991 resultados para Organisation non gouvernementale


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Le traitement chirurgical des anévrismes de l'aorte abdominale est de plus en plus remplacé par la réparation endovasculaire de l’anévrisme (« endovascular aneurysm repair », EVAR) en utilisant des endoprothèses (« stent-grafts », SGs). Cependant, l'efficacité de cette approche moins invasive est compromise par l'incidence de l'écoulement persistant dans l'anévrisme, appelé endofuites menant à une rupture d'anévrisme si elle n'est pas détectée. Par conséquent, une surveillance de longue durée par tomodensitométrie sur une base annuelle est nécessaire ce qui augmente le coût de la procédure EVAR, exposant le patient à un rayonnement ionisants et un agent de contraste néphrotoxique. Le mécanisme de rupture d'anévrisme secondaire à l'endofuite est lié à une pression du sac de l'anévrisme proche de la pression systémique. Il existe une relation entre la contraction ou l'expansion du sac et la pressurisation du sac. La pressurisation résiduelle de l'anévrisme aortique abdominale va induire une pulsation et une circulation sanguine à l'intérieur du sac empêchant ainsi la thrombose du sac et la guérison de l'anévrisme. L'élastographie vasculaire non-invasive (« non-invasive vascular elastography », NIVE) utilisant le « Lagrangian Speckle Model Estimator » (LSME) peut devenir une technique d'imagerie complémentaire pour le suivi des anévrismes après réparation endovasculaire. NIVE a la capacité de fournir des informations importantes sur l'organisation d'un thrombus dans le sac de l'anévrisme et sur la détection des endofuites. La caractérisation de l'organisation d'un thrombus n'a pas été possible dans une étude NIVE précédente. Une limitation de cette étude était l'absence d'examen tomodensitométrique comme étalon-or pour le diagnostic d'endofuites. Nous avons cherché à appliquer et optimiser la technique NIVE pour le suivi des anévrismes de l'aorte abdominale (AAA) après EVAR avec endoprothèse dans un modèle canin dans le but de détecter et caractériser les endofuites et l'organisation du thrombus. Des SGs ont été implantés dans un groupe de 18 chiens avec un anévrisme créé dans l'aorte abdominale. Des endofuites de type I ont été créés dans 4 anévrismes, de type II dans 13 anévrismes tandis qu’un anévrisme n’avait aucune endofuite. L'échographie Doppler (« Doppler ultrasound », DUS) et les examens NIVE ont été réalisés avant puis à 1 semaine, 1 mois, 3 mois et 6 mois après l’EVAR. Une angiographie, une tomodensitométrie et des coupes macroscopiques ont été réalisées au moment du sacrifice. Les valeurs de contrainte ont été calculées en utilisant l`algorithme LSME. Les régions d'endofuite, de thrombus frais (non organisé) et de thrombus solide (organisé) ont été identifiées et segmentées en comparant les résultats de la tomodensitométrie et de l’étude macroscopique. Les valeurs de contrainte dans les zones avec endofuite, thrombus frais et organisé ont été comparées. Les valeurs de contrainte étaient significativement différentes entre les zones d'endofuites, les zones de thrombus frais ou organisé et entre les zones de thrombus frais et organisé. Toutes les endofuites ont été clairement caractérisées par les examens d'élastographie. Aucune corrélation n'a été trouvée entre les valeurs de contrainte et le type d'endofuite, la pression de sac, la taille des endofuites et la taille de l'anévrisme.


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We report the electrochemical preparation of electrically conducting films based on polypyrrole, using 10-camphorsulfonate as the dopant, which exhibit a highly anisotropic molecular organisation. This contrasts with earlier reports, in which anisotropy appeared to be restricted to films prepared using aromatic-based planar dopants. Possible growth mechanisms for these materials to account for the molecular anisotropy are discussed.


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This paper explores the settings and practices of translation at three types of political institutions, i.e. national, supranational, and non-governmental organisations. The three institutions are the translation service of the German Foreign Office, the translation department of the European Central Bank, and translation provision by the non-governmental organisation Amnesty International. The three case studies describe the specific translation practices in place at these institutions and illustrate some characteristic translation strategies. In this way, we reflect on how different translation practices can impact on translation agency and how these practices in turn are influenced by the type of institution and its organisational structure. The article also aims to explore to which extent the characteristics of collectivity, anonymity and standardisation, and of institutional translation as self-translation are applicable to the institutions under discussion.


