993 resultados para ORTHO-PYROXENE
Photo-mosaicing techniques have become popular for seafloor mapping in various marine science applications. However, the common methods cannot accurately map regions with high relief and topographical variations. Ortho-mosaicing borrowed from photogrammetry is an alternative technique that enables taking into account the 3-D shape of the terrain. A serious bottleneck is the volume of elevation information that needs to be estimated from the video data, fused, and processed for the generation of a composite ortho-photo that covers a relatively large seafloor area. We present a framework that combines the advantages of dense depth-map and 3-D feature estimation techniques based on visual motion cues. The main goal is to identify and reconstruct certain key terrain feature points that adequately represent the surface with minimal complexity in the form of piecewise planar patches. The proposed implementation utilizes local depth maps for feature selection, while tracking over several views enables 3-D reconstruction by bundle adjustment. Experimental results with synthetic and real data validate the effectiveness of the proposed approach
2-[Methyl(2-methylphenyl)amino]ethanol undergoes an ortho-alkyllithiation reaction with n-butyllithium to lead to a new mixed benzyllithium−lithium alkoxide. This organolithium species reacts with PPh2Cl, with selective P−C bond formation, to afford the ligand 2-[methyl(2-((diphenylphosphino)methyl)phenyl)amino]ethanol L1. The coordination of the ligand L1 to copper(I) leads to the complex [Cu(L1)2](BF4), whose structure has been determined by an X-ray diffraction study. In the solid state, one of the ligands acts as a monodentate phosphine while the other adopts a tridentate P,N,O coordination mode. A variable-temperature 31P NMR study demonstrated the existence of an equilibrium between the two modes in solution, with a coalescence temperature of ca. 0 °C, indicating a double-hemilabile behavior for the nitrogen and the oxygen functions. L1 reacts with [Pd(Me)(Cl)(COD)] to give a dinuclear complex in which the ligand appears to behave as a bridging anionic P,O ligand. Such a complex could serve as a model for a key intermediate in the proposed mechanism for the homogeneous catalysis of the methoxycarbonylation of propyne by certain palladium(II) complexes containing P,N ligands. L1 can undergo a second ortho-alkylmetalation reaction with n-butyllithium which, after addition of PPh2Cl, provides the new ligand 2-{methyl[2-(bis(diphenylphosphino)methyl)phenyl]amino}ethanol (L2) in high yield.
A new mild method has been devised for generating o-(naphtho)quinone methides via fluoride-induced desilylation of silyl derivatives of o-hydroxybenzyl(or 1-naphthylmethyl) nitrate. The reactive o-(naphtho)quinone methide intermediates were trapped by C, O, N and S nucleophiles and underwent “inverse electron-demand” hetero Diels- Alder reaction with dienophiles to give stable adducts. The method has useful potential application in natural product synthesis and drug research
Betaine dyes are known to show very large transition energy shifts in different solvents. The ortho-betaine molecule - a simple two-ring prototype of the E-T(30) Reichardt dye - has been investigated theoretically from a combined statistical and quantum mechanics approach. Using sequential Monte Carlo (MC) simulations and MP2/cc-pVDZ calculations the in-water dipole moment of ortho-betaine is obtained as 12.30 +/- 0.05 D. This result shows a considerable increase of 75% compared to the in-vacuum dipole moment. For comparison, the use of a polarizable continuum model using the same MP2/cc-pVDZ leads to an in-water dipole moment of 11.6 D, in good agreement. This large polarization is incorporated in the classical potential for another MC simulation to generate solute-solvent configurations and to obtain the contribution of the polarization effect in the solvatochromic shift. Using statistically uncorrelated configurations and supermolecular INDO/CIS calculations, including the solute and, explicitly, 230 solvent