329 resultados para Menace réaliste


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Blue-green algae (cyanobacteria) have had a profound and unparalled impact on the aquatic environment because of the phenomenon of bloom formation. In many countries, water management is threatened with extensive and persistent noxious blooms of blue-green algae in surface and near-surface mesotrophic and eutrophic waters. In view of this, ecological and physiological factors responsible for blue-green algal dominance are discussed. The implications of cyanobacterial blooms are highlighted and recommendations made to combat this menace


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The hardship of poverty bestowed on people has become a problem of horrifying enormity. Which attracts global concern to a steadfast search on the best approach to address the menace and to improve the living standard of people particularly those in the rural areas. These areas equally represent where majority of the fishermen lives. They are found frequently isolated, living along margin of lakes, rivers etc often unheard and unseen in development process. The study reviews the concept of poverty, perception and situation in Nigeria, as well as the past approaches to poverty alleviation. Due to the failure of the past approaches to tackle poverty adequately, the paper outlines a new concept of poverty alleviation-sustainable livelihood. Basically the paper highlights its concept, principles, framework and its application in poverty alleviation projects and general development process with particular reference to the Nigerian rural fishing communities


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This study was conducted to assess the impact of Nigerian Agricultural, Co-operative and Rural Development Bank Loan on beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries fishermen in Lake Kainji. A total of fifty fishermen (25 beneficiaries and 25 non-beneficiaries) were randomly selected from five fishing villages along the lake basin. Data collected were scored and the percentages of the parameters were calculated appropriately. The types of loans disbursed to beneficiaries revealed that 52% was cash and 48% was in kind. The credit package ranged between N5, 000 to N150, 000 only. Only 48% of the loans granted were paid while the rest remained unpaid. The results obtained from the membership of fishermen Cooperative showed that 64% of beneficiaries were members while 36% were non-members. Also 36% of non-beneficiaries were members while 64% were not. The Common fishing gears used by the two categories of fishermen include gillnets longline, castnet and driftnets. Sixty percent of beneficiaries and 8% of non-beneficiaries fishermen were using canoe with outboard engines while the rest used canoes with paddles. Beneficiaries earned a higher income (N1, 000 to N9, 000) daily than non-beneficiaries (N1, 000 to N6, 000) daily from sales of fish caught. Major contrainsts to increased catch and income identified include inadequate capital, non- availability of fishing inputs, stealing of fishing gears, lack of access to credit facilities and menace of stump and water hyacinth in the lake. Lastly, recommendation were made for the bank management, government and other lending institutions on how to improve the livelihood of the Artisanal fishermen by increasing the loan usually granted


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Considerado pela maioria da crítica como uma literatura pútrida (cf. ULBACH, 1868) ou torpe (cf. VERÍSSIMO, 1894), acusado de confundir ingenuamente ciência e literatura, bem como de cientizar a linguagem literária, e em particular no Brasil, além disso, questionado por plágio ou importação de uma moda estrangeira, o naturalismo foi relegado às margens da historiografia literária. Assumindo como ponto de partida esse panorama crítico, a tese propõe uma reavaliação crítica e historiográfica da estética naturalista, começando por descrever e analisar sua origem no decurso da história, a partir do advento do realismo moderno nas obras de Stendhal e de Balzac (cf. AUERBACH, 2004). Enfoca a lenta afirmação dos termos realismo e naturalismo, bem como a importância da contribuição de diferentes romancistas franceses no processo de consolidação da estética realista e de seu prolongamento no naturalismo. Discute-se também o projeto estético proposto por Zola, assim como se desconstroem mitos corroborados pela historiografia literária a respeito da teoria e do movimento naturalistas. Por fim, correlacionando a estética naturalista com o ideal republicano, aborda-se a aclimatação dos princípios naturalistas no Brasil, na obra daquele que foi seu principal representante, Aluísio Azevedo. A partir de uma abordagem comparativa entre o naturalismo na França e no Brasil, busca-se, em síntese, contribuir para o processo de revisão crítica e historiográfica de um período literário muito produtivo nos dois países, não obstante a tendência para sua desvalorização em geral observada nas manifestações da crítica novecentista