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In recent years, the online delivery of educational material has received much attention by researchers. University web sites are being used to supplement the delivery of knowledge in traditional bricks and mortar environments or as stand-alone external courses. The function of a university web site also has broader applications that can provide strategic benefits to the organisation as a whole. An Internet presence based on a high quality, easy to use web site can provide universities with a credible, professional image. This is particularly important as students and other users of university web sites expect the same high level of quality in these sites as they do from the sites of commercial organisations. This paper explores the various roles that a web site can provide to benefit higher education organisations and their customers. In addition, the paper outlines the results of a study of university web site users that identifies specific web site design features that are considered essential for a high quality university site that will meet the needs of students and other stakeholders in a university environment. By adopting these design principles, universities will be able to improve the quality of their web sites and ultimately, increase user satisfaction. Moreover, an understanding of the various roles that a web site can perform will allow universities to fully utilise the benefits of developing and maintaining an online presence while retaining their traditional role as knowledge managers.


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This paper examines aspects of knowledge management that are particularly important in the network of human service delivery agencies in Victoria. This network is characterised by four features: it is a cluster of networked organisations; professionals and others may act as knowledge brokers within and between organisations in the network; rapid change in both knowledge and organisation accentuates the importance of innovative knowledge and emergent organisation over and above routine instrumental knowledge within stable organisation; and consequently there is an underlying concern with dialogical rather than instrumental knowledge and its management, and particularly how it constitutes and is constituted by organisation. The paper describes the analytical tools that we consider particularly important in examining this situation – in particular, the distinction between instrumental and dialogical knowledge, and the role of knowledge brokers (and professionals as knowledge brokers). It concludes by relating this analysis to broader issues in organisation studies, and suggests paths for further examination of these issues.


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This paper examines the emotions of lapsed and continuing members of a high involvement, subscription based organisation. In-depth interviews were conducted with 400 renewing and non-renewing members of an Australian Football League Club in order to gain initial insight into the role emotions play in renewal (loyalty) behaviours. The interviews highlighted the complexity of the relationship between emotions and behaviours. There is a range of both positive and negative emotions present in responses of both renewing and non-renewing members. As expected, the negative emotions of disappointment and frustration were present amongst those who did not renew, while there were many positive emotion examples of satisfaction and joy present for those who had renewed. Surprisingly, there were also examples of annoyance, fear, and guilt amongst those that had renewed. These feelings were often linked to the particular member's history and level of family involvement in the Club over many years. In addition, there were positive feelings of hope and loyalty expressed by those respondents that had not renewed. On a positive note for the Club, many still expressed a strong emotional connection to the Club and had not ruled out joining again in the future.


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Objective : To explain use of inductive convergent interviewing to generate the perceived critical people management issues, as perceived by staff, as a prelude to longitudinal surveys in a third sector health care organisation.

Design : Convergent interviewing is a qualitative technique that addresses research topics that lack theoretical underpinning and is an inductive, flexible, evolving research approach. The key issues converged after six rounds of interviews as well as a further round to ensure that all of the common people management issues had been generated.

Setting : Studies in employee behaviour in the health care industry exist, but there is little in the way of tested models of predictors of such behaviour in third sector organisations in the Australian health care industry. The context is what differentiates this study covering a range of facilities and positions in hospitals and aged care situations within one third sector health care organisation.

Subjects : The study proposed twenty seven extensive interviews over a range of facilities and positions. Twenty one interviewees participated in the final convergent process.

Conclusions : Critical issues included: workload across occupational groups, internal management support, adequate training, the appropriate skill mix in staff, physical risk in work, satisfaction, as well as other issues. These issues confirm the proposition of sector‑ness in health organisations that are multi‑dimensional rather than uni‑dimensional.


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The transition of many sport organisations from being predominantly volunteer-administered and anchored in an amateur ethos to professionally managed entities has created unique challenges for the governance of sport. This paper provides a contribution to the governance literature through the presentation of a situational case where a four-stage model, drawn from an action research approach, has been used for developing a board’s strategic capability and subsequent improvement in organisational performance.