water molecules, the statistically converged calculated shift is obtained here as 6360 cm(-1), in good agreement with the experimental result of 7550 cm(-1). (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Poly(ortho-phenylenediamine) and oligomers of ortho-phenylenediamine were chemically synthesized and characterized by UV-vis, (1)H and (13)C NMR, FTIR and resonance Raman spectroscopies. Polymerization of ortho-phenylenediamine in HCl medium with ammonium persulfate only leads the trimer compound, in disagreement with some previous reports. Nevertheless, in acetic acid medium it was possible to prepare a polymer constituted by ladder phenazinic segments with different protonation levels and quinonediimine rings (polyaniline-like). X-ray absorption at N K-edge (N K XANES), X-ray photoelectron (XPS) and Electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies were used to determine the different kinds of nitrogen presents in this class of polymer. N K XANES spectrum of poly(ortho-phenylenediamine) shows the band of -N=nitrogen of non-protonated phenazinic rings at 398.2 eV. In addition, XPS and N K XANES data confirm the presence of different types of protonated nitrogens in the polymeric poly(ortho-phenylenediamine) chain and the EPR spectrum shows that the polymer has a very weak polaronic signal. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Measurements of plasma cholinesterase (pl.ChE), brain cholinesterase (Br.ChE) and brain Neuropathy Target Esterase (Br.NTE) were made in three different lineages of chickens. All birds received toxicants through gavage in a single oral dose between 08:00 and 09:00 h, after overnight fast. Babcock chickens were treated with 800 mg/kg tri-ortho-cresyl phosphate (TOCP) or 80 mg/kg trichlorfon. The TOCP group had 82% Br.NTE inhibition, when compared to the control group, and no birds displayed symptoms of clinical organophosphate-induced delayed neuropathy (OPIDN). Hy-line w36 lineage chickens were given 1600 mg/kg TOCP and despite this higher dose, Br.NTE inhibition was similar that presented by Babcock chickens. Isabrown chickens were given 1600 mg/kg TOCP or 80 mg/kg trichlorfon. At 36 h all trichlorfon treated birds had from 80 to 90% inhibition of Pl.ChE and Br.ChE, when compared to controls. However, Br.NTE was inhibited less than 20%, and there were no clinical signs of OPIDN. All TOCP treated isabrown chickens had more than 80% Br.NTE inhibition while one of them exhibited just light signs of OPIDN, two chickens became totally paralyzed. This finding suggested that chicken strain was important in the appearance of OPIDN. In addition, 70-80% of NTE inhibition was necessary but was not sufficient to produce OPIDN in chickens, since babcock and hy-line w36 chickens exhibited NTE inhibition in the range of 70-80% without clinical signs of OPIDN. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
O mapeamento geológico realizado na área de Nova Canadá, porção sul do Domínio Carajás, Província Carajás, possibilitou a individualização de duas unidades de caráter máfico e intrusivas nos granitoides do Complexo Xingu e, mais restritamente, na sequência greenstone belt do Grupo Sapucaia. São representadas por diques de diabásio isotrópicos e por extensos corpos de anfibolito, com os últimos descrevendo texturas nematoblástica e granoblástica, de ocorrência restrita à porção SW da área. Ambos apresentam assinatura de basaltos subalcalinos de afinidade toleítica, sendo que os diques de diabásio são constituídos por três variedades petrográficas: hornblenda gabronorito, gabronorito e norito, sendo essas diferenças restritas apenas quanto à proporção modal de anfibólio, orto- e clinopiroxênio, já que texturalmente, as mesmas não apresentam diferenças significativas. São formados por plagioclásio, piroxênio (orto- e clinopiroxênio), anfibólio, minerais óxidos de Fe-Ti e olivina, apresentam um padrão ETR moderadamente fracionado, discreta anomalia negativa de Eu, ambiente geotectônico correspondente a intraplaca continental, e assinaturas dos tipos OIB e E-MORB. Já os anfibolitos são constituídos