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A sublimação é um conceito forjado por Freud que tem por finalidade responder sobre a incidência da sexualidade num campo que não é diretamente ligado à função sexual. Freud inicialmente ligou o conceito de sublimação ao desenvolvimento da sociedade, mantendo entre eles uma estreita ligação através da idéia de aprovação social, coerência e harmonia, sendo a sexualidade algo que deveria ser posta a serviço da civilização pela educação e restrição de sua manifestação. A importância dada aos aspectos quantitativos presentes na subjetividade fez com que a sublimação adquirisse maior destaque, sendo diretamente ligada ao destino a ser dado aos elementos que resistiam à lógica da predicação e significação, buscando alternativas para a manifestação desses fatores que ameaçavam constantemente desestruturar o psiquismo. A sublimação se torna um processo necessário para articular a subjetividade a uma lógica da inadequação e do inacabamento, mostrando-se um operador não só da clínica como também da cultura, pois leva em consideração a sustentação da posição desejante sem incremento de mal-estar. Esses fatores aproximam de maneira surpreendente estética e psicanálise através de um novo campo de atuação. Freud percebeu a capacidade terapêutica da sublimação no final de sua vida, e Lacan, outro psicanalista que se mostrou muito interessado neste tema, também nos deixou uma série de elaborações que podem nos ser úteis para enfrentar os desafios que o nosso tempo produz.


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A presente dissertação se propõe revisitar algumas teorias escolhidas sobre a narrativa fantástica que, por sua vez, servem de referência para o estudo e a reflexão dos textos produzidos sob o signo da estranheza, da subversão do real e da inquietação humana com o desconhecido. Para tanto, selecionamos alguns teóricos que se aventuraram pelos caminhos do fantástico na busca de entender melhor e tentar definir este tipo de texto ficcional. São eles: Peter Penzoldt, Howard Lovecraft, Sigmundo Freud, Jean-Paul Sartre, Tzvedan Todorov e Filipe Furtado. O fantástico é um exemplo de construção narrativa que relativiza o real e problematiza o debate em torno dos limites do maravilhoso e sua carga simbólica, apresentando, paralelamente, a verossimilhança que a estética realista aconselha. A narrativa fantástica nasce, então, da fratura da razão que não consegue mais dar conta de uma visão de mundo que se afigura distorcida, problemática e, muitas vezes, surreal


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Fishery science pioneers often faced challenges in their field work that are mostly unknown to modern biologists. Some of the travails faced by ichthyologist and, later, fishery biologist Charles Henry Gilbert (1859-1928) during his service as Naturalist-in-Charge of the North Pacific cruise ofthe U.S. Bureau of Fisheries Steamer Albatross in 1906, are described here, as are accomplishments of the cruise. The vessel left San Francisco, Calif., on 3 May 1906, just after the great San Francisco earthquake, for scientific exploration of waters of the Aleutian islands, Bering Sea, Kamchatka, Sakhalin, and Japan, returning to San Francisco in December. Because the expedition occurred just after the war between Japan and Russia of 1904-05 floating derelict mines in Japanese waters were often a menace. Major storms caused havoc in the region, and the captain of the Albatross, Lieutenant Commander LeRoy Mason Garrett (1857-1906), U.S.N., was lost at sea, apparently thrown from the vessel during a sudden storm on the return leg of the cruise. Despite such obstacles, Gilbert and the Albatross successfully completed their assigned chores. They occupied 339 dredging and 48 hydrographic stations, and discovered over 180 new species of fishes and many new species of invertebrates. The expedition's extensive biological collections spawned over 30 descriptive publications, some of which remain today as standards of knowledge.


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Two species of mammal dolphin are found in waters adjacent to Ceylon, namely the common dolphin (Delphinus delphis) and the bottled-nosed dolphin (Tursiops truricatus). Both these species are predators and cause damage to finishing nets by attacking fish trapped in them. This menace to nets is particularly pronounced when fish populations in a particular area become somewhat depleted. Dolphin can be successfully captured from a motor boat by use of a simple hand harpoon with a detachable dart and bladder buoy. Fresh dolphin meat when placed on the market sold readily despite some local prejudice against the naturally dark colored meat. The flesh of the dolphin is nutritious and can be used successfully in both western and eastern types of cookery.


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It is a common knowledge that illegal fishing which includes use of wrong gears, explosives, excessive exploitation of choice stocks, enhancement and stocking of water body and pollution has devastating effects on the critical biomass of fish biodiversity and livelihood activities associated with fishing. Efforts worldwide to arrest these menace are significant because it has been found that illegal fishing has made fishing non sustainable, resulted in poor fishermen catches, and exacerbated the use of illegal gears in an effort to a must catch. Conflict between fisher folk and policies has continued to generate different strategies in the control of illegal fishing. Some of these strategies at regional and National levels include creation and implementation of fisheries laws, fishing edicts, code of conduct for responsible fisheries, policing of inland water bodies, capacity building and capability through training of fishermen, creating necessary awareness, arrest and punishment of offenders. There are also other initiative on conservation and management of freshwater ecosystems which have interrelation with illegal fishing. This paper examines efforts in promoting and boosting the fisheries of Lake Kainji, through creating necessary awareness, campaign visits, radio programmes, gear control, reward systems, integration and diversification of livelihood activities, community based management and policing. It further analyses what is working, problems, and prospect of fisheries laws, the need to integrate factors of political policies, other global initiative on water management for people and nature. Recommendations on strategies including protection of fishing grounds, establishment of catch data base, integration of other intervention as alternative source of income to enhance livelihood, reduce fishing pressure, and capacity building of fisher folks, development of rules and regulations that is community based are highlighted.