Action research is founded on the premise that change and research are not mutually exclusive and that dual foci on improving practice and developing theory are possible (Coghlan & Brannick, 2001). Utilising a national sport organisation (NSO) in New Zealand the study developed and tested a structured model for improving board functioning and, specifically, strategic contribution.

While the case to which the model has been applied is an NSO, the model and the subsequent reflections have value for non-profit as well as commercial entities particularly with regard to a greater understanding of the mechanisms associated with balancing the performance and conformance roles of the board.


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Background Practice managers play an important role in the organisation and delivery of primary care, including uptake and implementation of technologies. Little is currently known about practice managers’ attitudes to the use of information and communication technologies, such as email or text messaging, to communicate or consult with patients.

Objectives To investigate practice managers’ attitudes to non-face-to-face consultation/communication technologies in the routine delivery of primary care and their role in the introduction and normalisation of these technologies.

Methods We carried out a mixed-methods study in Scotland, UK. We invited all practice managers in Scotland to take part in a postal questionnaire survey. A maximum variation sample of 20 survey respondents participated subsequently in in-depth qualitative interviews.

Results Practice managers supported the use of new technologies for routine tasks to manage workload and maximise convenience for patients, but a range of contextual factors such as practice list size, practice deprivation area and geographical location affected whether managers would pursue the introduction of these technologies in the immediate future. The most common objections were medico-legal concerns and lack of perceived patient demand.

Conclusion Practice managers are likely to play a central role in the introduction of new consultation/communication technologies within general practice. They hold varying views on the appropriateness of these technologies, influenced by a complex mix of contextual characteristics.Managers from areas in which the ethos of the practice prioritises personalised care in service delivery are less enthusiastic about the adoption of remote consultation/ communication technologies.


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This research explores the complexity of establishing mission fulfilment through the performance of non-profit arts boards (NP AB). Since the early 1990s, the non-profit literature has only sporadically focussed on the concept of how board performance contributes to mission fulfilment in the broader non-profit sector. Consequently, in both the empirical and normative literatures there is a dearth of understanding of how the nonprofit arts board performance fulfils the organisation's mission. The lack of exploration is problematic for theory development in contextualising non-profit arts board performance contribution to mission fulfilment. Although research has been undertaken in various areas-such as effective and ineffective board performance practices of non-profit organisations, board performance measurement indicators within the arts sector, and mission fulfilment as a result of non-profit organisational effectiveness-research from an extensive literature search did not reveal empirical evidence of the relationship between board performance and mission fulfilment of non-profit arts boards. Against this background, the research issue for the thesis is: How does board performance contribute to mission fulfilment by the non-profit arts organisation?


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A broad variety of solid state NMR techniques were used to investigate the chain dynamics in several polyethylene (PE) samples, including ultrahigh molecular weight PEs (UHMW-PEs) and low molecular weight PEs (LMW-PEs). Via changing the processing history, i.e. melt/solution crystallization and drawing processes, these samples gain different morphologies, leading to different molecular dynamics. Due to the long chain nature, the molecular dynamics of polyethylene can be distinguished in local fluctuation and long range motion. With the help of NMR these different kinds of molecular dynamics can be monitored separately. In this work the local chain dynamics in non-crystalline regions of polyethylene samples was investigated via measuring 1H-13C heteronuclear dipolar coupling and 13C chemical shift anisotropy (CSA). By analyzing the motionally averaged 1H-13C heteronuclear dipolar coupling and 13C CSA, the information about the local anisotropy and geometry of motion was obtained. Taking advantage of the big difference of the 13C T1 relaxation time in crystalline and non-crystalline regions of PEs, the 1D 13C MAS exchange experiment was used to investigate the cooperative chain motion between these regions. The different chain organizations in non-crystalline regions were used to explain the relationship between the local fluctuation and the long range motion of the samples. In a simple manner the cooperative chain motion between crystalline and non-crystalline regions of PE results in the experimentally observed diffusive behavior of PE chain. The morphological influences on the diffusion motion have been discussed. The morphological factors include lamellar thickness, chain organization in non-crystalline regions and chain entanglements. Thermodynamics of the diffusion motion in melt and solution crystallized UHMW-PEs is discussed, revealing entropy-controlled features of the chain diffusion in PE. This thermodynamic consideration explains the counterintuitive relationship between the local fluctuation and the long range motion of the samples. Using the chain diffusion coefficient, the rates of jump motion in crystals of the melt crystallized PE have been calculated. A concept of "effective" jump motion has been proposed to explain the difference between the values derived from the chain diffusion coefficients and those in literatures. The observations of this thesis give a clear demonstration of the strong relationship between the sample morphology and chain dynamics. The sample morphologies governed by the processing history lead to different spatial constraints for the molecular chains, leading to different features of the local and long range chain dynamics. The knowledge of the morphological influence on the microscopic chain motion has many implications in our understanding of the alpha-relaxation process in PE and the related phenomena such as crystal thickening, drawability of PE, the easy creep of PE fiber, etc.