por plagioclásio, anfibólio, minerais opacos, titanita e biotita, mostram um padrão ETR horizontalizado, com anomalia de Eu ausente, sendo classificados como toleítos de arco de ilha e com assinatura semelhante aos N-MORB. Os dados de química mineral obtidos nessas unidades mostram que, nos diques de diabásio, o plagioclásio não apresenta variações composicionais significativas entre núcleo e borda, sendo classificados como labradorita, com raras andesina e bytownita; o anfibólio mostra uma gradação composicional de Fe-hornblenda para actinolita, com o aumento de sílica. Nos anfibolitos, o plagioclásio mostra uma grande variação composicional, de oligoclásio à bytownita nas rochas foliadas, sendo que nas menos deformadas, sua classificação é restrita à andesina sódica. O piroxênio, presente apenas nos diabásios, exibe considerável variação em sua composição, revelando um aumento no teor de magnésio nos núcleos, e de ferro e cálcio, nas bordas, permitindo classificá-los em augita, pigeonita (clinopiroxênio) e enstatita (ortopiroxênio). Os diabásios apresentam titanomagnetita, magnetita e ilmenita como os principais óxidos de Fe-Ti, permitindo reconhecer cinco formas distintas de ilmenita nessas rochas: ilmenita treliça, ilmenita sanduíche, ilmenita composta interna/externa, ilmenita em manchas e ilmenita individual. Feições texturais e composicionais sugerem que a titanomagnetita e os cristais de ilmenita composta externa e individual foram originados durante o estágio precoce de cristalização. Durante o estágio subsolidus, a titanomagnetita foi afetada pelo processo de oxi-exsolução, dando origem a intercrescimentos de magnetita pobre em titânio com ilmenita (ilmenitas treliça, em mancha, sanduíche e composta interna). Os anfibolitos possuem a ilmenita como único mineral óxido de Fe e Ti ocorrendo, portanto, sob a forma de ilmenita individual, onde encontra-se sempre associada ao anfibólio e à titanita. Os valores mais elevados de suscetibilidade magnética (SM) estão relacionados aos gabronoritos e noritos, os quais exibem maiores conteúdos modais de minerais opacos e apresentam titanomagnetita magmática em sua paragênese. A variedade hornblenda gabronorito define as amostras com valores intermediários de SM. Os menores valores de SM são atribuídos aos anfibolitos, que são desprovidos de magnetita. A correlação negativa entre valores de SM com os conteúdos modais de minerais ferromagnesianos indica que os minerais paramagnéticos (anfibólio e piroxênio) não possuem influência significativa no comportamento magnético dos diabásios, enquanto nos anfibolitos a tendência de correlação positiva entre estas variáveis pode sugerir que estas fases são as principais responsáveis pelos seus valores de SM. Dados geotermobarométricos obtidos a partir do par titanomagnetita-ilmenita nos diabásios indicam que estes se formaram em condições de temperatura (1112°C) e Fo2 (-8,85) próximas daquelas do tampão NNO.
A ligand-based drug design study was performed to acetaminophen regioisomers as analgesic candidates employing quantum chemical calculations at the DFT/B3LYP level of theory and the 6-31G* basis set. To do so, many molecular descriptors were used such as highest occupied molecular orbital, ionization potential, HO bond dissociation energies, and spin densities, which might be related to quench reactivity of the tyrosyl radical to give N-acetyl-p-benzosemiquinone-imine through an initial electron withdrawing or hydrogen atom abstraction. Based on this in silico work, the most promising molecule, orthobenzamol, was synthesized and tested. The results expected from the theoretical prediction were confirmed in vivo using mouse models of nociception such as writhing, paw licking, and hot plate tests. All biological results suggested an antinociceptive activity mediated by opioid receptors. Furthermore, at 90 and 120 min, this new compound had an effect that was comparable to morphine, the standard drug for this test. Finally, the pharmacophore model is discussed according to the electronic properties derived from quantum chemistry calculations.
