989 resultados para Milk products


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Recently, probiotic fermented milk products have raised interest regarding their potential anti-hypertensive activity mainly due to the production of angiotensin-I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitory peptides. Ionic calcium released upon milk acidification during fermentation is also known to exert hypotensive activity. Thus, the main aim of this study was to screen probiotic strains for their ability to induce ACE-inhibitory activity upon fermentation of milk. The relationship of ACE-inhibitory activity percentage (ACEi%) with cell growth, pH, degree of hydrolysis and the concentration of ionic calcium released during the fermentation was also investigated. Compared with other lactic acid bacteria, Lactobacillus casei YIT 9029 and Bifidobacterium bifidum MF 20/5 were able to induce strong ACE-inhibitory activity. Furthermore, it was found that the ionic calcium released during milk fermentation could contribute to the ACE-inhibitory activity. These findings will contribute to the development of new probiotic dairy products with anti-hypertensive activity.


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The aim of this in vitro study was to evaluate the erosive capacity of fermented milk beverages, as well as some of their properties that affect the demineralization of dental enamel (pH, buffering capacity, fluoride, calcium and phosphorus contents). Three different batches of 6 commercial brands of fermented milk beverages were analyzed. pH evaluation was accomplished using a potentiometer. The buffering capacity was measured by adding 1 mol L -1 NaOH. Fluoride concentration was assessed by an ion specific electrode after hexamethyldisiloxane-facilitated diffusion, and calcium and phosphorus concentrations were assessed by a colorimetric test using a spectrophotometer. Sixty specimens of bovine enamel were randomly assigned to 6 groups (n = 10). They were exposed to 4 cycles of demineralization in the fermented milk and remineralization in artificial saliva. Enamel mineral loss was determined by surface microhardness (%SMHC) and profilometric tests. The samples' pH ranged from 3.51 to 3.87; the buffering capacity ranged from 470.8 to 804.2 μl of 1 mol L -1 NaOH; the fluoride concentration ranged from 0.027 to 0.958 μgF/g; the calcium concentration ranged from 0.4788 to 0.8175 mgCa/g; and the phosphorus concentration ranged from 0.2662 to 0.5043 mgP/g. The %SMHC ranged from-41.0 to -29.4. The enamel wear ranged from 0.15 μm to 0.18 μm. In this in vitro study, the fermented milk beverages did not promote erosion of the dental enamel, but rather only a superficial mineral loss.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Traditional methods for bacterial identification include Gram staining, culturing, and biochemical assays for phenotypic characterization of the causative organism. These methods can be time-consuming because they require in vitro cultivation of the microorganisms. Recently, however, it has become possible to obtain chemical profiles for lipids, peptides, and proteins that are present in an intact organism, particularly now that new developments have been made for the efficient ionization of biomolecules. MS has therefore become the state-of-the-art technology for microorganism identification in microbiological clinical diagnosis. Here, we introduce an innovative sample preparation method for nonculture-based identification of bacteria in milk. The technique detects characteristic profiles of intact proteins (mostly ribosomal) with the recently introduced MALDI SepsityperTM Kit followed by MALDI-MS. In combination with a dedicated bioinformatics software tool for databank matching, the method allows for almost real-time and reliable genus and species identification. We demonstrate the sensitivity of this protocol by experimentally contaminating pasteurized and homogenized whole milk samples with bacterial loads of 10(3)-10(8) colony-forming units (cfu) of laboratory strains of Escherichia coli, Enterococcus faecalis, and Staphylococcus aureus. For milk samples contaminated with a lower bacterial load (104 cfu mL-1), bacterial identification could be performed after initial incubation at 37 degrees C for 4 h. The sensitivity of the method may be influenced by the bacterial species and count, and therefore, it must be optimized for the specific application. The proposed use of protein markers for nonculture-based bacterial identification allows for high-throughput detection of pathogens present in milk samples. This method could therefore be useful in the veterinary practice and in the dairy industry, such as for the diagnosis of subclinical mastitis and for the sanitary monitoring of raw and processed milk products.