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Im ersten Teil der Arbeit wurde das Bindungsverhalten von Annexin A1 und Annexin A2t an festkörperunterstützte Lipidmembranen aus POPC und POPS untersucht. Für beide Proteine konnte mit Hilfe der Fluoreszenzmikroskopie gezeigt werden, dass irreversible Bindung nur in Anwesenheit von POPS auftritt. Durch rasterkraftmikroskopische Aufnahmen konnte die laterale Organisation der Annexine auf der Lipidmembran dargestellt werden. Beide Proteine lagern sich in Form lateraler Aggregate (zweidimensionale Domänen) auf der Oberfläche an, außerdem ist der Belegungsgrad und die Größe der Domänen von der Membranzusammensetzung und der Calciumkonzentration abhängig. Mit zunehmendem POPS-Gehalt und Calciumkonzentration steigt der Belegungsgrad an und der mittlere Domänenradius wird kleiner. Diese Ergebnisse konnten in Verbindung mit detaillierten Bindungsstudien des Annexins A1 mit der Quarzmikrowaage verwendet werden, um ein Bindungsmodell auf Basis einer heterogenen Oberfläche zu entwickeln. Auf einer POPC-reichen Matrix findet reversible Adsorption statt und auf POPS-reichen Domänen irreversible Adsorption. Durch die Anpassung von dynamischen Monte Carlo-Simulationen basierend auf einer zweidimensionalen zufälligen sequentiellen Adsorption konnten Erkenntnisse über die Membranstruktur und die kinetischen Ratenkonstanten in Abhängigkeit von der Calciumkonzentration und der Inkubationszeit des Proteins gewonnen werden. Die irreversible Bindung ist in allen Calciumkonzentrationsbereichen schneller als die reversible. Außerdem zeigt die irreversible Adsorption eine deutlich stärkere Abhängigkeit von der Calciumkonzentration. Ein kleinerer Belegungsgrad bei niedrigen Ca2+-Gehalten ist hauptsächlich durch die Abnahme der verfügbaren Bindungsplätze auf der Oberfläche zu erklären. Die gute Übereinstimmung der aus den Monte Carlo-Simulationen erhaltenen Domänenstrukturen mit den rasterkraftmikroskopischen Aufnahmen und die Tatsache, dass sich die simulierten Resonanzfrequenzverläufe problemlos an die experimentellen Kurven aus den QCM-Messungen anpassen ließen, zeigt die gute Anwendbarkeit des entwickelten Simulationsprogramms auf die Adsorption von Annexin A1. Die Extraktion der kinetischen Parameter aus dem zweidimensionalen RSA-Modell ist mit Sicherheit einem einfachen Langmuir-Ansatz überlegen. Bei einem Langmuir-Modell erfolgt eine integrale Erfassung einer einzelnen makroskopischen Geschwindigkeitskonstante, während durch das RSA-Modell eine differenzierte Betrachtung des reversiblen und irreversiblen Bindungsprozesses möglich ist. Zusätzlich lassen sich mikroskopische Informationen über die Oberflächenbeschaffenheit gewinnen. Im zweiten Teil der Arbeit wurde das thermotrope Phasenverhalten von festkörperunterstützten Phospholipidbilayern untersucht. Dazu wurden mikrostrukturierte, frei stehende Membranstreifen präpariert und mit Hilfe der bildgebenden Ellipsometrie untersucht. Dadurch konnten die temperaturabhängigen Verläufe der Schichtdicke und der lateralen Membranausdehnung parallel beobachtet werden. Die ermittelten Phasenübergangstemperaturen von DMPC, diC15PC und DPPC lagen 2 - 3 °C oberhalb der Literaturwerte für vesikuläre Systeme. Außerdem wurde eine deutliche Verringerung der Kooperativität der Phasenumwandlung gefunden, was auf einen großen Einfluss des Substrats bei den festkörperunterstützten Lipidmembranen schließen lässt. Zusätzlich wurde ein nicht systematischer Zusammenhang der Ergebnisse von der Oberflächenpräparation gefunden, der es unabdingbar macht, bei Untersuchungen von festkörperunterstützten Substraten einen internen Standard einzuführen. Bei der Analyse des thermotropen Phasenübergangsverhaltens von DMPC/Cholesterol - Gemischen wurde daher die individuelle Adressierbarkeit der strukturierten Lipidmembranen ausgenutzt und ein Lipidstreifen aus reinem DMPC als Standard verwendet. Auf diese Weise konnte gezeigt werden, dass das für Phospholipide typische Phasenübergangsverhalten ab 30 mol% Cholesterol in der Membran nicht mehr vorhanden ist. Dies ist auf die Bildung einer nur durch höhere Sterole induzierten fluiden Phase mit hoch geordneten Acylketten zurückzuführen. Abschließend konnte durch die Zugabe von Ethanol zu einer mikrostrukturierten DMPC-Membran die Bildung eines interdigitierten Bilayers nachgewiesen werden. Die bildgebende Ellipsometrie ist eine sehr gute Methode zur Untersuchung festkörperunterstützter Lipidmembranen, da sie über ein sehr gutes vertikales und ein ausreichendes laterales Auflösungsvermögen besitzt. Sie ist darin zwar einem Rasterkraftmikroskop noch unterlegen, besitzt dafür aber eine einfachere Handhabung beim Umgang mit Flüssigkeiten und in der Temperierung, eine schnellere Bildgebung und ist als optische Methode nicht-invasiv.


