989 resultados para Meaning construction
Cette étude ethnographique porte sur le réseau social du tango argentin à Montréal, les valeurs esthétiques du tango, l’interprétation de l’expérience de la danse acquise au cours du processus de socialisation et les différents agents de socialisation. Dans un contexte de réappropriation et de déterritorialisation d’un savoir-faire comme le tango, les références symboliques relatives à son contexte d’origine, son imaginaire collectif et son contexte sociohistorique sont moins accessibles. Ceci semble appeler chez les danseurs montréalais une sorte de surdétermination de l’expérience immédiate, concrète et interactive de la danse dans la construction d’un sens collectif. Cette recherche s’intéresse plutôt à la transposition dans le réseau montréalais de certaines normes esthétiques en lien avec les modalités interactives de la danse. Ces normes esthétiques induisent une attention particulière portée à la qualité de l’expérience se reflétant dans les pratiques et les discours. Ces valeurs esthétiques remontent au contexte d’origine du tango et à la rencontre entre différents univers socialisateurs transnationaux à différentes étapes de son évolution. De ce type de rencontres «transesthétiques», s’est développé un dualisme entre le danser pour les autres et le danser pour soi, dans les représentations et la mise en forme d’une expérience dansée. À Montréal, c’est avec emphase qu’on observe la cohabitation de ces deux systèmes de valeurs en apparence antagonistes où, d’une part, est valorisé l’exhibition du soi et, d’autre part, sont priorisés l’intériorité et l’expérience subjective. En bref, ce mémoire explore les relations complexes qui existent entre les processus culturels et leurs produits, l’expérience et le sens, entre la subjectivité individuelle et la collectivité, et redéfinit l’agentivité des acteurs sociaux en étudiant les modes spécifiques de production du sens dans un art comme la danse.
Le débat public en aménagement du territoire constitue un exercice paradoxal. Bien qu’il fasse nominalement référence au territoire, ce débat public aborde cet objet de façon superficielle. Ce mémoire aborde cette problématique en explorant les utilisations de la notion de territoire formulées dans le cadre d’un exercice de consultation publique sur un projet de revitalisation à Montréal, soit le Programme particulier d’urbanisme du Quartier des spectacles – Pôle du Quartier latin, est étudié. L’analyse se décline en deux étapes. Le sens accordé à la position géographique du Quartier latin et ses répercussions sur les dynamiques d’aménagement à long terme (structurales) sont s’abord explorées. Ensuite, les discours des intervenants au débat public sont analysés à l’aide d’une loupe poststructuraliste. Nos résultats démontrent qu’une majorité de participants ne considèrent pas le territoire comme construction sociale. Toutefois, les intervenants qui adoptent le point de vue contraire ont tendance à adopter une position plus critique face au projet. Ce constat remet en question les fondements de l’intervention proposée par les autorités municipales et, plus largement, interroge la prise en compte du concept de territoire en contexte de planification collaborative et post-collaborative.
La nature iconoclaste de l'ère postmoderne se manifeste dans une révolution contre les normes littéraires préétablies. Cet iconoclasme est plus flagrant dans la fantaisie urbaine. Dans un environnement désordonné, fragmenté et très stéréotypé, la fantaisie urbaine est considérée comme un événement qui défie tout jugement, et toute stratification sociale. Bien qu'elle ait été bien accueillie par les lecteurs et qu'elle a obtenue de fortes ventes, c'est seulement depuis deux décennies que ces genres ont commencé à attirer l'attention académique. Ce travail peut être considéré comme une tentative pour comprendre la fantaisie urbaine à travers la série d'une de ses écrivains les plus éminents, Laurell K. Hamilton. En conséquence, j’ai choisi trois romans de sa série Anita Blake: Guilty Pleasures (1993), Circus of the Damned (1995) et Blue Moon (1998). Les paramètres stylistiques et thématiques dans ses romans créent une philosophie postmoderne de subversion, qui valide et invalide les discussions sur la structure du signe, la violence, et la réaction du lecteur. Le premier chapitre étudie la construction du sens à travers la structure de la langue de la fantaisie urbaine. Il traite la signification que le résultat de l'interaction entre les différents signes linguistiques. Il suit également l'évolution de ce que Derrida appelle «inflated signs», qui sont au coeur de la régénération du sens à travers les romans. La saturation dans ces signes implique une «absence» qui s'affiche à travers la désintégration du système de la langue et les ruptures récurrentes de sa structure globale. Le deuxième chapitre se concentre sur les tendances de la violence dans les romans de la fantaisie urbaine qui rendent les jeux de pouvoir des personnages truculents et leurs réactions apparaissent inadmissibles. Il examine la violence par rapport à ses causes et sa ii logique. Grâce aux concepts de Derrida de l’‘arché-violence’, de ‘décision’ et de ‘sacrifice,’ je démontre que la violence est inévitable dans le monde créé de Hamilton et dans le monde qu'elle simule. Le troisième chapitre examine la réaction du lecteur sur les événements exotiques et la caractérisation paranormale des romans de Hamilton. Il révèle comment la fantaisie urbaine conteste la conception de Wolfgang Iser de réaction du lecteur et le concept d'‘apparence’ de Jean Baudrillard. J’insiste sur le fait que les lecteurs de la fantaisie urbaine ne sont plus des interprètes ou des réceptifs passifs d'images paranormaux. En effet, l'interaction entre l’auteur et le lecteur, que ces romans entrainent, défie ces conceptions réductrices de la réaction du lecteur.