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Background To analyse the scientific evidence that exists for the advertising claims made for two products containing Lactobacillus casei and Bifidobacterium lactis and to conduct a comparison between the published literature and what is presented in the corporate website. Methods Systematic review, using Medline through Pubmed and Embase. We included human clinical trials that exclusively measured the effect of Lactobacillus casei or Bifidobacterium lactis on a healthy population, and where the objective was related to the health claims made for certain products in advertising. We assessed the levels of evidence and the strength of the recommendation according to the classification criteria established by the Oxford Centre for Evidence Based Medicine (CEBM). We also assessed the outcomes of the studies published on the website that did not appear in the search. Results Of the 440 articles identified, 16 met the inclusion criteria. Only four (25%) of these presented a level of evidence of 1b and a recommendation grade of A, all corresponding to studies on product containing Bifidobacterium lactis, and only 12 of the 16 studies were published on the corporate website (47). Conclusions There is insufficient scientific evidence to support the health claims made for these products, especially in the case of product containing Lactobacillus casei.


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Bovine milk contains a lipoprotein lipase that accounts for most, if not all, of its lipolytic activity. The total lipase activity in raw milk is sufficient to cause rapid hydrolysis of a large proportion of the fat. However, in reality this does not happen, because the lipase is prevented from accessing the fat by the milkfat globule membrane. Physical damage to this membrane in raw milk initiates lipolysis. Furthermore, simply cooling certain individual milks soon after secretion can initiate the so-called spontaneous lipolysis. The biochemical basis of spontaneous lipolysis is still poorly understood, but it appears to be related to a balance between activating and inhibiting factors in the milk. Lipolysis in milk and milk products causes rancid off-flavours and other problems, and is a constant concern in the dairy industry. A thorough understanding of the mechanism of lipolysis and constant vigilance by operatives is required to minimize lipase-related problems. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Resumo: Objetivou-se avaliar a composição bromatológica do soro de leite bovino derivado da fabricação do queijo mozarela. Foram coletadas três amostras de 500 mL diretamente do tanque de uma fábrica de beneficiamento de queijo tipo mozarela na cidade de Damolândia em Goiás. Foram realizadas análises de matéria seca, umidade, matéria orgânica, cinzas e proteína bruta. O resultado para proteína bruta foi baixo, porém o tipo processamento usado na produção do queijo pode ter influenciado nesse resultado. [Chemical composition of bovine whey derived of processing of mozzarella cheese]. Abstract: The aim of experiment was to evaluate the Chemical composition of bovine whey derived of processing of mozzarella cheese. Three samples of 500 mL were collected in tank of a factory's processing of mozzarella cheese localized on Damolândia city, Goias. The analisys dry matter, moisture, organic matter, ash and crude protein were realized. Low results of crude protein was observed, however the kind of processing of cheese can influenced in this result.


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Vitamin D deficiency rickets became a rare disease in industrialized countries due to vitamin D supplementation in infants and nutritional guidelines. Symptoms of hypocalcemia due to vitamin D deficiency rickets may be life threatening. We report a case of a 16 months old infant who initially presented with stridor that was misdiagnosed as viral laryngitis. He presented, two weeks later, a cardiorespiratory arrest related to a laryngospasm secondary to severe hypocalcemia (ionized calcium level: 0.42 mmol/l,total calcium level: 1.15 mmol/). He was successfully resuscitated and vitamin D deficiency rickets was diagnosed. The medical history revealed that the infant was exclusively breast fed without vitamin D supplementation till the age of 10 months and also deprived from other milk products intentionally by the parents due to cultural habits. The laboratory investigations showed an elevated alkaline phosphatase level at 577 U/l, a normal phosphatemia level at 2 mmol/l, a decreased 25 (OH) cholecalciferol at 5.7 mcg/l,a normal calciuria level at 0.35 mol/mol of creatinine and an increased parathyroid hormone level at 325 ng/l. Cardiocirculatory arrest secondary to vitamin D deficiency rickets is very rare. The aim of this presentation is to highlight the symptoms of vitamin D deficiency rickets and to raise pediatricians' awareness to the necessity of including the diagnosis of hypocalcemia in case of stridor especially if the nutritional history or ethnic origin of the infant predispose to vitamin D deficiency. Vitamin D supplementation is important for some ethnic minority population, whom are faced with the risk of developing this disease