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During the second half of the nineteenth century fraternal and benevolent associations of numerous descriptions grew and prospered in mining communities everywhere. They played an important, but neglected role, in assisting transatlantic migration and movement between mining districts as well as building social capital within emerging mining communities. They helped to build bridges between different ethnic communities, provided conduits between labour and management, and networked miners into the non-mining community. Their influence spread beyond the adult males that made up most of their membership to their wives and families and provided levels of social and economic support otherwise unobtainable at that time. Of course, the influence of these organisations could also be divisive where certain groups or religions were excluded and they may have worked to exacerbate, as much as ameliorate, the problems of community development. This paper will examine some of these issues by looking particularly at the role of Freemasonry and Oddfellowry in Cornwall, Calumet, and Nevada City between 1860 and 1900. Work on fraternity in the Keweenaw was undertaken in Houghton some years ago with a grant from the Copper Country Archive and has since been continued by privately funded research in California and other Western mining states. Some British aspects of this research can be found in my article on mining industrial relations in Labour History Review April 2006


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During the last months and years the English expression 'gender' has become a well-known word all over Germany, often with the annex 'mainstreaming'. Gender mainstreaming was initiated as a political strategy by the Women's World Conference in Beijing in 1995 and adopted by the European Union in 1997 (COM(96)76 final). It basically means that all actions and initiatives planned have to be tested as to their effects on women and men and should not be taken if they disadvantage either one. But gender is also a category in the discussion about democratic features. Gender democracy means that males and females should be represented equally in the public, political, cultural, social and economic sphere of a society. On this background, this paper traces the gender issue in the field of organizations in the social sector of Germany, in particular the 'welfare organizations'. In this article, 'welfare organizations' is used as a translation of the German word 'Wohlfahrtsverbände'. The reason for this choice is the endeavor to indicate their difference from for instance English 'charitable associations' or French 'associations sociale et sanitaire', because social organizations in the EU-member states differ considerably in regard to their history, function, self-image , financing, political power etc.. The terms 'social non-governmental organizations' (NGOs) or 'social nonprofit organizations' (NPOs ) are used synonymously.


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The aim of this work is to evaluate the influence of S. pombe and T. delbrueckii species on the sensory quality of red wine when used in sequential and mixed fermentations with S. cerevisiae.