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This special issue of the Project Management Journal (PMJ) presents a collection of six of the best papers presented at the International Academy of African Business and Development (IAABD) conference held on May 17–20, 2011, in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.


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In this issue of the Journal, the articles presented to the readers cover the breadth and depth of project management research and practice by addressing the relationship between project strategy and managing projects (Patanakul and Shenhar, “What Project Strategy Really Is: The Fundamental Building Block in Strategic Project Management”), on the need to align corporate strategy with program management (Ritson, Johansen, and Osborne, “Successful Programs Wanted: Exploring the Impact of Alignment”), identifying metrics to measure program success across project contexts (Shao, Müller, and Turner, “Measuring Program Success”), managing individual projects by identifying major risks in customer relationship management (CRM) implementation projects (Papadopoulos, Ojiako, Chipulu, and Lee, “The Criticality of Risk Factors in Customer Relationship Management Projects”), application of earned value management (EVM) to aerospace projects (Kwak and Anbari, “History, Practices, and Future of Earned Value Management in Government: Perspectives From NASA”), and capturing tacit knowledge of construction project professionals to determine the optimal construction site layout (Abdul-Rahman, Wang, and Siong, “Knowledge Acquisition Using Psychotherapy Technique for Critical Factors Influencing Construction Project Layout Planning”)...


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A Constituição Federal de 1988 (CF/88) dotou os governos brasileiros de instrumentos refinados para sua atuação, associando orçamentos anuais a planejamentos plurianuais, tendo como elemento central o programa de governo. Desde então, a gestão por programas vem aprimorando-se, especialmente no período 2004-2007, com a consideração do programa como elemento organizativo central do Plano Plurianual (PPA), mediante processos estruturados de elaboração, monitoramento, avaliação e revisão. Nesse contexto, insere-se o Controle Interno do Poder Executivo Federal, na figura da Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU), órgão central de um sistema que sofreu mudanças a fim de atender a finalidade insculpida no Art. 74, I, da CF/88, de avaliar o cumprimento das metas do PPA, a execução dos programas de governo e dos orçamentos da União. Esta pesquisa teve como objetivo verificar a aderência das ações de aprimoramento do Programa Bolsa-Família (PBF) às ressalvas decorrentes dos trabalhos de avaliação da execução do PBF, provenientes de auditorias e fiscalizações efetuadas pela CGU no período de 2004 a 2007. Para tanto, mediante a técnica documental e bibliográfica, a pesquisa efetuou uma análise qualitativa dos dados coletados, que contemplaram os normativos editados e os relatórios dos gestores do programa, bem como os trabalhos de avaliação da CGU no período, na forma de 04 relatórios de auditorias de gestão na secretaria responsável pelo PBF e uma parcela (32%) dos relatórios de fiscalização em municípios, cujo resultado demonstra que houve uma convergência entre o componente do PBF mais ressalvado pela CGU e a área do programa com o maior número de medidas de aprimoramento por parte dos gestores no âmbito do Ministério do Desenvolvimento Social e Combate à Fome (a gestão do Cadastro Único de programas sociais), dando a entender que a CGU atuou tempestivamente e produziu insumos valiosos sobre a execução do programa, consolidando-se como uma importante fonte de subsídios para a tomada de decisão dos gestores federais, corroborando a revisão da literatura sobre o papel do controle interno na administração pública.


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A study was conducted in 54 wetlands of 13 districts of Assam, India to evaluate the causes of fish depletion. Twenty-two variables were considered for the study. Seven factors were extracted through factor analysis (Principal Component Analysis) based on Eigen Value Criteria of more than one. These seven factors together accounted for 69.3% of the total variance. Based on the characteristics of the variables, all the factors were given descriptive names. These variables can be used to measure the extent of management deficiency of the causes of fish depletion in the wetlands. The factors are management deficiency, organic load interference, catchment condition, extrinsic influence, fishermen’s ignorance, external environment and aquaculture program. Management deficiency accounted for a substantial portion of the total variance.