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B12-vitamiinin puute iäkkäillä: laboratoriodiagnostiikka, yleisyys ja yhteys sairastavuuteen Tausta: B12-vitamiinin puute on yleistä iäkkäillä ja se tulisi todeta riittävän varhaisessa vaiheessa palautumattomien vaurioiden estämiseksi. On epäselvää pitäisikö diagnostiikka kohdistaa tiettyihin riskiryhmiin vai mahdollisesti seuloa valikoimatonta vanhusväestöä. Myöskään yksimielisyyttä laboratoriotutkimusten valinnasta ei ole. Tavoitteet: Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena oli evaluoida uutta HoloTC RIA menetelmää ja tuottaa viitearvot sille, selvittää B12-vitamiinin puutteen yleisyys, yhteys sairastavuuteen ja mahdolliset riskitekijät suomalaisessa vanhusväestössä, arvioida munuaisfunktion vaikusta B12-vitamiinin puutteen laboratoriotutkimuksiin ja näiden perusteella ehdottaa suomalaiseen terveydenhuoltoon sopivaa laboratoriotutkimusstrategiaa. Aineisto ja menetelmät: Liedon iäkkäät -tutkimuksen vanhusaineisto on edustava otos yhden kunnan yli 65-vuotiaasta väestöstä, yhteensä 1260 henkilöä. Tutkittavat kävivät lääkärintarkastuksessa, ja heistä on käytettävissä runsaasti laboratoriotutkimuksia sekä tiedot sairauksista, ruokavaliosta, lääkkeiden ja vitamiinivalmisteiden käytöstä, dementiaseula ja depressiokysely. Viitearvoaineistoa varten kerättiin näytteet 84 vapaaehtoisesta terveestä aikuisesta ja menetelmäevaluaatiota varten 107 sairaalapotilaasta. Tulokset: HoloTC RIA menetelmän toistettavuus oli hyvä manuaalimenetelmäksi. 95%:n viiteväli holotranskobalamiinille oli 37-171 pmol/l. Kaikilla tutkittavilla, joilla oli muilla laboratoriotutkimuksilla osoitettu todennäköinen B12-vitamiinin puute, myös holotranskobalamiini oli viitealueen alarajaa pienempi. Suurentuneella kystatiini C-pitoisuudella osoitettu munuaisten vajaatoiminta korreloi voimakkaasti homokysteiinin (rs=0.53, p<0.001) ja metyylimalonihapon (rs=0.27, p<0.001) pitoisuuksiin, mutta ei kokonais-B12-vitamiinin (rs=- 0.04, p=0.227) tai holotranskobamiinin (rs=-0.01, p=0.817) pitoisuuksiin. Suomalaisessa vanhusväestössä B12-vitamiinin puutteen prevalenssi oli 12%. Kokonais- B12-vitamiinin pitoisuus oli matala (<150 pmol/l) 6%:lla. Miessukupuoli (OR 1.9, 95% CI 1.2-2.9), ikä ≥75 (OR 2.2, 95% CI 1.4-3.4) ja maitotuotteiden välttäminen (OR 2.3, 95% CI 1.2-4.4) lisäsivät B12-vitamiinin puutteen riskiä, mutta anemia (OR 1.3, 95% CI 0.7-2.3) tai makrosytoosi (OR 1.2, 95% CI 0.6-2.7) eivät. Päätelmät: Diagnosoimaton B12-vitamiinin puute on yleistä iäkkäillä, mutta kliinisesti merkityksellistä spesifistä riskiryhmää ei löydy. Koska anemian ja makrosytoosin puuttuminen ei poissulje B12-vitamiinin puutetta ja munuaisten vajaatoiminta heikentää metabolisten merkkiaineiden käyttökelpoisuutta, kokonais-B12-vitamiinia suositellaan ensisijaiseksi laboratoriotutkimukseksi epäiltäessä B12-vitamiinin puutetta ja tarvittaessa varmentavina tutkimuksina käytetään homokysteiiniä ja holotranskobalamiinia.


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Pienivolyymiset C-tuotteet ovat Valion jakelutoiminnalle ongelmallisia tuotteita, koska nykyisellä lavoihin perustuvalla toimitusketjulla ei näitä tuotteita voida sijoittaa suoraan jakeluvarastoihin kerättäväksi. Suurista varastoitavista määristä ja pienestä volyymistä seuraa hidas kierto, joka hankaloittaa toimintaa, kun kyseessä ovat nopeasti vanhenevat maitotuotteet. Ratkaisuna käytetty tuotteiden keskittäminen yhteen keskusvarastoon puolestaan aiheuttaa tuotteiden moninkertaista keräilyä. Tätä ongelmavyyhtiä purkamaan on diplomityössä kehitetty kolme ideaalimallia, jotka hyödyntävät lavaa pienempien kiertävien jakeluyksiköiden laajenevaa käyttöä. Uudet jakeluyksiköt tarjoavat mahdollisuuksia kehittää nykyistä joustavampia ratkaisuja jakelun toteuttamiseen. Ideaalimallit eroavat toisistaan realistisuudessaan nykytilanteen rajoitteet huomioon ottaen. Ensimmäinen ideaalimalli pohjautuu selkeästi nykyiseen Valion jakelutoimintaan ja C-tuotteiden keräilyyn keskusvarastossa, joka on työssä kuvattu seikkaperäisesti. Nykytilanteesta eniten eroavassa mallissa keskusvarastoon pohjautuva C-tuotteiden käsittely on kokonaan hylätty. Työssä myös kyseenalaistetaan keskusvaraston tarpeellisuus Valion jakelutoiminnassa.