Twenty-three naphthoimidazoles and six naphthoxazoles were synthesised and evaluated against susceptible and rifampicin- and isoniazid-resistant strains of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Among all the compounds evaluated, fourteen presented MIC values in the range of 0.78 to 6.25 mu g/mL against susceptible and resistant strains of M. tuberculosis, Five structures were solved by X-ray crystallographic analysis. These substances are promising antimycobacterial prototypes. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Ziel der Arbeit war es, Sialyl-LewisX-Mimetika auf Basis ortho-C-glycosylierter Phenole als Inhibitoren für die Selektin-Ligand-Wechselwirkungen zu synthetisieren. Dazu wurde zunächst die Stereoselektivität der ortho-C-Mannosylierung untersucht. Dabei wurde gezeigt, dass bei der Umsetzung von Phenolen mit dem benzylgeschützten Mannosyl-trichloracetimidat in Gegenwart von TMSOTf selektiv das β-C-Mannosid erhalten wurde. Gleichzeitig konnte anhand der NMR-spektroskopischen Untersuchungen nachgewiesen werden, dass die in der Literatur beschriebenen α-C-Mannoside von Phenolen tatsächlich β-konfiguriert sind. Wenn Naphthole als Glycosylakzeptoren verwendet wurden, konnten durch Modifikation des Promotors auch die für die Synthese der Mimetika benötigten α-C-Mannoside erhalten werden, wobei ZnCl2 als Promotor die besten Ergebnisse lieferte. Allerdings zeigten die synthetisierten α-C-Mannoside und α-C-Galactoside eine Inversion des Pyranoseringes und lagen in der ungewöhnlichen 1C4-Konformation vor.rnAnschließend konnte auf diese Weise das durch Docking-Studien gefundene Mimetikum (2S)-3-Cyclohexyl-2-[7-hydroxy-8-(α-D-mannosyl)naphthalin-2-yloxy]propionsäure syntheti-siert werden. Es besaß jedoch in Zelladhäsionstests keine ausreichende Aktivität bei der Inhibierung der Selektin-Ligand-Wechselwirkung. Bei den ursprünglichen Dockingstudien war allerdings von der gewohnten 4C1-Konformation ausgegangen worden. Spätere NMR-Experimente und DFT-Berechnungen zeigten, dass das Mimetikum tatsächlich in der 1C4-Konformation vorlag und es deshalb nicht aktiv war. Die synthetisierten Stereo- und Regioisomere zeigten in Zelladhäsionstests ebenfalls keine Aktivität.rnVersuche, die α-1-C-Mannosylnaphthole zu den benötigten 1-C-2-O-Diglycosyl-naphthalinen umzusetzen waren nicht erfolgreich, da die phenolische OH-Gruppe sterisch zu sehr abgeschirmt war, um unter milden Reaktionsbedingungen glycosyliert zu werden, bzw. die α-1-C-Mannosylnaphthaline unter drastischeren Reaktionsbedingungen nicht stabil waren. Daher wurde 1-(2′,3′,4′,6′-Tetra-O-benzyl-β-D-galactopyranosyl)-2-naphthol mit 2,3,4,6-Tetra-O-acetyl-α-D-mannopyranosyl-trichloracetimidat in Gegenwart von TMSOTf zum ersten synthetischen 1-C-2-O-Diglycosyl-phenol umgesetzt. Nach Abspaltung der Schutzgruppen sollte das erhaltene 1-Galactosyl-2-O-mannosyl-naphthalin enzymatisch zum Sialyl-LewisX-Mimetikum verlängert werden. Es wurde vom Enzym jedoch nicht als Substrat erkannt. Versuche zur chemischen Anbindung des Säurebausteins stehen noch aus.rn
We present a detailed theoretical study of geometries, electronic structure, and energies of transition states and intermediates completing the full Bergman cycloaromatization pathway of ortho-substituted enediynes with a focus on polar and steric contributions to the kinetics and thermodynamics of hydrogen abstraction. This study provides a rare unambiguous example of remote substitution that affects reactivity of a neutral reactive intermediate through an σ framework.
The synthesis of a photolabile derivative of inositol-1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP3) is described. This new caged second messenger (6-ortho-nitroveratryl)-IP3 (6-NV-IP3) has an extinction coefficient of 5000 M(-1) cm(-1) at 350 nm, and a quantum yield of photolysis of 0.12. Therefore, 6-NV-IP3 is photolyzed with UV light about three times more efficiently than the widely used P(4(5))-1-(2-nitrophenyl)ethyl-caged IP3 (NPE-IP3). 6-NV-IP3 has a two-photon cross-section of about 0.035 GM at 730 nm. This absorbance is sufficiently large for effective two-photon excitation in living cells at modest power levels. Using near-IR light (5 mW, 710 nm, 80 MHz, pulse-width 70 fs), we produced focal bursts of IP3 in HeLa cells, as revealed by laser-scanning confocal imaging of intracellular Ca2+ concentrations. Therefore, 6-NV-IP3 can be used for efficient, subcellular photorelease of IP3, not only in cultured cells but also, potentially, in vivo. It is in the latter situation that two-photon photolysis should reveal its true forte.