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O objetivo do estudo foi compreender quais as estratégias de preparação de voluntários para a atuação em megaeventos esportivos no Brasil. A pesquisa foi de natureza qualitativa e de cunho exploratório, tendo como técnica para a coleta de dados a entrevista com roteiro de perguntas semiestruturado e o caderno de campo. A entrevista foi realizada com o responsável pelo programa de treinamento dos voluntários do V Jogos Mundiais Militares (2011) sobre a organização realizada. A análise do conteúdo (BARDIN, 2011) foi utilizada para análise das experiências relatadas de acordo com 3 categorias: perfil do voluntariado esportivo e do líder de voluntários; dificuldades em se trabalhar, compreender e valorizar o voluntariado no esporte e modelo de treinamento e de gestão do programa de voluntários esportivos. Os resultados desta pesquisa contribuíram para a literatura nesta temática, bem como ponto de partida para o design e coleta de dados de pesquisas sobre voluntários para os próximos megaeventos esportivos que serão sediados no Brasil, Copa do Mundo de 2014 e Jogos Olímpicos de 2016.


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The objective of this paper is to identify the various managerial constraints, difficulties and issues encountered and resulting strategies adopted, to aid in the management of the various and often complex health and safety concerns, which occur within a confined construction site. This is achieved through classifying the various managerial burdens encountered with the numerous strategies adopted, to ensure the successful management of such confined environments within the realm of health and safety. Through an extensive literature review and detailed interviews, a comprehensive insight into the health and safety concerns within a confined construction site environment is portrayed. The leading managerial strategies to the management of health and safety on confined construction sites may be listed as follows; (1) Traffic Management Plan, (2) Effective Resource Management Plan, (3) Temporary Facilities Management Plan, (4) Safe System of Work Plan, (5) Site Safety Plan, (6) Design Site Layout, (7) Space Management Plan, (8) Effective Program Management, and (9) Space Scheduling. Based on the research, it can be concluded, that through effective management of these issues identified coupled with implementing the various strategies highlighted; successful management of health and safety within a confined construction site environment is attainable.


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Creation of lifecycle value - a balance of performance with cost and other attributes - represents a challenge for the development of aerospace products in the twenty-first century. This paper examines the concept of lifecycle value that stems from existing approaches of value management and analysis, lifecycle costing, and systems engineering. To ascertain common characteristics of lifecycle value creation, case studies were done for four aircraft programs: F/A- 18E/F, JAS 39 Gripen, F-16C/D, and B-777. A lifecycle value creation framework is introduced, comprised of three phases: value identification, value proposition, value delivery. Based upon observed practices in the four case studies, six value creation attributes were identified. Capability maturity models for the six attributes and three value creation phases are presented. The resulting framework represents a starting point for programs seeking to create lifecycle value for aerospace products.


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La optimización y armonización son factores clave para tener un buen desempeño en la industria química. BASF ha desarrollado un proyecto llamada acelerador. El objetivo de este proyecto ha sido la armonización y la integración de los procesos de la cadena de suministro a nivel mundial. El proceso básico de manejo de inventarios se quedó fuera del proyecto y debía ser analizado. El departamento de manejo de inventarios en BASF SE ha estado desarrollando su propia estrategia para la definición de procesos globales de manufactura. En este trabajo se presentará un informe de las fases de la formulación de la estrategia y establecer algunas pautas para la fase de implementación que está teniendo lugar en 2012 y 2013.


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El presente escrito desarrolla un análisis comparado entre el sistema de compras públicas colombiano y el Tratado de Libre Comercio suscrito con los Estados Unidos en cuanto a compras públicas se refiere, poniendo en evidencia inconsistencias de tipo jurídico para efectos principalmente prácticos, acudiendo a temas de soporte para el desarrollo de las obligaciones contenidas en el acuerdo, como son las Normas de Origen de los Bienes y el régimen de responsabilidad del contratista estatal colombiano.


