989 resultados para MUNICIPAL WASTES
Nowadays the composting process has shown itself to be an alternative in the treatment of municipal solid wastes by composting plants. However, although more than 50% of the waste generated by the Brazilian population is composed of matter susceptible to organic composting, this process is, still today, insufficiently developed in Brazil, due to low compost quality and lack of investments in the sector. The objective of this work was to use physical analyses to evaluate the quality of the compost produced at 14 operative composting plants in the Sao Paulo State in Brazil. For this purpose, size distribution and total inert content tests were done. The results were analyzed by grouping the plants according to their productive processes: plants with a rotating drum, plants with shredders or mills, and plants without treatment after the sorting conveyor belt. Compost quality was analyzed considering the limits imposed by the Brazilian Legislation and the European standards for inert contents. The size distribution tests showed the influence of the machinery after the sorting conveyer on the granule sizes as well as the inert content, which contributes to the presence of materials that reduce the quality of the final product
Catalytic ozonation has been recognized in the scientific community as an efficient technique, reaching elevated rates of recalcitrant organic material mineralization, even at the presence of scavenger species of hydroxyl free radicals. This study presents the most significant factors involving the leachate treatment stabilized by the municipal landfill of the city of Guaratingueta, State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, by using a catalytic ozonation activated by metallic ions Fe(3+), Zn(2+), Mn(2+), Ni(2+) and Cr(3+). The Taguchi L(16) orthogonal array and its associated statistical methods were also used in this study. Among the researched ions, the most notable catalysis was obtained with ferric ion, statistically significant in the reduction of COD with a confidence level of 99.5%.
This paper presents some improvements in the model proposed by Machado et al. [Machado SL, Carvalho MF, Vilar OM. Constitutive model for municipal solid waste. J Geotech Geoenviron Eng ASCE 2002; 128(11):940-51] now considering the influence of biodegradation of organic matter in the mechanical behavior of municipal solid waste. The original framework considers waste as composed of two component groups; fibers and organic paste. The particular laws of behavior are assessed for each component group and then coupled to represent waste behavior. The improvements introduced in this paper take into account the changes in the properties of fibers and mass loss due to organic matter depletion over time. Mass loss is indirectly calculated considering the MSW gas generation potential through a first order decay model. It is shown that as the biodegradation process occurs the proportion of fibers increases, however, they also undergo a degradation process which tends to reduce their ultimate tensile stress and Young modulus. The way these changes influence the behavior of MSW is incorporated in the final framework which captures the main features of the MSW stress-strain behavior under different loading conditions. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work addressed the production of carbon nanomaterials (CNMs) by catalytic conversion of wastes from the bioethanol industry, in the form of either sugarcane bagasse or corn-derived distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS). Both bagasse and DDGS were pyrolysed at temperatures in the range of 600-1000 degrees C. The pyrolyzate gases were then used as CNM growth agents by chemical vapor deposition on stainless steel meshes, serving as both catalysts and substrates. CNM synthesis temperatures of 750-1000 degrees C were explored, and it was determined that their growth was most pronounced at 1000 degrees C. The nanomaterials produced from pyrolysis of bagasse were in the form of long, straight, multi-wall nanotubes with smooth walls and axially uniform diameters. Typical lengths were circa 50 mu m and diameters were in the range of 20-80 nm. The nanomaterials produced from pyrolysis of DDGS were in the form of long, entangled, rope-like structures with rugged walls, and axially non-uniform diameters. Typical diameters were in the range of 100-300 nm and their lengths were in the tens of microns. This process also produces a bio-syngas byproduct that is enriched in hydrogen. (C) 2011 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The purified beta-glucosidase of Aureobasidium pullulans ER-16 is one of more thermostable enzyme reported to date. Considering the unfeasibility of using purified enzyme for industrial application, it was interesting to analyze this property for the crude enzyme. Thermophilic fungus Thermoascus aurantiacus CBMAI-756 and mesophilic A. pullulans ER-16 were cultivated in different hemicellulosic materials on solid-state cultivation for beta-glucosidase production. Wheat bran was most appropriate for beta-glucosidase production by both microorganisms. T. aurantiacus exhibited maximum enzyme production (7.0 U/ml or 70 U/g) at 48-72 h and A. pullulans a maximum (1.3 U/ml or 13 U/g) at 120 h. Maximum activities were at 75 degrees C with optimum pH at 4.5 and 4.0, for T aurantiacus and A. pullulans, respectively. A. pullulans`s beta-glucosidase was more pH stable (4.5-10.0 against 4.5-8.0) and more thermostable (90% after 1 h at 75 degrees C against 85% after 1 h at 70 degrees C) than the enzyme from the thermophilic T. aurantiacus. The t((1/2)) at 80 degrees C were 50 and 12.5 min for A. pullulans and T. aurantiascus, respectively. These data confirm the high thermostability of crude beta-glucosidase from A. pullulans. Both beta-glucosidases were strongly inhibited by glucose, but ethanol significantly increased the activity of the enzyme from T. aurantiacus. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This article tests the hypothesis of opportunistic and partisan cycle models using a new large data set of Brazilian municipalities over the 1989-2005 period. The results show an increase in total and current expenditures and a decrease in municipal investments, local tax revenues, and budget surplus in election years. They also show that partisan ideology exerts a relative influence on the performance of the local public accounts. These results confirm that both opportunistic and partisan cycles have occurred in the management of the budgets of Brazilian municipalities after the end of the military government.