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Whey is produced in large amounts by cheese industries. This by-product can be used for biomass production by yeast cultivation, resulting in commercially attractive products. The use of yeast extracts as source of flavour enhancer consists of an expansible market, encouraged by costumer's choice for natural additives. The development of a suitable and economically viable project for the generation of valued-added by-products, may allow the dairy industry to diversify their portfolio and increase their rentability.


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Milk products such as cheeses may be contaminated by aflatoxin M1 when dairy cattle have consumed feeds contaminated with aflatoxin B1. Samples of "Minas" cheeses (fresh, canastra and standard) were collected by the Inspection Service in the Mercado Central in Belo Horizonte city, Minas Gerais - Brazil. A purified extract was obtained by extraction with dichloromethane followed by a washing with n-hexane and immunoaffinity column purification. The quantification of aflatoxin M1 was done by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using a fluorescence detector. Recoveries were about 75%. In 56 of the 75 samples (74.7%), the presence of aflatoxin M1 was detected in concentrations ranging between 0.02 and 6.92ng/g of cheese. In the positive cases ( > or = 0.02ng/g) the mean contamination level of aflatoxin M1 was 0.08ng/g in fresh cheese, 0.36ng/g in canastra cheese and 0.62ng/g in standard cheese. No aflatoxin M1 maximum tolerance level in cheese has been established in Brazil.


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Ce travail a été réalisé avec l'appui du Centre Collaborateur de l'OMS sur la Transition Nutritionnelle et le Développement (TRANSNUT) de l'Université de Montréal, en collaboration avec deux parténaires du Bénin: l'Institut de Sciences Biomédicales Appliquées (ISBA) de Cotonou et l'Institut Régional de Santé Publique de Ouidah.


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Le vétérinaire aide le producteur laitier à garder son troupeau en santé. Lorsqu’une vache est malade, il peut prescrire des antibiotiques. Le cas échéant, le lait de la vache traitée aux antibiotiques est jeté. Il n’est donc pas vendu pour consommation. Tout le lait produit est analysé avant d’être pasteurisé et transformé afin de s’assurer que les produits laitiers ne contiennent pas de résidus d’antibiotiques. Si les analyses indiquent que le lait renferme des traces d’antibiotiques, il est jeté et le producteur en cause doit assumer la perte. Les épreuves de dépistage actuelles de ces résidus médicamenteux sont onéreuses et inapplicables sur le terrain. Pour résoudre cette problématique aux pieds de la vache, la solution proposée dans ce projet est la fabrication d’un kit de détection basé sur les polymères à empreinte moléculaire. Il s’agit de polymères dont la conformation moléculaire est complémentaire à celle des antibiotiques. Dans ce projet, il est question d’améliorer l’efficacité des épreuves de dépistages des résidus de tétracyclines en augmentant le nombre de sites d’interaction entre l’antibiotique et des polyesters. Trois polymères sont utilisés portant respectivement des groupements aromatiques, carboxyliques et hydroxyles. Une étude antérieure dans notre laboratoire avait déjà donné un pourcentage de rétention de tétracycline de 50% pour une composition de 1/3 PLAOH- 1/3 PLACOOH- 1/3 PLAOBn. Avec des ajustements, le pourcentage passe à 38.93 % pour une composition de 1/4 PLAOH- 1/2 PLACOOH- 1/4 PLAOPh, de 44.81 % pour une composition de 1/4 PLACOOH- 1/2 PLAOH- 1/4 PLAOPh, de 66.34 %pour une composition de 1/4 PLAOH- 1/4 PLACOOH- 1/2 PLAOPh et de 78.07 % pour une composition de 1/6 PLAOH- 1/6 PLACOOH- 2/3 PLAOPh. Notre hypothèse était que la présence accrue du groupement phényle augmenterait le nombre de sites d’interaction spécifique avec l’antibiotique augmentant ainsi le pourcentage de rétention de l’antibiotique à travers les MIP. Les résultats ont confirmé cette hypothèse.