The document refers to the San Francisco river canalization and subsequent construction of the Avenida Jiménez de Quesada. Understanding that the project was ascribed to the modernizing policy of the time, the investigation identifies the different stages in the canalization process, and shows its relations with the spatial structure of the city and the local conditions that developed on the river surroundings. The financing of the project through the “property increase duty” permits an illustration of the progress of canalization and construction of the Jiménez Avenue process, providing a less technical and more social meaning to the sequence in which the project executed. Consequently, the document approaches the shaping dynamics of Bogotá´s spatial structure at the beginning of the XX century.
Little attention has been focussed on a precise definition and evaluation mechanism for project management risk specifically related to contractors. When bidding, contractors traditionally price risks using unsystematic approaches. The high business failure rate our industry records may indicate that the current unsystematic mechanisms contractors use for building up contingencies may be inadequate. The reluctance of some contractors to include a price for risk in their tenders when bidding for work competitively may also not be a useful approach. Here, instead, we first define the meaning of contractor contingency, and then we develop a facile quantitative technique that contractors can use to estimate a price for project risk. This model will help contractors analyse their exposure to project risks; and help them express the risk in monetary terms for management action. When bidding for work, they can decide how to allocate contingencies strategically in a way that balances risk and reward.
We explore the contribution of socio-technical networks approaches to construction management research. These approaches are distinctive for their analysis of actors and objects as mutually constituted within socio-technical networks. They raise questions about the ways in which the content, meaning and use of technology is negotiated in practice, how particular technical configurations are elaborated in response to specific problems and why certain paths or solutions are adopted rather than others. We illustrate this general approach with three case studies: a historical study of the development of reinforced concrete in France, the UK and the US, the recent introduction of 3D-CAD software into four firms and an analysis of the uptake of environmental assessment technologies in the UK since 1990. In each we draw out the ways in which various technologies shaped and were shaped by different socio-technical networks. We conclude with a reflection on the contributions of socio-technical network analysis for more general issues including the study of innovation and analyses of context and power.
Local, tacit and normally unspoken OHS (occupational health and safety) knowledge and practices can too easily be excluded from or remain below the industry horizon of notice, meaning that they remain unaccounted for in formal OHS policy and practice. In this article we stress the need to more systematically and routinely tap into these otherwise ‘hidden’ communication channels, which are central to how everyday safe working practices are achieved. To demonstrate this approach this paper will draw on our ethnographic research with a gang of migrant curtain wall installers on a large office development project in the north of England. In doing so we reflect on the practice-based nature of learning and sharing OHS knowledge through examples of how workers’ own patterns of successful communication help avoid health and safety problems. These understandings, we argue, can be advanced as a basis for the development of improved OHS measures, and of organizational knowing and learning.
Objective: To clarify how infection control requirements are represented, communicated, and understood in work interactions through the medical facility construction project life cycle. To assist project participants with effective infection control management by highlighting the nature of such requirements and presenting recommendations to aid practice. Background: A 4-year study regarding client requirement representation and use on National Health Service construction projects in the United Kingdom provided empirical evidence of infection control requirement communication and understanding through design and construction work interactions. Methods: An analysis of construction project resources (e.g., infection control regulations and room data sheets) was combined with semi-structured interviews with hospital client employees and design and construction professionals to provide valuable insights into the management of infection control issues. Results: Infection control requirements are representationally indistinct but also omnipresent through all phases of the construction project life cycle: Failure to recognize their nature, relevance, and significance can result in delays, stoppages, and redesign work. Construction project resources (e.g., regulatory guidance and room data sheets) can mask or obscure the meaning of infection control issues. Conclusions: A preemptive identification of issues combined with knowledge sharing activities among project stakeholders can enable infection control requirements to be properly understood and addressed. Such initiatives should also reference existing infection control regulatory guidance and advice.
Palestinian youth is challenged by multiple discourses in the process of constitution of its identity. This discursive multiplicity, characteristic of contemporary global societies, is confronted with personal life experiences, giving meaning to primarily nebulous affective impacts in the social environment. Starting from a semiotic-cultural perspective in cultural psychology one can establish a link between the notion of master narrative used by Hammack (2010) and the notion of myth-using the conception of ideology as a bridge that articulates both. Antinomies in the self-biographic narratives presented and discussed by Hammack (2010) support the master narrative of Palestinian identity and enter into interactions with other psychological identities of the interviewed youngsters, such as their religious tradition and secular education. Symbolic elements that are brought to the identity-making process by the diverse narratives are to be seen as resources for the comprehension of life experiences, demanding an integrative effort in the face of what is known and unknown in relation to alterity.