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The rapid proliferation and extensive spread of water hyacinth Eichhornia crassipes (Mart) Solms in the highland lakes of the Nile Basin within less than 15 years of introduction into the basin in the 1980s pauses potential environmental and social economic menace if the noxious weed is not controlled soon. The water weed has spread all round Lake Victoria and, in Uganda where infes tation is mos t severe, water hyacinth estimated at 1,330,000 ton smothers over 2,000 ha of the lakeshore (August,1994). Lake Kyoga which already constantly supplies River Nile with the weed is infested with over 570 ha, while over 80% of the river course in Uganda is fringed on either side with an average width of about 5m of water hyacinth. As the impact of infestation with water hyacinth on water quality and availability, transportation by water, fishing activities, fisheries ecology, hydro-power generation etc becomes clear in Uganda, serious discussion is under way on how to control and manage the noxious weed. This paper pauses some of the questions being asked regarding the possible application of mechanical and chemical means to control the water weed.Uganda has already initiated the use of biological control of water hyacinth on Lake Kyoga with a strategy to use two weevils namely Neochetinabruchi and Neochetina eichhorniae. The strategy to build capacity and infrastructure for mass multiplication and deployment of biological control of the weevils in the field developed in Uganda by the Fisheries Research Insti tu te (FIRI) and the Namulonge Agricultural and Animal production Research Insti tute (NAARI) is proposed in outline for evaluation. Plans to deploy this strategy on lake Kyoga are under way


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Shore environments of Lakes Victoria and Kyoga with potential for the establishment and proliferation of water hyacinth were identified. They are characterised by: (i) shelter from violent off-shore and along-the-shore wind and wave action (ii) flat or gentle slope under relatively shallow water, and (iii) a muddy bottom rich in organic matter. Such environments are strongly associated with emergent macrophytes of papyrus, Vossia sp and, at times Typha sp where Pistia stratiotes, species of ceratophyllum, myriophylum and nymphaea also occur. In Lake Kyoga association with Vossia sp facilitated establishment of water hyacinth even along wind-swept shores and promoted extension of mats of the two machrophytes into the open lake. Urgent research on water hyacinth is proposed in the areas of nutrient relations, weed biology and on its impact on the biodiversity resource, with particular emphasis on the fishery component. Findings from the research could facilitate formulation of weed control options and alternative resource management strategies. A regional approach to address the water hyacinth menace is highly recommended.


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水土流失是一个全球性的环境问题 ,给人类的生命和物质财产造成极大的危害与破坏。在现代社会 ,由于人口的持续增长、社会经济生产规模的不断扩大、植被破坏的急剧发展 ,对国家经济的发展构成了威胁。在上述背景下 ,本文在对以往研究结果进行综合分析的基础上 ,根据“再造一个山川秀美的西北地区”之要求 ,因地制宜地提出了我国水土流失的防治途径。


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Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Relações Internacionais com o Mundo Árabe e Islâmico.


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The International Brigades are typically viewed as a fighting force whose impetus came from the Comintern, and thus from within the walls of the Kremlin. If the assumption is essentially correct, the broader relation between Stalin’s USSR and the IB has received little attention. This chapter constitutes an empirically-based study of the Soviet role not only in the formation of the IB, but of the Red Army’s collaboration with IB units, and Moscow’s role in the climax and denouement of the brigadistas’ Spanish experience. This study’s principal conclusion is twofold: First, that the creation and sustenance of the IB was part of Stalin’s goal of linking the Loyalist cause with that of the Soviet Union and international communism, a component of a larger geo-strategic gamble which sought to create united opposition to the fascist menace, one which might eventually bring Moscow and the West into a closer alliance. The second conclusion is that the IB, like the broader projection of Soviet power and influence into the Spanish theater, was an overly ambitious operational failure whose abortive retreat is indicative of the basic weakness of the Stalinist regime in the years prior to the Second World War.