Eleven species of Amazon parrots (genus Amazona) are known to occur in Brazil, and nest poaching and illegal traffic pose serious conservation threats to these species. When the illegal owners realize these animals are incompatible with their expectations and lifestyle, or when the police arrests traders and owners, these trafficked animals are often considered unfit for release and sent to local zoos and captive breeders. A retrospective survey of animal and necropsy records from 1986 to 2007 was used to evaluate the impacts of animal traffic on the population composition and mortality patterns of Amazon parrots at the Quinzinho de Barros Municipal Zoological Park, Sorocaba, Brazil. Data were obtained for 374 Amazon parrots of ten Brazilian species, and there was evidence that the studied population could be split into two major groups: a majority belonging to the Amazona aestiva species and a minority belonging to the remaining species. In comparison, the animals of the first group were more frequently admitted from traffic-related origins (98 vs. 75%), had a shorter lifespan (median 301 days vs. 848 days) and a higher mortality within the first year postadmission (54 vs. 37%), were less likely to receive expensive treatments, and were more frequently housed off-exhibit. On an average, parrots were found to have a short postadmission lifespan (median 356 days), with 92.5% of the birds dying within their first five years in captivity. The paper discusses the difficult dilemmas these incoming traffic-related animals pose to zoo management and official anti-traffic policies. Zoo Biol 29:600-614, 2010. (C) 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
O estudo de caso trata da presta????o de contas, por uma prefeitura municipal, da aplica????o de recursos provenientes de um conv??nio com o Minist??rio de Desenvolvimento Social e Combate ?? Fome (MDS). A presta????o de contas foi aprovada e o texto apresenta a rela????o das atividades e gastos efetuados e observa????es feitas durante a avalia????o realizada pelo MDS. Este ?? um caso fict??cio usado em um curso de gest??o de conv??nios e de contratos de repasse de recursos
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo entender como se deu a integra????o do Programa Bolsa Fam??lia com a assist??ncia social, tendo em vista que na maior parte dos munic??pios a gest??o do PBF est?? sob a responsabilidade das Secretarias Municipais de Assist??ncia Social. Ao analisar o PBF, foi poss??vel notar duas principais caracter??sticas: 1) descentraliza????o e 2) intersetorialidade. No caso da primeira, as responsabilidades s??o descentralizadas para estados e munic??pios. A implementa????o do PBF dependeu de processos de negocia????o e coordena????o federativa, constru??das a partir de mecanismos volunt??rios de ades??o e pactua????o. J?? com rela????o ?? segunda caracter??stica, o PBF ?? um programa de transfer??ncia de renda com condicionalidades, assim, ele se articula com as ??reas de sa??de e educa????o, que fazem o acompanhamento das condicionalidades das fam??lias benefici??rias. A assist??ncia social tem participa????o nas duas caracter??sticas. Na descentraliza????o, a assist??ncia foi aos poucos incorporando a gest??o municipal do PBF. Quanto ?? integra????o na intersetorialidade do Programa, a assist??ncia social tem o papel de ofertar o acompanhamento familiar ??s fam??lias que n??o cumprem os compromissos da agenda de sa??de ou a frequ??ncia escolar, no acompanhamento das condicionalidades. Para analisar as formas como a assist??ncia social participa da gest??o do PBF foram elaboradas tipologias de estrutura de gest??o do programa. O trabalho tamb??m contou com a an??lise de quatro fontes de dados diferentes: duas quantitativas (Censo SUAS 2011 e Relat??rio de Ades??o dos Munic??pios ao PBF) e duas qualitativas (relat??rios de visitas municipais e question??rios aplicados aos gestores municipais ou t??cnicos do PBF). Com base nas tipologias e nos dados analisados, dentro da assist??ncia foram encontrados tr??s modelos diferentes: gest??o do PBF como uma unidade central no ??rg??o gestor, gest??o do PBF com