60 resultados para Militarism.


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Riconoscendo l’importanza delle traduzioni all’interno della cosiddetta repubblica democratica dell’infanzia, il lavoro analizza le prime traduzioni tedesche e italiane del classico della letteratura per l’infanzia I ragazzi della Via Pál di Ferenc Molnár, al fine di metterne in luce i processi non solo prettamente traduttivi, ma anche più ampiamente culturali, che hanno influenzato la prima ricezione del romanzo in due contesti linguistici spesso legati per tradizione storico-letteraria alla letteratura ungherese. Rispettando la descrizione ormai comunemente accettata della letteratura per ragazzi come luogo di interazione tra più sistemi – principalmente quello letterario, quello pedagogico e quello sociale –, il lavoro ricostruisce innanzitutto le dinamiche proprie dei periodi storici di interesse, focalizzando l’attenzione sulla discussione circa l’educazione patriottica e militare del bambino. In relazione a questa tematica si approfondisce l’aspetto della “leggerezza” nell’opera di Molnár, ricostruendo attraverso le recensioni del tempo la prima ricezione del romanzo in Ungheria e presentando i temi del patriottismo e del gioco alla guerra in dialogo con le caratteristiche linguistico-formali del romanzo. I risultati raggiunti – una relativizzazione dell’intento prettamente pedagogico a vantaggio di una visione critica della società e del militarismo a tutti i costi – vengono messi alla prova delle traduzioni. L’analisi critica si basa su un esame degli elementi paratestuali, sull’individuazione di processi di neutralizzazione dell’alterità culturale e infine sull’esame delle isotopie del “gioco alla guerra” e dei “simboli della patria”. Si mostra come, pur senza un intervento censorio o manipolazioni sensibili al testo, molte traduzioni italiane accentuano l’aspetto patriottico e militaresco in chiave pedagogica. Soprattutto in Italia, il romanzo viene uniformato così al contesto letterario ed educativo dell’epoca, mentre in area tedesca la ricezione nell’ambito della letteratura per ragazzi sembra aprire al genere del romanzo delle bande.


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11. Salomon, Albert: "The Spirit of the Soldier and Nazi Militarism". Social Research, Februar 1942, 13 Blatt; 12. Dicks, H.V.: "The Psychological Foundations of the Wehrmacht". Als Typoskript vervielfältigt, 42 Blatt; 13. Clark, Robert A.: "Aggressivness and Military Training". American Journal of Sociology, Volume 51, Number 5, March 1946, 5 Blatt; 14. Stagner, Ross: "Fascist Attitudes: Their Determening Conditions". The Journal of Social Psychology, Volume III, Number 4, 1936, 9 Blatt; 15. Apple, Kenneth E.: "Nationalism and Souvereignity: A Psychiatric View." The Journal of Normal and Abnorma Psychology, Volume 40, Number 4, October 1945, 4 Blatt; 16. Schreier, Fritz: "German Aggressivness- Its Reasons and Types". Journal of Normal and Abnormal Psychology, Volume 38, Number 2, April 1943, 7 Blatt; 17. Stagner, Ross: "Fascist Attitudes: An Exploratory Study". The Journal of Social Psychology, Volume III, Number 3, 1936, 6 Blatt; 18. Stagner, Ross und Katzoff, E. T.: "Fascist Attitudes: Factor Analysis of Item Correlations". The Journal of Social Psychology, 16, 1942, 4 Blatt; 19. Stagner, Ross und Osgood, Charles E.: "Impact of War on a Nationalistic Frame of Reference". The Journal of Social Psychology, 24, 1946, 15 Blatt; 20. Day, Daniel Droba und Quackenbusch, O.F.: Attitudes Towards Defensive, Cooperative and Aggressive War". The Journal of Social Psychology, 16, 1942, 5 Blatt; 21. Kecskemeti, Paul und Leites, Nathan: "Some Psychological Hypotheses on Nazi Germany: I". The Journal of Social Psychology, 26, 1947, 22 Blatt; 22. Dieselben: "Some Psychological Hypotheses on Nazi Germany: II". Ebenda, 27, 1948, 14 Blatt; 23. Parsons, Tollcott: "Certain Primary Sources and Pattersens of Aggression in the Social Structure of the Western World". Psychiatry, Volume 10, Number 2, May 1047, 8 Blatt; 24. Zerner, Elizabeth H.: "German Occupation and Anti-Semitism in France". Public Opinion Quarterly, Summer 1948, 5 Blatt; 25. Hauser, Ernest O.: "Doctor [Julian] Huxley`s Wonderful Zoo". The Saturday Evening Post, ohne Datum, 5 Blatt; 26. Zeitungsabschnitt, 1 Blatt; "Menschen im Großbetrieb" (GS 8, S. 95-105); Veröffentlicht in: Deutsche Zeitung, 19.02.1955. a) Typoskript mit dem Titel "Meinungsforschung im Betrieb" mit handschriftlichen Korrekturen, 10 Blatt b) Typoskript mit dem Titel "Der Mensch im Großbetrieb", mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen und einer handschriftlichen Notiz von Theodor W. Adorno, 17 Blatt c) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 17 Blatt d) Zeitungsdruck mit dem Titel "Menschen im Großbetrieb", mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt e)-f) Dasselbe , 1 Blatt; "Vorwort" zu: "Zeugnisse. Theodor W. Adorno zum 60. Geburtstag"; Veröffentlicht: Ebenda, Frankfurt am Main, 1963. a)-b) Typoskript mit eigenhändigen Korrekturen, 1 Blatt c) Typoskript, 2 Blatt;


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Who is responsible for the present war and what is at stake?--The birth of pan-Germanism.--The progress and aims of German militarism.--The movement towards international reform.--Some illusions entertained by Germany.--Pacifism and an indecisive peace.--A durable peace.--A definitive peace.