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O Brasil praticamente alcançou a provisão universal dos serviços públicos de educação, saúde e assistência social nos últimos anos, mas a qualidade desses serviços ainda está bem atrás da maioria dos países desenvolvidos. As instituições de controle são atores relevantes nesse contexto, pois é seu dever avaliar a efetividade e a eficiência da provisão desses serviços públicos. Entretanto, pouco se sabe sobre a efetividade dessas instituições, especialmente no Brasil. Os artigos de Olken (2007), Reinikka e Svensson (2004) e Di Tella & Schargrodsky (2000) trazem alguns elementos para essa discussão, ao mostrar como e onde políticas de boas práticas podem funcionar em outros países. No Brasil, estudos empíricos sobre essas políticas são escassos. Nesta tese, meu principal objetivo é trazer evidências sobre a efetividade da auditoria pública no Brasil. Utilizando um experimento de campo, eu avalio a efetividade do trabalho de auditoria da Controladoria-Geral da União (CGU) no âmbito do Programa de Fiscalização a partir de Sorteios Públicos. Os principais tópicos discutidos aqui são relativos à gestão de programas em nível local e aos processos licitatórios a eles associados. Os municípios no grupo de tratamento são submetidos a um aumento na probabilidade de receber uma auditoria, enquanto os de controle permanecem com probabilidade inalterada. Os resultados sugerem que os gestores locais são sensíveis ao tratamento quando focamos as licitações, mas não quando a questão é a gestão de programas. Em seguida ao experimento, utilizo um modelo "Fora da Amostra" para sugerir um mecanismo de alocação de recursos financeiros e humanos, para melhorar os níveis de eficiência do trabalho de campo da CGU


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O objetivo desta pesquisa foi analisar o Programa de Gestão Social em Territórios Pacificados – Territórios da Paz à luz da construção teórica da Gestão Social na academia. Com base na literatura sobre Gestão Social, buscou-se identificar as diferentes vertentes que orientam a sua discussão. Somado a isto, foram discutidos ao longo do referencial teórico questões que favorecem o entendimento do contexto no qual está inserido o Programa Territórios da Paz, tais como as favelas, política de segurança pública e o projeto de pacificação em curso na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Tendo em vista o discurso adotado pelo Programa Territórios da Paz, optou-se por analisa-lo a partir de algumas categorias de avaliação de processos participativos deliberativos, quais sejam: Processos de Discussão, Inclusão, Pluralismo e Bem Comum. Os dados foram coletados, em um primeiro momento, por meio de pesquisa bibliográfica. Em seguida, foram realizadas entrevistas junto aos gestores sociais responsáveis pela condução do programa estudado nos diferentes territórios. Em suma, os resultados apontam para a existência de espaços para discussão, contudo sem capacidade deliberativa. Em alguns momentos, as características do que foi denominado um Programa de Gestão Social se aproximam das características da Gestão Estratégica, cujo arcabouço conceitual e instrumental se apoia sobre mecanismos de tomada de decisão baseados na hierarquia e conhecimento técnico.


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Politics of Continued Formation of Tachers: settings, directives and pratices is constituted in a study from politics of continued formation of teachers materialized for the actual government. It has for purpose to analyse aspects of experience of continued formation in techers service that work at initial levels of fundamental education desenvolved in Natal through Program Management of School Learning (GESTAR) at the period from 2002 to 2005. The empiric field of study privileged the experience of formation in service developed by GESTAR in a school located at the procedures that materialized the search, we can point out: bibliographic review of literature that analyses the new demands for education in view of occurred transformations at the word setting and studies about the thematic continued formation of teachers; documentary search about the politics of continue formation of teachers and the GESTAR program from municipal net of study of Natal, four teachers and pedagogic coordinater of searched school. The study established a positive evaluation by the teachers that took part at the program in Natal and they pointed out that politics strategy of continued formation in service made possible the study of contents of Portuguese Language and Mathernatics associated to a new form for working them in the classroom, understanding of certain contents that they had difficulties before, understanding that activitus realized should have meaning for the student, favouring the understanding of subject studied. Among some limits noticed, we can point out: absence of reading of the material by the teachers, difficulty of the teachers in reconcile the diary activities wiht the individual studies at distance, no realization of a systematic following of the pedagogic practical of teachers use the exam how the only instrument of evaluation used by the teachers and difficulties of them in going on with the pedagogic proposal of GESTAR after the end of this program


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Este artigo avalia as alternativas propostas para a região dos vales dos rios Tietê e Paraná, no estado de São Paulo. Os projetos formalmente elaborados para a região foram analisados através do método da estrutura lógica. Tal método consiste em representar um projeto na forma de uma matriz 4 × 4 cujos elementos permitem a análise do projeto em questão pela utilização de critérios relacionados ao método científico, à análise de sistemas e ao ponto de vista da gerência de programas. Os resultados encontrados demonstraram a inconsistência nos planos e projetos existentes para a região.