What is knowledge construction for? Mesopotamian rituals were practiced in order to grasp the future and guide war strategies. Nowadays, scientific rules are developed to avoid mysticism-constructing more accurate laws to explain the reality. Both rituals and science were, and usually are, grounded in a conception that to know is to decipher the correct meaning behind the expressive relief of the world. Contemporary studies on anthropology have shown that the opposition between nature and culture is the basis of a number of problems in human sciences aiming to comprehend the intricate relation between body and violence and overcome ethical dilemmas.
Dentistry currently reveals itself to be open to new ideas about the construction of meanings for oral health. This openness leads to the social production of health revealing the contextualization of the social and historical aspects of the sundry knowledge in the development of oral health for different communities. With this research, we seek to build meanings for oral health with a group of elderly people. With this objective in mind, we propose an approximation between discourses on oral health mentioned by the elderly and the Social Constructionist discourse. We interviewed 14 elderly people enrolled in a Family Health Unit in Ribeirao Preto, State of Sao Paulo, in the first semester of 2010, and identified two interpretative repertoires through Discourse Analysis, which showed the relationship between 1 Lack of information and dental assistance in childhood, and 2 - Primary Health Care building the meaning of oral health. We concluded that Social Constructionism works epistemologically for the construction of meanings for oral health and that primary health is essential for appreciation and health care that enables the construction of meanings in oral health by the elderly that create conditions for self-care and healthy attitudes.
According to one’s personal biography, social background and the resultant degree of affectedness, a person has certain ideas about the meaning of, in our example, a World Heritage Site (WHS), what he or she can expect from it and what his or her relation to it can and should be. The handling of potentially different meaningful spaces is decisive, when it comes to the negotiation of pathways towards the sustainable development of a WHS region. Due to the fact that – in a pluralistic world – multiple realities exist, they have to be taken seriously and adequately addressed. In this article we identified the ways the Jungfrau-Aletsch- WHS was constructed by exploring the visual and verbal representations of the WHS during the decision-making process (1998-2001). The results demonstrate that in the visual representations (images), the WHS was to a large extent presented as an unspoiled natural environment similar to a touristy promotion brochure. Such a ‘picture-book’-like portrait has no direct link to the population’s daily needs, their questions and anxieties about the consequences of a WHS label. By contrast, the verbal representations (articles, letters-to-the-editor, comments) were dominated by issues concerning the economic development of the region, fears of disappropriation, and different views on nature. Whereas visual and verbal representations to a large extent differ significantly, their combination might have contributed to the final decision of the majority of people concerned to support the application for inscription of the Jungfrau-Aletsch-Bietschhorn region into the World Heritage list. The prominence of economic arguments and narratives about intergenerational responsibility in the verbal representations and their combination with the aesthetic appeal of the natural environment in the visual representations might have built a common meaningful space for one part of the population.
This study examined the meaning-making and psychosocial processes of five female legacy students at Bucknell University, each of whom having had at least one parent graduate from the institution. With a research philosophy, design, and methodology rooted in qualitative inquiry and phenomenology, inductive data analysis led to three primary categories that underscored legacy identity development. The first, Paradox of Influence and Identity, revealed through six themes nuanced experiences of separation-individuation. Second, Teaching and Learning, comprised of five themes, illuminated the impact of family — and of Bucknell parent alumni in particular — on their children’s internal working models. Lastly, Bucknell — the Environmental Contextand the five themes grouped therein highlighted the contributions of University community members, and of the campus culture and climate itself, to the co-construction of psychosocial formation. A tentative outline of grounded theory was offered, which explored categorical relationships; Paradox of Influence and Identity emerged as thedominant phenomenon, informing and being reinforced by the data of Teaching and Learning and Bucknell — the Environmental Context. Provisional intervention strategies for student affairs practice, in the contexts of academics, residential life, and career development, were discussed. Further, triangulated research is needed to substantiate and evolve the findings and theoretical model of this thesis.
I present my explorative research about conflict and social identity. The Social Identity Approach of Henri Tajfel and John Turner is used as theoretical frame in the study. The main question is how the construction of social identity of group members is influenced by an inter-group conflict. The research project consists of two parts: 1. An empirical study conducted with qualitative research methods to investigate a today’s congregation of the Swiss reformed Church who experienced a conflict about twenty years ago. This conflict ended by the separation of a sub-group from the congregations. This group forms an independent community today. Members of both congregations where interviewed about the meaning which membership has for them and about their interpretation of the conflict. 2. An analysis of the Gospel of Matthew with questions who where developed out of the empirical study and the Social Identity Approach to better understand the separation conflict between the Matthean community and the synagogue.
This study examined the meaning making processes of self-defining memories in adolescents, as well as how they co-construct the narratives of these events with their parents. The sample consisted of 53 students, aged 12-14, who came in for recorded laboratory sessions to discuss self-defining memories with their parents. These sessions were later coded on levels of meaning making and co-construction. These codes were, then, analyzed with the adolescents’ questionnaire scores regarding friendship quality, internalizing, and externalizing behaviors. The data revealed that adolescents and parents were both rated higher for more complex levels of meaning making and that those rated higher for more complex meaning making abilities had better friendship qualities. The implications of these findings were discussed in terms of their importance for parents supporting their children’s emotional expressivity, narrative abilities, and meaning making strategies.