993 resultados para Martí i Pol, Miquel,1929-2003 -- Epistolaris
Resumen tomado de la propia revista
Resumen tomado del recurso. Los autores integran el Seminari de Did??ctica del Catal?? ICE-CENC creado en 1983. Este volumen forma parte del Proyecto Plenamar, que incluye las colecciones Mar de sons, Mar de jocs, Mar de fons i Mar de Mots de libros de did??ctica de la lengua y la literatura
Ofrece una ayuda a los educadores para trabajar, a trav??s del juego ling????stico, el lenguaje oral en la escuela. Propone actividades para trabajar tanto el contenido del mensaje como la forma de articulaci??n. A la vez que los escolares se ocupan de estos contenidos, recuperan todo un bagaje cultural de su comunidad, que se ha ido transmitiendo de generaci??n en generaci??n a trav??s de la literatura oral.
Resumen tomado del propio recurso
El resumen es del propio autor
Resumen publicado en la obra
Resumen tomado del propio recurso
La intenci??n de esta obra es que el alumno use y disponga de todo su material l??xico encaminado a perfeccionar su fluidez verbal que le ayudar??, jugando, a mejorar su lenguaje de una forma global y sus posibilidades de comunicaci??n. Est?? formada por cuatro cap??tulos. En el primero se justifica la necesidad del juego como una herramienta de aprendizaje en la escuela. El segundo pretende hacer una breve explicaci??n sobre los prinicipales juegos. El tercero es el cuerpo prinicipal, donde se trabaja la lengua oral; y en el cuarto e ??ltimo encontramos la bibliograf??a.
Incluye una lista de lecturas para el debate
La literatura infantil y juvenil ha sido estudiada desde diversos campos y enfoques, especialmente desde la cr??tica literaria, el bibliotecon??mico y el peddag??gico. En cambio, el punto de partida de este art??culo es que la literatura infantil y juvenil tiene un papel educativo que le convierte en un proyecto posible de estudio de las Ciencias de la Educaci??n. Ya que el Libro Infantil es un claro ejemplo de transmisi??n de ideas, valores, de visiones del mundo.
Resumen basado en el del autor en catal??n
Llegir requereix tres coses: que hi hagi una persona que vulgui llegir -el lector-, que hi hagi un text per llegir, i que hi hagi un ambient que posi en contacte el llibre amb el lector. Qu?? poden fer els pares i educadors que volen que els seus fills siguin lectors o participin de l???acte de llegir?
The aim of the present research is to analyse Ancib’s scientific production in the workgroup GT7 named Production and Communication of Information in ST&I, between the years of 2003 and 2009, through bibliometric indicators, from which it is possible to indicate what is more important or significant within a scientific field or context, so as to therefore analyse trends, existing relations or processes. The bibliometric studies are an approach method for the analysis of science behaviour in a given field. More specifically, by means of production and connection indicators, it aims at revealing and portraying the most productive authors, the kind of authorship present in this group, the most recurrent themes, most productive institutions, and the collaborative network determined by the institutional coauthorships and their indicators, so as to map and visualize the main researchers and institutions of the present GT, within the period of time in question. The research procedure derived from studying the 94 research project results presented in the period, where the paper reference, summary and corresponding key words can be found. Analysis concerning the most productive authors, most recurrent themes, kinds of authorship and most productive institutions have been carried out from the variables under review. The collaborative network between the institutions was built using the Pajek software, and, with the help of the Ucinet software, indicators of degree centrality, betweeness centrality, and closeness centrality have been reached, besides the calculation of density. The results point to 11 researchers and 9 institutions as the most productive ones. The collaborative institutional network was shown to be fragile, presenting low density, and in general the participating institutions have presented low centrality indexes. As a conclusion, it has been observed that the themes focus, in general, on bibliometric analysis and their indicators, using regional and national data as their universe.
von Walden F, Casagrande V, Ostlund Farrants AK, Nader GA. Mechanical loading induces the expression of a Pol I regulon at the onset of skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 302: C1523-C1530, 2012. First published March 7, 2012; doi:10.1152/ajpcell.00460.2011.-The main goal of the present study was to investigate the regulation of ribosomal DNA (rDNA) gene transcription at the onset of skeletal muscle hypertrophy. Mice were subjected to functional overload of the plantaris by bilateral removal of the synergist muscles. Mechanical loading resulted in muscle hypertrophy with an increase in rRNA content. rDNA transcription, as determined by 45S pre-rRNA abundance, paralleled the increase in rRNA content and was consistent with the onset of the hypertrophic response. Increased transcription and protein expression of c-Myc and its downstream polymerase I (Pol I) regulon (POL1RB, TIF-1A, PAF53, TTF1, TAF1C) was also consistent with the increase in rRNA. Similarly, factors involved in rDNA transcription, such as the upstream binding factor and the Williams syndrome transcription factor, were induced by mechanical loading in a corresponding temporal fashion. Chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed that these factors, together with Pol I, were enriched at the rDNA promoter. This, in addition to an increase in histone H3 lysine 9 acetylation, demonstrates that mechanical loading regulates rRNA synthesis by inducing a gene expression program consisting of a Pol I regulon, together with accessory factors involved in transcription and chromatin remodeling at the rDNA promoter. Altogether, these data indicate that transcriptional and epigenetic mechanisms take place in the regulation of ribosome production at the onset of muscle hypertrophy.
En el flujo informativo, algunas imágenes, que calificamos aquí de “recalcitrantes” se resisten a perecer y sobreviven a su contexto de producción. El presente estudio analiza cómo una de ellas, la secuencia televisiva de la proclamación de Juan Carlos como sucesor de Francisco Franco a la jefatura del estado, el 22 de noviembre de 1975, ha sobrevivido, metamorfoseándose hasta hoy en día, de pantallas en pantallas, a través de una muestra representativa de algunas de sus reelaboraciones más significativas.