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Author's name at head of title.


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Cover title.


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"Sonderabdruck aus der Leipziger volkszeitung.


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"Parts of two chapters have been published before in the form of addresses, and two others as articles in the North American review and in the American journal of sociology."--Pref. note.


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I. The world crisis and its meaning -- II. Militarism and its eulogists -- III. American ideals contrasted with German and English -- IV. The illusion and the ideal of international peace -- V. Civilization and progress in the light of the present war -- VI. The moral awakening of the wealthy --VII. An ethical program of social reform -- VIII. Ethical development extending throughout life.


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The psychology of conviction.--Belief and credulity.--The will to believe in the supernatural.--The case of Paladino.--The antecedents of the study of character and temperament.--Fact and fable in animal psychology.--"Malicious animal magnetism."--The democratic suspicion of education.--The psychology of indulgence: alcohol and tobacco.--The feminine mind.--Militarism and pacifism.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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Tomando como punto de partida mi colaboración en la recolección y la sistematización de datos vinculados al relevamiento territorial en distintas comunidades guaraníes del noroeste salteño, en apoyo al Programa de Relevamiento Territorial de Comunidades Indígenas (Re.Te.CI) y en el marco de la Ley de Emergencia en materia de posesión y propiedad comunitaria indígena (Ley 26.160), el presente artículo describe y analiza distintos momentos de la implementación del programa. Fundamentalmente, exploro las formas particulares que el mismo asumió en la provincia de Salta focalizándome en el Departamento General San Martín, siendo esta la región de mayor diversidad étnica de la provincia. Inspirada en la propuesta de Ferguson y Gupta (2002) de pensar al Estado como “una experiencia vivida” utilizo materiales etnográficos de tres comunidades indígenas donde se aplicó el programa de relevamiento territorial y me centro en una de ellas para pensar las formas que adopta la relación entre el Estado y los pueblos indígenas.


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In the context of demands by the European feminist movement at the beginning of the 20th century, in Spain women’s sport flagged up aspirations to what were considered to be male practices. The first experiences of women in football stand out because of their use of the media to appear as a symbol of social transformation to modernity in the 20th century. It was not in vain that women’s football highlighted the demands of the feminist movements, although it did come up against male disapproval from an opposing group. The research sets out from a bibliographical and media review of specialist press and sports news of the time. Other current studies have also been considered in order to place it in a social and historical focus on sport. This has enabled us to highlight that football in Spain was established as an unequivocal space for (re) producing male hegemony where women were relegated to the representation of a symbolic ritual in a scenario of accessory and condescension.


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In the face of mounting militarism in south Asia, this essay turns to anti-state, ‘liberatory’ movements in the region that employ violence to achieve their political aims. It explores some of the ethical quandaries that arise from the embrace of such violence, particularly for feminists for whom political violence and militarism is today a moot point. Feminist responses towards resistant political violence have, however, been less straightforward than towards the violence of the state, suggesting a more ambivalent ethical position towards the former than the latter. The nature of this ambivalence can be located in a postcolonial feminist ethics that is conceptually committed to the use of political violence in certain, albeit exceptional circumstances on the basis of the ethical ends that this violence (as opposed to other oppressive violence) serves. In opening up this ethical ambivalence – or the ethics of ambiguity, as Simone de Beauvoir says – to interrogation and reflection, I underscore the difficulties involved in ethically discriminating between forms of violence, especially when we consider the manner in which such distinctions rely on and reproduce gendered modes of power. This raises particular problems for current feminist appraisals of resistant political violence as an expression of women's empowerment and ‘agency’.


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Although much contention has surrounded the introduction of the English citizenship curriculum, its political agenda clearly reflects a transformative approach to issues of justice and equity. In light of this agenda, this article supports feminist work in further problematizing the curriculum's silence around relations of gender and citizenship. It extends this work by exploring the implications of such silence within the context of the contemporary post-September 11 climate, where discourses around security and militarism have amplified social/gender inequities worldwide while further reducing the spaces available for active social and political engagement toward the "common good." In the U.K. context, these trends are considered in light of the recent high-profile political debate around the issue of Britishness. Here, concern is expressed about how superficial engagement with this debate may be mobilized in exclusionary ways that do little to militate against the masculinist framings of the citizenship curriculum. Conversely, critical engagement in debates around British national identity are also presented as being potentially generative in terms of their capacity to strengthen the discourse of ideal citizenship in the United Kingdom in ways that foster a more critical and gender-just approach to citizenship education.