equipe exclusiva no CRAS e gest??o do PBF sob responsabilidade do PAIF. A partir das pesquisas e das observa????es, foi poss??vel identificar que em 93% dos munic??pios a gest??o do PBF est?? como responsabilidade do ??rg??o gestor da assist??ncia, nos demais a gest??o ?? responsabilidade do gabinete do prefeito ou de outras ??reas, como sa??de, educa????o, finan??as, administra????o ou outras. O trabalho localizou ainda quatro espa??os onde a assist??ncia social participa da gest??o do PBF de forma integrada: 1) Cadastro ??nico, 2) transfer??ncia fundo a fundo para o IGD, 3) Protocolo de Gest??o Integrada de Servi??os Benef??cios e Transfer??ncia de Renda no ??mbito do SUAS, e seus desdobramentos, e 4) presen??a do PBF nas Comiss??es, F??runs e Conselhos de Assist??ncia Social. Ao final, constatou-se que as fontes utilizadas na pesquisa n??o detalham como ?? a participa????o da assist??ncia na gest??o do PBF. Tendo em vista que na maior parte dos munic??pios a assist??ncia ?? a respons??vel pela gest??o do Programa, as considera????es finais trazem a recomenda????o de o Censo SUAS ser o instrumento que pode fornecer insumos para avalia????o de gest??o do PBF, facilitando o planejamento de a????es e di??logos com as equipes municipais
A concep????o do Planejamento Estrat??gico Municipal visa substituir o pensamento est??tico da administra????o pela ideia din??mica do gerenciamento. No centro desse m??todo encontra-se o Planejamento Estrat??gico, o qual foi adaptado ??s condi????es espec??ficas da administra????o p??blica no Brasil e que deve ser complementado por uma vis??o de gerenciamento de projetos e por t??cnicas de trabalho participativas, transparentes e din??micas
A partir da perspectiva do New Public Financial Management, o artigo traz os aspectos t??cnicos e pol??ticos que permearam o desenvolvimento do sistema de planejamento e or??amento brasileiro. Considerando os condicionantes dos momentos hist??ricos que interferiram em seu desenvolvimento, s??o identificadas caracter??sticas pol??ticas, t??cnicas e metodol??gicas incidentes no controle financeiro, nas melhorias administrativas, no planejamento e, finalmente, na tend??ncia participativa decorrente da amplia????o de espa??os democr??ticos. Em seguida, s??o apresentados o tratamento constitucional dado ao Plano Plurianual e o aperfei??oamento do sistema de planejamento e or??amento trazido pela Lei de Responsabilidade Fiscal. S??o destacadas, para o caso municipal, as inova????es contidas no Estatuto da Cidade, com reflexos no Plano Plurianual Municipal. Ressalta-se a import??ncia do processo de planejamento e or??amento na execu????o das pol??ticas p??blicas, enfatizando as dificuldades ainda existentes quanto ?? regula????o do sistema de planejamento e or??amento para permitir o imbricamento dessas pol??ticas entre as tr??s esferas federativas.
O objetivo deste trabalho ?? o de construir um ??ndice de gest??o municipal em cultura, com o potencial de servir de balizador para as a????es nesta ??rea tanto no ??mbito municipal quanto no das esferas estaduais e federal. Para tanto s??o utilizados dados do ???Perfil dos Munic??pios Brasileiros ??? Cultura 2006???, publicado pelo IBGE, o qual disp??e das respostas de 5.562 munic??pios sobre cultura e gest??o cultural. As respostas foram tabuladas e combinadas de forma a produzir vari??veis espec??ficas para a constru????o do ??ndice. O m??todo utilizado para a constru????o do ??ndice de Gest??o Municipal em Cultura (IGMC) foi o de an??lise de componentes principais, que permite ?? pr??pria amostra definir os pesos que cada vari??vel exercer?? na computa????o do ??ndice final. Al??m do IGMC geral, foram computados no processo tr??s sub??ndices, cada um deles procurando refletir um aspecto espec??fico da gest??o municipal em cultura, a saber: fortalecimento institucional e gest??o democr??tica, infraestrutura e recursos humanos, e a????o cultural. Os resultados obtidos permitem diversos tipos de compara????es intermunicipais e regionais, bem como a prescri????o de a????es locais na ??rea de gest??o que visem ?? melhoria da administra????o cultural dos munic??pios.